The Runesmith

Chapter 130 Getting his cut.


A somewhat wrinkled Roland moved out of the bathroom. It was about seven in the morning and he had stayed inside the tub filled with water for the entire night. His body was kind of aching after resting against the metal tub that was clearly not meant for sleeping.

“I need to stop sleeping in that thing...”

Roland twitched a bit after feeling something press against the rear side of his knee. Agni was there to greet him which almost caused him to tumble forward.

“Good morning Agni...”


With only a tower around his waist, Roland moved towards his bedroom to get dressed. After finding a plain white shirt and some pants he was ready to eat something. After looking inside the refrigerator he luckily found it restocked.

There was some cheese, eggs, and even meat in the form of sausages. There was also no lack of beer in here that Bernir was sure to buy.

“Here your share, you’ve earned it.”

Agni got a little pat on the head and also a bowl filled with meat. He had saved his hide back there in the monster chamber which Roland would never forget.

Roland started eating, the dried provisions that he had at the dungeon ran out quite fast. Afterward, he was stuck eating grilled monster meat which got quite boring after two days.

He wanted to relax and go to one of the more famous Albrook restaurants but that would have to wait. The guild owed him some money and crafting knowledge. The guild master stated that he would have everything ready when he returned.

‘This is the last time...’

Again he was consumed by greed and fear. The only reason he took this job offer was that he didn’t want to wait. With his profession, he would be able to make money even with the mana stone variant of the runic items.

With time he would have a chance to get that knowledge himself. He could even try going to different cities and hire some bodyguards with enough money. Yet he got scared of people moving in the background.

There were the cultists and the assassin hired by someone from the Arden estate. Roland found it hard to relax so he risked it all to get his hands on items that would help him build up his power.

He was successful this time around but he could have very well just fallen to his death during that volcanic worm event. It didn’t seem that his family was aware of his existence, even his older brother didn’t notice that it was him.

After so many years had passed he didn’t think that anyone was looking for him anymore. That would still leave him with the cultists which were probably a more realistic adversary. Yet he didn’t think they would bother sending anyone too powerful to find a young blacksmith.

They probably never looked into his identity and were forced out of the city rather fast. It was more believable that they focused their eyes on his previous gnome boss and his tier 3 bodyguards that fled the city around the same time as he did.

It was hard to relax for someone like Roland that was trapped in his own mind. Only when he gained enough strength to face someone at the level of those cultists, he would not be able to relax fully. With that in mind, he was already planning his next move, which was a golem.

After going through some of the runic theory books that Lucille lent him he was closer to achieving this. He had also nabbed a nice big Elokin crystal that could be used as a power source.

With it this automaton could move around freely, still this was a finite power source that could not be replenished. He was hoping to design a sort of runic battery that could be recharged with his wind turbines.

For now, he had a lesser prototype that could store an excess but it was not portable enough to insert into a human-sized golem. The easiest way would be to use some wires but this would be an easy target for any opponent this golem faced.

“Good morning boss!”

Roland’s thoughts came to a halt after his assistant appeared. Bernir looked somewhat different than before as if he matured slightly. The little scuffle with the thieves had apparently given the half-dwarf some confidence.

“G’morning, I’ve seen that you have been busy, that armor isn’t bad.”

“Aye, so you’ve seen it... wanted to give you a surprise but then those thieving bastards appeared...”

“Yes, I’ve seen the backyard, didn’t know your punches could produce holes that big, maybe you should become a pugilist instead.”

Roland smiled while Bernir turned his head to the side. His previous retelling stated that he battled the four with his bare hands but Roland obviously knew that that wasn’t true.

“So, how was the weapon I gave you?”

“Ah, the Runic launcher? It was great but...”


“The reloading mechanism could use some work...”

Roland rubbed his chin while Bernir told him the real story. He described how he fumbled during the reloading procedure and almost died.

“The weapon is meant more for ranged support, maybe a sidearm would do the trick...”

Instead of improving on the reloading mechanism, Roland contemplated creating a smaller backup weapon. Something closer to a regular handgun that people without combat classes could somewhat utilize.

As before instead of gunpowder runes would be used, the biggest problem would be the ammunition. He was not able to condense the runes into something small like a bullet. This would mean that for now, the bullets would just be regular bullets.

A regular gun was still a good weapon for someone without any skills. A powerful archer would still be better with a bow and all the skills made them even deadlier than a modern-day sniper.

This would be only a backup weapon meant for more of a surprise attack. Without knowing what to expect, the enemies would not be able to react to a bullet in time. The problem would be the design, nothing like a revolver existed in this world.

On the other hand, something like a musket wouldn’t be hard. A small explosion rune or a pressurized wind rune would push the bullet outside. The reloading would be faster than a regular musket as the person would not need to shove gunpowder into the muzzle.

Instead, they could just insert a round bullet and then instantly take aim. A smaller handheld version could also be made before he figured out how to create a proper runic revolver.

“So that’s what happened... Good job.”

“No need to thank me, boss! I’m sure the news spread through those thief guild circles, they will probably think twice before trying something like that again.”

Bernir commented while Roland nodded. He would also start working for the adventurer’s guild from this day forth. They would probably think twice before attacking someone affiliated with a giant organization as the adventurer’s guild.

The possibility of getting robbed while they left on business was always there. Roland would need to prepare more defenses while also thinking about hiring some muscle from the guild.

Just like any other merchant he needed some help. For now, he didn’t quite have the money to get himself competent protection. The most he could hope for is silver or maybe one gold-ranking adventurer.

After having his breakfast and discussing some things with Bernir, Roland descended into his workshop. The armor was put on and his face was hidden yet again. This suit of armor looked a bit strange as the parts on the arms didn’t match the rest of the set and were also in red color.

“This will have to do...”

“I didn’t think you’d wear it yourself boss... isn’t it a bit tight?”

Bernir scratched his forehead while looking at Roland standing in the armor he made. He didn’t show it but he was quite happy that the item he made was already being used.

“It’s fine... surprisingly fits well, did you use one of the old schematics?”

“Yes, why do you ask, boss?”

“I redid most of them to fit my size...”

Without knowing Bernir apparently used one of the schematics that Roland previously customized for his own height.

In reality, what Bernir was doing wasn’t that profitable. Making a full set of armor required taking measurements of the person that would be using them. Roland was on the taller side which would make this finished armor harder to sell.

The best way to sell these was to make them at an average height so most men could use them. This is why Roland mostly only sold weapons, shields, and separate armor parts like gauntlets, arm guards, and shin protectors that could be used as replacements by almost anyone.

He would need to talk with Bernir about these sorts of things in the future as he did want to make more money. His assistant on the other hand had a less coin-focused mindset, he just wanted to craft items and have other people use them.

“Agni stay here, I should be back in a few hours.”

Agni dropped his head a bit but Bernir was quick to get his attention. While those two handled the backyard problem he would go to the city. He was not in a hurry so he just walked while taking in the sights.

“Good day Mr. Wayland.”

He nodded at the guard that instantly let him through even while keeping some other wanderers waiting. His fame was slowly growing, being the only real runesmith in the city he started to get some pull.

Even now, after seeing the runic inscriptions on his arm guards the people could tell that it was him. With his contract with the guild going into motion, he also would be getting free . He just hoped that no one would bother him at his home for custom wares.

“May the ladies’ blessing be upon you all.”

Before the adventurer’s guild, he witnessed a peculiar sight. It was Sister Kassia all dressed up in a white nun’s uniform with a golden sun pattern sewn in. She was not alone as there were other members of the sun church with her.

She was next to the adventurer’s guild speaking out loudly. The adventurers could not evade her gaze and almost everyone that got near got a little custom preach session.

“Glad that you made it, Wayland.”

“Oh, hey there Silvio.”

Silvio appeared from the side, he was wearing a large backpack and looked ready for another expedition.

“Was nice working with you, if you ever find yourself in Isgard be sure to visit the guild. Think that cleric is staying here, well see ya around.”

Roland nodded while the party leader made his exit. It seemed that he had gotten his reward and completed his assignment. With nothing more to do it was time for him to return to his own city.

‘Isgard huh? Isn’t that the one closest to the super dungeon?’

Silvio was gone but the nun remained, the church’s presence in this city was low at the moment but it seemed that this woman would try to change that. Even now he could see some people approaching her. Was it her beauty or charisma he didn’t know but maybe soon the city would finally get its own grand cathedral?

The tavern door swung open and he was greeted by some familiar faces. Elodia with her resting secretary face was giving some coins to an adventurer that finished his quest. Armand and Korgak were there drinking while his younger sister was shouting at him and complaining.

It seemed that for once he was late to the party. Everyone looked to had already gotten their rewards and he was probably the only one left.

“Mr. Wayland, the guild master is waiting for you.”

While approaching the receptionists Elodia called out to him. He looked at her and almost could spot a small smile that quickly vanished as she moved her attention back to the person at her counter.

He was now more or less part of this guild. All of his items would be deposited here and sold at the stores affiliated with the guild. This was acceptable to him, he could earn more at the auction house but the fees were much higher which brought the all-around earning potential to around the same.

There was also the guild master that promised him runic research. If he was able to procure the crafting knowledge now, he might be able to get some later. This time around he would not take any life-risking requests, at most he could fashion some custom items for some bigshots.

It felt a bit strange but Roland started remembering his old job in Edelgard. The store he was working in was not as large as this guild but it had a similar structure. Whenever the people saw him they either greeted him or nodded their heads. It seemed that his runesmith title had already given him some respect from these guild workers.

“I’m coming in...”

Roland knocked on the door before opening them up, inside he saw a grumpy-looking guild master. The muscular giant of the man looked somewhat tired and it seemed that he had lost some weight. He was looking over some papers while not really paying attention to the man that just entered his office.


Before Roland could ask about his rewards he heard the large man smack that large desk of his with all his might.

“Damn nobles making demands! Can you believe this”

Aurdhan looked up to a fully armored Roland that didn’t reply. Not like he knew what to say, this guild master here was somewhat hard to talk to.

“They want us to clear up the best hotel in Albrook and get them a servant per person... Do those little shits want to be found out or not?”

The desk was slammed again. From what Roland knew, the nobles were supposed to keep a low profile and not stand out for the remainder of the week. They could not return to the academy before a certain point as it would just show that they failed in their mission.

“Ah... it’s you, Wayland...”

Aurdhan finally moved his head up and noticed that it was not one of the usual workers but a certain Runesmith.

“You probably came for your cut, good job.”

The large man smirked a bit while pointing with his finger to a sack on one of the bookshelves. Roland slowly walked up to it and grabbed it, inside he found some books and money.

“That’s the runic knowledge you wanted and also a little bonus for keeping that lass safe. I don’t know how I would explain this to the viscount, you saved my hide there brat.”

Roland nodded while looking over the items, it seemed like everything that he wanted was indeed here.

“It’s all here.”

“Of course it is, I keep my promises! Don’t forget that we have a contract now, start sending those runic items when you can.”

“Everything seems to be in order... I’ll lead myself out then...”

The old man leaned back and gave out a sigh while waving his hand.

“Do you have to be so stiff all the time? Loosen up kid, you won’t find a nice girl if you’re like that... your looks are being wasted and stop wearing that blasted armor everywhere!”


Roland just turned around without knowing how to reply. Now with the notes and some change he was ready to give the new smelting process a try. First, he would need to digest the new knowledge and see if he had the materials to fashion it.

This should not be a problem as the new runic forge would mostly look like the old one just made in a specific way and with specific runes on it. With his debugging skill, it would be instantly upgraded into a high-quality tool that would probably last him for a while.

The nobles were stuck in some hotel for now but that was not his problem. His involvement with them was over, he could now take his sweet time in designing his new wares. Roland’s most ambitious project would be on the way, something that would cement him as a proper Runesmith. That was, to make a golem.

After entering the large guild hall he ignored all the adventurers and headed for the exit. It was finally over, with one push the door swung open and he was on the way back home. At least that is what he had hoped for because as he was just about to leave he heard a familiar voice behind him.

“Sir. Wayland!”

He stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head around in a sort of mechanical way. There he saw a familiar-looking blue-haired woman, with someone closely resembling his half-brother.

‘God damn it, what do those two want...’

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