The Runesmith

Chapter 489: New Plan.

Chapter 489: New Plan.

‘That’s quite the sum, not something you’d offer to just anyone. Could the Count be desperate to resolve this quietly? or does he just wish to build a new bridge to the institute?’Roland stood before his current enemy, Count Graham De Vere. What he saw was unexpected but not unusual. Bribery from nobles was nothing new; it was just part of how they operated. However, even though the stack of royal coins was there, Roland didn't expect to receive any of them directly. Graham was a shrewd man and was likely just testing the waters. They were there to provide him with a taste of what could be gained if he cooperated.

Count Graham De Vere's sharp eyes studied Roland as he stood in the grand hall, surrounded by layers of protection and wealth. The silence between them was thick, only broken by the faint crackle of the knights' armor. Graham picked up one of the royal coins and started playing around with it and finally began to speak."You understand, Professor Wayland, that situations like these can be... delicate, but they can be resolved through other means. I apologize for the rude welcome and for what you saw in my dungeon but… I think we can resolve this issue, without the institute getting involved any further.”

Roland's eyes flicked to the coins, but his gaze went unnoticed thanks to the mithril helmet he wore. He was less interested in the wealth the man possessed and more focused on the layers of magical defenses. The enchantments were expertly crafted, similar to those he had studied at the institute. He knew he could break through them if he wanted, but with all the knights gathered around, he would likely be stopped before he could act. "I'm aware of the complexities, but I’m not sure what you are getting at. Do you wish me to retreat after seeing that young man be mistreated without a proper trial?”He replied in a somewhat neutral tone while trying to keep up his righteous professor persona. To these people, most of their problems would go away if he wasn’t here. Normally, they would probably remove him with force, but this option was risky due to the Arch-Magus ties.

"You must understand, Professor Wayland." Graham began, his voice sounding smooth yet calculated. "This is not about bypassing justice, but rather about maintaining the stability of my city and my lands. I can not show leniency even when children of nobles are involved. He tried to abduct my own daughter and this is something I can never forgive!”“Your daughter? Lucille De Vere correct?”“Yes, that is her name. If it wasn’t for Commander Leopold and his men, who intercepted the abduction in time, my daughter could have been taken away by that criminal. Professor Wayland, surely you can see the gravity of this offense?"“Criminal… abduction? Is that really what happened? Could I speak to the young lady to confirm this matter?”It seemed that the count was going down this route without caring much for the truth of the matter. Lucille would definitely go against the notion that Robert tried to abduct her without her consent. This meant that Graham was not planning to let his daughter testify on this event and he confirmed this with his next statement. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Professor. My daughter is still recovering from the shock of the incident, and I would not subject her to further distress by dragging her into this unpleasant business. I trust you understand a father’s concern.”Count Graham De Vere’s face hardened slightly at Roland’s request, though he kept his tone controlled. It was clear that he wouldn’t be getting any direct statements from his daughter but luckily he had already recorded her side of the story. Presenting the evidence during the trial would be hard as he did break a few rules to get it. This was not the institute and the mages here could lie about his magic being nothing but an illusion. “Is that so? Won’t you reconsider, from what I have gathered, the young lady and Robert Arden had an extensive relationship dating to the times she attended the institute…”While he couldn’t force him to give her up, he could at least present him as being unreasonable. Count Graham's expression hardened even more as Roland mentioned the relationship between Lucille and Robert. He was certainly not expecting anyone to know about his daughter’s past to such an extent. Graham took a moment but eventually replied with a sharp tone."That is irrelevant, Professor, whatever relationship they had, it does not excuse his actions. He overstepped, and now he must face the consequences."Roland remained silent for a moment, studying the Count. It was clear that Graham was desperate to maintain control of the narrative, even if it meant bending the truth. The longer they talked, the less appealing the man became, and it quickly became evident that Roland's cooperation couldn't be bought. If Roland had played along, the Count would likely have shifted the conversation toward investing in the institute, but it never reached that point."Count Graham, I understand your concerns as a father, but I must point out that justice cannot be one-sided. If Robert Arden is to stand trial for his alleged crimes, then all evidence must be presented, including testimonies that may challenge your version of events.""You overstep your bounds, Professo." Graham rebutted the claims while slamming his fist onto the desk. The knights around them shifted slightly as if waiting for their leader to order them to attack."You forget whose city this is, whose lands these are. I have the power to make this very difficult for you, should you continue to insist on meddling in affairs that do not concern you."Roland didn’t move, nor did his visor turn away from the man’s intense gaze. It was clear that this was as far as the count was willing to go in their negotiation. There was no reason to pry in further, the man was unwilling to budge on this issue at all. He was on dangerous ground, and pushing too hard could result in severe consequences not just for him but for Robert as well. “I understand the position you’re in, Count Graham, but remember, justice is not served by silencing dissent. The truth must come to light for the benefit of all parties involved.”“Your idealism is admirable, Professor, but it is not practical in the real world. Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. I suggest you consider your next steps carefully.”Graham waved his words off as some kind of nonsense. Roland didn’t believe it fully either but his persona needed to be established. He needed to show the count that he would not relent on this issue which he saw as something unjust.

"I am not here to challenge your authority, Count Graham but I hope you reconsider your actions once the trial arrives. I’m sure Count Laurence would appreciate a fair trial, as should any noble family. In the interest of justice, I trust that the truth will eventually prevail."Count Graham's expression remained impassive and he offered a curt nod, signaling that the discussion was concluded. Roland took this as his cue to leave, sensing that pushing further would only provoke the count and potentially endanger Robert’s situation more than it already was.“One more thing before you leave, dear Professor…”Right as he was about to turn around and be escorted out by the guards, Graham brought up one last issue.“I have allowed you to see the prisoner but don’t take my hospitality for granted. I’m sure you are aware that I am not obligated to allow you any further visits with the man who tried to abduct my daughter. As such, I will have to ask you to return here only once the trial begins. I’m sure such a just individual as yourself, will refrain from causing any trouble and will not interfere with any future proceedings…”Graham knew the law and was aware that Roland did the same. There was no law stating that he had to remain by Robert’s side. Perhaps if he remained inside the tower he could have refused but now he placed himself in a tough position. The count was certainly doing this in hopes of him not getting all the information before the trial. Luckily, Roland already gathered everything that he needed the previous day. His golems had also been hidden around the estate so contacting his brother wouldn’t be a problem. “As long as you guarantee on your honor that no further harm would come to Robert Arden while he remains imprisoned, I will comply with your request.”Count Graham gave a slight nod, seemingly satisfied with Roland’s response. As Roland turned to leave, he was escorted out of the grand hall by the same heavily armored guards who had brought him in. Once outside, Roland took a deep breath, the morning air beginning to heat up but it allowed him to forget the oppressive atmosphere of the estate.‘I guess he got me with that one…’According to the laws governing the land, the Count wasn’t obligated to allow others to meet a prisoner. He was required to grant one visitation to close family members, but Roland was not among them. Francine and Lucienne were still inside the tower, but they were likely in no immediate danger. The Count was following the rules, so Roland could safely withdraw for now and consider his next move.‘Things aren’t going too well, this would be the perfect time to escort those brats back to the institute. I should probably go back and get a room at the inn, I’ll be here for a while…’Roland decided to retreat for the time being, knowing that any further nosing around would only give Graham more ammunition for the upcoming trial. The golems he had placed around the estate would remain mostly dormant, as it was too risky to have them moving about. Robert's life was likely not in immediate danger; Graham was probably still trying to demonstrate his strength. He seemed intent on resolving the matter properly, showing the world that his family handled things through the correct channels.After being led outside and through the gate, Roland made sure to inform his sister about the situation. He believed that she and Lucienne might be allowed to stay behind since they weren't much of a threat to the people within the estate. Francine was outspoken, so perhaps the Count would prefer to avoid that complication altogether. Once they were informed through the help of his golems, Roland headed back to the city, where he needed to explain everything to the other students.“Professor, you are back? Did you learn anything new?” Margaret asked and the girls swarmed around him as if the morning confrontation never happened. Roland hesitated for a moment, considering how much he should reveal. The last thing he wanted was to burden them with too much information, especially given the stakes. Thus, he decided to not mention the situation around Robert too much and play everything down. "You do not need to worry, everything is fine.” The girls exchanged glances, sensing that there was more to the situation than Roland was letting on, but they didn’t press him further. Margaret, however, wasn’t so easily convinced. Her eyes narrowed slightly, but she kept her thoughts to herself, at least for the time being. “Well, that’s a relief.”There was not much to do for now, so after getting his own room, he let the time pass. The inn the girls were staying at cost more than he had previously assumed but it was within his budget. As he settled into his room, Roland thought back to his brother who was stuck here. They had already discussed all the possibilities that could arise during the trial but there was one thing that he withheld from his brother. One particular law would allow him to get out of this scot-free but it came at a risk, one that he would rather avoid. ‘Should I tell him? He probably knows that law but wouldn’t think it could be used… He might go for it otherwise, his chances of winning are close to none but with my help, it could be plausible. Depends how long they will give us to prepare…’Roland didn’t like the way the trial was unfolding. At best, he could hope for his brother to be banished from the house, which would put his military career in jeopardy and likely force him into a life as an adventurer. But that wouldn’t help Lucille. She would either have to escape or be wed to the underaged lord. Eventually, she could possibly resign from the De Vere name, allowing them to live together as commoners. However, the Count didn’t seem like the type to let that happen easily. If things played out that way, his brother would undoubtedly become the Count's most wanted enemy.‘How much time… probably two weeks at most… perhaps less. Making everything from scratch would be unreasonable, it would be better to get that thing here…’The gears were turning in his head as he contemplated a new plan. It was probably not something anyone would deem possible but he knew that he could make it work. However, his brother would need to be the one to make the final decision. This tactic would put him in danger and potentially bring him death. Thus, once he noticed that his sister and step-mother departed from Robert’s cell, he made his call using one of the golems that remained hidden there. “Robert, are you there?”“Roland is that you?”“Yeah, it’s me, try speaking directly into the light, the microphone rune has a limited range.”“Ah, sure. Is this better?”Within the dark tower chamber of the prison tower, a slither of light formed from within a dodecahedron-shaped device. There was no image playing as the distance was too high but this was enough for them to hold a conversation.“Yes, I can hear you clearly now,”

“Listen, Robert, there’s something we haven’t discussed yet. A law, a rather old one, that could theoretically get you out of this mess. But it’s risky, and I don’t know if it’s the best course of action. It’s a loophole that most people have forgotten about, as it goes against common sense but it’s still something we can use…”“What kind of law are we talking about?”Roland cleared his throat as he explained this new tactic. He made sure that his brother was aware that this plan would be quite dangerous. It wasn’t something that a reasonable person would go through but with someone like Count Graham as their opponent, it might be their only real shot. “You think that will work?”“If we get enough time to prepare, then the chances aren’t that low but the decision is yours. I can not make it for you.”After he had given him all the information about it, the choice was his. The two very rarely talked with each other and could barely be considered siblings. He expected Robert to go with the other options as fighting the count legally was still an option. Perhaps he could still get away with a slap on the wrist if Count Laurence decided it to be. “I’ll do it… it’s better than leaving my life up to those who’d sooner see me dead than give me a fair chance.”

“I see, are you sure?”“Yes.”“Mmm… Then I’ll go make the preparations on my end, try to relax for the next few days…”Roland was about to hang up on his brother but before he could go, Robert called out to him in a somewhat apologetic tone.“Wait before you go, I need to tell you something.”“Sure, what is it? Need to know more about the case?”“No, it’s not about that, it’s more about you and me… I… Just wanted to thank you again and apologize for doing this to you, if it wasn’t for you…”Roland let Robert speak without interrupting. He was a denizen of another world, not the real owner of this body but this didn’t mean that he wasn’t feeling a connection there. It felt like he was helping his younger brother in a time of need, a feeling that wasn’t too bad.“I understand, Robert.” Roland said quietly. “It’s strange to think of us as family, I still remember hiding from you at the estate and feeling proud when you couldn’t track me down.”Robert blushed a bit as he recalled the past when he was always trying to confront his younger brother who was an eyesore.“Sorry, I was immature back then…”“I know, don’t worry about it, once you’re out of here, I’ll think of a way you can repay me… it might cost you a lot though.” “Hah, Fair enough. Just get me out of this mess first, and I’ll be ready for whatever you throw at me.”Roland smiled slightly, though he knew Robert couldn’t see it.“I’ll hold you to that, then see you in a few days.”“Will do. And Roland...”


“Thanks. For everything.”Roland cut the connection and stood for a moment in contemplation before activating his communication device once again. It was around ten in the evening but luckily the person on the other side was still awake.“Boss, is something wrong?”“No, but I need you to do something for me…”

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