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15 hours ago
The “S-rank Hero Factory” that raised 1,000 S-rank heroes. The graduates’ manufacturing... Read more The “S-rank Hero Factory” that raised 1,000 S-rank heroes.The graduates’ manufacturing machine.The strongest support.These are all words that refer to me. But could this actually be the world of that game? Collapse Academy, Alternate World, Battle Academy, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Charismatic Protagonist, Cheats, Clever Protagonist, Confident Protagonist, Dragon Slayers, Dragons, Dungeons, Elemental Magic, Eye Powers, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Friendship, Game Elements, Genius Protagonist, Heroes, Hiding True Abilities, Jack of All Trades, Magic, Male Protagonist, Mature Protagonist, Monsters, Schemes And Conspiracies, Skill Assimilation, Special Abilities, Strong to Stronger, Sword And Magic, Transported into a Game World, Underestimated Protagonist, Weak to Strong The chapters are in the wring order #panic# Eh it's not too bad I guess. Neither amazing not bad either, it's mid. Read it if you have nothing to read. Solid 6/10. Tsk, so cliché i'll so bored, i'll be the poison tester for this folks i might be quick to judge, but i couldnt get past chap 2, so boringggggg I swear that most transported into game world novels are like this: Played game for a long time —> Transported into game with knowledge of everything (usually goes to academy or become adventurer) —> become OP I swear this is like their template, I am tired of it little young'un... you discovered cliche Ayo, is that toothless in the cover If the cover matches the novel, it would be interesting to see an MC who manipulates the plot in his favor to get what he wants, almost like a villain, but maintaining the appearance of a hero. Kind of like "I'm Not a Regressor."