The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 124 Metagen, Powergen And Sparring

Inside the Pocket Dimension, three 10-meter tall Metagens stood proudly before me. Just from the radiant shine when light hits the metal plates could inspire awe from whoever was seeing these giant machines with humanoid designs. These three were the tailor-made Metagens from the three Heroes of the World of Meta.

The one on the right is the Crescent Hurricane which Kazeyoshi piloted.

It's light-green in color and its build is that of a light-armored unit whose specialty is its mobility. It has long and lean limbs and a rather thin build. At the top of its head was Kazeyoshi's iconical crescent moon helmet and on both sides of its waist were a total of 6 giant katana for the Metagen's use. And despite its huge size, the way it moved could be said to be smooth as if the metal didn't have any weight. The joints were also put in the right places and covered with sufficient protection which allowed it to achieve this kind of movement. There are no other visible weapons from it which you would expect from a mecha like machine guns or artillery weapons. Maybe because it's a light-armored unit which relied on its mobility, Kazeyoshi didn't put that kind of modules or they're just hidden beneath the metal platings.

I haven't looked inside the cockpits to see how one can pilot it. However, I have touched each of them. I already got the gist on how they worked and how to pilot them.

It's like if they lend me their Metagens right now, I could Pilot it well enough to put a dumbfounded look on their faces.

Err… let's not do that. I still haven't assimilated the Meta Energy after all and I don't think it will work with another type of energy. There's probably a method of crafting which those from the higher world were using to have their equipment be used even by a Level 1 Energy.

Continuing, the Metagen in the middle of the three is the Crimson Valkyrie which Amry piloted.

Unlike Kazeyoshi's light-armored type Metagen, hers is a bit normal. It's crimson-red in color that was kind of sculpted into a feminine figure, especially the hips and chest. The metal plates were thicker and it moved a tad slower than Kazeyoshi's Crescent Hurricane. You could say its build is the average build of a Metagen. Its weapon is two short blades which are slung behind her covered by unfurled wings made of the same metal. There are also two giant guns holstered at its legs.

The last one was the Metagen in the right. The Silent Behemoth piloted by Matthew.

His Metagen is a heavy-armored unit. Its big black body build is almost two times thicker than Kazeyoshi's, of course, it's armor is also thicker since it's a heavy-armored unit. Its movement speed is slow but the strength it can exert is higher than the two of them. It has thrusters on its back but I doubt it could last long in the air. Just like what they mentioned when Matthew introduced himself, he mostly fights on the ground, gathering boulders using his Terrakinesis and throwing it to any passing aircraft or airborne Metagens. It's throwing power must be too strong despite its thick build. Though he was known by using those boulders, there are weapons attached to it. A heavy machine gun as well as a rocket launcher which he probably rarely used. Its melee weapon is a huge Spiked Shield that was kept at its back that he could pull anytime. Yup. His weapon is a shield which he said that it's easier to hit someone by bashing it.

By this, they completed three different types of Metagen units.

A light-armored unit which sacrifices lower defense for swift attacks and mobility

A regularly armored unit that was average overall, be it attack, defense or mobility.

And a heavy-armored unit which sacrifices mobility for higher-powered attacks and defense.

After showing it to me, they then showed how they augment their abilities to their Metagens.

Kazeyoshi's Crescent Hurricane suddenly became a blur and it appeared 100 meters away from us along with the thunderous sound of wind while glowing in its light-green aura.

Amry's Crimson Valkyrie pulled out her two short blades, unfurled her wings and started to fly while her body started to emit a high degree of temperature before it burst into flames like a phoenix.

Matthew's Silent Behemoth willed for the ground they were standing on to crack and be pulled into him creating boulders he could throw and another layer of armor for his Metagen.

I stopped them when they were about to spar against each other while riding their Metagens. There's no point to it anymore. I only wanted to see how those Metagens worked.

After putting those Metagens back to its compressed sphere state, they then took out the other sphere which contained their Powergens.

Their Powergens were just a human-sized version of their Metagens. They usually use it on a smaller scale of battles which didn't involve Metagens such as reconnaissance or ambushes to unknowing enemies.

Of course, their Metagens and Powergens not only provide armors to them but it can also enhance their overall ability.

I tried sparring with them though. Once without Powergen and another with the Powergen on.

I defeated them in a 1 versus 1 match when they're not using their Powergen with a cost of a few Energy Stones due to the lack of Flux Energy supply. I didn't use the Orb of Enhancement nor Ailment. If I did, it's a definite loss for them in a matter of seconds.

After that, the next sparring session where they put their Powergen on started.

I immediately found myself into a disadvantage when my attacks such as Energy Explosion or Energy Slash couldn't penetrate their Regenium-coated Powergens.

Even if I managed to slash it open, they would just let their Meta Energy flow to the Powergen and it would regenerate by itself. Their Abilities were also enhanced by it due to the enhanced energy output which is a feature of a Powergen and a Metagen.

So after experimenting on most of my attacks on them, only when I shot them with Dispelling Arrows would my other attacks put a dent on their armors and send them flying away.

It's rendering the protection from the Regenium and Meta Energy useless for a few seconds.

However, one arrow costs at least 50 units of Energy. In a fast-paced battle such as wars or duels or sparring where consumption of energy is higher than my absorption, I have to fight cautiously and take them into my pace instead. Especially now where my supply of Flux Energy was cut off and I only have to rely on using Energy Stones.

"Daisuke, why are you so fast?!"

Kazeyoshi complained when he once again couldn't hit me. Despite his speed and the enhancement brought by his Powergen, interchanging with a clone became my trump card.

I already finished sparring with the other two while they were using their Powergens, Kazeyoshi's the last of the three.

The result of my sparring with them was one loss and one draw. I lost to Amry at around 10 minutes when she utilized her Ability to its fullest possible extent while it ended in a draw with Matthew when both of us decided not to attack each other.

He gave up when he couldn't catch me and I gave up when I couldn't make a dent on his heavy armor even when using Dispelling Arrow. He's like an Earthb*nder who will bend the ground in front of him to impede the arrow from reaching him or even if it managed to reach him and disable the regeneration properties for a few seconds, he will use his Spiked Shield to block and stop me from taking advantage of his situation.

Well, they're all benders in a sense but their control towards the elements was surely higher than them.

Due to that result, their view of me changed and the doubt about being a Hero of another World who managed to drive away the Invading Forces was gone. Maybe in their minds, they're already thinking that if I manage to get my own Powergen, they will surely lose if we spar again if I use it.

Err… I'm already above 90 in Power Level while the two aren't listed as my Support. If I could estimate their Power Level, it would be around 75 to 85. Early Rank 5 Mortals.

Kazeyoshi is different though, he's probably around 90 as well, however…

"It's not that I'm fast, you're just easier to read. Try changing your attack pattern."

I answered him who was about to lunge at me again. This guy always relied on his speed that he's neglecting the other use of his Ability.

Maybe his control was just enough to accommodate that kind of attack? I don't know. Amry and Matthew showed me the versatility of Pyrokinesis and Terrakinesis, why can't he?

He pulled out one of his katana and seemingly coated it with Meta Energy as well as his own Ability. After that, he also pulled the other katana from their scabbards. Initiating a 6-sword style attack, he looked really imposing.


Just like earlier, he only sprinted fast again so a jump to the side was enough to dodge him.

This guy… no wonder he was being called as Windrunner by Amry.

"Think of other ways you can utilize your Ability. Don't just use it for speeding yourself up."

I turned to him and shot three Dispelling Arrows which he dodged skillfully.

After that, he stopped and bowed at me.

"Teach me, Daisuke."

Haa... What will I teach him?

I looked at the other two who had a smile on their faces and shaking their head. They're probably aware of this guy's shortcomings. Having fought him more than once during the three years, it's a miracle he's still alive.

"I can't teach you, you know? You have to deepen your understanding of your ability. I can only give you a piece of advice. You should spend the night here and mull it over. What can you do more with your ability and how to apply it in battle."

With the dimension bonus which can increase our Intelligence stat, he will surely learn a thing or two. Hopefully


Though a bit dejected because of my rejection. He still put on a determined face. I don't know, have I inspired him? Probably. He was already using his Powergen but he was still losing. That's enough reason to be dejected.

When I turned to leave the dimension, the other two chose to stay with him. They also wanted to think of something to improve themselves.

Ah. I might have used a certain passive skill called Inspire Allies. I guess that's a mission accomplished for a Support? If they improved then that will be a really happy occasion for me. Less work.

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