The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 211: Hostage situation

Chapter 211: Hostage situation

That guy knows I'm here?! Crap!

[Psst, what do we do?]

Should I just try running?

Are we surrounded already?

Can I make a run for it?

"Want us to make diversion while you run for it?"

[Alright let's do that and]

"Wait! There is no way they would have sent someone inside carelessly!"

Ah, that makes sense.

That would be extremely dumb.

They would only reveal their hand once the trap is ready.

[Thank you, I was about to jump right into a trap. Nice catch!]

Still, it doesn't make things easier.

I am already stuck here.

What do I ?

One of the girls comes forward.

"I have an idea. A bold one. An insane one too."

[I'm already in deep trouble. At this point anything goes.]

"Take me as a hostage!"


"Take me hostage! I have family in Eaglevein! I can be used as a bargaining chip!"

[First off what is Eaglevein and there is no way I would do such a ]

"Eaglevein! You know the top dogs in charge of this place!"

[Wait, wasn't that the diplomatic . oh ok, so that's how it's called. That still doesn't change that]

"You won't be taking me hostage for real! We will simply be acting!"

[But what if something goes wrong and?!]

"Shut-up and just do it!"

[That, alright. How should I]

She takes out a dagger from god knows where and places it in my hand.

She then comes closer and before I know it, I'm holding a dagger to her neck.

"Alright now slowly let's move somewhere that messenger guy can see us."

What the hell am I doing?!

If we get attacked, I'll have to rotate to protect her.

What about the others?

They are giving us thumbs up.

Seriously guys?

I am holding a dagger to their friend's neck.

Yep, they are just smiling brightly encouraging us.

Some people just want to watch the world burn it seems.

Oh well, can't blame them.

We get in that messenger's sight.

"Psst, be convincing."

[Stay back! I have a hostage! Either you guys let me through or"

He just looks this way confused.

What's with that guy?

Has he never dealt with a hostage situation?

Ah, maybe that job doesn't exist here.

Maybe they just randomly pick a random guy for the job.

After all, he is carrying a letter with him.

He seems to be processing the situation for a little bit.

Then he opens his mouth:

"Are you Eternal Ice's student? Come with me now and nothing will happen to you!"

Wow. Classic bad guy line.

Starting with the threats right away.

What will he do if I don't surrender?

He didn't say that part.

Was it out of laziness?

Or does he want me to simply imagine the worst?

Will he try and break my legs?

Will he kill me?

I can actually picture a few things that are worse.

For instanceno, no time for that!

Gotta focus.

[If you come any closer, I will slice the delicate-looking neck of this beautiful young lady!]

"*Whisper* Oh that's so sweet."

Why is she getting happy at this exact moment?!

I guess it's true that women love compliments.

But seriously how is she not stressed at all?!

"Hurry up and come with me or "

Out of nowhere appears a moving blur.


The messenger is now on the ground.

Ah! The guard that let us pass in the beginning tackled him, hard!

[What?! Why are you helping us?!]

"Just protecting my city. There is no way I would let that dumbass keep escalating the situation."

[Nice! Thank you!]

"Just doing my job. *Sigh* But now we have a problem. There are many guards outside coming this way. This will be a pain in the ass."

[Ah, I guess we can drop the act for now. We need to think of ]

"No! Stay in character! If you don't even believe yourself that you are holding me hostage how are others supposed to believe you?!"

[Yes, but...]

"No but! Just do it!"

[Ah, sure]

The guy with the knife is getting told what to do by the hostage.

How comical must this look to outsiders?

I'd say a lot because the other students are rolling on the floor in tears.

Ah, whatever.

[So, what's the plan?]

"We give them, a list of demands. Mostly to let us leave the city safely."

[Wait shouldn't you guys just return to the guild? Otherwise, you'll all be implicated!]

"Please we are just innocent victims why would we be?"

So she says while batting her eyelids.

Is she trying to act cute?

Okay, it's working, but not the time!

[How is the situation outside?]

The guard that is on our side for some reason goes to the door to check.

My guess is he is probably trying to protect the library.

"There seem to be even more soldiers gathering. There are guild tamers encircling the place too. We are completely surrounded."

[Figures, go tell them that if anyone even comes nearby they can kiss this young lady's neck goodbye!]


[Wait! Also, tell them that we will only negotiate directly with you. We want them to get someone that has the power to assure our safe travel!]

He nods and goes outside to relay the message.

This is becoming such a shitshow.

Well, hostage situations are always one, to be honest.

As long as it doesn't end up in a shooting all is good.

I mean, fantasy world.

No guns.

As long as it doesn't end up in a bloodbath.

Let's go with that.

I guess I'll have to reconsider going to Eaglevein too.

Can't be a criminal and try to get access to a city.

I mean I'm sure there are smugglers, as everywhere else.

It's just not worth it anymore.

I was mostly heading there out of curiosity.

It is annoying how this all started from me trying to clean some trash.

I guess I've been too lucky so far.

The only time I've been hunted seriously was at the border town.

Even then it got resolved super quickly.

Only involved one big group too.

No one else irrelevant got affected.

I hope this turns out fine.

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