The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 225: Living the Moment

Chapter 225: Living the Moment

I look at the cocky bastard from earlier. 

He is now shaking in his boots. 

They say power corrupts. 

I would like to add something else. 

Power will make you edgy as fuck. 

I mean ever since I tried it, I've somewhat become addicted. 

Remember that I'm just faking too.

All that talk about slaughtering them. 

Let's face it it's all bullshit. 

I mean I did kill a few people already but

Now that I think about it isn't that weird? 

How did I not feel averse to killing back then? 

They kind of all deserved it now that I think about it. 

Still, now I need to deal with the issue at hand. 

[So, who wants to go first?] 

"S-sir, how about we quickly complete the process so you can be on your way!?" 

[I'd like that.]

They make me touch the sphere thingy again. 

It is used to record my answers it seems. 

The other tool is the one that detects lies. 

It is somewhat flawed. 

The tool itself seems reliable but it is dependent on the user a lot. 

A good example being the earlier fiasco. 

How does one misunderstand that much? 

My name is obviously notmeh whatever. 

I guess I've misunderstood a few things in my life too. 

But to be honest, the few times it happened it was a misleading situation. 

Like that manhunt a few days ago. 

They ask me many questions. 

You know all the basic things to know who I am and my purpose here. 

The last step is to drip some blood onto a stone stele. 

One that is also glowing. 

With this, I am now a guest here. 

The most basic of identities. 

They do offer me to increase it, but I decline. 

They would need to ask their superior.

I don't care about all that. 

I feel it would bring needless complications. 

They have all calmed down by now. 

They do warn me to be careful. 

Something about an automatic extermination system. 

One that cleanses the criminals. 

Thus making the city safe. 

How does that work? 

Does it just smite people? 

Wait a minutehow the hell is that safe?! 

Wouldn't one false report screw it all?! 

They proudly boast about how amazing this place is. 

The freedom, the diversity, the peacefulness. 

I jokingly ask if they are paid to say that shit. 

Yes, yes they are. 

I'm not sure how to react to that.

Like, have you seen the city?! 

I've just seen it from the outside and it already looks weird. 

Maybe it's a place that grows on you? 

Like day 1 you find this place to be shit. 

Day 200 still shit, but a familiar one. 

I need to admit the whole system to detect intruders seems pretty neat. 

I'm sure it has issues, however. 

Simply because many sects take decisions here. 

I would bet my left nut sack that someone at some point decided to cut corners. 

I would also bet that someone in there is getting bribed to create fake identities or something. 

But all that is mere speculation on my part. 

I bid adieu to the now friendly guards. 

Wolfie follows me. 

This is something impressive. 

Pets don't need to register in any way. 

They are simply written on their owner's profiles. 

One said something about the incompatibility of souls in some cases. 

My beast tamer emblem allowing me to bring her. 

As soon as I enter I am confronted with an amazing view. 

I can see

"Will you fucking move?!" 

[Ah, sorry.] 

Note to self get out of the way before appreciating the scenery. 

I can see.

"Move you dumbass!" 

[I just moved!]

"Not enough it seems since you are blocking the damn road!" 

[Fine, happy now!] 

People and their habits of hurrying everywhere. 

Can't they simply enjoy the moment? 

I look around and I see.

"Oh my god! Someone fucked up big time! Some guy robbed a sleeping dude from Greberos!"

Oh, rip. 

This may be my fault a tiny bit. 

Poor ex-guard friend. 

So much for this city being peaceful. 

Ah, well it happened outside the city I guess.

Time for me to slip away. 

You know in case he looks for me. 

I kinda abandoned him right there and then. 

Will he be mad at me?

Probably notat least I hope. 

Oh well, let's just hope for the best. 

I walk aimlessly. 

This is something I love doing. 

If you don't have an aim, you can't be lost. 

Easy, right? 

Now that sounds like excuses, but that's only because it is. 

To be honest I have a few goals here. 

Slowly learn more about this world. 

I mean very slowly. 

I do not want to do any cramming. 

I want to possibly hone my cooking skills. 

I will be looking for a baker's job later on. 

I also want to have fun. 

Now this one should be a given. 

If you don't even enjoy life, then what's the point. 

These are my short-term goals. 

What about the long-term? 

Well, you see I have no clue. 

If you don't have any clear goals you can't fail. 

Now that sounds like excuses? 

Yes, that's because it is. 

I finally stop in the middle of

I guess I am in an ancient district. 

Most of the houses are older. 

There are not many people walking here. 

I can see

"Can you move please?"

Oh my god! 

Why is it that every time I try to take a moment to observe my surroundings someone interrupts me? 

Then again, this time I am not even mad. 

This guy is so damn polite! 

I comply and move on the side. 

He seems like a chic-looking young man. 

Well if one disregards the worn-out clothes. 

The tattoos. 

The piercings. 

Ah, now that I get a good look at him, he kinda looks like a bad boy. 

Quite the contrary to his demeanor. 

There are many other guys there too. 

They all seem to be hanging out together. 

This is nice. 

Friendship is a beautiful thing. 

Just hanging out. 

These guys are living in the moment! 

This is so touching. 

Now they are even playfighting. 

Training together is nice.

Wait, now there is one guy on the ground.

Getting kicked repeatedly. 

Should I intervene? 

I'm no hero but

[What are you guys doing under my watch?!] 

I am just missing a cape

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