The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 237: Working Hard

Chapter 237: Working Hard

Today is the day. 

Motherfucking pie time! 

Every moment in my life brought me to this point. 

It's because I ran from the Moon Keep that I ended up reaching the Border town. 

I then learned my craft there. 

Because I was looking for a safe haven, I ended up coming here. 

Then I somehow got the funds necessary through sheer luck. 

If this isn't fate, then I don't know what is! 

We wake up early in the morning.

Usually, I would just go back to sleep, but for once I have a purpose. 

For my goals, I am ready to put in the work. 

What is a little effort to eternal glory? 

Together we prepare everything.

Then we work the oven. 

He explains in detail about the equipment. 

Every single one must be analyzed slowly. 

To produce the best results possible. 

One needs to know how fast it conducts heat for example. 

He shows me firsthand. 

Lots of examples, the theory too. 

I notice he knows some things that even my Milf teacher ignored. 

While he isn't as good at baking that one specific product, he has more experience as a professional baker. 

It makes me think about a lot of things. 

I'm like a sponge. Taking in all that knowledge. 

Before I know it, the day is already over. 

Not a single break is taken during the whole day. 

Then it is time to sleep again.

I close my eyes contended. 

Knowing I am doing something that matters. 

At least to me. 

Wolfie seems supportive. 

After all that just means lots of good food for her. 

The old man has already deemed her the official guardian beast of this shop haha. 

She is smart enough for the job for sure. 

Soon it is morning again. 

We get to work.

It is all baking over and over. 

Until every step becomes second nature. 

The old man believes there is nothing that hard work can't accomplish. 

I ask him about his views about deities. 

Like that guy that was insisting I had to worship that KooKing god. 

He says it is both bullshit and accurate at the same time. 

At the end of the day what truly matters is the effort. 

Just worshipping a god won't change anything. 

Same for doing it halfheartedly. 

It is all about working hard. 

Still, at some point humans will reach a limit they won't be able to overcome by themselves anymore. 

That is where a god comes in. 

Still, he says one should stay as far away from gods in the initial stages. 

Otherwise, the initial progress will be too fast, and when it suddenly stops it will be difficult to overcome the difficulties.

If I had to resume it I'd say it's safe to assume external help, even from a god, has diminishing returns. 

Because of this one wants to wait as long as possible before relying on it. 

I ask him about things like alchemists too. 

Apparently, there are pills that can help one become stronger, but it has the same issue. 

I'm already dubbing that stuff useless, but he tells me otherwise. 

Even if it can only offer a slight help these kinds of things are still extremely valuable. 

For instance, going from rank 3 to rank 4 is a huge step that can change the life of an individual.

Same for other stages, just less impactful. 

I enjoy the peaceful times. 

I feel at ease with the old man. 

He has lived a long time and has seen a lot. 

Yet he isn't arrogant in the least. 

Just a simple baker as he says himself. 

Not even one of the best ones, or so he says self-depreciatingly. 

In my eyes that doesn't matter. 

He has already passed the age of retirement and yet he is still here. 

Still working hard. 

At a slow pace, but that doesn't matter. 

Funny how with the two of us, the output has actually diminished. 

I am taking my time and he is showing me the ropes. 

At one point I ask him why he is so kind to me. 

Apparently, he has always dreamed of teaching a disciple. 

He tried to show his nephew, but the guy always refused.

Preferring to become a merchant instead.

Said there was more profit to be made trading than producing something of low value.

He did become a slightly successful one, but he did forgo his roots. 

That he thinks the bakery should be brought down to use the terrain more efficiently. 

Well, that is his choice, to be honest. 

It did leave the old man lonely and working. 

Clinging to the business 

He says that he's glad that I came by. 

That he's glad his shop won't simply be forgotten. 

He is not afraid of death. 

He is not afraid of being forgotten.

He simply wishes for his legacy to live on. 

I can understand that perfectly. 

I am the same. 

I just want my life to have meaning. 

At least one that I can work toward. 

Even if it is simply to live my life my own way. 

As long as I can live freely, and I have my friends by my side all will be well. 

Even now Wolfie is watching us silently. 

In such a way days pass. 

Slowly yet quickly. 

Working and chatting. 

We keep going until we run out of ingredients. 

I am told to find a specific merchant.

This time I don't screw up and I note all the info I need down. 

This way I won't forget. 

He remarks that my handwriting looks peculiar. 

Also that he isn't surprised as I am very strange. 

We are at a point in our relationship where he teases me without any restraint. 

Still, that makes me happy. 

The old man has been smiling a lot these days. 

One thing for sure, once I get ownership of the place, I will keep him at my side. 

Even when he gets too old to work. 

He deserves that much. 

Anyway, off I go. 

The faster I leave the faster I can come back. 

I can't help but find myself smiling. 

[Be back soon old man!] 

How many times will we run out of ingredients before we attain the perfect pie I wonder? 

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