The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 276: Let the Challenge Begin! Please!

Chapter 276: Let the Challenge Begin! Please!

Hello all and welcome to this edition of face-slapping 101. 

No, not literally. 

*Insert dramatic recap of the last episode. Not to give context, just to lower the animation cost or something* 

The atmosphere is intense. 

"Are you ready to admit your inferiority?"

[Uh? Are you ready tolose?] 

Trash-talk, check. 

Bystanders come our way.

Happily looking on. 

Sure gambling is fun yourself, but it's also great to watch others. 

At least there is no way you lose your car, your house, and your girlfriend to debt. 

Gallery looking down on the protagonist? 


"Wait isn't that guy the awesome one with a 65% success rate?"

"Yes, that's totally him!"

"What about his opponent?" 

"A newcomer. I've overheard a bit and he's friend with a big shot."

"What about his success rate?" 

"No idea. Then again isn't it weird to know one's exact statistics?"

"Eh, that's cause the other guy keeps plugging it in every conversation."

"Wow, that's some dedication."

"So the new guy will probably lose? I mean 65% is good!" 

"Probably not? I mean if he didn't think he'd have a chance he wouldn't accept."

"Right, what's the bet even about?"

"Fame apparently."

"A renowned guy and an unknown one competing for fame? That new guy has nothing to lose, no?"


"Why are we even watching this?"

"Cause we don't have anything better to do honestly."




These guys are surprisingly logical. 

What happened to me getting insulted so I can be the underdog?

They didn't even remark even once how shabby I look! 

What's up with this crowd?!

I can't really go ask them to root for the antagonist now, can I? 


The manager addresses me. 

"*Whisper* He may be boisterous and all, but his skill is real. Don't let your guard down. Also if possible, try to reconcile with him. He's not that bad an egg. Justwell you know."

Then he raises his voice.

"Are the both of you ready? To make things easy each one of you will buy 10 pieces. Whoever makes the most profit shall win! Any question?"

[Eh, are we going off flat profit or are we looking at the profit ratio?] 


"No! He has a point otherwise it would be possible to buy small stones to get a small profit, but the biggest ratio on investment." 

We both turn toward the manager. 

"ThatI don't knowwhatever works best?"



Then comes a few minutes of intense discussion between me and the young master. 

Surprisingly he is rather conscientious at the moment. 

I guess his brag about being a chosen one wasn't all hot air.

Then again who brags at being a pro at picking rocks?

Wait, I kinda did that too. 

In the end, we decide upon going with both.

For the manager to make a judgment based on both criteria. 

Meanwhile, the onlookers are getting quite impatient. 

Frankly, they don't care about how it is judged. 

They just want to see someone win, see another one lose, and possibly see tears. 

"Now, that is out of the way, I hence declare this challenge"


*People grumbling in the background*

The young master goes on the side, writes something on a sign, and comes back. 

Then he hands it over to the female attendant. 

"Beauty, I'll be able to give it my all if I have you cheering for me. ;)" 

Did he just wink?! 

He fucking did! 

Seeing her blush furiously I'd say it's working. 

Real smooth, competing and picking up girls at once!

"Alright, manager I am ready whenever haha."

"I hence declare this challenge"


If he gets a cheerleader, I want one too! 

Am I petty? 

Perhaps, but who cares! 

I gesture to the kid to get me a sign. 

"What do you even want to be written on it?" 

Let me see this guy has Handsome Heaven Chosen Appraiser!

I whisper in the kid's ear. 

He gives me a funny look but gets to work. 

Before long it is done. 

Now for who will proudly display it! 

I see the male attendant looking at me, hell no! 

[Wolfie, I'll be counting on you! ;) ] 

Hell yeah, now this companion of mine is now proudly parading. 

I totally win this. 

So what if you have a cool beauty acting coy? 

I have the coolest and cutest cheerleader! 

Beast tamer style too! 

Can you believe I still got that emblem? 

It is safely kept at the bakery haha. 

I also win on the sign. 

Mine is way better! 

Mine writes Most Handsome Heaven Defying Appraiser!!

*Sound of people scrolling up to check his again*

Yeah, not one but two exclamation marks! 

You know to add intensity and epicness. 

My opponent looks at it baffled, then he grins he gives a thumbs up. 

"I like your style! But you will still bite the dust! Get it?"

[Cause when we will cut the stones there won't be anything worthwhile in it?]

"Exactly! There will just be rock powder!"

[Side-note, rock powder itself has many usages you know.] 


[Yep! For instance, you can use it to build roads and whatnot.]

"How would that work?" 

[Well, I forgot. Probably should askwhat profession would that even be? You'd have to mix it with other stuff.]

"Like what?" 

[Well it would be something that would be liquid at first but once left under the sun it would harden.]

"Oh? That actually sounds usefulbut not in this case!"

[Yeah, right. Still, It won't matter.]


[Check my sign and you'll know why hehe.]

"Both of you! *Sigh* Can we start?" 


He approaches the sign then adds Most to his too. 

[Oh? You want to play it this way? I too can add stuff to]

"Please stop! Do you guys want to start or not?! Otherwise, I'm leaving! You guys can figure it out yourselves!"

The crowd cheers at his tirade. 

"I'm ready."

[Eh, sorry. Go ahead.] 

"I officially declare this"

*THUD! * 

"My knee! My damn knee!"


The manager seems pissed. 

In the background, we can hear a curse mastercurse enthusiast. 

The talion guy is saying something about falling. 

Also how his knees aren't how they used to be. 

"Fine, whatever. Ah, if someone interrupts me once more I will beat them up!"

He stares at everyone here. 

"Good. I hence declare this challenge started!" 

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