The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 283: Night Excursion

Chapter 283: Night Excursion

We are finally back at the bakery. 

Killed a few titans and gods on our way here. 

Or not. 

It was just a normal walk. 

I have figured something out. 

In the old world, many cities used to have an old district. 

You know, as a touristic attraction. 

Featuring olden days architecture. 

With beautiful buildings made of stone elegantly pilled up. 

Here is the thing, what feels so awesome is the novelty actually. 

For instance, I am now in a world where there is only that architecture style. 

Well, many styles but all somewhat old looking. 

You know since there are so many sects and all. 

I need to admit it's not as cool or awesome as I expected. 

Like the first few buildings are nice to look at but then it becomes boring. 

Because of that, I have just gotten the idea to revamp our exterior.

Except that I will start with a billboard of some kind. 

Only later on will I start remodeling. 

But for now, time to bake! 

I have been away for a long part of the day, there are bound to be hungry customers awaiting my triumphant return!

Or not.

There is no soul to be seen. 

The bakery is locked too. 

Right, we don't even have anyone to man the counter at the moment. 

No matter, I enter to get to work. 

The old man is sitting on one of the tables with tea once again. 

Wolfie just lazes around in a corner. 

I'm not gonna describe the baking scene. 

I get engrossed in it, so much that I think of nothing. 

Except for the pies in front of me. 

Thus the day ends. 

Night comes. 

I am akin to a small child awaiting Santa Claus. 

Akin to a small child awaiting the Tooth Fairy. 

Akin to an old guy awaiting his PlayGentlemen magazine.

How is my friend even supposed to find me? 

I have no clue, but I believe!

That is when I hear a small sound on our rooftop. 

I quickly exit the building making sure to lock behind me. 

Don't want anything to happen to Wolfie while I'm gone. 

There he is! 

[Hey man!] 

How nice! 

He is wearing a black outfit. 

A black veil. 

He also has a cool-looking black dagger. 

Still, I can't help but state the obvious. 

[Brother, you really shouldn't be running with that. What if an accident happens?] 

He freezes.


[Meh, whatever. You know best, I guess. So what's the plan?] 


[Are we going for a run as planned? Are you going to come down or should I join you up there?] 


[Brother, enough with the mysterious act! Just answer me haha.] 


[Alright, give me a second.] 

I painfully climb on the roof. 

Roof that is now completely empty. 

What the hell?! 

Is he trolling me? 

Then I see a shadow on the ground. 

Coming closer. 

Oh my god. 

He's already down there?! 

"Hey there! I see you can't wait for us to begin." 

[Wait, weren't you on this roof a second ago?!]

"Nope, was there someone?"

[Are you messing with me?! Did you quick-change clothes?] 

"Not at all. Ah! Was whoever you saw wearing full black?" 


"Probably an assassin. They like to roam around at such a time."

[Wait there are assassins here?! How?!] 

"Well there are ways to bypass the system but they are really troublesome." 

[Then this place is not safe at all!] 

"Don't worry as long as you have never offended any bigshot, you'll be fine."

[Then I'm definitely fucked!]

"Actually no. Say I've heard a rumor of a city official coming here for tea. Is that true?"

[That guy? Yeah, what of it?] 

"Then you'll be fine."

[Just because some guy is eating at our bakery?] 

"Well yeah. City hall getting involved in anything shady is a huge pain in the ass."

[Are they that strong?] 

"It's really the fact that they can manipulate the system."

[Wow. Gotcha, that makes sense.] 

That is a relief. 

This way I will be able to sleep peacefully. 

Could you imagine getting attacked in your sleep?! 

It was fine when I was training. 

Also fine with that Treant since it was relatively weak. 

I mean, it did end up getting smited by lightning.

For all I know, that was karma haha. 

I'd rather not take my chances with professional assassins. 

Even in this relatively safe place. 

[So, we are just gonna ignore that I saw him?] 

"Did you see his face or hear him talk?"


"Perfect! Then he has no reason to want to silence you."


This way we can cohabit peacefully.

I wonder if I should offer him to become a customer. 

Could be a monthly deal of something. 

I could leave him some pies on the rooftop right before closing. 

Then after a long and hard day, he could find solace in the delicacies. 

Or not, that's a dumb idea. 

Soon after we depart. 

At first, he shows me how to climb a wall. 

Then how to jump from building to building. 

It feels freeing. 

To be able to overlook the entire world and

Farther in front I notice a big building. 

One that seems to have beautiful arches on the side. 

Arches that I'm pretty sure we could climb easily.

[I want to try that!] 

I point. 

I'm like a kid at an amusement park. 

He says something about not going there because of the height but I'm categoric. 

I wanna try climbing that. 

I'm not that scared of falling. 

I'll survive even if I do. 

He finally agrees. 

With his blessing, I start climbing.

It takes me a while, but I reach the top.

The roof is flat. 

Wide too. 

I start walking quietly. 

Just enjoying the moment. 

When I get down should I try to locate a haystack or something?

It would be very quick at least haha. 

There is actually some light seen in the middle. 

It seems to be a glass panel of some sort. 

A bit blurry. 

I can't see what's underneath exactly, but it seems to be some sort of gathering. 

There are lots of people and light too.

I can hear a bit of music also. 

To be fair the night just started. 

Not that strange for some people to still be up in their houses. 

I wonder what is happening there exactly. 

I come closer a bit to try and make sense of it. 

Maybe I should try and join the party too? 

Not sure, in any case I should



Oh fuck. 

I didn't mean to join it in such a way! 

They won't be too madright?! 

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