The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 322: Chase!

Chapter 322: Chase!

After this little stunt I pulled, they are bound to complain. 

Quite possibly ask help from the city too. 

It would probably be best for us to lie low for a little while. 

As I arrive at home, I can see troops there.


These are not the people I've seen before. 

They don't have the same uniform as Little Li. 

They are wearing full armor. 

Helmets too. 

I can't see their expression at all. 

But judging by their angry tone they seem about to destroy the door. 

This is bad!

Wolfie and the warden are in there!

[Hey guys! What's the issue here?] 

This is probably a huge misunderstanding. 

After all, there is no way they know what I just did. 

"It's him! The mad alchemist! Grab him!" 

What the hell?! 

They all charge toward me. 

One tackles me and they somehow all pile up on my body. 

Preventing me from moving. 

[What are you guys even talking about?!] 

"We are now apprehending you for selling deadly poison all across the city!"

[You guys got the wrong guy! I've never sold any poison!] 

"Nice try criminal scum."

There doesn't seem to be any sound coming from inside. 

Either they are hiding, or they went on a walk. 

I trust the warden to escape if given a chance. 

I just need to grab the guards' attention. 

They obviously don't seem to want to listen to me. 

I focus divine energy before violently rising up. 

Sending the guards trying to hold me tumbling away. 

[Fuck off losers!] 

Then I start running. 

That gets them really riled up. 

But seriously I wonder what this is all about. 

There is no way anyone would ever confuse aphrodisiac with poison. 

Someone is probably trying to pin a crime on me. 

The thing is I legit just committed one for real. 

I can't simply wait for them to determine my innocence. 

I'd rather just fight back now. 

Oh well, shit happens. 

Good thing is that they are rather slow. 

Just as I'm thinking that a new group arrives. 

Just as I turn the corner, they are right there in my face. 

I backtrack a bit and enter an alley. 

I keep going.

Then at the end, I see a small group of soldiers. 

Also, a shiny barrier made of light. 

"*Cackling* You have nowhere to go now, villain!" 

Says the obviously corrupt soldier. 

Or maybe it's the leader that is corrupt? 

I simply charge right through the barrier.

Divine energy screwing it up as easily as tearing paper. 

Actually no, paper can retaliate with paper cuts. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the guy that cast it throwing up blood. 

This seems like the most useless spell ever.

So easily breached and such high backfire. 

I keep running. 

I only have a single regret right now.

Where is the epic music?! 

All I hear are shouts and hurried footsteps. 

Also the clanging of metal. 

I simply keep running. 

At one point I pass through the marketplace. 

The crazies seem to be there. 

The ones that use this place for hookups. 

I swerve toward them. 

Then whenever a soldier is about to reach me, I throw them. 

[There you go! A mystery dream boyfriend coming right up!] 

I mean with the full set of armor we can't see their faces. 

For all we know, one might be super handsome.

The mad chase continues. 

That is when a youngster stands in my way. 

[Move out of the way, dude!] 

I can't help but warn him. 

I don't want to run him over. 

That is when he smiles. 

A smile that seems out of place here. 

Then I recognize the man next to him. 

The guy that was trying to block my way at the slave trader place! 

Flames come out of the young man's hands. 

Very powerful ones, clearly deadly ones. 

It all comes flying toward me instantly. 

"Sir, you'll kill him!"

"Perhaps but no one messes with us."

Screw that guy! 

I simply run straight into the fire. 

Before long everything turns to ashes. 

My clothes do. 

Then I simply exit the inferno while on fire. 

Secret technique! 

Flaming kick to the balls!

The man falls to the ground. 

His face contorting from the extreme pain. 

Screw that bastard! 

[I'm not barbecue! I'm the barbecue master, Bitch!] 

However, it seems he's too busy to notice my words. 

Well, his loss. 

Behind I can see melted tin cans, eh guards. 

They seriously screwed up on that one. 

"The Mad Alchemist killed guards! Quick! Report to city hall!"

Wait, I'm the alchemist, no?! 

[I didn't kill anyone you bunch of liars! It was clearly the guy on the ground!] 

"As if we'd believe such obvious lies, you murderer!"

Alright, it's confirmed, these guards have a hidden agenda. 

They ain't legit for sure. 

I keep running. 

That is when a huge net crackling with energy falls on me. 

Mix an old proven capture method with lots of mana and you get that. 

Too late to evade it, I try pushing it away but obviously it doesn't work. 

Then comes a well-dressed man. 

On his robes is a golden lion insignia. 

"Hehe, try and break free from that. It could even hold a rank 4!"

I start struggling. 

Using as much divine energy as possible. 

The net simply expands and constricts again on me. 

"See! Now you will have no choice but to reveal all your secrets haha!"

I need something that cuts. 

Wait, what if I ?!

I focus on seeing the divine energy inside me running across my skin.

I picture it vibrating at a really high rate. 

Picturing a chainsaw.

I can definitely do this! 

[Defective goods.]


[Defective goods I said.] 

Then I drive it full power. 


The net gets shredded to pieces. 

The man has his eyes popping out. 

Looking at the remains of what I assume to be a treasure.

Then looking back at me. 

Then looking back at

On that note, I'm gone. 

Screw that merchant company! 

They are the dumbest I've ever seen. 

Assuming me to have a treasure with no basis whatsoever.

Secret technique and whatnot. 

Do I look like the kind to own any kind of rare?

Oh wow!

I just noticed but my necklace somehow survived the fireball. 

I guess I've been so long with it that I unconsciously protected it. 

You know like it became part of what I consider my body. 

After all, I keep forgetting that I'm even wearing it. 

This is nice. 

That is when I see another crowd running toward me once more. 

Are these guys endless?! 

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