The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 217

Chapter 217: Guardian

“Hey vampire,” Adete whispered and tucked onto the red scarf, the voice seemed worried.

“What is it?” he asked whilst puffing smoke.

“Something about the glances people are giving us isn’t right. Can’t you feel that cold stare onto our backs, honestly, it’s making me thirsty for blood,” she began to drool, the face lit as if a starved man in front of a buffet.

“Keep it down,” a quick tap on the head later, the bat-girl flew and sat atop his head. A quick glance inside the car – on the radio displayed *14:28.* Beautiful cars continued to park behind one another. Most had their sight taken by full with Void standing at the front. Many knew about its value – taken by wonder and jealousy, those who served the other families lost. A subconscious strike to their pride. Not only did the masters relish in each individual superiority, but those employed to said families also had pride. Not on the same arrogant level, but similar.

“Don’t look over there,” the voices died out, their glances befell the surrounding. Most acted as if they weren’t present. ‘A shift in the aura, someone important is here,’ it caught his attention but decided to not pay heed. Said aura came from behind, at the intersection. The road led straight into the school compound, though it wasn’t for public use. Only trucks with supplies had the right to enter school premises, and with special orders.

“Who’s that impudent fool,” a sharp voice yelled. Uninterested, Staxius continued to smoke. To which, the one responsible decided to beep their horn. The sound echoed and disrupted the peaceful atmosphere. After a single try, seeing no reaction, the door opened and closed rather powerfully. ‘Guess they’re coming to pay a visit,’ he thought and waited – the stance unfaltering and cigar lit.

“Hey,” a voice called sharply, around three men dressed in long white shirts and black pants arrived. They wore glasses and seemed imposing; “-don’t you know that this spot is reserved?” they spoke as if owning the place. The one doing all the talking was one of the three who had a vest atop the shirt.


They approached trying to be intimidating, *Phew,* nonchalantly, Staxius blew smoke onto their faces. To which they cough and stepped back a little. “Gentlemen,” a quick push of the hips later, from resting on the hood, he stood; the body twice as imposing as those who came to intimidate. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s first come first serve isn’t it?” the voice monotonous and face emotionless, “-I’d honestly advice to not cause such a ruckus.”

“First come first serve,” the guard spat at Staxius’s feet. “This spot is reversed to Duke Gram Medgel’s eldest daughter,” after uttering the name, he smirked – the use of the high-ranking name was another means of intimidation.

“Duke Gram Medgel,” Staxius sighed, “-should I be impressed or scared?” the voice unfaltering – the bells rang. “Duke or no, I’d rather not cause a commotion. Look behind,” he pointed, “-let’s not give the students any unnecessary stress. And I’ll apologize for speaking out of line,” the guards turned and looked for their mistress.

“Better know your place next time,” the guard voiced smugly.

“Don’t overstep the boundaries I’ve laid out,” menacingly, Staxius wrapped his arms around the guards, “-I said I’m sorry but in no way does that give you the right to look down on others. Next time, be more courteous,” he whispered, “-good manners can get you places in life. However, one day, that belligerent personality will get you killed,” killing intent froze the guards half to death.

“...” silent, none could say a word, “-it was a pleasure meeting you gentlemen,” the grip lessened. Frightened, they shyly stared backward to see a smiling Staxius. “The p-pleasure was o-ours,” they nodded and headed back to the car that drove to the back of the line.

“You enjoy intimidating folks, don’t you?” Adete asked rhetorically.

“Only those who act better than others. If they had come without any ill-intent, I’d have gladly moved,” the stance relaxed once again. Puff after puff, students in classy uniforms exited the premises. All dignified and respectful, they walked and kept the chatter to a minimum. There were exceptions to that rule, mainly the boys who joke and were jolly. Despite this, they seemed to enjoy the company of others. Many formed groups – each fit in different clicks.

Once near the entrance, their gazes befell Staxius who waited patiently. By the way, he stood, the hair color, handsomely shaped face and dignified aura – it couldn’t be helped. Many grew curious about who he was; they kept on staring till butlers and maids came to escort those privileged. As soon as the students met with the escorts, questions about who that mysterious man was asked. A question that remained unanswered.

“Where’s Lizzie,” Adete asked, a few minutes had gone by. The crowd that returned dissipated slowly, the cars parked drove and left.

“Ha, commoner, why did they even allow you here?”

“Where are you going?” Adete asked; Staxius’s eyes opened to which he entered the compound. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” she kept on asking questions but no reply. Students gave side-glances that seemed innocent for the most part.

“Leave me alone,” held in a headlock, Lizzie with her face drenched in sweat and clothes torn.

“No, you belong in the trash,” a group of five what seemed upper-classmen had surrounded her. Near a bin, they slowly stepped back, the lid opened, Lizzie tried hard to get away but to no avail. Her eyes lit with anger but subsided.

“Throw her in,” the one in charge ordered. *Whoosh,* a gust of wind blew, it pushed away the students who had tied Lizzie. Held as if a princess, she could but watch, her heart rested. In his arm, she felt comfortable, “-you did great holding back,” Staxius whispered. In no way was Lizzie weak, that girl had fought to live. The reason why she didn’t fight back was simple; not wanting to damage the name of her guardian, the girl gritted and endured.

“Now then,” he voiced, “-care to explain what this is all about?” the stare piercing, he eyed the leader.

“N-nothing, j-just playing around,” the leader replied with confidence, blond hair, blue eyes, and expensive clothes, the boy was a high-ranking noble.

“Playing around,” Staxius smiled, “-care to let me in the fun?” instantly he disappeared.

“Where did he go?” they asked, confused about what happened.

“How does a trip inside the bin sound?” a voice came from behind.

“W-what do you mean?” the blond-haired boy backed off, “-there’s nothing here,” he stepped back, “-we’ll pick this up later,” they ran. A good choice seeing that normally, carrying another human would limit movement.

“What are you doing here?” her mind came to.

“I came to pick you up, isn’t that obvious?” he replied with a smile.

“Is that so,” she stood, “-thanks for going through all that trouble, I appreciate it, but you don’t have to trouble thyself,” the short dirty-blond hair had grown a little. The face looked more feminine than usual, her eyes, light-brown – it complimented the hair.

“It’s no trouble,” from casual to serious, “-I’m sorry to not have been able to see what was going on all this time. I should have taken better care of you, I’m sorry,” the head bowed, the seriousness came from a feeling of regret. He unwillingly had put Lizzie in a situation where she could not have escaped the feeling of oppression.

“Don’t worry about it,” she voiced, “-I wanted to change. Enough fighting, I want to be someone new, someone reborn. You gave me the chance to get a proper education, a bit of bullying is fine. I’m grateful for all that has been done. I saw Auic changed into a person strong and confident, I want to be that way. This is a test, one that I have to get through in order to be able to repay the kindness.”

“You don’t have to repay anything,” he patted her head, “-as a teenager, the focus must be on enjoying what you have and not worry about anything else. That’s my job, I’m sorry for having caused such trouble. Honestly,” he smiled, “-you’re far stronger than I was at your age,” the tone genuine.

“T-thank you,” she smiled and laughed.

“Listen,” her laughter calmed, Staxius’ spoke sternly, “-I’d normally not pry into thy life,” he turned, “-however, Lizzie, I decided to take you in, therefore it makes me your guardian. This might just be self-satisfaction for not having been able to see my daughter grow. Even so, this is my responsibility, from today forth, I, Staxius Haggard, will plead myself to care for thee wholeheartedly. Too long was it that you were ignored,” he held out a hand, “-so what do you say?”

“You know,” she grabbed his hands, “-this is the first time I’ve seen that side. I always thought that Staxius was a man that cares not for others. That bloodshed was the only path he knew, well I guess I was wrong,” she smiled, “-you are a good-natured person. I’m honored to have you as my guardian. I don’t care if it’s a selfish reason; I’ve never had people that care about me before, so,” the grip tightened, “-thank you for caring.” They walked, it had been only a few minutes, Lizzie thought that it was now time to return home. However, her face froze the moment Staxius headed inside the school as opposed to outside.

“Where are you going?”

“The director’s office.”

The way he walked, she could but follow. The man that led was serious, it showed on the face. ‘This may be selfish, but I don’t care. I do regret not having raised Eira, but it doesn’t matter. I should be ashamed, this girl I took in on a whim, had to suffer because of my idiocy. Enough is enough, time to take responsibility and become a better person. Taking everything for granted has made me careless.’

*The Director’s office,* they arrived, the door stood in the middle of the office building. One separate from the school compound, a similar design to Claireville Academy. A knock later, permission was given to enter. Sat behind the desk, a middle-aged man wearing glasses and unnatural black colored hair. The latter had been diminished, the lack of hair at that age was a problem many had to face.

“Good afternoon,” he greeted with a cold voice, a quick glance at Lizzie later, the man stared away as if disgusted by her sight. “A delinquent,” he said underneath his breath at the sight of Staxius.

“Good afternoon, director,” Staxius returned the greeting.

“Please take a seat,” the one in charge offered, to which they accepted. “How may I be of service?” both elbows on the table and hands interlocked; he asked as if a tedious task.

“As you see,” the voice courteous, “-my daughter here has been victim to some unsightly behavior for a so-called prestigious school. Care to elaborate on how this could happen?”

“Miss Lizzie,” not wanting to answer the question, he turned the attention towards the girl, “-I’ve gotten many complaints about you not being able to cope nor study with the school’s agenda. Surely you must understand that it only marks you as a target. This school is a place where the top of the top come to learn and to have someone like you, a commoner, to enroll is preposterous,” the stare befell Staxius, “-therefore, sir, if the girl can’t cope with the syllabus. What right does that give me to act on others who’ve been studying tirelessly?”

“I do understand that she’s not that bright,” he spoke as if a father, “-I shan’t use the excuse that students must be given equal chances...”

“Then that should sort everything...” the director interjected.

“-speaking whilst someone else hasn’t finished, is behavior unfitting a director. How is someone who can’t respect basic manners allowed to rule?” a shake of the head later, “-I know full well that this place is subject to a hierarchy. The rich rule over the poor, it doesn’t matter if one is smart or not, what counts is one’s social standing,” he took a step back, “-I’m sure you’ve heard about Arda and Oxshield’s alliance?”

“Yes, and how does that relate to this situation at hand?”

“An alliance means that each kingdom is now bound to one another. This also means that the ranking between nobles from each faction is taken into consideration. The son of a noble here or there will always remain a noble. It doesn’t matter, they are to have the same amount of respect, do you agree?”

“Yes, I do, but I still don’t know how that relates to this situation,”

“Well then,” he stood, “-let me formally introduce myself,” the voice strong and imposing. “I’m Staxius Haggard, King of Arda, and first in line to the Ardanian throne.”

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