The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 250

Chapter 250: Arda’s Guild

The joke, a farce with the sole intent of causing a little bit of mischief was well received. Announcements were made, the Ardanian crown had the Blood-King’s faction. The latter joined in goodwill, if a time of crisis would arise, the alliance would be twice if not thrice as strong as before. Immortal beings fighting on the frontline, the sheer thought sent jolts of excitement down the General’s feet.

A week had gone by, with the possibility of a coup now nullified. The attention switched to the Adventuring guild. On the day the evaluation orb was brought in; many asked questions as to why said building was up in the first place. On the second day, the official announcements made by her majesty, stating all the facts and knows about the guild got publicized. They who fought without pay on the front lines for the sake of their home – had a purpose given to them. The Royal Guards, still occupying a few makeshift outposts near goblin camps and monster hordes; were told to slowly pull back their forces. The operation was due in the coming days after the guild got up and running.

Under obnoxious looking chandeliers, inside the dining hall with a feast on the table. Staxius and Xula had lunch. Everyone else was ordered to stay outside said room. A moment of privacy. Neither wanted to disrupt the peaceful moment for the focus laid upon the succulent slices of meat.

“May I ask how the village down East is coming along?” a reference to the place which would spearhead the alliance between both Kingdoms.

“It’s coming along quite nicely,” her fork rested atop the table, the meal finished, “-part of the Royal guards are stationed there to provide security. Goblins have been stealing supplies from the temporary warehouses.”

“I see,” he finished up as well, “-today’s the big day I suppose,” he glanced over, “-Arda will finally have the means to fight the monsters. The Royal Guards are admirable, to fight such a threat for over so many months.”

“Yes,” she said with a warm tone, “-you’re here to handle the monster situation,” a peaceful smile, “-I’ll leave the burden of monsters and guild on thy shoulders.”


“Thank you,” he stood and walked over to where she sat, “-I’ll be sure to support how-ever I can, my dearest queen,” a tight hug from behind. She could but rest her head on his muscular arms.

“Quick question,” she said whilst leaned on him.

“Go ahead,” he had his face and chin resting atop her chin.

“Will you be going back to the capital again?” a good question.

“Yes, once the guild is open; I’ll have to link some of the portals together. The new guild card allows me to view what will happen here and Rosespire. It’s quite handy,” the voice soft, “-there are a few things that need to be fixed.”

“I see,” she seemed reluctant, to which she gently placed his hands atop her belly.

“What are you doing?” he asked confused by why she’d do such a thing, “-wait,” as if blinded by a dazzling light, the realization hit like a meteor crashing upon a planet. She turned, face flushed and eyes warm. ‘I sense two presence,’ they locked eyes, ‘-no this can’t be real.’ Surprised, he took a step back and nearly fell. “-A-a-are y-you?” the words didn’t come out.

“Y-yes,” she no longer could stare and averted her gaze, “-I’m pregnant.”

Hands immediately covered his mouth, each breath taken felt as if it burnt the nose’s passageway. His heart raced, a feeling unlike any other rushed from the core upwards, “-you can’t be serious,” he dashed and hug her tightly, “-I c-can’t believe it,” the face lit in glee.

“Seriously,” Adete came out the back pocket, “-a child from a Vampire, God, and Fairy who turned Angel...” her eyes narrowed, “-what kind of genes will be inherited, I dare not think about the possibilities.”





“Look at them both,” Adete sighed for the couple had alienated her presence. Bathed in the warmness of a new life being formed right before their eyes; it was understandable. ‘Staxius, I hope that everything works out. The happiness you’re feeling right out will never be topped. I’m afraid about what could happen if it all went down-hill. That dream I had feels more real than fiction. The Curse of the Death Reaper, I dread that day solemnly. I just hope the vampiric power can support whatever that egg has inside.’

“Has anyone known about this?” he asked; overwhelmed by how much the emotions had toppled the composed demeanor.

“Just you,” she said coyly, “-I haven’t told anyone else yet. I wanted to make sure first,” her warm gaze peered inside his soul, “-did you sense it?”

“Yes,” he said with a smile, “-there’s another aura inside you.”

‘I understand now. Xula is such a caring person. I’m going to become a father...’ the news had yet to settle in, ‘-vampires supposedly have a low rate of conceiving. So, what brought about this change. This feels like a repeat to when I first took in Eira. In no way am I going to get imprisoned before I get to see our child alive and well. If it ever comes down to it, when that feeling of dread settles in, I promise to completely disappear from their lives if it means that my curse can be averted.’

*Did you think that a demon like you could ever experience happiness,* the mental image shattered. *How childish and nonrealistic, grow up, heir to the death reaper.* The voice came from inside the mind. *You’ll never have an heir, it’s thy curse as the harbinger of so many curses. Tis thy punishment to watch as the world turns to ruin, suffer and never wake up.* “Seriously,” now stood inside a black and white room, “-another curse,” he sighed, “-good luck trying to possess me,” a snap of the finger later, the dream broke.

“Guild Master?” a warm pair of hands gently tapped atop his face, “-wake up,” it said, “-people are waiting impatiently.”

‘A dream,’ he awoke, ‘-Xula isn’t pregnant. It’s all a dream,’ devoid of feelings, he stood. ‘A premonition, I can’t help but think that it might have had a hidden message. Too frequently, those dreams are getting a tiny bit annoying. Waking up from a moment of heavenly joy and bliss to then fall into the complicity of reality. What a bad joke,’ he walked, ‘-guess it’s to be expected. I can’t ever hope to make a child; tis impossible.’

Time was around one pm in the afternoon. The date, 31st of January, the day the guild opened its door. Staxius and Serene arrived a few hours ago. The part about the meal with Xula was real. The dream kicked in after lunch was over for he got called to the adventuring guild. Last-minute preparation had to be made; at around noon, he entered the office and fell asleep then dreamt about Xula being pregnant.

Down on the ground floor, a few curious fighters had joined a queue. Pamphlets detailing what the building was, the risks, and what it meant to be an adventurer were given to all. The majority of future adventurers were Beastmen, a few Lizardmen, and one or two elves. As a way to simplify the procedure of opening guilds. It would become chaotic if the adventurers didn’t have a path to follow, thus came the birth of; Skokdrag’s Smithing guild; the Dwarven Forge.

The first Trader’s Guild, led by Haru Gel, was also implemented. As a demi-human and very wise with the ability to adapt any situation; her talents would prove useful for they would be the one to act as a proxy to Rosespire – the name; Gel. Not very inspiring nor innovating.

A Mages guild under the command of Ryul Traxina was also created. Talented and wise, none other could handle the new-comers. Stardust was what he chose as name in the end.

None other would do when it came to fighting than Mieshre Nufry. A prideful wolf with the determination and skill that could bring down opposition. Her name was well known, and beastmen respected her authority. Therefore, any who wished to follow the path of the warrior would sign up with them. Orion was the name she adamantly asked.

For now, those four guilds were the principle. A Fighter’s Guild, A Traders Guild, a Mage’s Guild, and lastly a Smithing Guild. Some might have noticed whilst the majority ignored what laid before them. A single thread linked those four guilds together. They were each from different races and were under the command of the Ardanian Council. It was to not cause any trouble for the thirst for power was quite addicting. Individual Guilds were not allowed at the moment. Either join up with one of the guilds, find a party, or go on solo adventures, none would judge. Monster drops and Qaisar would be exchangeable at any of those guilds.

“I really appreciate the representatives to join me in this endeavor today,” now stood before a screen with the four-representative sat silently, Staxius spoke. “I won’t take much of thy time with the trivia of monsters and such. Each of you has an Adventuring Tag paired with a crest that makes thy status as a Guild Leader. As opposed to how adventuring is done in the capital, I decided to set-up major guilds first. Each directly tied with the Crown. Thy duties are to assist in whatever way possible to help foster adventurers. Often, many teenagers in search of glory set off on quest armed with a dagger and no training. What usually returns is but a bloodied Guild Tag. This is why I decided to create a haven; a place where even a novice could gain some experience before going out in search of monsters. The Fighter and Mage guild will help any who wishes to go off on quests to get some training first. Mieshre and Ryul, I’m counting on you both. Only when an adventurer has gotten a seal of approval from either camps that will he then be allowed to go out and fight. Without the seal, the central guild will not accept his or her to go on Quests. Though it isn’t full-proof, tis the method I think will be beneficial for all of us in the long run,’ he paused to catch a breath. “For the Trader and Smithing guild, your job is simple, to make and craft items depending on how many adventurers there are. More fighters will mean more weapons; and the more trained said fighters are, the more drops will be given; this is where the Trader’s guild jumps in. Haru, you’re to handle negotiations with Rosespire’s many guilds. So, you see, each guild ties with one another to make a chain that could elevate our kingdom’s profit as well as its fighting force.”

*Clap, Clap, Clap,* “-you sure are knowledgeable,” said Ryul in a mellow voice, “-I’m grateful that you chose me for such a responsibility. The training regime will be forwarded to thy desk as soon as next week.”

“If they wish to follow the way of the sword, then come get some,” said Mieshre in a confident tone.

“A chance to make connections and trade with the other kingdom,” Haru licked her lips and purred, “-also a way to make contact with any of our comrades.”

“The more we get to smith, the better it is,” Skokdrag; an alcoholic as well as a workaholic, the perfect combination.

“What about a Ranger’s guild?” asked Ryul, “-elves are sure to join. Our prowess with bows can’t be kept out of the loop.”

“I did think of implementing a Ranger’s Guild. No candidates have been found as of yet. For now, I’ll send over someone to assist in training the potential bowman at the fighter’s guild.”

A few meters away, four-building with two floors directly opposite one another, with each having a large backyard – was spotted. Previously used by the guards; it transferred over to the Adventuring guild. The perfect place to train and sell items from when the day is over.

“Any more questions?” he asked.

“No, majesty, on behalf of everyone, thank you for being diligent and going step by step of what you want to accomplish. Nothing beats a good, well thought out plan,” with a nod, they left to their respective buildings.

‘Two birds with one stone, doing the responsibilities as representatives as well as Guild Leaders shouldn’t impose much trouble. Rather, they would be closer to the people and know more of what is to be done to satisfy their races.’ Perfectly aligned as if clockwork, Staxius showed his prowess and efficiency at getting what he wanted. Those who worked under him thought that they were to win in the long run – a game of chess was what it was.

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