The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 264

Chapter 264: Inter-magical Tournament

“Staxius, is that you?” chills ran up the legs, a clock mounted on the wall revealed 7:00.

“Yes,” outside on the balcony, puff after puff with the body leaned on the balustrade, Staxius smoked a cigar and watched as the trees came to life, “-sorry if I woke you,” the voice reminiscent and clear of doubt.

“Did you sleep well?” Xula’s warm voice came from behind, still wrapped in the blanket, her hands went around his chest. Her head rested on his back, comfort unlike any other.

“Yes,” he breathed another puff, “-I feel so much better than the past few nights,” left hand placed onto the arms locked around him, the cigar reached its end.

“I’m glad,” she smiled, “-I didn’t expect this,” the grip lessened.

“What do you mean?” extinguished, he turned and asked with half-awaken eyes.

“Here,” she took his hand,”-sense it,” the face’s glee matched the rising sun.


“A secondary presence,” he commented, “-it worked, didn’t it,” the face lit with joy though the mouth remained stoic.

“Yes, it did,” her hands caressed her neck, the bite marks grew apparent.

“Honestly, I’m baffled,” he breathed deeply, “-that’s Lizzie’s aura, there’s no doubt about it,” he stared, “-thank you,” a tight embrace, the warmth felt by both was as gentle as the smiling face of a new babe.

“I’m carrying our child, you better not run off somewhere. I don’t want to hear anything else. This is reason enough to wait, I know that you want to head to Iqeavea and avenge her death,” she approached the balustrade, “-nevertheless, it’s wiser to stay in Hidros for a few years more. We’re immortal, time isn’t that big a thing.” Obliged, Staxius followed her to the railing, “-promise me one thing,” she turned, “-promise me that you’ll be by my side forever. Promise that you won’t do anything foolish, I can’t stand the thought of you falling prey to that spirit. Destroyer or not, Staxius Haggard, you’re my husband and a father to Eira and the babe I’m carrying,” her greenish eyes watered to the point of sobbing.

“Fine,” he sighed, “-I’ll stay by your side. For better or worse, you’re the one who manages to find and give me a sliver of light to hold onto. Living on the edge between insanity and outright murder, tis a very thin line. I’m glad you’re my wife, Xula, I’ll say it again, I love you.”

“I love you too,” they hugged one another.

Far, far away, preparations for the free-for-all resumed. It was set to start at 10:00. Eira and the other participants woke early to prepare and warm-up. Many interesting characters were set to arrive today, mainly, the characters from Autumn’s Blossom. Undrar and the rest stayed at the town of Clareville. Julius with the Silver-guardians settled in the noble district. Ernis, Gallienne, and other high-ranking nobles rested in the dorms. Barricaded with guards and soldiers, security was tight. For the idols and performers, a cozy, well-priced inn, sufficed.

“What should I wear?” Xula yelled across the hall, it reached the stairs.

“No idea; we’re headed to town, maybe something between casual and formal. Don’t make it overly obvious about your title of Queen,” he stopped and stared down the hall. “I’ll make breakfast, don’t take too long else the food is going to get cold,” on that, he headed to the kitchen.

“Alright,” she fired back in the middle of undressing. ‘Looks like the news of Lizzie being reborn as our child has restrained all his worries. I doubt that he’ll get over it,” the shower turned on, “-in any case, I’ll do my job as a wife,” she carried a smile.

“You sure are lucky,” stood on the shoulder, Adete commented.

“No doubt about it,” veggies chopped, meats cooked, a standard breakfast.

“Queen Shanna, the only one you trust fully,” she jumped down and began eating the unfinished meal. “-she’s a good person. A soon to be demi-goddess, you sure are lucky. Talk about being cursed with misfortune, that lady practically radiates with fortune, I’ll go as far as say that she blinds thy darkness.”

“No eating,” he gave a gentle slap, “-and you’re right. I’ve noticed it too, her coming into my life did bring a lot of change. Long gone are the days living outside and doing odd jobs for a morsel of bread,” plated, they walked to the dining hall, “-look at us now,” he chuckled, “-living in a mansion only a few could hope to purchase. Backed by major players and not to mention attaining divinity. All that good will be bound to be counteracted by something bad. It had to be her death, as they say, living in the past isn’t going to do much. Look forward and march,” footsteps scurried down the stairs. ‘Even so, I’m not going to sit idly. Snow will pay, that’s for sure; might need to call in a few favors from Cake and Renaud.’

“How does this look?” she stumbled into the room. Dressed in an oversized leather jacket, a scarf, tight pants, and ankle-high boots, with a few accessories.

“You copied that from a magazine,” the eyes narrowed.

“Is it that obvious,” her gaze turned downwards.

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing,” the voice gentle, “-the clothes befit thee to the point that I might fall in love again.”

“Silver tongue,” she smiled and sat, “-what about you?”

“What about me?” dressed in a t-shirt and boxers with teddy slippers, “-oh, I see. I don’t take that long to change.”

“Yes, we change quick,” out came Adete from the bar with a bottle of whiskey, “-I’d like to have some,” she pouted.

“The first progenitor I presume?” asked Xula.

“I go by Adete, tis a pleasure to formally meet you, majesty,” placed on the table, she sat atop the cap.

“Likewise, Adete,” her focus turned to the food.

“Isn’t it a bit too early to drink?” he argued.

“No, it’s never to early, just pour me some,” she remained adamant.

“Turn alcoholic, whatever,” obliged, he poured the drink.

Time moved without stopping, in a blink, the tournament was to start. Already strolling around town, the royal couple headed to the arena. There, sat separate from the nobles, a special area for the stars and idols. In the bunch, Aceline, Sugar, and the bassist. Scott remained backstage for there were things to make sure of. On the way inside, Undrar handed a strange note, one that he read on the spot.

*There’s a strong suspicion that someone or something is moving behind the scenes. Be on guard, we’ve no idea what it is. The wind doesn’t feel right. I trust you to protect Aceline and the others.*

‘Not even hired and he asks me to guard my ex-employee,’ sat far apart, Aceline waved from across the room. In turn, he gave the same greeting. Xula stared with narrowed eyes. Ernis and Gallienne changed seats to be closer to the Ardanian couple. The four had grown closer during last night’s dinner. When it came down to it, despite their rank and prestige, humans were humans. Cracking jokes whilst Lucy glared, Ernis didn’t care. Galienne gossiped with Xula as the Queen Mother recounted tales of the previous king and Tempest to Staxius, tis was the set-up. Of course, this familiarity between the two kingdoms had a few people on edge.

“Can’t believe that a king joined us on stage once,” voiced Sugar. Despite the change in appearance, he got recognized immediately.

“Who would have thought,” Aceline added without much care.

“Good morning everyone,” changed into a battle-arena, the speakers came to life. In the middle, Sophie with a mic, “-today marks the start of the inter-magical tournament,” as introductions were given, back in the eastern ward, the participants stood in one room.

‘The time of truth has come,’ eyes closed, the ice-princess focused.

“Highness,” a voice call, “-pardon the intrusion,” bowed, Erlareo Enbalar and Ygannea Enbalar. “We wanted to wish you good luck in the coming tournament,” the brother spoke as opposed to the girl who remained silent.

“I do apologize, but do I know you?” asked Eira with a polite tone.

“We’re sort of acquainted with queen Shanna and King Staxius. Her Majesty has granted us more than a few favors in the past. Knowing that Princess Eira would be participating gave us a boost in morale,” he smiled. “That being said, we’ll do anything to win, good luck, princess,” as courteous as possible, he bowed whilst the sister gave a curtsy.

‘Well that was considerate,’ her face remained blank.

“Eira Haggard, disciple of Director Josiah,” the four pupils of the Order approached. Dressed in black robes, their faces couldn’t be seen properly, “-you might not realize it,” spoke Ewaelle Itarish, a girl with tan-skin and light-grey hair, “-everyone here knows who you are,” the voice held no particular emotion.

“I am flattered,” she bowed, “-may the best win.”

“Yes, may the best win,” after which the group walked off to where Dalila stood.

‘Am I that popular?’ still focused, she examined the surrounding.

“Excuse me,” a voice called, “but are you the daughter of the leader of Kniq?”

“Yes,” she turned, a boy and a lady stood.

“An uncanny resemblance, you’re definitely the daughter of Xenos. Either way, may the best win,” she left as suddenly as she came.

“Someone sure is popular,” whispered the witches from Sepmora. They glared Eira who remained nonchalant.

“That’s to be expected,” a deep voice called.

‘Another visitor,’ she sighed and turned.

“Don’t look so distressed,” Josiah laughed, “-people are curious about who you are. Eira, you must realize the heritage you’re carrying. This day is about you, and you only. Out there, many have come to see who is worthy of being called the Prodigy. Apart from that, there’s also the fact that you’re his daughter, a man that makes waves everywhere he goes. Let it inspire thine heart, you’ve trained more than anyone I know. Absorb every piece of information I gave, what remains is to take that crown. Show them you’re Eira Haggard and not just the daughter of Staxius Haggard.”

“Yes master,” the posture straightened, the mind focused.

“All participants, please make way to the arena,” an announcer called, to which they followed.

The crowd cheered, stepped into a blinding arena, adrenaline rushed through the body. Some held weapons, whilst others came unarmed. Eira, a swordswoman by heart, came unarmed. Erlareo Enbalar held light armor with two daggers whilst Ygannea Enbalar had a bow. Those from the Order were unarmed and as for Sepmora, each held a staff of different size and design. Less potent than those used in Arda, these were an original design from the Director. Last but not least, with semi-heavy armor and a long-sword on his back, the warrior from Blade’s end.

“Listen up everyone,” called Sophie, “-entering this tournament means that death can come at any time. There will not be any limit to your powers nor skill. Go at it with the intent of killing. Just bear in mind, if one is ready to kill, one must always be ready to get killed. No regulation, nothing, once a participant is deemed unable to fight, they’ll be marked as defeated. If by mistake, a student goes to hurt one who is defeated; they’ll be disqualified instantly. That being said, to advance to the next level, you’ll have to survive for one hour,” with a snap, training bots came out the floor, “-the highest rank bot here is SSS. After the first six of the participants have been defeated, all who survived will advance. As it’s Claireville Academy, we’ve added a bonus, defeat the SSS bot, and secure a spot in the semi-final. Teaming up won’t do anything, you’re alone.”

‘Pretty straight forward,’ thought Eira, she scanned all the opponents and bots. ‘Defeating the SSS-bot has both advantages and disadvantages. If you get hurt and manage to get to the tournament, you’re doomed. I can see it in their faces, none is going to try and fight the bot, they’ll focus on staying alive and picking off the weaklings. They’re going to come for me,’ she smiled, ‘-I can feel it. I’m alone with a bounty on my head. Why do you have to put the standard so far up,’ she turned and eyed Staxius, ‘-if you defeated one of those bots, then so can I,” she smirked.

“I see,” he mumbled, “-you’re going for the SSS-bot,” unimpressed, the arms crossed.

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