The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 128: What to do

Chapter 128: What to do

When Lily heard the sound of something falling to the ground in the next room she smiled first, thinking that Theta had done the same as Aria, and kicked the perverted young master out of bed. But when she heard Theta’s scream after that she jumped out of bed and ran to the other room while taking out her dagger.

Victor was unconscious on the floor, while the naked Theta was crying to his side trying to wake him up.

No enemies were in sight.

“What happened?” Lily said as she took the bed sheet and threw it to Theta to cover herself.

“Ah, …. The young master…… He …. He took the shot for me.” She said while crying.

“Speak clearly,” Lily said as she checked Victor’s breathing. It was normal as if he was sleeping. But he seemed to be not waking up.

“A few minutes ago, the painting that the young master bought for me. Aw…… It is my fault.” Theta cried more.

“Drink this,” Lily said giving Theta a glass of water, that the smart Camellia brought, then helped Lily carry Victor to the bed after that. And no matter how much they called him or pushed him he didn’t wake up.

“Can you speak now?” Lily asked Theta as she brushed Victor’s hair with her fingers, trying hard to remain calm.

“Ah… The painting, the one the young master bought today. It suddenly grew hot and then began to shoot light into me…. I couldn’t move. Then…. There was a screen with some words on it.” Theta said as she frowned while trying hard to remember.

“What screen?” Lily asked with a frown.

“It said PLAYERS REGISTERED,... Then after that… When I opened my eyes the young master…. He was looking at something in the air, when I looked at it I realized that it was the painting. hovering in mid-air, and the cat in it felt bad as if it wanted to eat me…. Then… a light shot from it. The young master pushed me aside at that moment and swallowed that red light.” Theta said as tears kept pouring from her eyes. “It is all my fault.” She said as she buried her head in the sleeping Victor’s chest.

“Where is the painting now?” Lily asked.

“I don’t know, Maybe It burnt into nothing,” Theta answered while pointing to a place near the bed.

Lily quickly looked there and noticed some brown ash on the ground. It smelt like burnt paper.

She quickly collected them in a plastic bag.

What should she do now? This was probably not a medical problem, but a magical one. She didn’t know what to do. Could it be poison?

She quickly took out a detoxification pill and a healing pill and then tried to feed them to Victor. But he couldn’t chew them. so she had to crush them in her mouth and feed them to his mouth with hers. Making Theta blush as she watched.

After waiting for half an hour she concluded that they didn’t work. What now?

Too bad she couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the young master.

She just looked at the sleeping Victor and thought about what he would do in such situations. Should she call the family? Probably not, as she knew that Victor didn’t trust them. First, she should take him back to the mansion. Maybe Hilda knows something. And maybe she should try to get a healer. That Anna girl.

“Camellia, get the men and the car, See if they have a van or a truck. Then find me a stretcher, we are returning home now.” Lily said,

“Yes mistress,” Camellia replied then ran outside, this was a chance to prove her worth.

“Theta,” Lily said after a few minutes, she was now a little calmer and thought of something.

“Yes,” Theta answered nervously, wondering if Lily would punish her.

“Say the words. OPEN STATUS MENU in your mind.” Lily said

Theta frowned then nodded.

“Wahhh,” Theta said as she stepped back letting go of the bed sheet she covered herself with.

“You are now a player, Keep it a secret.” Lily said, “What is your Authority?” She asked after a few minutes.

“Ah… Authority….. Five.” Theta answered, making Lily a little shocked.

“How about Class?”

“Ah…. Class….. What does a Divine Gambler mean and why is there a SSS next to it?” She asked.

“........” Lily didn’t answer, didn’t know how to answer. Didn’t want to answer. This girl is a monster.

“Ah…. I ……” Theta didn’t know how to answer. “Are my sta… Stu … Status Bad?” Theta asked Timidly.

“Didn’t I tell you not to tell anyone? Why did you tell me?” Lily asked as she turned back to Theta.

“On the contrary, they are super strong. But if people knew about them, they would take you away.” Lily said, making Theta freeze, then nod.

“Miss Lily, please don’t tell anyone.” She said timidly,

“Don’t worry. Now go get dressed then help me transport the young master downstairs.” Lily said, “Oh, and be careful you should have more strength now.” Lily warned her, but was a little late, as Theta who wanted to put on her skirt pulled it too strong and got it ripped.

They reached the mansion at sunrise. Night travel in the mountains was very dangerous, but with Lily’s enhanced Vision she could drive the van easily. They left the SUV up there as 17 would drive it to the mansion later.

Hilda was the first to welcome them with a smile when the car stopped next to the mansion. The girls were being given a lesson by the twins. While Margret was busy flirting with Alex. She couldn’t understand why the young master tolerated such behaviors. But it’s not her business.

Her smile turned to a frown when she saw the unconscious Victor.

“Miss Hida, We will talk about the young master later. Those 5 Men… Chicks are at your disposal. Arrange rooms at the separate building and use them to guard the mansion. They were chosen by the young master.” Lily said, pointing to the 5 muscular men who were chosen by 17 to serve as guards. She wanted to bring 10 men, but with Victor laying there it could only fit 5 men.

“I will take the young master upstairs to his room, please wake Margret up and let her join me,” Lily said as she carried Victor with Theta, who was much stronger now. Camellia bowed politely to Hilda.

“Camellia, fill Hilda in about what happened yesterday,” Lily shouted at her as she entered the mansion.

Lily was wiping Victor’s mouth with a napkin when Margret and Alex entered the room. This young master was drooling as if he had just eaten a juicy steak.

“What happened?” Alex, who was dressed as a slutty maid, asked nervously as Margret went to Victor's side and held his hand with concern. This was the man she chose, would he leave her so soon?

“We don’t know yet.” Lily said, “Margret, I want you to call Anna. Wasn’t she a healer?” Lily asked,

“Ah... Yes…” Margret jumped to her feet and then ran to her room to get her phone just as Aria and the Twins entered the room and went to Victor’s side.

“What happened? Is he ok?” Aria asked with concern.

“We don’t know, we will speak later,” Lily answered.

“The young master has an appointment with that journalist today, and an auction later at night,” Aria said with a frown. Then turned to Lily as she was the one Victor trusted the most.

“Ah…. we will wait for Anna,” Lily said anxiously. She was not brave enough to decide as she was afraid to ruin one of her young master’s plans.

Hilda, who heard the story from Camellia, entered the room after that with a medical device. This was a very advanced family-issued instrument. It was an all-in-one diagnostic device. This thing was like the phones the family used, 20 years ahead of its time.

After taking a blood sample and connecting Victor’s wrist to the device it began its analysis and after 15 minutes it gave the results.



The device found no problems except the fact that Victor was too healthy to be a normal human. This thing was not made for Players after all.

With a frown, Lily looked at everyone, then began to tell them about what happened.

The room was silent for the next hour, as no one knew what to do.

The rest of the girls in the house also came to take a look at Victor but was kicked out by Hilda as the room got too crowded.

Soon Margret hurried inside with Anna, who was shocked by the luxuriant mansion. It made her wonder whether she should throw herself at Victor as Margret did. But she changed her mind when she saw all the pretty girls who were anxiously sitting in Victor's room. Wait… That one is a guy, right?… Why is he dressed in a maid uniform? Why is the dress so revealing? Is he acting in some AV? Is this even legal? They did say that Victor was a pervert.

“Anna, can you see what is wrong with the young master?” Mina, who was holding Victor’s hand tenderly, asked her.

“Let me try.” She said as she approached the sleeping Victor. Last week she was doing as Victor advised her, and she began to study medicine intending to apply to a medical school. Apparently, Players didn’t need any exams. Just an appraisal test.

She silently put her hands on Victor and then began to use her healing skill…. Still, nothing happened.

“Why isn’t it working?” Margret asked when she saw the frown on Anna’s face.

“I don’t know, My skill is not working at all. It is as if he is perfectly healthy.” She said as she stood up.

“I am sorry… ” She said,

“It’s ok,” Margret said reassuring her friend with a sigh.

Lily frowned, not knowing what to do……

“Leave us alone,” Hilda told everyone, who was a little startled, but quickly nodded after seeing her serious face.

One by one, they left the room. Including Alex who was very concerned. But didn’t dare to show it affectionately like the other girls.

As for Margret she went out with Anna, she intended to escort her out. She was a smart girl. She knew that being here didn’t help at all. It would be better to do something useful rather than wait here endlessly.

Lily was left alone with Hilda and the unconscious Victor.

“Call Kai.” She said in a calm voice. The others didn’t notice but she did. Lily was on the verge of losing her mind.

“Ah… But….” Lily didn’t know what to say.

“Do it. As Victor’s butler, he would not reveal anything.” Hilda said.

Lily nodded then called Kai

“Kai. This is Lily, the young master had an accident.” Lily said.

“What happened,” Kai, who usually didn’t like to have a lengthy conversation with Lily, asked seriously.

Lily proceeded to tell him what happened last night.

“Can the family help?” she asked after that while biting her lip.

“If the healing pill didn’t work then this would be tricky… But since the young master’s state is stable, it would be better to wait for a few days….. There is big trouble in the family now, and if something really did happen to the young master last night, some people would make some unreasonable conclusions. I can’t tell you more, but hide the young master’s condition for a few days at least.” Kai said, making Lily surprised.

“Is the situation really that bad?” She asked.

“More than anything you could imagine. I will call you if anything changes.” Kai said, then hung up the phone.

If Lily was not concerned about Victor, she would have called Kai again to scold him. But she was not in the mood. She just wanted her young master to wake up.

“He can’t help?” Hilda asked.

“Something wrong in the family. Should we contact master Theodore?” Lily asked, making Hilda frown and nod after hesitating a little and then calling George's phone. His answer was the same as Kai's.

“What should we do now?” Lily asked, but no one could answer.

“Who did it?” Charlotte asked the kneeling men in a cold voice.

“We don’t know. We didn’t have cameras inside…” The man said, not realizing that his head was already separated from his body.

“Who did it?” She asked the second man.

“I….. Please spare me.” He said as His head was separated too.

After killing the 11 vault guards and the manager, Charlotte looked around the empty vault in anger as she began to bite her nails. She lost a lot, this time. Her brother was sure to use this against her.

“Young mistress… Shall we cancel the auction?” An old butler asked.

“Never….No. I already took the small goods and put them in my ring. They will be enough for now. Just find some Player stores and buy some treasures from them. Those guys always have some secret stashes.” She said coldly, knowing well that no matter what treasures she gets they would be garbage if compared with the things that were stolen.

“Understood,” he said as he bowed respectfully.

“Just find out who took my stuff, then burn him and his entire family. You have one week.” She said to the old butler, who stood there shivering as she left the room.

Tom looked at the unconscious girl with a frown. What happened to her? and what was that?

After inspecting her from head to toe he realized one thing. This girl was not pretty. She was not ugly either. Just plain. Like a brick in a wall. Completely unremarkable.

“Sir… Thank you for helping us.” The two other girls who woke up thanked him.

“It’s ok,” He said with a fresh smile. Those two were cute. He wouldn’t mind adding them to his harem.

“Do you have a place to stay?” He asked with concern.

“No…. we were sold from an orphanage.” The older of the two said.

“Then stay here. But you can’t come out. They would surely be looking for you.” He said if those girls insisted on leaving he would have to lock them in. They have seen his face.

He shouldn’t have brought them along, but they were too cute to be left alone.

“Ahhh… But we can’t pay you…” The other girl said, with a blush on her face. Tom was not really handsome, but he had this manly aura around him that made her feel strange, but she didn’t hate the feeling.

“Don’t worry, I have a lot of friends (Girlfriends) living here, and they might need some help around the house.” He said making the girls frown a little then nodded. They have already seen this place. They couldn’t believe that this casual young man owned an entire apartment building.

“How about I take you on a tour?” He asked the girls. “I will introduce you to the others.” He added.

“Yes!” They responded at the same time. “But what about this older sister?” one of them asked.

“Don’t worry. This room is secure, we will check on her later.” Tom said, making sure not to alert the girls to the hidden cameras.


After 30 Minutes Windy opened her eyes then sat up and looked around with a frown. Where am I?

She began to inspect the room she was in. It was a bedroom but was quite bare. Only a bed and a desk.

Last night… Yes, she remembers. That thief…

She quickly inspected her body. It was intact. After that, She took out the cloth pouch that hung from her neck and opened it, and took a damaged white coin from it.

She couldn’t believe it but this thing had saved her life. That Thing… She didn’t know why it attacked her. but thanks to the attack, She managed to activate the Coin and inherit her family's legacy. Her mind was now full of memories and information about all sorts of things.

A long time ago, her family was a strong family of Players. An existence that could rule the world, But one day, their awakening treasure got stolen by an unknown thief.

They tried hard to get it back, or at least get another awakening artifact, but they failed. and after the death of the last player in the family. The elders decided to retreat into the mountains with what was left of their treasures, hoping that the prophesied day of reckoning would come, so that they would be able to rise again using all the things they hid away.

This Coin was one of several treasures her ancestors kept. It would activate when the holder becomes a Player. It was like a memory capsule that also had a strong protection charm.

She didn’t know how and why, but that Penguin painting seemed to have turned her into a Player seconds before that thing attacked. And that was enough for her to inherit all the memories and skills in the coin which self-destructed with the attacker.

Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at the coin. This thing was given to her by her grandmother.

What should she do now?

At this moment, The door of the room opened and The man who saved her came in, he didn’t have the stocking on his head, but she could recognize him after hearing his voice.

“You are awake.” He said,

“Yes, thank you for saving me.” She said in a quiet voice.

“It’s ok.” He said, “I am Tom, what’s your name?” He asked.

“Windy.” She answered.

“What happened there?” He asked,

“Ah… I don’t remember….” She lied. She would never trust a man again.

“I see…. Do you have a place to go? Those guys are probably searching the city for you now.” He said,

“No….” She shook her head.

“Then stay here.” He said with a refreshing smile, that made her heart skip a beat.

“ok,” she said, “I already saw your face, you would probably kill me if I didn't accept.” She said,

“Ahh. No. Never…” He said stuttering, This girl was not as naive as the others.

“Whatever…” She said, It is better to stay with this guy. And maybe she can try to get her family's treasure that fell in his hands.

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