The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 158: The Beggar

Chapter 158: The Beggar

Tom woke up in high spirits… He had a smile on his face when he looked at the sleeping pretty girl by his side, this was the same fat girl, Madeleine… She was no longer fat after a tiresome night.

Yesterday, she dragged him to a hotel, where he experienced a new world… Despite it being her first time, This girl was wild.

That was before he felt that something was wrong… But it was too late by then, as she began to suck away his life force…

So he used his berserk skill to overpower her and beat her at her own game… He succeeded.

The defeated girl told him the truth, she turned out to have a succubus class, and she wanted to make him her slave and suck him dry. Luckily he was able to defeat her because of her inexperience. So her skill backfired, and she became his slave.

Not only that, the energy she drained from him was returned purified… Both of them benefited by the way… As She got thin after getting rid of all of that excessive unwanted energy… She only needs the purest Yang energy and doesn't care about the rest after all… who knew that she was this pretty?!

Now, Tom was feeling very energetic, but looking at his status screen, there was no difference… But something had definitely changed… He can feel it.

“System… Did anything change?” He asked… He felt all that energy last night.

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Tom frowned… What was that for?... He wanted to ask about this Mana, Stamina, and Health, but the system started being whimsical as always and stopped responding...

Never mind, the system was very good. He guided him to this girl, whom he would have never considered.

“Good morning…” Madeline opened her eyes and looked with affection at her new master… earning herself a kiss.

After texting his girlfriends to tell them that he was fine, Tom took a taxi with Madelaine to school…with a stop at the mall to get new clothes for her… The old ones were too big for her now.

Reaching the class, he was welcomed by the surprised eyes of his classmates, looking at him and at the blushing Madeline with shock. Who is she?.. They only knew her identity when she sat at her desk…. Damn, what did they do last night?

Tom smiled proudly as he sat next to Peter, who was busy texting his new girlfriend at the normal class before getting shocked by his friend's deeds.

“What did you do to her?” He asked, checking her out.

“Nothing… Just some excessive exercise.” Tom said proudly, making the blushing girls who listened in to their conversation swallow hard… Can they handle that?

Just then, the hateful Victor, Entered the classroom swaggering with his harem. Today, the twins sat in front of him, as two poor students there voluntarily gave up their seats…

And to no one’s surprise, he brought a pillow this time.

After a few more minutes two new students entered the classroom. It was a young man with healthy bronze skin, following a pretty girl with a heroic air around her. She seemed to be ignoring him…

“Come on Zuzu… She is just a friend….. You are always my number one…” The man said in a low voice just as they passed Tom, who felt strange looking at them. It was as if those guys were not easy…

As the new students settled in and then introduced themselves to their classmates as Oliver and Zoe, a teacher entered the classroom.

It was teacher Isabella. She kicked the chair to the side, then struck the table with her notebook, making the class go silent.

She gave them an inspection look, then took out her marker pen and threw it at a student to the side.

“Look at my legs for more time and I will kill you... Now give me my pen back” She threatened, making the students who were planning to check her butt out, change their plans… Tom didn’t.

He expected her to yell at Victor too, but to his surprise, She seemed to have decided to do what every sensible girl does when facing a guy she can’t defeat…. She completely ignored him, not even sparing him a glance.

“Now… Mr. Gold must have given you an intro yesterday… We will talk about attributes today.” She said,

“Many of you might be wondering if strength affects how powerful you are, and intelligence affects how smart you are… The answer is, that it does, but not in the way you think. Strength makes your body able to withstand and inflict more force. So think of it as raising your body’s capacity, so you need to train more to learn to use it efficiently. It also increases your healing capacity…. As for Intelligence, it does not make you smarter, but it helps you have a more clear thinking process, it enhances your comprehension and memory. But if you are an idiot, there is no cure for that.” She explained.

“Agility is connected to muscle reflexes and stability… and how many times can you perform the same actions before getting tired.” She added after looking at her carefully arranged notes.

“Charm is a matter of debate… as you can find ugly people with high charm… We tend to think of it as charisma… But it affects beauty too. Over time, people with high charm seem to tend to get more pretty…. Luck would affect your chance-based skills… It might have an effect in the real world too, but we are yet to find a player with a Luck of 50 or more, so the research on it is still theoretical…”

“Authority is the most important attribute, as it affects many skills and limits your leveling……” She continued explaining how leveling works.

“Every time you level up, your attributes would increase by 4 to 9 points, that would be distributed on all your attributes… Mostly on strength, agility, and intelligence…. Authority increases are very rare after 9… Many big people’s level stagger due to lacking sufficient authority.” She Explained. “Luck grows fast before 30, then it stagnates… Charm seems to have some limits too, but it is not clear…. “ She added.

“Any questions?” She asked after finishing her lesson, still ignoring Victor who was snoring now.

“Teacher… What is the order attribute for?” Peter asked.

“No one knows…. But there is a hypothesis that it affects some rare skills.” She answered briefly,

“What is Mana?” Tom asked, the system was ignoring him.

“Where did you hear that?” Isabella, who was getting a little bored, opened her eyes wide as she asked him, making him flinch a little.

“I… It happened after clearing a dungeon…. The leveling screen told me that my Mana, Stamina, and Health have increased.” He said, making his classmates, especially the girls, look at him with interest. They have never been in a raid…

“You were in a raid before? Where?” She asked.

“I am sorry… I am sworn to secrecy…” He lied again. It is not uncommon for some dungeon owners to make participants sign an NDA because they don’t want other powers to know about the secrets and minerals the dungeon had.

“Oh, That’s ok…. Did you feel anything different after the increase?” She asked him, getting curious.

“Yes… I felt more energetic.” He said,

“I see…. Well… This is a somewhat unpopular theory, but some researchers think that there are Hidden attributes in the system. They are partially built upon the others like strength and Intelligence… Think of it as the hidden health bar in modern shooter games. You see your character getting bloody, but you can’t see the numerical value… Stamina should affect physical skills, and Mana is for Magical… That’s the theory anyway.” She added with a nod… Tom’s question was really good… Maybe he can help her write a paper on this subject… She will find him later for that.

After a usual school day, Tom took Madeleine to eat with Peter, who wanted to introduce his new girlfriend…

Before leaving class, Tom glanced at Victor who slowly woke up and stretched his arms lazily as Lily wiped his drool….

Wait, why is that new girl Zoe looking at him like that? Did this one also fall for him?

Damn him…. I wish I were in his place…


“The summer sky is fickle like a woman's heart. Sometimes it rains out of nowhere, sometimes it burns…. “

In a slum filled with a foul smell, The beggar was singing under a plastic shed.

A white-haired man with a unique goatee walked out of the shadows and stood in front of him.

“Are you not going to donate?” The beggar asked, kicking an empty tin can in front of him.

“You know I can’t help you, young master...The last time I helped, I was punished by getting demoted to a janitor” James said… Yes, this one was James Trove III, the principal of the Academy.

“What do you want then…. What brings you all the way here from Vein city? …. Is my test over already? As far as I know, I still have to suffer like this for another year.” The beggar asked, with a lazy yawn, as he rubbed his dirty toes.

“It’s not that.…. I found her, young master..… Your esteemed sister..” James whispered with some excitement, causing the aura around the beggar to change from that of a poor lazy bum to that of a king. Even the disheveled hair and the tattered clothes failed to hide his regal bearings now.

“Are you sure?” The beggar asked as he sat straight up and looked around making sure that no one was listening.

“Definitely… I met her by chance at the Academy… I instantly recognized her eyes, they are similar to your esteemed grandmother’s… And my feeble bloodline boiled at her sight, just as it did when I saw her as an infant.…“ James replied as a man passing by them wondered why this rich man was talking to that smelly beggar.

“Did you do a DNA test?” The beggar asked,

“Yes… Although getting the sample was troublesome… It is definitely her.” He said, making the Beggar get a little restless…

“Is she ok?... How is she doing?” The beggar asked,

“Well… She is fine… unfortunately she became a player, and she won’t be able to use the family awakening altar anymore…. “James replied.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as she is fine. As my sister, no one can bully her. How is she doing? Where is she now” The beggar asked with some excitement. They thought she was dead.

“She is now a maid in the Von Weise estate, belonging to their elite heir, Victor… If my guess was correct, after she was misplaced at that orphanage, someone kidnapped her and sent her to be a servant to that family… They didn’t know of her identity.“

“A maid?…… Is her life in any danger?”

“She seemed ok… But the Von Weise family is not stable nowadays. If the other families decided to attack them soon, that might put her in danger. Does the young master wish for me to extract her?” James asked,

“That depends…..Is that Victor treating her well…. You know what I mean. As a maid, she should have already warmed his bed… That would lower her status in the family…. It’s all those bastards' fault.” The beggar said with complex eyes… He hated those arrogant young masters for making their maids do dirty things… he would never do that… Probably.

“Ahh…. I don’t think the young master needs to worry about that… Let me say it like this… Your esteemed sister, despite being pretty as a doll when she was an infant. Now...., other than her eyes, her esteemed face looks like your third uncle’s pet, so no one would probably touch her” James said,

“The cat?” The beggar asked,

“No, The pig,” James replied with a few sweat droplets on his forehead. Making the beggar open his eyes wide in surprise.

“Does anyone else in the family know about her?” The beggar asked,

“You know the rules young master, I had to report it,” James said,

“Oh…. What did they decide to do? Bring her back to the family?” He asked,

“No… Despite your esteemed mother’s objection, everyone else, including your father, decided that she should stay outside for another year, to complete her test as per the family rules. She is 17 right now… ” James replied.

“Damn it… Those from the other factions would probably find some way to hurt her… Will she be informed of her true identity?” The beggar asked.

“No…” James shook his head. “Being with the Von Weise family, she must have a servant tattoo. So we can’t tell her anything. Will have to wait for the end of her test to extract her…” James replied.

“I see… Well, she might end up being safer with the Von Weise than in the family where all those snakes are fighting…. I also need one more year to finish my test. After that, I will go get her by myself after I become a player and be powerful enough to protect her... One of the few memories I have of my childhood is she cutely clinging onto me as a baby....” He said with a caring look in his eyes.

“Exactly, young master… I will also make sure to keep an eye on her.” James said while wondering if his young master was a siscon.

“Now… If you are not planning to donate, get out of here and stop blocking me…. This young master needs to make a living.” The beggar shouted.

“Understood….” James said and turned around, preparing to leave, then paused… “Oh…. I don’t know if I should be telling you this…but… someone tried to attack her… It seemed to be a personal grudge…. And a girl from the Von Geldstadt seemed to be instigating this.” James turned and told him.

“Get rid of them both… Quietly…. No....., that would not work, we must not help her….. Damn it, just let him and that b*tch experience one of your curses… Don’t let anyone know.” The beggar replied, making James smile evilly.

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