The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 164: Pervert Son

Chapter 164: Pervert Son

When Victor reached the room, the two chicks guarding the entrance respectfully bowed as they opened the door for him… They were sent by him to protect his mother and little sister.

Inside, his mother was enjoying a strawberry Ice Cream parfait as she discussed some random things with Iris. Lara was doing the same with El, who seemed to be quite happy eating her ice cream… Alex was standing respectfully behind them and perfectly hiding her annoyance… She wanted to try that ice cream too.

Iris’s little sister Mia was there too, she was discussing something with Theta who seemed to be disagreeing with her. That reminded Victor that those two should be around the same age.

“Victor… We have just been talking about you… Iris had just told me that Theodore gave you a media production company… Why didn’t you tell me about this?” His mother asked, just as he entered the room, causing the girls to look at him, including Mia whose face became a little disgusted.

“Yeah… The family gave me a lot of stuff, including some investment companies and a few stores. Nothing major… I didn’t think you would be interested,” Victor said, as he sat down and then dragged Mira to sit on his lap.

“You know that I worked as a model before… I always wanted to be in a……. Who is that?” His mother interrupted her speech to ask as she inspected Mira. This girl was not only pretty but had a very pure aura around her… Elena didn’t watch a lot of TV and there was no Cinema on the family's island, so she didn’t recognize Mira.

“This is…..” Victor wanted to introduce Mira but was cut by Mia.

“YOU ARE MIRA…” She shouted as she stood up in shock, she just realized who this one was. It was her idol Mira Elven. The rising star singer and actress… Why is she with that perverted young master?

“Yes, this is Mira, I plan to make her my concubine too… She is already mine.” Victor explained with a broad smile, making Mira blush lightly and Mia gasp as her hatred for Victor multiplied… NO, not only her sister but also her idol has fallen.

“Oh… come here then, let your mother-in-law have a look at you.” His mother said with a curious look, making Mira leave her young master’s lap and find a seat near her future mother-in-law with a heavy blush.

“Not bad… Where are you from?” Elena asked as she inspected the blushing Mira, This girl was to her liking, both shy and pretty. Her son’s taste is very refined… Most of the girls he keeps around proved to be to her liking, Except Two that is, Margret who had a slut aura around her and reminded her of her b*tch sister. The second is the one calling herself Alpha… Elena’s instincts told her that the one-eyed girl didn’t like Victor at all.

“Madam… My father and mother work for the Von Weise family… So I am also technically a servant there too.” Mira clarified respectfully.

“Oh… That’s why my son declared that you are his! I didn’t expect him to get another good one from the family!” Elena exclaimed… That’s better, Like Lily, this way she can talk to her about some secrets that must be kept in the family… and Inquire about Victor’s actions… Lily has been too tight-lipped lately. Was her son's punishment working?

“Yes… I belong to him now.” Mira replied politely. Hiding her sadness. It’s not that she hated Victor, on the contrary, he treated her very well. But who likes giving up their freedom and returning to be a servant.

“Well… I really like you, so if Victor bullies you, you should tell me. I will discipline him for you.” Elena said, making Mira smile a little as Mia was fuming with anger…

Iris was surprised, she knew about Mira, and like her sister, she also was a huge fan. She never expected her to be a servant in her family… As for her being Victor’s lover, she didn’t care, on the contrary, she was now her sister-in-law. Isn’t that better?

“How is your movie shoot?” Victor asked casually changing the subject.

“It’s finished, Mr. Silberburg had it all planned so that I could shoot all my scenes in a few weeks.” She replied.

“So you are free now?” He asked.

“Ahh… Not quite, I have two other movies…” She replied with some embarrassment… She knew that he wanted her to move in with him.

“Hmmm… That won’t do… After about a week, I might need you for a couple of days… I will tell Aria to rearrange your schedule…” Victor said as he gestured to a waiter that entered the room and ordered a blueberry Ice cream parfait for himself… with a vanilla one for Mira.

“Ah… wouldn’t that be bothersome for the film shooting?” She asked with embarrassment… She was keeping her schedule full on purpose… She was hesitant about moving in with Victor and having to give him some night service… It was inevitable, but She wanted to take it slowly and get to know him better, and maybe fall in love with him….. How did he know that she only likes Vanilla Ice cream?

“No… I will need you to take a trip with a few of my girls and get to know each other… I will not be there…” He said, reading her dirty little mind.

“Ah… I understand..” Mira said as she blushed…

Mia was angry… Very Angry… “What did he mean ‘With a few of my girls?’ How many girls does he have?” She wondered as she eyed Theta… “Is she one of them? She was praising and defending him earlier, it seems like it. Damn pervert,” she thought.

“Mia… Don’t glare like that, It’s rude.” Iris whispered in her sister’s ear, making her look away while pouting.

Iris ignored her and looked at Victor

“Brother… I want to create some advertisements for my new Mall……Do you think Miss Mira can help? I want her to act as our spokeswoman.” She asked, she was wondering who she should use, but seeing Mira here gave her a great idea.

“Would you do it?” Victor didn’t respond but asked Mira directly.

“It would be my pleasure,” Mira replied with a smile. She was very pleased that Victor took her opinion. It might seem minor, but being granted a choice, even a fake one, meant a lot for her. He was not treating her as a property but as a human being. Her father told her that it means a lot in the family, and she believed him.

Victor nodded then looked at Iris, “Then call Aria and let her arrange it,” He said.

“Brother… Why do you leave everything to Aria? Don’t you want to run your own business? There are already many talkies around the business circles saying that you are too useless… and only know how to chase skirts.” Iris said with some embarrassment… Her brother gave her the impression of being a very smart and responsible man. Especially when he saved her from the demon that day, but since they returned from the island, he kept acting like a snobbish young master, which made her feel strange.

“I always delegate the responsibilities I find too troublesome… And Aria is way better than me in this. That girl is a business genius… I like it better this way…” He clarified as Mira helped him scoop some Ice cream and put it in his mouth.

“You eat yours…. Theta would feed me.” Victor said to Mira, making his mother shake her head… Her son has inherited too many unnecessary things from his father.

“Brother... I can feed you too.” Lara, who was being fed by the annoyed El said.

“That’s not your responsibility… Act like a young lady. ” His mother scolded,…. Hopefully, Lara will grow up decently…. Unlike her eldest daughter, Alice… It has been three years since she last called the family saying that she found a new husband. The fifteenth one in three years... Where did she go wrong in raising her?

“When should we go meet Theodore?” Elena sighed and asked.

“He asked me to head there for dinner, it is still a little early. Did you finish your shopping?” Victor asked,

“Yes, Thanks To Iris I was able to pick a lot of nice stuff. It’s been a while since I went shopping, and my knowledge about fashion is a little outdated….” She complained.

“It’s my pleasure to help you,” Iris replied with a smile, between all of her new ‘Mothers’ Elena was the nicest. The other two totally ignored her when Theodore brought her home, and only began to treat her well after she passed the ceremony.

“You are the best Iris.… Anyway, most of the stuff is in the car... We would need some help taking them out later.” Elena sighed and said.

“Don’t worry, Alex can do the heavy lifting.” Victor said, making Alex glared at him… then looked away in annoyance, as Victor spelled “IN A SKIRT.” Silently…

“Brother… Do you have girls locked up in your basement?” Lara suddenly asked. That question came out of nowhere. Making the room go silent at once.

Her mother, Mira, and Iris look strangely at her then at him. El was listening attentively after hearing the term basement.

“Where did you hear that?” Victor asked as he looked at Alex who was trying hard not to laugh, she knew what this was about.

“Earlier… Mia was telling me that you are a pervert who kidnaps girls and locked them in your basement.'' Lara explained, making Mia lower her head as her sister glared at her … This girl Lara was more sheltered than she anticipated… She can’t take a joke.

Elena sighed… She wanted to rebuke her daughter, but on second thought she decided to hear Victor’s answer… His father and big brother had some hobbies like these…

“Well… Don’t tell anyone,” Victor whispered… “I have a lot of girls in my basement… They are my treasure.” He said, making everyone in the room, except two, gasp… Including Mira, who had complex eyes…

Lara was surprised…..

“Brother… You shouldn’t do bad things…” She said, pouting. Not noticing that her new friend El had other thoughts… Are there girls locked in the basement too… She must tell Mr. Kline.

Elena and Iris were shocked, but they quickly noticed Theta and Alex who were holding their laughter with difficulty… This must be some joke…

“Don’t worry, They are safe there…. I will not let anything bad happen to them until I find a good buyer.” Victor said, earning himself a head slap from his mother, who understood what this was about. As Theta, who was already letting her giggles escape, made a hidden gesture to her… He was talking about erotic magazines. Damn it, she was fooled too.

Iris and Mira noticed that too, and couldn’t help smiling… Mia who was sitting beside Theta didn’t notice her gesture, and didn’t get the joke… What was wrong with them…. Was this bastard involved in human trafficking? Why no one was angry about this. Damn it…

Lara was frowning…. Her brother had some other meaning that she didn’t get, she wanted to know…. But seeing her mother’s stern gaze, she didn’t dare to ask anymore… She will go down later tonight to investigate… El had the same thoughts.

“Enough with the chit chat… It’s already sunset… We must go see your father…” His mother who was a little annoyed said,

“Yes…” Victor said. “Mira.. Do you want to come with us?” He asked, already knowing her answer.

“No… I have an appointment…’ Mira said with some embarrassment. She didn’t dare stay with him late into the night. She was not ready yet.

“Oh,… What about you?” Victor asked Iris.

“I will come, I haven't seen father for a week and I want to ask him about some things…. But I need to send Mia home first.” She said giving her sister a certain look, she would have to educate her when they got home.

“Well, How about This, Alex would drive the girls home …. They can drive Mia too..” Victor proposed… It is not appropriate to bring outsiders into a family dinner… Many secrets might be discussed.

“That would work… But who would drive us?” Iris asked,

“I will call George.” Victor proposed as he finished his ice cream. That was delicious.

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