The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 79: The Truth

Chapter 79: The Truth

Victor clicked yes and Began to laugh loudly like a maniac making Alpha look at him strangely.

“Did you lose your mind? I wonder if that would affect the taste?” She wondered as she headed toward him, only to find that her legs didn’t respond to her, neither did her hand. What’s going on. She looked at her status screen but it showed nothing strange. A poison? No. She looked at her spearhead then at Victor.

“You have a blood enslavement skill.” She said with hatred as she tried hard to move but couldn’t.

Victor took his time as he slowly untangled the net under her hateful glares.

“It’s your fault for being an idiot. Who told you it was fine to taste my noble blood.” He said as he walked toward her then past her heading to where Alex had fallen. He didn’t forget to slap her butt though.

“Damn you.” She screamed at him. But he ignored her and started to remove the rubble that had collapsed on top of Alex. To find that she seemed OK but unconscious. So he gently carried her and headed inside the ruined temple.

“Follow me” He ordered Alpha who could only obey while cursing.

Inside there was a big hall that connected a few stone-built rooms. So Victor found a suitable room and placed Alex on a tattered mat there and checked her for injuries, before returning to the hall where Alpha was still standing while glaring daggers at him.

He slowly took out his folding chair and sat on it, then ordered Alpha to sit on the ground next to him.

“Sit down. Let’s talk like civilized people this time.” He said. while thinking if she could be considered civilized after trying to eat him.

Alpha just sat down but said nothing. "what kind of civilized people enslave others," she thought.

“As I told you, Your sisters are in my hands. I can kill them at any time.” He said as he flashed the ring in his hand. “Do you know what this is?”

Alpha didn’t answer. But the astonished look in her eyes showed that she recognized it.

She started glaring at him with hatred. Threatening like that would not work on her it seemed.

“Who taught you about the world, how to fight, and about the Von Weise’s bloodline?” He asked.

She didn’t answer, just looked away.

Victor sighed as he felt he had to use another method to make this girl talk. He began to inspect her slowly as he looked at her. Her ragged clothes didn’t cover much of her pretty body. There were visible healing scars all over her hands and legs. And Victor could make out that many of them were spider bites. Her face was now much better as it healed a little. But he could tell that she was still missing an eye. This girl went through a lot. He thought as he looked at her true name.

The system usually displays the name that an individual considers his real name. But Alpha had two. The second that was fading is Louise Von Richter. She may have wanted to forget her real name.

This explains a lot. She had been a player all along. As the Von Richter’s are born players. And that also explains her crazy stats. From what he knew about her family, is that they are born players, and had monstrous stats. And on top of that their Authority would automatically go up when they reached their level cap. But they also have downsides. they level up extremely slowly as they need 100 times the experience needed for a normal player.

For one reason or another, her Bloodline was locked, so she couldn’t use her powers and was sold as a slave to Titus. Whose memory manipulation did not affect her.

“Do you know your sister's original identities? Titus erased their memories, but yours seems intact.” Victor said, trying to get her to open up from another angle.

Alpha frowned. then shook her head.

“When I met them their memories were already erased.” She answered shortly, but Victor could see that

“I see,” He said.

“I wanted to ask you. Should I call you Alpha or Louise?” He asked. Deciding to stop playing games.

Alpha was shocked as she glared at him. With some fear in her eyes this time.

“How did you know?” She asked.

“A SECRET,” He said with a smile. Making Alpha shoot him a glare then starts to inspect him as if she was searching for an answer to her question.

“You know that I can cause you unimaginable pain by a flick of my hand right?” He asked.

Alpha didn’t answer.

“Or I could turn you over to those guys. The Council has a really big reward on any alive Von Richter family members.” He said.

“You have to get out of this dungeon alive first.” she spat at him.

“Don’t worry about that. There is a very capable warrior who is working on that.” He said, “Have you ever heard of the term Scion?”

This time Alpha was scared. If a scion was clearing the dungeon, it was meant to be cleared. And if she goes out, she is doomed. Those guys would not let her die easily. They would use her for ages to integrate her family's bloodline into theirs.

Victor could easily feel her distress.

“I don’t need to, but let’s make a deal. I will hide you and help you get stronger. And maybe give you a chance for revenge. And in return, you would be my obedient servant.” He said. He didn’t like forcing people to serve him. All controlling mechanisms have solutions from soul lock’s to slaving artifacts. But if those girls truly follow him, he would fear nothing.

Alpha looked at his eyes and could feel that he was honest, but she still didn’t like him.

“I don’t care about those. Just promise that You won't do anything sexual to me or my sisters. And that you would let them have a normal life.” She said sternly. She didn’t care about herself. The moment she leaves the dungeon, she is dead. But she wanted to guarantee a better life for her sisters.

“I will give them the choice about everything, and respect their choices.” He said.

She thought for a moment then nodded. She knew that he didn’t need to promise her. But this shows that he had no malicious intent toward her.

Victor slowly left his chair and sat on the ground beside her, looking her in the resolved eyes.

“Now tell me. How did you know about the elder dragon bloodline?”

She hesitated for a moment. Then asked.

“Promise me another thing first. That you would never make anyone from the Von Richter family your enemy.” She said.

“Not unless they became my enemies first.” He added. Making Alpha nod.

“The reason I know all these things is because of a memory transfer that I went through when I was a child.” She said as she watched Victor’s reaction.

“Ah, so you were meant to continue the family's bloodline after its demise. That explains all the skills you had on level 0.” He said.

“YOU HAVE AN APPRAISAL SKILL!!” Shouted Alpha in surprise as she pointed at him. No wonder he knew her real name.

“Yes.” Said Victor. He felt that he should expose some of his secrets to her to increase her trust.

“I was born one month before the family’s destruction. Only a few of us were chosen. We were given all the family's knowledge through a memory crystal. And they used all the skill books stored in the family's treasury on us. Only me and the few other children were sent out accompanied by guardians to raise us and teach us. While the others stayed in the base and were burnt by the patriarch with everything else when the family fell. He didn’t want anyone to fall into our enemy's hands. That’s what the man who raised me said.” She began to tell her story.

“It was all your family's fault. You were the ones who decided to conquer the world,” Said Victor.

“Lies,” Yelled Alpha emotionally. “It was all a trap. A setup by Von Zwei.” She said, making Victor frown. He never heard of such things. It was an established fact that the Von Richter were the bad guys. But hearing the story from her side, made him think of things that he never considered.

“Do you know how they did it? As you may know, the Von Zwei are also the enemies of my family.” He asked in interest.

Alpha nodded in acknowledgment,

“Twenty years ago, on new year’s eve. They activated an evil method to control some people in the family. Ordering a total of the tenth of my family’s men to start a war for world conquest and those were followed by some family factions that have always believed that we must rule the world. Another tenth who were sleeper agents for the Von Zwei also began to use the family’s powers to commit notorious acts. The patriarch and the surviving elders didn’t expect that the family was penetrated to this degree. Their response came too little too late. They sent a message to the council clarifying things as they were pacifists. So the council sent inspectors to my family to assert their claims, but those guys were from the Von Zwei family. They fabricated a report defaming us. And by the time everything became clear the council had already condemned the family and ordered its destruction. They sent a campaign headed by the Von Zwei family’s patriarch himself.”

“Former patriarch. A new one was chosen about a month ago.” Victor stated. “So you were sent outside before your families fell. Was the one who raised you also the one who taught you how to fight? And why are your stats locked?” He asked.

“Yes. The council has developed a method to track our family members. So the patriarch locked all of the states for the ones escaping to make them avoid detection. The lock can only be released by some secret family agents that were hiding in the world. When I became an adult 5 years ago, the lock wavered for just a second, and they came an hour later. The one who raised me sacrificed his life to save me. After escaping I was captured by other people though. The one’s working for that pig Baron.” She said with a mix of sadness and hatred.

“Then why is your lock only 90 locked now?”

“It was damaged when I entered the dungeon. As it tried to assert if I am a player or not. So now I am stuck. I can’t leave here without being discovered. I can’t even fully unlock it and fight for my life. And if what you said about a scion trying to clear the dungeon is true then I am screwed. So I want you to keep your promises and to kill me if they ever came for me.” She said with a little smile. As if she resolved herself to her destiny.

“Don’t worry, I can use my power as your master to lock it again or fully bypass it. But when I open it, you must be by my side, as I would use my disguise skill to hide your bloodline. “He said, making her eyes shine with a strange light. As if her will to fight has been ignited again.

“How was your family penetrated? And how did they control its members? Didn’t you have protection formations or an inquisition hall?” He really wanted to know this, as he believed that his family was next.

“It was the evilest method you could think of. Do you know the family called the Von Rosen? Those guys had a lot of women as men can’t awaken as players using their method. They were just a second-rate family that had many women that lived near my family. So there were a lot of connected marriages between us.

But those guys had been working for the Von Zwei family since the beginning. They had that evil parasite that a woman would give to her husband on their wedding bed. It would sleep in his body for ages, waiting for the right moment, to wake up and control his mind. The target would only live for 10 days after the activation.” She said, making Victor feel a shiver going down his spine.

“If the Von Rosen had such a powerful tool, why don’t they just rule the world instead of working for the Von Zwei?” He asked in fear. If he married Linda in his past life, he would have probably been infected by that parasite.”

“The Von Rosen are weak by themselves as they only have one class of players, Summoners. The one who plants the parasite must be a virgin. And she must nurture the parasite in her husband’s body for a year before it is ready to be used. So they must plan for ages before implementing such a plan. Like what they did to my family. When they found out about this too late, so the….. What?” She was surprised as Victor began to laugh again. This time more crazily as he crawled on the ground and held his belly as he laughed unable to stop.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked while wondering if this guy was just some lunatic.

“I have a fiancée from the Von Rosen family. And she just cheated on me.” He said as he laughed, making Alpha smile a little. That is really funny. That bitch would probably be cut and fed to the dogs if her family knew what she did.

Akaichi Thanks a lot for the donations !!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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