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15 hours ago
Iona, the knight who was the loyal dog of the tyrant Emperor, gave her life for him. But her lord,... Read more Iona, the knight who was the loyal dog of the tyrant Emperor, gave her life for him. But her lord, whom she trusted, abandoned her in the end, and the person who stood by her side in her death was no other than her husband.“I want to kiss you one last time.” Iona demanded on the verge of death.“I’m telling you in advance… Just in case… You won’t die and this won’t be our last kiss.”Satisfied with her non-lonely death, she closed her eyes.When Iona woke up again, she realized that she had returned to the past and her husband was again chosen to be her partner.Though her past wasn’t good, one thing she also didn’t want to change was her husband, the only success in her life. If so, she should at least turn this marriage into a ‘successful marriage’, she decided.“Lord Leroy, I will formally propose to you; Please marry me. I will definitely make you happy.”Iona was determined to repay her husband for his generosity. Just the way she wanted. Collapse Age Regression, Aristocracy, Arranged Marriage, Beautiful Female Lead, Betrayal, Calm Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Child Abuse, Childhood Love, Childhood Promise, Clever Protagonist, Cold Protagonist, Complex Family Relationships, Contracts, Cousins, Different Social Status, Early Romance, Empires, Family Conflict, Famous Parents, Famous Protagonist, Fantasy World, Female Protagonist, First Love, First-time Interc**rse, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Introverted Protagonist, Kind Love Interests, Knights, Loner Protagonist, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Loyal Subordinates, Marriage, Marriage of Convenience, Misunderstandings, Mysterious Family Background, Mysterious Past, Nobles, Older Love Interests, Popular Love Interests, Power Struggle, Pretend Lovers, Proactive Protagonist, Protagonist Falls in Love First, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Revenge, Royalty, Schemes And Conspiracies, Second Chance, Secrets, Selfless Protagonist, Slow Romance, Smart Couple, Strong to Stronger Novel for degenerates. Care to explain fellow daoist? It takes an awfully long time for anything significant to happen Oooh, I can testify that this one is really good! Watching the MC try her best at trying to get together with the Duke is very wholesome. Her family is very rage-inducing tho