Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 228

Chapter 228

Vellica fell under the direct governance of King Pantheon IV, with a mayor appointed by the king overseeing its administration, rather than being under the jurisdiction of the local landlord.

The Golden Lion Knight Order and Crimson Rose Knight Order, upon arriving in Vellica through the portal, were received by the mayor of Vellica, Powell Deleanor. Powell shuddered in fear upon learning the news of the Wolfkans' destruction of the Edencia fiefdom.

Vellica boasted a fortress and the Vellica Knight Order, a branch of the Golden Dragon Knight Order, capable of halting enemy attacks. Nevertheless, their strength alone was insufficient to repel the Wolfkans' invasion. Powell, recognizing the imminent threat, appealed for reinforcements from the Royal Capital. However, Pantheon IV sternly denied his request, leaving Vellica in a vulnerable position.

In the face of the impending threat, the reinforcements arrived in the form of the Golden Lion Knight Order and Crimson Rose Knight Order. Initially, doubts lingered about whether a Knight Order from a Count's territory could effectively thwart the Wolfkans' invasion.

However, his concerns were alleviated upon learning that Argon, the Third Young Lord of Venatia, served as the Sky God's proxy and successfully eradicated the Wolfkan groups assaulting the Venatia and Stonia fiefdoms. Filled with gratitude, he warmly welcomed the two Knight Orders.

First of all, thank you for the warm welcome.

You are here to help Vellica, so it is only natural for me to welcome you like this, Powell said.

Have you confirmed the current location of the Wolfkan group?

We checked in the morning and found that they are still at the Edencia fief.

"How long does it take to reach the Edencia fief from here?" Mu-Gun inquired.

"If you travel on horseback, you should be able to reach there by nightfall if you set out now."

"If we're arriving at night regardless, I don't see the need to endure the challenges of making the journey," Mu-Gun remarked.

"While it would be preferable to engage the enemy away from Vellica, given the circumstances, is it too much to hope for?" Mayor Powell asked cautiously.

His worry centered on the potential damage they might incur if the battle unfolded within the confines of Vellica City.

"I had intended to engage the enemy outside the city to minimize any damage to Vellica. By the way, is there a suitable location for a battle between Edencia fief and Vellica?"

"Ah, I understand. In that case, there's a long canyon area approximately five kilometers north of Vellica. Anyone coming from Edencia would have to traverse that area."

Is there perhaps a way that leads to another jurisdiction from Edencia?

"Despite the challenging terrain due to a mountain crossing, there is a route that leads to Venus," Powell stated.

Hmm, then that means that the Wolfkan group can target Venus City.

"That's valid, but wouldn't it be more probable for them to target this area, given its proximity and easier accessibility compared to Venus?" Mayor Powell hastily responded.

"You needn't worry too much; our priority will be the defense of Vellica," Mu-Gun assured, discerning Powell's concerns.

"In return, I ask that you closely monitor the situation in Venus City. If, by any chance, the Wolfkans attack Venus City, we can respond promptly," Mu-Gun added.

"Understood. We will maintain an open real-time communication network and monitor the situation," Powell agreed.

"Thank you. Additionally, could you arrange a place for us to rest until nightfall?"

Of course.

Mayor Powell summoned one of his subordinates to guide the Golden Lion Knights and the Crimson Rose Knights to Vellica's official residence. Once settled, Mu-Gun called in two members of the Golden Lion Knight Order and bestowed upon them the boon of the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell.

Diaz Heimos and Vilmoth Castro were the two knights bestowed with the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell. Mu-Gun effortlessly succeeded in applying the spell once again. Consequently, Diaz and Vilmoth unlocked their second Mana Hole, progressing to the Master Stage through the transformative process of Body Change.

The seven remaining knights, still awaiting their turn for the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, could only watch with envy as Diaz and Vilmoth ascended to the Master Stage. However, this envy was short-lived, knowing that when their turn came, they too would receive the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell and progress to the Master Stage.

The anticipation was palpable as they anxiously awaited their turn, yearning to reach the Master Stage swiftly. Mu-Gun understood their impatience, yet the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell demanded a significant amount of time. The process could only unfold for two or three individuals each day, setting a practical limit.

Mu-Gun saw no need to hasten the process. At the latest, it would only take a few more days. He was facilitating their advancement to the Master Stage, and those who couldn't endure the brief wait were not deemed fit to receive the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell.

Regardless, after bestowing the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell upon two more knights, Mu-Gun summoned Schwartz, the Captain of the Golden Lion Knight Order.

Well, I have been thinking about it, but I think it would be better for us to defend both places.

"Do you mean both Vellica and Venus City?

Thats right.

But how are we supposed to defend both places?

The Golden Lion Knight Order and Crimson Rose Knight Order will defend the canyon that leads to Vellica City, and I will go over to Venus City to defend it.

Hmm, I dont know if we can stop the Wolfkan group by ourselves.

There are five Master Stage Knights here, so you all will be more than enough to stop them.

A Master Stage Knight possessed the strength to handle four to five hundred Wolfkans single-handedly. With five Master Stage Knights and a hundred Expert Stage Knights, it wasn't an insurmountable task to thwart an onslaught of over three thousand Wolfkans.

Nevertheless, the situation carried inherent risks, given that the Master Stage Knights present were not yet fully seasoned. If equipped with E-Class Knight Armor, the Master Stage Knights could dispatch the Wolfkans with greater ease. Unfortunately, the Golden Lion Knight Order only had access to C-Class Knight Armors.

"Even so, won't it be dangerous for us alone? Without the presence of the Third Young Lord, the knights might be significantly unsettled," Schwartz voiced his apprehension.

The Golden Lion Knight Order and Crimson Rose Knight Order could confidently confront the Wolfkans despite their modest numbers because they wholeheartedly believed in Mu-Gun. Mu-Gun possessed the capability to single-handedly eradicate the Wolfkan group.

Their willingness to journey to Vellica City stemmed from their conviction that Mu-Gun's presence ensured safety. However, if Mu-Gun opted to move independently to safeguard Venus City, especially considering the absence of the Golden Lion Knights, the Crimson Rose Knights would likely grow uneasy. There was a high probability that they might abandon the defense of Vellica City and choose to retreat.

Wait! I dont necessarily have to wait for the Wolfkan group. I can just go to their location.

Mu-Gun contemplated an alternative strategy. The Wolfkan group was presently at the Edencia fief. Traveling on horseback from Vellica to Venus City would take a day, but if Mu-Gun fully unleashed the Thunder God's Shadow, he could reach Edencia in less than two hours.

Given the uncertainty about whether the Wolfkans would target Vellica or Venus, Mu-Gun reasoned that he could eliminate the dilemma by personally locating and exterminating them. Naturally, this approach was exclusive to Mu-Gun alone, as the other knights could not move with the same speed and precision.

"Let's proceed with this plan. The rest of you will remain on standby here. I will head to the Edencia fief alone and confront the Wolfkan group."

You want to go alone, Third Young Lord? Schwartz asked with his eyes wide open.

Why? Do you think I cant do it alone?

"I didn't mean it that way. It just bothers me that we're leaving everything to the Third Young Lord, even though some of us have gained significant power," Schwartz said with a wry smile, expressing his concerns.

"If it were possible, I'd prefer to fight alongside you, but this is the most effective way to safeguard both Vellica and Venus City. Besides, all of you will have crucial roles to play in the future, so please adhere to my instructions this time."


"But it will take over half a day on horseback from here to the Edencia fief. Is that okay? I'm concerned that the Wolfkan group might have already initiated their advance by the time the Third Young Lord reaches Edencia," Gilford expressed his doubts.

You dont have to worry about that. I can arrive at Edencia before sunset.

Gilford nodded at Mu-Guns words without any doubt.

The sun would set in approximately two hours. Mu-Gun's assertion of reaching the Edencia fief before sunset might have seemed implausible if it were someone else's claim.

However, with Mu-Gun, the Sky God's proxy, making the claim, the narrative took on a different tone. If Mu-Gun asserted that he could achieve it, it appeared as though anything might be possible.

"I apologize. You generously bestowed power upon us, yet we find ourselves unable to be of any assistance," Diaz, having reached the Master Stage, expressed his remorse.

Dont worry, I will work you to your bones from now on. Dont resent me then.

Diaz chuckled at Mu-Guns joke.[1]

Well then, Ill be back.

Please be careful.

Mu-Gun departed from Vellica City, and the Golden Lion Knight Order saw him off as he headed to the Edencia fief. Once beyond the city limits, he harnessed all his power and unleashed the Thunder God's Shadow. Consequently, he reached Edencia Castle before the sun dipped below the horizon.

Edencia Castle lay in complete ruin. The surroundings were littered with gruesomely torn-apart corpses. The victims seemed to have had their insides ripped out, a grim testament to the Wolfkans' savage consumption.

The horrendous sight was like a scene from hell.

The Wolfkan group, responsible for the nightmarish scene, lounged and slept within the castle. Guards, Wolfkans positioned in every direction, were on alert, yet their senses failed to detect Mu-Gun. He seamlessly assimilated with nature, concealing his presence entirely.

Without hesitation, Mu-Gun soared toward the location where the Wolfkan group had assembled, unleashing the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst. A myriad of a thousand golden Thunderbolt Swords cascaded from the sky onto the unsuspecting Wolfkan group.

The defenseless Wolfkan group was powerless to evade the onslaught of golden Thunderbolt Swords, and their heads and torsos bore the brunt of the assault. Unable to withstand the formidable force of the Thunderbolt Swords, the Wolfkans' massive bodies erupted in various directions.

The Thunderbolt Swords descended upon the ground, unleashing a surge of golden lightning that enveloped the surroundings. The golden lightning, emanating from a thousand Thunderbolt Swords, extended over dozens of feet. The Wolfkan group found themselves immobilized and defenseless within the tumultuous current of lightning.

The lightning wave that blanketed the ground lacked the potency to instantly kill the Wolfkans. However, it proved formidable enough to immobilize their bodies. Apart from the Wolfkans whose heads and bodies detonated upon direct impact with the myriad Thunderbolt Swords, the remaining members of the group were stunned by the residual wave of lightning, rendering them temporarily motionless.

Mu-Gun conjured one hundred Thunderbolt Swords, propelling them toward the direction of the immobilized Wolfkans. Moving at a speed imperceptible to the naked eye, the one hundred Thunderbolt Swords pierced the heads of the stunned Wolfkans one after another.

The Wolfkans crumpled en masse like withered straws, succumbing to the overwhelming assault. Before long, not a single Wolfkan remained standinga literal annihilation. Despite effortlessly dispatching every Wolfkan, Mu-Gun refrained from an immediate return, recognizing that there was still work to be addressed here.

Mu-Gun's purpose was clearto collect the Wolfkans' Mana Hearts. If accompanied by the Golden Lion Knight Order and the Crimson Rose Knight Order, he would have delegated the task to them. However, being alone at present, he had no choice but to undertake the tedious process himself. Annoying and cumbersome as it was, Mu-Gun painstakingly extracted the Mana Hearts from the corpses of the Wolfkans one by one.

Many Wolfkans had been torn asunder by Mu-Gun's formidable assaults, rendering their corpses mangled and difficult to discern. Yet, remarkably, their Mana Hearts remained intact. The staggering tally of collected Mana Hearts exceeded three thousand and five hundred.

While an individual Mana Heart could easily fit within his fist, the challenge lay in transporting the vast quantity of three thousand and five hundred Mana Hearts. Fortunately, Mu-Gun possessed a method to transport them all efficiently.

Mu-Gun's solution came in the form of a Magic Backpack, inscribed with Space Expansion Magic and Weight Reduction Magic. This enchanted backpack could now accommodate ten times its original capacity, thanks to the Space Expansion Magic, while simultaneously reducing the weight to one-tenth of its original heft through the Weight Reduction Magic. With this magical backpack, there would still be ample space even after stowing all three thousand and five hundred Wolfkan Mana Hearts inside.

Mu-Gun marveled at the magical advancements on the Avalon Continent. While its magic prowess shone in combat, it also brought numerous conveniences to daily life. Given the chance, Mu-Gun aspired to learn the Avalon Continent's magic and introduce it to the Central Plains. Though there might be some side effects, he believed the benefits would outweigh the drawbacks once magic spread to the Central Plains.

The challenge lay in the fact that the magical equipment on the Avalon Continent primarily relied on Mana Hearts for power. Even if Mu-Gun mastered magic, replicating these conveniences in the Central Plains, where Mana Hearts were non-existent, proved to be an insurmountable obstacle.

Fully cognizant of this limitation, Mu-Gun assigned minimal significance to learning magic. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford the luxury of diverting his attention away from the imminent threat of the Demon God. His priority remained on bolstering his own power for the impending confrontation.

Having successfully exterminated the Wolfkan group and collected their Mana Hearts, Mu-Gun returned to Vellica City.

1. I am pretty damn sure this is not a joke. Mu-Gun is not someone who would joke about something like this. Sir Diaz, bro, you are doomed.

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