Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

The Thunderbolt Sword, which was over fifty meters long, astonished the eleven knights watching in the distance. In one fell swoop, it decimated the Alpha Whiteliger.

I saw that first hand, but I still cant believe it, Philford said in amazement. Although he knew that Mu-Gun had reached the God Master rank, the attack he used was still shocking.

Took the words right out of my mouth. I thought he was a Grand Master, but now that I have seen what hes capable of, he is without a doubt a God Master, Denion said with certainty.

Why dont we save admiring Lord Argon later and deal with the threat first? Schwartz suggested.

Good point. We can talk after we have gotten rid of the Whiteligers.

Philford and Denion immediately summoned their Chevalier Armor. Schwartz and the other Master-rank knights followed suit. Together, they headed straight to the castle.

Although shocked by their alphas death, the Whiteligers quickly regained their composure and rushed at Mu-Gun. In retaliation, Mu-Gun launched a gigantic fifty-meter Thunderbolt Sword into the sky and dropped it on his opponents, crushing and blowing apart dozens before they could even lift a paw.

Without missing even a moment, Mu-Gun turned the blade of the Thunderbolt Sword around and swung it in a wide arc, destroying all the buildings within the castle and the Whiteligers in its path.

The Whiteligers retreated instead of confronting Mu-Guns attack head-on, but it did not take long for them to realize that the other sides situation was not much better. Eleven knights, all in Chevalier Armor, were storming right toward them.

The knights assumed a wide formation as they attacked the Whiteligers. Their Aura, amplified by the Chevalier Sword, enveloped the area and gushed toward the monsters. The Whiteligers instinctively realized that they could not stop the knights offensive, but they had nowhere to retreat to now. After all, the huge Thunderbolt Sword was still raging behind them, unleashing waves of lightning.

The Whiteligers charged toward the knights, perhaps judging that it was still better to deal with the eleven knights than Mu-Gun. Layers of magic force fields rose from their pure-white fur, which seemed ill-fitted for monsters. At the same time, they retaliated by striking their opponents with their front paws.

The pure-white energy enveloping their paws stretched out like a whip, clashing head-on with the Aura pouring in from the front. Although the knights were individually stronger, the Whiteligers had superior numbers. Nevertheless, amid the continuous explosions, the knights Aura eventually broke through the Whiteligers defenses.

Struck by the torrent of Aura, the Whiteligers were blasted back. The impact made them stumble and prevented them from properly getting back up. Fortunately for them, the magic force fields surrounding them reduced the impact. Otherwise, they would have been torn apart.

The eleven knights pushed forward and bombarded the Whiteligers with attacks again, giving them no time to recover from the shock. With the second wave of Aura storms looming over them, the Whiteligers no longer dared to retaliate and instead focused on defense. Acting as their shield, the pure-white magic force fields they had conjured protected them.

The knights Aura repeatedly struck the Whiteligers barriers, shattering them to pieces, and shot toward the monsters. The Whiteligers frantically jumped to the side to avoid the Aura, but the knights attack had such a wide range that dodging proved useless.

The Whiteligers fell in droves. The knights Aura tore through their skin, which was so hard and thick that it was resistant to most Aura, as if it was nothing more than a piece of paper. It then ripped apart their insides, fatally wounding and killing more than half of the Whiteligers. Those that managed to get out of harms way or were only lightly injured immediately pounced on the knights.

The energy their front paw unleashed struck the Master-rank knights Chevalier Armor, the impact pushing them back. However, they seemed to have only sustained minimal damage. Considering the Chevalier Armor was capable of withstanding the Aura of an Expert-rank knight, the Whiteligers attacks were far from enough to pierce them.

Unlike the others, Philford and Denion easily avoided the Whiteligers attacks. They then quickly flanked their opponents and swung their Chevalier Sword.

Philford unleashed an Aura storm, and Denion sent out a giant wave of crescent-shaped Aura. Their attacks engulfed the Whiteligers from either side, the ensuing explosion sending tremors through the castle. The monsters were left lying on the ground in the aftermath, torn apart and gasping for air.

Critically wounded, the Whiteligers had difficulties getting back up. However, monsters had extremely fast regeneration by nature. They could quickly recover even from fatal injuries. Hence, when fighting with one, ensuring they had stopped breathing was essential.

That was why the knights immediately approached and thrust their swords into their opponents heads, smashing their heads to pieces. Not even the monsters amazing regenerative powers could heal them from decapitation.

Finding no need to step in, Mu-Gun instead watched them from one corner and pondered about how to increase his strength. He was certainly strong enough if he was just going to fight monsters, but he would have to be two to three times more powerful to defeat the Demon God. Unfortunately, he could no longer grow stronger through conventional means.

To increase his strength, Mu-Gun would have to absorb divinity. Beings who had obtained divinity could absorb the divinity of other beings, allowing them to grow stronger depending on the amount they absorbed. The problem was that beings who had divinity were rare.

In addition, there was no guarantee that Mu-Gun would win even if he met such a being. If they were on his side, he would not even be able to absorb their divinity.

Do I have no other choice but to hunt dragons?'

Dragonsbeings referred to as the strongest creatures in all of Avalon. The Ancient Gods who created Avalon granted the dragons divinity and ordered them to protect the continent. Heeding their orders, the dragons defended Avalon from the Hell Realm.

However, after countless millennia, the Ancient Gods went extinct. The dragons gradually neglected their mission, and the Hell Realm dominated their spirit, driving Avalon to the brink of destruction.

At that moment, Avalons Three Holy GodsSky God Yupir, Armor God Titan, and Spirit God Vaharasent their incarnations and saved the continent from the threat of the Demon God and the dragons.

Most of the dragons were exterminated for siding with the Demon God and neglecting their duties as Avalons guardians. Those who survived were confined beyond the great mountain ranges that surrounded Avalon. Trapped in the boundaries of the Gods, they had been struggling to escape for thousands of years already, but they had yet to free themselves.

Hence, to hunt dragons, Mu-Gun would have to travel beyond the mountain ranges. Considering the Demon God was trying to destroy Avalon by brainwashing the monsters that resided in the great mountain ranges, perhaps their demonic influence could reach the dragons. If he was going to proceed with this plan, he also had to consider preemptively killing the monsters before they could descend the mountains and start hurting humans.

Mu-Gun decided to defeat all the monsters attacking the kingdoms of Avalon before giving the idea some thought. He also had to figure out how to obtain the divinity of the Armor God Titan and Spirit God Vahara anyway.

The Armor God Titan was the creator of the Chevalier Armor that the knights of Avalon wore. According to the legends, the Armor God Titan forged the Devil Slayerthe strongest Chevalier Armorfor the battle against the Demon God. Its wearer could allegedly use Titans divinity, which was imbued in it, through synchronization.

Acquiring it should give Mu-Gun a much stronger divinity than he currently did, which in turn would allow him to exert even more power. No one knew where it was sealed, though, which meant he had no way to obtain it.

Fortunately, there was a chance for him to obtain Spirit God Vaharas divinity if he contracted with the Spirit Kings, to whom Vahara granted their divinity. However, forming a contract with them and achieving Spirit Harmonization was a hard feat to achieve.

To form a contract with a Spirit King, Mu-Gun would first have to learn Spirit Arts, which were unique to a demi-human race of Avalon known as elves. They rarely taught it to humans, but Mu-Gun decided to give it a try anyway. He had to meet the elves first, though. Since they lived in the great mountain ranges, he would still have gone to the mountains even if not for the monsters.

As Mu-Gun pondered about what was to come, the knights killed the last of the Whiteligers.

Thank you for your hard work. Mu-Gun cheered the knights approaching him. They had removed their Chevalier Armor.

We only managed to wipe them out because you killed the alpha, Denion replied.

Sir Denion is right. If the Alpha Whiteliger used the Howl of Madness, we would have struggled. We still would have had nothing to worry about, though, because we have you with us, Philford added.

We are not done yet. We are running out of time to wipe out the remaining streaks. We should leave now.

The knights nodded. Not long after, they used the movement art they learned from Mu-Gun to reach the next Whiteliger streak, cutting down their travel time. Upon reaching Levant City, which was to the east of Delphinias royal capital, Mu-Gun and his party rested and recovered the Mana they exhausted by keeping their movement art active for over two hours.

After recuperating, they attacked the Whiteligers gathered in Levant City using the same tactic they used before. Mu-Gun would kill the alpha with a golden Thunderbolt Sword, then the knights would annihilate the rest.

After massacring the monsters that destroyed Levant City, Mu-Gun and his party headed to the next city without taking a break, where they proceeded to employ the same strategy. Not long after, the only Whiteligers left were the ones occupying Labess City, which was to the west of the royal capital.

Instead of recapturing Labess City, however, Mu-Gun and his party went back to the royal capital first. Since it was already getting dark, if they headed to Labess City now and missed the advancing Whiteligers, the royal capital would fall into danger.

By the time Mu-Gun and the knights arrived, it was already dark. Fortunately, they could not see any Whiteligers yet. Relieved, they focused on recovering their Mana, which they had exhausted again.

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