Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

During Philford's absence in the Kraiss Kingdom, Mu-Gun headed to Pantheons Royal Capital. Upon arrival, he sought an audience with Pantheon IV.

"After sending Elena back, why do you seek an audience with me?" Pantheon IV inquired, expressing his disapproval.

"As I've emphasized before, my sole focus must be on thwarting the Demon God. Private matters such as marriage demand time I can't spare. Halting the Demon God is synonymous with safeguarding Avalon, and by extension, it equates to protecting Pantheon. Therefore, everything I'm engaged in is for the greater good of Pantheon. I trust you'll comprehend this with a generous heart, Your Majesty."

At Mu-Guns polite words, Pantheon IV no longer nitpicked on it.

Fine, I will no longer mention that matter.

Thank you, Your Majesty.

So, why did you ask to see me today?

I came to seek an audience with you because I have a favor to ask you regarding stopping the Demon God, Your Majesty.

What kind of request is it?

I intend to go into the Patagon Mountain Range soon and wipe out the high-ranked monsters.

You want to enter the Patagon Mountain Range?

Yes. However, I hope to receive reinforcements from the Golden Dragon Knights, as the Golden Lion Knights and I alone are not enough.

The Golden Dragon Knights? If I deploy them to the Patagon Mountain Range, who will protect the Capital?

"In the event of establishing the Anti-Demon God Alliance, all nations in Avalon will sign a nonaggression treaty, alleviating concerns about external invasions. Naturally, the monsters won't emerge from the Patagon Mountain Range to assail the kingdom. Even without the Golden Dragon Order, there will be no imminent threat to the Royal Capital," Mu-Gun reassured.

"However, if the Golden Dragon Knights venture into the Patagon Mountain Range and incur substantial losses, the power of the Pantheon Kingdom will be diminished accordingly. Have you considered deploying knights from the other fiefdoms instead of relying on the Golden Dragon Order?"

With all due respect, do you feel the same way as His Majesty too, Sir Walter? Mu-Gun asked Walter Samuel, the Golden Dragon Orders Knight Captain, who was also present in the throne room.

Your Majesty! As Young Lord Argon said, I think it would be better for the Golden Dragon Knights to participate in the cleanup operation of the monsters in the Patagon Mountain Range.


"The monsters in the Patagon Mountain Range wield formidable power. Even for the Golden Dragon Order, the strongest Knight Order in the Pantheon Kingdom, they would pose a significant challenge. Attempting to eradicate them with knights from other fiefdoms would be nearly impossible. Moreover, excluding the Golden Dragon Knights and compelling others to take part might breed discontent among the fief lords."

As I have already said, if the Golden Dragon Order suffers losses, the Pantheon Kingdoms power will also be weakened.

I beg your pardon, but the Golden Dragon Order exists not to be protected like flowers in a greenhouse, rather, they exist to protect Pantheon. The Golden Dragon Knights are prepared to take any risks to protect Pantheon and Avalon. So, please allow the Golden Dragon Order to participate. Walter said firmly.

What do you think, Sir Leon? Instead of making the decision, Pantheon IV sought Leons opinion.

"I share Sir Walter's sentiments as well. Considering the historical precedent when the Demon God descended, the monsters' invasion is unlikely to cease with just this occurrence. Furthermore, in the next onslaught, Pantheon will face high-ranked monsters more formidable than the Wolfkans. If that transpires, the Pantheon Kingdom will endure far greater losses than this time. It would be advantageous for us to proactively enter the Patagon Mountain Range and eliminate the monsters before such a scenario unfolds. Given the formidable power of the monsters in the Patagon Mountain Range, the Golden Dragon Order, Pantheon's most potent Knight Order, must be involved," Leon articulated.

Is that so? If that is what everyone thinks, I will allow the Golden Dragon Order to participate. Pantheon IV ordered.

Thank you for your resolute decision, Your Majesty. Mu-Gun expressed gratitude to Pantheon IV.

However, given that the matters regarding the Anti-Demon God Alliance are being discussed, I wonder if it is fine for us to move arbitrarily. Pantheon IV opined.

"You needn't be concerned about that. I've already conferred with Emperor Pamar IV during my recent visit to the Pamar Empire. Once the Anti-Demon God Alliance is established, there will be a coordinated operation to eliminate monsters in the expansive mountain ranges encircling Avalon. The Pamar Empire will serve as the central hub for this operation, and the assault on the Patagon Mountain Range is an integral part of this broader plan."

So, it was already planned all along. I was merely following what you and Emperor Pamar IV had decided. Pantheon IV said with dissatisfaction.

"The decision to assault the Patagon Mountain Range wasn't made in my capacity as a vassal of the Pantheon Kingdom but as Gods Representative. Additionally, I sought the support of the Golden Dragon Order in my role as Gods Representative. Your Majesty, I hold great respect for you as the King of Pantheon. However, fulfilling the mission bestowed by the Sky God takes precedence over the authority of a king. I trust you'll keep that in mind."

Mu-Gun harbored displeasure toward Pantheon IV, who wielded his authority merely because he held the title of King. If circumstances allowed, Mu-Gun wished he could assert control over Pantheon IV and steer everything according to his own preferences.

However, Mu-Gun restrained himself from acting solely based on personal preferences. He acknowledged that he was not a native of Avalon but rather an individual destined to return to his original world after vanquishing the Demon God. It seemed prudent for him to refrain from taking actions that might alter the fate of those who would remain in this world after his departure.

Mu-Gun recognized the need for particular caution in matters that could impact royal authority or the territorial integrity of the continent. Despite his dislike for Pantheon IV's attitude, Mu-Gun exerted effort to overlook it. Nevertheless, if Pantheon IV posed a direct threat, Mu-Gun would not hesitate to take decisive action without mercy.

I know how heavy the mission and hardship you are shouldering as Gods Representative. I fully understand, so dont worry.

Thank you.

But are you planning to bring everyone in the Golden Dragon Order? Pantheon IV asked.

"I had intended to inform you. The forthcoming monster cleanup operation entails substantial risk to their lives. I'm inclined to include only those who willingly choose to participate rather than enforcing their involvement. Hence, I'll be recruiting volunteers solely from the Golden Dragon Order," Mu-Gun explained.

What if no one volunteers?

If it is the Golden Dragon Order, which the Pantheon Kingdom is so proud of, something like that will never happen.

"As you rightly point out, the Golden Dragon Order, symbolizing the Pantheon Kingdom, possesses a commendable sense of duty. I find myself intrigued as well. I wonder how many from the Golden Dragon Knights will step forward. What are your thoughts, Sir Walter?" Pantheon IV inquired with interest, turning to Walter for his opinion.

I believe at least fifty people will volunteer, Walter replied.

The Golden Dragon Order had about two hundred members. Fifty would be a quarter of their total number.

Isnt fifty people too little? Pantheon IV said, seemingly unimpressed.

I think thats the minimum number of people. The actual number of volunteers will be higher.

Of course it should. You should explain this cleanup operation to the Golden Dragon Knights and ask for volunteers who are willing to enter the Patagon Mountain Range, Sir Walter. Pantheon IV commanded.

I will carry out your orders right away.

Walter exited the throne room following Pantheon IV's directives. Immediately afterward, he gathered the Golden Dragon Knights and briefed them on the impending monster cleanup operation. After detailing the mission, he sought to ascertain the number of volunteers willing to partake in the assault on the Patagon Mountain Range.

In the aftermath, a total of seventy-two knights declared their intent to participate in the monster cleanup operation in the Patagon Mountain Range. Notably, among the volunteers were four Master Rank Knights.

Walter emphasized the perilous nature of entering the Patagon Mountain Range, warning the volunteers that survival was uncertain. Even after this cautionary message, all seventy-two volunteers remained resolute in their decision. Consequently, Walter resolved to venture into the Patagon Mountain Range with the entire group. He refrained from addressing the knights who opted not to volunteer for the monster cleanup operation, leaving their choices unremarked.

Yet, Walter couldn't conceal his disappointment. In his view, a knight ought to be unwaveringly loyal to their king and prepared to sacrifice their lives in the service of protecting the world. Those who declined to join the operation seemed to prioritize personal safety over the fundamental duty of a knight.

While Walter wasn't pleased with their attitude, he recognized the impracticality of coercion, as Mu-Gun had emphasized. After tallying the number of individuals committed to entering the Patagon Mountain Range, Walter promptly reported the details to Pantheon IV.

Pantheon IV, too, expressed his disappointment at the fewer-than-expected number of volunteers, momentarily forgetting his earlier decision to withhold the Golden Dragon Knights for the safety of the Royal Capital. Mu-Gun, who was present, also took note of the number of volunteers.

Unlike Pantheon IV, Mu-Gun did not express disappointment. Recognizing that the Golden Dragon Knights were primarily in the Advanced or Distinguished Expert Rank, he understood the challenges they would face against the formidable high-ranked monsters in the Patagon Mountain Range.

Indeed, the quantity of participating knights was not the foremost concern. The critical factor lay in choosing individuals willing to risk their lives to safeguard Avalon. Moreover, with Walter, the Grand Master, and the four Master Knightsrepresenting over ninety percent of the Golden Dragon Order's strengthjoining the operation, the actual number of participants became less significant.

Following discussions with Walter, they settled on entering the Patagon Mountain Range in ten days. Subsequently, Mu-Gun returned to Venatia. As the appointed day arrived, the Golden Dragon Knights assembled at the Evelyn fiefdom, situated adjacent to the Patagon Mountain Range.

* * *

While Mu-Gun made preparations for the Patagon Mountain Range expedition in Venatia, the Pamar Empire dispatched envoys to the six kingdoms. Their mission was to relay information about the impending threat of the Demon God and propose the establishment of the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

Convincing the six kingdoms of the Demon God's descent solely through words would be challenging. However, the widespread invasion of monsters and the emergence of Gods Representative provided crucial evidence supporting the imminent arrival of the Demon God.

The six kingdoms harbored no doubt regarding the descent of the Demon God and unanimously acknowledged the necessity of an Anti-Demon God Alliance. Consequently, they concurred to convene a summit in the Imperial City of the Pamar Empire, per the Pamar Empires proposal.

Subsequently, the Emperor of the Pamar Empire, Pamar IV, along with the Kings of the six kingdoms, convened in a summit. They reached a consensus to establish the Anti-Demon God Alliance, designating Emperor Pamar IV as its chairman. Negotiations might have proven challenging if the Pantheon Kingdom, affiliated with Argon, had attempted to take the lead. However, given the prior agreement with Mu-Gun, Pantheon IV backed Pamar IV as the chairman of the Anti-Demon God Alliance.

Upon assuming the role of chairman for the Anti-Demon God Alliance, Pamar IV proposed his plan to the Kings of the six kingdoms. His proposal entailed launching an operation to eradicate the monsters within the four great mountain ranges encircling Avalon.

Except for Pantheon IV, the Kings of the other five kingdoms expressed disagreement with Pamar IVs proposal. In response, Pamar IV elaborated on the rationale behind entering the four mountain ranges to eliminate the monsters. He assured that the Pamar Empire would deploy its most elite knights, including Grand Masters and Masters, as reinforcements for the operation.

As the Pamar Empire emphasized its unwavering commitment to the monster cleanup operation in the four mountain ranges, the initially resistant Kings of the five kingdoms began to reconsider their stance.

Initially, they harbored suspicions that the Pamar Empire sought to leverage its position as the chairman of the Anti-Demon God Alliance to impose the cleanup operation on the six kingdoms. Concerns arose that the Pamar Empire aimed to weaken the power of the other kingdoms, potentially intending to dominate the entire Avalon Continent in the future.

Upon learning that the Pamar Empire was committing its finest forces to the operation, the Kings of the six kingdoms discerned that their initial suspicions were unfounded. It became apparent that the Pamar Empire was genuinely taking a proactive stance to safeguard Avalon. Consequently, the Kings of the six kingdoms embraced Pamar IVs proposal and resolved to deploy their elite forces for the monster cleanup operation in the four great mountain ranges.

The united Anti-Demon God Alliance, having reached a unanimous decision, turned their attention to the distribution of their forces. To commence, the Pantheon Kingdom volunteered to lead the efforts in the Patagon Mountain Range. Acknowledging the magnitude of the task at hand, the Pantheon Kingdom recognized that attacking the Patagon Mountain Range alone was beyond their current capabilities.

Yet, the Pantheon Kingdom possessed the formidable presence of Mu-Gun, the Gods Representative. The other kingdoms couldn't help but harbor envy toward the Pantheon Kingdom, given their affiliation with Gods Representative. Pantheon IV, sensing the envy in the gazes of the other Kings, felt a certain satisfaction at the recognition of his kingdom's unique advantage.

With Gods Representative leading the way, the Pantheon Kingdom took on the responsibility of attacking the Patagon Mountain Range. Simultaneously, the Pamar Empire opted to tackle the Logan Mountain Range in the south and the Anders Mountain Range in the east. However, recognizing the magnitude of the task, they enlisted the Valencia Kingdom to join the assault on the Logan Mountain Range and the Albion Kingdom to collaborate in the attack on the Anders Mountain Range.

In the conclusive arrangement, the three kingdoms, including the Kraiss Kingdom, joined forces to confront the Alfne Mountain Range collectively. Having solidified the Anti-Demon God Alliance and settled on the strategy to attack the four mountain ranges, the representatives of the seven nations departed for their respective homes to commence preparations.

In the interim, Mu-Gun convened with the Crimson Dragon Knights accompanying Philford. Seventeen in number, these knights had committed to forsake their homeland and dedicate themselves entirely to combating the Demon God, all in the name of safeguarding Avalon.

Mu-Gun scrutinized each Crimson Dragon Knight individually. He harbored concerns that Philford might have divulged information about the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell, potentially influencing their decision to join. However, judging by the determination reflected in their gazes and facial expressions, it appeared that this was not the case.

Sir Philford may have already confirmed it with you guys, but let me ask you all again. Are you all willing to put the protection of Avalon first, regardless of anything else?


Will you be able to confront any risks without hesitation to stop the Demon God? Mu-Gun continued asking.

We are determined to die if need be. The knights shouted in response.

We will gladly give up our lives. They continued answering without hesitation.

Great. I will put my trust in the determination you have shown me.

Mu-Gun decided to bestow the Thunder God Enlightenment Spell upon the seventeen knights. Following this, he intended to unite the twelve Golden Lion Knights and the seventeen Crimson Dragon Knights to establish the Avalon Order, with Philford appointed as the Knight Captain.

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