Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Upon Mu-Guns Golden Thunder God Star, stretching so wide it draped the entire mountain peak, the Flame Breath from the Wyvern horde erupted, creating a resounding thunderous blast.

Deflecting and scattering Flame Breaths in every direction, the Golden Thunder God Star stood impervious. Following the defensive act, Mu-Gun transformed Thunder Qi into numerous Thunderbolt Swords, unleashing them into the sky. Hundreds of golden Thunderbolt Swords cascaded down toward the Wyverns, prompting the creatures to swiftly ascend and evade the incoming onslaught.

Yet, the Thunderbolt Swords altered their trajectory, pursuing the Wyverns with uncanny precision. Flustered by the relentless pursuit, the Wyvern squirmed in an attempt to elude the Thunderbolt Swords' grasp. Despite their efforts, the swords persisted, following Mu-Gun's unwavering command and maintaining their pursuit of the evading Wyverns.

Simultaneously, the High Elves, invoking wind spirits to counter the Flame Breaths, employed these spirits in an offensive against the Wyverns. The most potent wind spirits, under the High Elves' command, sought to ensnare the Wyverns by conjuring a formidable whirlpool. However, the Wyverns were not passive in their response.

With nimble maneuvers, the Wyverns skillfully evaded the whirlwind and descended, slashing their sharp claws directly at the High Elves. The red aura emanating from the Wyverns' claws made contact with the High Elves. In a swift reaction, the elves hastily summoned wind spirits to dodge the impending danger.

Gracefully ascending into the sky, the High Elves maneuvered with an ethereal fluidity, effortlessly eluding the Wyverns' assaults. United with their wind spirits, the High Elves engaged the Wyverns while suspended in the air. Harnessing the wind's power, they soared through the skies, launching spheres and swirls of wind in a coordinated effort to assail the Wyverns.

Emitting a powerful wind storm from wings equal to their body size, the Wyverns effectively obstructed the wind spirits. Subsequently, they unleashed a formidable wave of Flame Breath, posing a direct threat to the High Elves. As the conflict unfolded, the Wyverns' relentless onslaught began to force the High Elves into a defensive retreat.

While Mu-Gun engaged the Wyverns with a Thunderbolt Sword, vigilant observation extended to the High Elves' predicament. Despite their retreat, the immediate emergence of a critical threat seemed improbable.

Additionally, the Master Knights ascended the mountain peak, completing the donning of their Chevalier Armors. While lacking the ability to fly, these armors boasted offensive magic imbued within, allowing them to merge Mana and release it akin to a Breath.

Adorned in Chevalier Armor, the Knights lent support to the High Elves with their Mana Breath. Remarkably, without explicit orders from Mu-Gun, the knights directed their Mana Breath towards the Wyverns in the sky. Emanating from the mountain's summit, the Mana Breaths targeted the Wyvern horde assaulting the High Elves. Caught off guard, the Wyverns hastily ascended to avoid the impending Mana Breaths.

Swiftly employing wind spirits, the High Elves began attacking the Wyverns' wings. Hastening their ascent, the Wyverns found themselves unable to evade, ensnared in the whirlwind stirred by the wind spirits. Disoriented and off balance, the Wyverns rapidly descended, landing unceremoniously on the mountain peak.

Attempting to recover their balance, the Wyverns ascended again, yet the High Elves seized the fleeting chance. The wind spirits persistently disrupted the Wyverns, hindering them from spreading their wings. Ultimately, the Wyverns succumbed to the interference, unable to sustain flight and crashing into the mountain peak.

As the Wyverns crashed down, an explosion resonated. Ordinarily, a fall from ten meters would wreak havoc on their bodies, but these Wyverns remained unbroken even after descending from dozens of meters. However, this resilience didn't imply they emerged unscathed from the ordeal.

The Wyverns' wings suffered complete distortion upon crashing, and they roared in pain. As the Avalon Knights and the Yupir Churchs Paladins swiftly advanced, they wasted no time in unleashing their Aura Blades collectively upon the incapacitated Wyverns.

Deprived of strength after the fall and wing damage, the Wyverns couldn't resist the knights' assault. Numerous Aura Blades converged on the Wyverns' colossal bodies, causing a significant stagger accompanied by explosive sounds. However, the knights' blades were thwarted by the Wyverns' scales, proving impervious to penetration.

Persisting in their assault, the knights relentlessly swung their Aura Blades at the Wyverns, undeterred by the initial defense. A barrage of Aura Blades struck the Wyverns' bodies, causing a gradual breakdown in their formidable defense. The magic force field shattered first, followed by the cracking of their once impervious scales.

With the magic force field gone and scales shattered, the Wyverns' exposed skin proved vulnerable to the unyielding assault of the knights' Aura Blades. The colossal bodies of the Wyverns succumbed to the blades, resulting in blood splattering. Unrelenting, the knights persisted in their onslaught, hacking the Wyverns into literal pieces until they collapsed onto the ground.

Yet, satisfaction eluded the knights; their assault persisted until they successfully crushed the Wyverns' heads. As the knights concentrated on the fallen Wyverns atop the mountain peak, Mu-Gun confronted five Wyverns single-handedly.

Nevertheless, Mu-Gun remained remarkably composed while contending with five Wyverns. With apparent ease, he casually launched a couple of Thunderbolt Swords, fending off the Wyverns' attacks effortlessly, rendering them unable to lay a hand on him.

In their attempts to shake off the Thunderbolt Swords and mount a counterattack, the Wyverns found themselves thwarted at every turn. The Thunderbolt Swords moved like an intricate web, closing off any potential attacking paths for the Wyverns. Frustrated, the Wyverns shifted focus to neutralizing the Thunderbolt Swords, recognizing it as the next feasible course of action.

Yet, even this proved to be an arduous endeavor. The Wyverns sought to deflect the Thunderbolt Swords by whipping up a windstorm with their massive wings, only to find their efforts in vain. Opting for a more direct approach, they attempted to shatter the Thunderbolt Swords with their razor-sharp claws, only to have their own paws nearly severed in the process.

Ultimately, the efforts of the Wyverns were reduced to darting from one spot to another in a bid to escape the relentless pursuit of the Thunderbolt Swords. Interestingly, Mu-Gun possessed a swift solution to vanquish the Wyverns outright. A mere summoning of the Wind Spirit King held the potential to tear the Wyverns asunder in an instant.

Nevertheless, he refrained from taking that route. The mere involvement of the High Elves in the conflict proved sufficient to dispatch the Wyverns, eliminating the necessity to summon the Wind Spirit King. Capitalizing on the Wyverns' distraction from evading Thunderbolt Swords, the High Elves directed their wind spirits towards the fleeing creatures. The wind spirits conjured a powerful whirlwind, promptly shattering the Wyverns' wings.

Once again, the Wyverns lost their balance in the air and began to plunge in the same manner as before. Subsequently, a multitude of Thunderbolt Swords surged forward like arrows aimed at the incapacitated Wyverns. Deprived of functional wings, the Wyverns found themselves compelled to face the oncoming onslaught of Thunderbolt Swords from all directions.

The Thunderbolt Swords effortlessly pierced through the Wyverns' scales and magic force field, lodging deep within their bodies. Subsequently, a potent surge of lightning was unleashed inside the Wyverns. The entire bodies of the Wyverns were immobilized by the electrical onslaught, leading to their unceremonious descent onto the mountain peak, devoid of any ability to defend.

The mountain peak trembled violently, teetering on the verge of collapse. The Wyverns resembled tattered mops, bearing the brunt of a colossal impact. Despite their ravaged state, the Wyverns persisted, breathing raggedly and clinging tenaciously to life. Their regenerative abilities proved formidable. Unhesitatingly, Mu-Gun drove a Thunderbolt Sword into their heads, swiftly ending any lingering threat to ensure their demise.

The Wyverns' heads were instantly obliterated by the Thunderbolt Swords, sealing their fate. With the Wyvern horde eradicated, Mu-Gun's party embarked on dissecting the creatures to extract their Mana Hearts. Following a brief respite, they set out towards the next mountain peak. The Wyverns had claimed multiple peaks within the Patagon Mountain Range as their territory.

The mountain peak targeted in their recent assault was merely one among the numerous territories the Wyverns occupied. Over ten mountain peaks served as the Wyverns' dwelling places. Mu-Gun's party, resolute in their mission, aimed to thoroughly eliminate the Wyvern hordes across the entirety of the Patagon Mountain Range, leaving no remnants behind.

But I wonder how things are going in the other mountain ranges, said Walter curiously.

"Dealing with high-ranked monsters would pose a formidable challenge, even with the collective prowess of all the Grand Masters in the Pamar Empire. Without Young Lord Argon and the assistance of the High Elves, tackling Drakes and Wyverns would have been a difficult task, with the potential for significant damage on our part," Philford conveyed a somewhat pessimistic perspective.

"Undoubtedly, without Young Lord Argon and the High Elves, we wouldnt have dared to launch an assault on the Wyverns. It's plausible that teams at other mountain ranges opted to abandon the attempt to attack the Wyverns and withdrew," Walter concurred with a nod.

Elves are living in other mountain ranges too. If they help, it wont be impossible to wipe out the Wyverns, said Fraus, the High Elves chief.

But I dont know if the secluded elves will join forces with humans. Paladin Rood was skeptical, citing the tendency of the elves.

The elves of the other mountain ranges will fight the monsters, just like we did. Their desire to fight against the Demon God will be the same, said Fraus confidently.

Well, we can only hope so for now.

But seeing the Drakes attacking the elves in droves, they seem to be influenced by the Demon God. The Wyverns wont be moving in large hordes too, will they? Paladin Gilphian said, feeling an ominous foreboding.

Why do you persist in uttering unfortunate things, both now and before? Aren't you aware that words are like seeds? said Walter in annoyance.

I think the seed has already taken root. Philford pointed to a spot in the sky.

From there, a Wyvern horde, seemingly in the hundreds, was seen flying toward them.

When Gilphian saw the Wyverns filling up the sky, he opened his mouth wide.

Oh my God!

"Why'd you have to jinx it?" Walter shot a resentful glare at Gilphian.

Philford stopped Walter and shouted,

Now is not the time to argue about that. Everyone, prepare for battle! All Avalon Knights, wear your Chevalier Armors!

At Philfords command, the Avalon Knights equipped their Chevalier Armors. Meanwhile, Mu-Gun and the High Elves also discovered the Wyvern horde flying over the sky.

Alicia, who stuck close to Mu-Gun and did not leave his side, said when she saw the Wyvern horde, It seems they came determined.

Its actually for the better. We dont have to look for them from mountain to mountain, we just have to wipe them all out at once.

Are you confident?

You must have forgotten who I am contracted to. Mu-Gun grinned and said.

Then, he immediately summoned the Wind Spirit King Nervatum.

-You summoned me faster than expected.

Nervatum soon emerged, his upper body resembling a giant, while his lower half consisted of a swirling vortex.

Its because the situation doesnt look good.

At Mu-Guns words, Nervatum looked over to the sky on the other side.

-Thats about a hundred Wyverns.

Can you break all their wings?

-Thats a piece of cake.

Confidently, Nervatum responded and swiftly moved towards the area where the Wyvern horde soared. Extending its hand, numerous colossal whirlwinds materialized above the Wyvern horde, descending sharply onto their wings. These immense whirlwinds tapered to a point, resembling spears. Spinning at the speed of light, their impact had the potential to shred the Wyverns' wings.

In response, the Wyverns hastily scattered, attempting to evade the sudden whirlwind that materialized out of nowhere. Those positioned at the horde's edges managed a quick escape, but those concentrated in the center couldn't avoid the sharp whirlwind. It struck their wings with spear-like precision.

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