Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

With the wind spirits scouring the Patagon Mountain Range, the confirmation came that no Wyverns remained. The eradication of intermediate-ranked monsters and high-ranked creatures, including Drakes and Wyverns, ensured that no monsters posing a threat to Avalon persisted in the Patagon Mountain Range.

The Dragons confined within God's barrier beyond the Patagon Mountain Range lingered, though they posed no imminent threat. However, the potential danger loomed should the Demon God regain its full power and dismantle God's barrier, coercing the Dragons into submission. Yet, there remained a window of opportunity before such a scenario unfolded.

Mu-Gun planned to enter God's barrier ahead of the Demon God, intending to negotiate with the Dragons before the Demon God's influence reached them. Should the Dragons reject Mu-Gun's proposal, he acknowledged the necessity of eliminating them. To accomplish this, Mu-Gun recognized the need for greater power and aimed to attain it by forming contracts with the other Spirit Kings.

To form contracts with the other Spirit Kings, Mu-Gun needed to journey to the lands of the various Elf tribes, including those settled in one of the four great mountain ranges. Seeking assistance, Mu-Gun approached Fraus, the chief of the Elves of the Wind, to facilitate connections with the other Elf tribes. Fraus readily agreed and assigned Alicia to aid Mu-Gun, with Alicia volunteering for the task.

With the exception of Alicia, the other High Elves returned to the Valley of the Wind, preparing to adjust their actions based on the Demon God's emergence. After sending the Elves of the Wind back, Mu-Gun guided the Avalon Knights and the Yupir Church's Paladins down the Patagon Mountain Range. Reuniting with the Yupir Church's priest and the Avalon Order's Expert Knights, who had stayed behind during the Wyvern eradication, Mu-Gun led the group back to the Evelyn fief.

Using the portal at Evelyn, Mu-Gun teleported to the Royal Capital of the Pantheon Kingdom. From there, he traversed to the Kraiss Kingdom, situated near the Alfne Mountain Range in the western reaches of the Avalon Continent. The selection of the Alfne Mountain Range as the next target, following the Patagon Mountain Range, was not only strategic but also influenced by Philford, the Captain of the Avalon Order, who hailed from the Kraiss Kingdom.

Meanwhile, the three kingdomsKraiss, Delphinia, and Britiatasked with the Alfne Mountain Range expedition faced significant challenges in clearing it. The shortage of Grand Masters compared to the forces in the other three mountain ranges contributed to the difficulties. The absence of Philford, the Grand Master of the Kraiss Kingdom, further compounded the challenges they encountered.

The alliance participating in the Alfne Mountain Range expedition could not even wipe out the Behemoths easily. Fortunately, the Ice Elves living in the Alfne Mountain Range supported the expedition squad. With the support of the Ice Elves, the Alfne Mountain Range expedition squad was able to hunt down the Behemoths, which they had difficulty dealing with before.

However, even with the power of the Ice Elves, they could not do much about the Drakes, which appeared after the Behemoths. Above all, because the Drakes attacked in groups rather than alone, the expedition squad was forced to retreat. The problem was that stepping back did not solve the issue. The Drakes pack began to chase down the expedition squad, descending down the Alfne Mountain Range. If they went down the Alfne Mountain Range and attacked the kingdom of humans, there was no way to stop them with their current forces.

"We have to halt the Drakes, no matter the cost. If they descend down the Alfne Mountain Range like this, the Kraiss Kingdom will be utterly devastated," Luke, a Yupir Church Paladin, emphasized.

"But stopping the Drakes pack on our own is impossible," argued Denion LaMarcia, the Grand Master of the Delphinia Kingdom.

"So, you're suggesting we abandon the Kraiss Kingdom?" Luke frowned, seeking clarification.

"Ehem, why are you taking it out on us? Besides, why should we put our lives at risk in a losing battle when Sir Philford, the Grand Master of the Kraiss Kingdom, isn't ensuring the safety of his own kingdom?" Denion retorted, expressing a sense of injustice.

"There seems to be a misunderstanding. Sir Philford left the Kraiss Kingdom temporarily to safeguard Avalon, not because he disregards his kingdom's safety," Luke clarified.

"It's absurd for a knight who can't even secure his own kingdom to attempt to protect Avalon," Denion scoffed at Luke's explanation.

"Enough! Further insults to Sir Philford will not be tolerated," Ramian Tuscany, a Master Knight from the Kraiss Kingdom, interjected.

"And who are you to decide what's tolerated? You're just a Master Knight running your mouth too much," Denion retorted, shooting an unpleasant glare at Ramian.

Despite feeling the weight of Denion's spirit bearing down on him, Ramian stood firm, clenching his fist and holding his ground.

Struggling to speak, Ramian asserted, "Sir Philford is an exemplary knight, and he's not someone you can hastily pass judgment on.

"Hmm, I've heard Sir Philford's men are fiercely loyal, and it seems to be true looking at you. Very well, I won't fault you for respecting the man you serve. I'll overlook your disrespect this time. But remember, if you act insolent in my presence again, I won't be as forgiving as I am now," Denion warned Ramian before dispersing his aura.

Continuing his address to Paladin Luke, Denion remarked, "This isn't the time for emotional judgments; we need to be rational. If we attempt to halt the Drake pack with our current forces and end up getting decimated, it won't just be the Kraiss Kingdom that suffers, but the entire Avalon would bear the brunt of the losses.

"You're absolutely correct. However, even under these circumstances, we can't abandon the people of the Kraiss Kingdom. At the very least, we must buy them time to escape to safety." Luke affirmed.

Although Paladin Luke acknowledged Denions opinion, he refused to retreat without doing anything.

"I believe following Paladin Luke's suggestion is the right course of action. As knights, it's our duty to protect the vulnerable. Even if we can't vanquish the Drake pack entirely, we can still impede their progress for a time. While there may be risks involved, the potential to save numerous lives in the Kraiss Kingdom makes it a risk worth taking," Kamel Schwarz, the Grand Master of the Britia Kingdom, supported Luke's opinion.

What do the elves think? Denion asked the Ice Elves who were with them.

"We, the Ice Elves, will stand our ground and fight against the monsters aligned with the Demon God until the end," declared Olaf Snowball, the High Elf leading the Ice Ice Elves, with unwavering determination.

While the Drakes descending down the Alfne Mountain Range and attacking the human kingdoms, including the Kraiss Kingdom, might not have been directly concerning for the Ice Elves, they understood the broader implications. In the long run, if all human kingdoms were destroyed, the monsters aligned with the Demon God would inevitably turn their attention to the land of the Elves.

Recognizing the limitations of elven power against high-ranked monsters like the Drakes, the Elves understood that even if they thwarted the immediate threat, facing the Demon God personally would be an insurmountable challenge. Their only viable option to directly confront the Demon God was to seek the assistance of the four Spirit Kings.

Unable to form a contract with the Spirit King for centuries, the elves faced a formidable challenge in acquiring the Spirit King's power immediately. In the current predicament, stopping the Demon God alone seemed insurmountable for the elves. Considering the urgency, forming a coalition with humans to combat the looming threat of the Demon God appeared to be the best course of action from the elven perspective. Additionally, having the Sky God Yupir's representative among the humans strengthened the case for collaboration.

The extent of the Sky God Yupir's representative's ability to confront the Demon God remained uncertain. However, given the current circumstances, there seemed to be no other being with the capability to challenge the Demon God except for him. While the Dragons trapped in God's barrier were a factor, their allegiance in opposing the Demon God remained unclear. Hence, the sole figure the elves could place their trust in was the representative of the Sky God Yupir.

In light of this, aligning with humans and fighting alongside them appeared to be the most prudent course of action for the Ice Elves. Olaf's response, in essence, aligned with the opinions voiced by Luke and Kamel.

Thank you for being willing to fight with us. Luke thanked Olaf.

However, Denion wore a displeased expression. He had assumed that the Ice Elves, indifferent to the losses suffered by human kingdoms, would naturally refrain from engaging the Drake pack for the humans' sake. If that were the case, Denion's viewpoint would have been reinforced.

Had the Ice Elves opted to withdraw from the battle against the Drake pack, the forces of the expedition squad would have found it impossible to withstand the Drakes even briefly. However, with the Ice Elves affirming their commitment to fight until the end, Denion's argument lost its impact.

Refusing to compromise in this situation would cast Denion as a person of limited characterone who prioritized personal safety over safeguarding Avalon.

If everyones opinions are so, I will gladly follow suit. However, we must not forget that while it is important to protect the Kraiss Kingdom, it is equally important to conserve our forces.

"Of course, I have no intention of risking my life to halt the Drake pack until the bitter end. My only request is to buy the briefest amount of time to ensure the people of the Kraiss Kingdom can reach safety. Once they're secure, we can then retreat immediately," Luke asserted, offering utmost respect to Denion, who had conceded.

Kamel instructed, Then, the Kraiss Kingdoms magicians should immediately announce the invasion of the Drake pack and instruct the people to get to safety.


The Kraiss Kingdoms magicians immediately activated their communication magic and conveyed the news to the Kraiss Kingdom.

Now that we have conveyed the news to the Kraiss Kingdom, lets discuss how to stop the Drake packs advance.

For now, I think it would be best to use the terrain to our advantage in order to stop the Drake pack. Luke responded.

How do you plan to use the topography? Denion asked.

"The Drakes are sizable creatures, which means their movements will be constrained in narrow terrain," Luke explained.

If you are talking about narrow terrains, there would be no better place than the Harens Gorge. The Kraiss Kingdoms Ramian opined.

The Harens Gorge was a long, narrow gorge that stretched from the Alfne Mountain Range to the Christ Kingdom.

The Harens Gorge would also be an advantageous location for the Ice Elves, who use ice spirits, since there is cold valley water flowing through it. Wouldnt it? Kamel nodded at Ramians remarks and asked Olaf.

Certainly, if its the Harens Gorge, we could use the ice spirits more powerfully.

At Olafs affirmation, Kamel gained confidence and continued, Then, without further consideration, let us stop the Drake pack at the Harens Gorge.

Luke agreed, Thats a good idea.

Denion did not object either, Lets do as you say.

Hence, the Alfne Mountain Range's expedition squad resolved to intercept the Drake pack at the Harens Gorge and set off in that direction. Also known as the Snake Gorge due to its lengthy canyons that twisted like serpents through a colossal cliff, the Harens Gorge featured a total of thirty-six winding paths from beginning to end.

The canyon typically ranged in width from three to forty meters, narrow enough that two or three Drakes moving together would find it cramped. However, the cliffs were too high for the Drakes to maneuver along the walls. This terrain proved ideal for halting the advance of the Drake pack. The Alfne Mountain Range's expedition squad set up camp at the entrance of the Harens Gorge, poised to intercept the approaching Drakes.

After a considerable period of lying in wait at the Harens Gorge, they suddenly felt vibrations emanating from a distance. The ground trembled as if in the grip of an earthquake, a manifestation of the approaching Drake pack.

Theyre coming, so get ready, everyone!

Upon Luke's command, the knights of the expedition squad adorned their Chevalier Armors. Meanwhile, the High Elves summoned ice spirits, enveloping themselves in an ice giant as a protective shell. Paladin Luke, alongside four Grand Masters and fourteen High Elves proficient in controlling the highest-ranked ice spirits, positioned themselves at the forefront.

"We'll initiate with Yupir's Heavenly Thunder to halt the Drake pack's movements. Once they're stunned, the rest of you should immediately launch your attacks," Luke directed.

Got it.

The Grand Masters and High Elves nodded in acknowledgment. Simultaneously, as the ground tremors heightened, a thick dust cloud ascended toward the gorge's entrance. Subsequently, dozens of Drakes leaped into the gorge's entrance.

Everyone, attack! Luke shouted and immediately unleashed Yupirs Heavenly Thunder.

The two additional Paladins joined Luke in unleashing Yupir's Heavenly Thunder. From the sky, a myriad of golden Thunderbolt Swords descended upon the Drakes entering the gorge's entrance. This onslaught was known as the Heavenly Thunder Storm Burst, another term for Yupir's Heavenly Thunder.

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