Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

The moment Eladium summoned slightly over twenty highest-ranked ice spirits, Mu-Gun sensed a significant outflow of Thunder God Qi from his body. Mu-Gun, in possession of more than thirty gajpas worth of Thunder God Qi, felt the substantial release accompanying the summoning.

Nevertheless, as the two Spirit Kings summoned slightly over twenty highest-ranked spirits, Mu-Gun noticed a considerable depletion in the vast reserve of Thunder God Qi. Considering that, if the other two Spirit Kings also entered into a contract with him, it appeared logical that he should possess no less than fifty gajpas worth of Thunder God Qi.

Fifty gapjas was equivalent to three thousand years worth of internal energy. Such an immense reservoir of internal energy was beyond the capacity of humans to harness.

Nonetheless, for those endowed with divinity, fifty gapjas worth of internal energy posed no significant limitation. The two Spirit Kings who forged a contract with Mu-Gun possessed well over fifty gapjas worth of spiritual energy. To confront the Demon God, Mu-Gun had to steadily increase his internal energy. To achieve this, he planned to regularly absorb the Mana Hearts of Drakes and Wyverns.

Meanwhile, the highest-ranked ice spirits, which rapidly exhausted Mu-Guns Thunder God Qi, materialized an ice storm, engaging the Wyverns in a confrontation. The ice spirits delved into the sides of the Wyverns, attempting to freeze their wings. In retaliation, the Wyverns, maintaining a considerable distance, unleashed Flame Breaths to fend off the encroaching ice spirits.

The ice spirits and Wyverns engaged in a fierce battle, a relentless cycle of pursuit and retreat. Eladium refrained from intervening, choosing to observe the skirmish without interference. She was well aware that her involvement would swiftly bring the confrontation to a conclusion.

However, Eladium's decision not to assist the ice spirits stemmed from a desire for their development. Spirits evolved through combat or by fulfilling their contractor's directives. The clash with the Wyverns provided a unique and valuable experience, offering the ice spirits an opportunity for substantial growth amid the intense battle.

Mu-Gun comprehended Eladium's intentions and allowed her the freedom to act as she saw fit. In a more pressing situation, he would have directed Eladium to quickly end the battle.

Yet, the situation lacked immediate urgency. The Wyverns assaulting the east and west of Albion's capital had been successfully eradicated, and matters in the north were coming to an end. The only remaining area under threat was the south, the very location where they currently stood.

There was no harm in delaying a little. Mu-Gun watched the fight between the ice spirits and the Wyverns with a relaxed mind. The ice spirits transformed into a colossal entity, ceaselessly assaulting the Wyverns wielding an ice spear in one hand and conjuring an ice storm with the other.

Using their wings, the Wyverns managed to withstand the strong wind pressure generated by the ice storm, countering with Flame Breaths. As the conflict persisted, the ice spirits introduced greater variety into their attacks. In addition to the ice storm, they created ice spheres, hurling them to detonate and freeze the entire space surrounding the Wyverns.

With each passing moment in their battle against the Wyverns, the ice spirits underwent noticeable evolution. Nevertheless, a discernible limitation persisted in their power. Despite their growing prowess, their capabilities could, at most, pose a threat to the Wyverns, yet proving difficult to inflict fatal injuries.

Ultimately, it would fall upon beings of greater power, such as Eladium or Mu-Gun, to bring a decisive conclusion to the Wyvern threat. Finally, it was the Ice Spirit King, Eladium, who took action. She stretched out her hands in the direction of the Wyverns entangled in a battle with the ice spirits.

A surge of cold energy emanated from Eladium's hands, coalescing into a massive ice spear. With a swift motion, she launched it towards the Wyverns. The ice spear sailed through the air, freezing the surrounding space entirely as it advanced. In a bid to defend itself, the Wyvern countered with a Flame Breath. However, the potency contained within the ice spear proved overwhelming, defying the Wyvern's attempts to block it.

Upon collision with the ice spear, the scorching Flame Breath, hotter than lava, solidified instantly. The once-erupting inferno, streaming from the Wyvern's mouth, swiftly froze, encapsulating the interior of the creature's mouth in a matter of moments, even as it continued to exhale Flame Breath.

Ceasing its Flame Breath abruptly, the Wyvern swiftly took flight to evade the approaching ice spear. Unyielding, the ice spear altered its trajectory, rising in pursuit of the Wyvern. In its attempt to evade sideways, the Wyvern found itself vulnerable to a forceful ice storm targeting its two wings. As the Wyvern concentrated on deflecting the ice spear, the original ice spirit engaged in the battle manifested an ice storm, assaulting the creature's wings.

Enveloped in the relentless ice storm, the Wyvern's two wings succumbed to freezing. Helplessly, with its wings immobilized, the Wyvern plummeted towards the ground. Simultaneously, an ice spear rising from below pierced the Wyvern's torso, sealing its fate.

With the ice spear lodged in his body, the Wyvern immediately fell as the cold energy froze its insides. Upon impact with the ground, the colossal body of the Wyvern frozen by the ice spear, shattered like glass.

This marked the beginning. Eladium summoned ice spears in rapid succession, launching them against the Wyverns. Powerless against this, the Wyverns were pierced and subsequently descended to the ground. Meanwhile, the ice spirits, not idle while dealing with the fallen Wyverns, actively engaged the remaining airborne adversaries.

Subjected to the relentless joint assault from the ice spirits, the Wyverns succumbed to their numerical disadvantage. Their wings froze, causing them to fall, and subsequently, their heads met the piercing ice spears of the ice spirits. In this manner, their lives were lost.

Shortly after Eladium's intervention, the Wyverns were eradicated, bringing an end to the conflict. Simultaneously, the battle in the north of the capital, where the Wind Spirit King Nervatum had offered support, also reached its conclusion.

Mu-Gun dismissed Eladium and Nervatum, sending them back to the Spirit Realm along with the highest-ranked spirits they had summoned. Upon their departure, Mu-Gun took stock of his dwindling internal energy. Only three gapjas worth of internal energy remained at his disposal.

Having depleted a substantial portion of his internal energy, which originally exceeded thirty gapjas, Mu-Gun sensed the pressing need for replenishment. He proceeded to a location where the Avalon Knights and the paladins of the Yupir Church were assembled, contemplating ways to augment his internal energy once more.

"If you had arrived a bit later, all of us might have been on our way to the underworld," remarked Luke, the Paladin Order Captain.

"Thank you all for your dedication. I wish I could have arrived sooner, but I'm bound by the limitations of having only one body," Mu-Gun conveyed, casting a somber gaze at the fallen knights who had succumbed to the Wyverns' onslaught.

"Don't blame yourself. Without you, both the Valencia and Albion Kingdoms might have turned to ashes. We safeguarded both kingdoms because of you. Ideally, it would have been better with no losses had you come earlier. Yet, given the circumstances of defending both kingdoms, no one should fault you. We certainly don't," Luke asserted firmly.

"Sir Luke is right. If you had arrived even slightly later, the damage would have been far more severe. Our losses are minimized thanks to your intervention, and we're grateful for that. Blaming you is misplaced; it's on us if blame is to be assigned, for our own shortcomings. We can't fault you for our lack of skills," Walter affirmed with a nod.

"As Sir Walter mentioned, our gratitude towards you overshadows any need for blame. You have nothing to blame yourself for," consoled Denion from the Delphinia Kingdom.

Thank you all, Mu-Gun said earnestly.

What are you thanking us for? Lets clean up this place first.

Lets do that.

Collaborating with the surviving knights, Mu-Gun retrieved the bodies of their fallen comrades and proceeded to gather the valuable Mana Hearts from the Wyverns' remains. Once the cleanup was concluded, the expedition squad that had ventured into the Anders Mountain Range made their return to the capital.

Hastily disposing of the lingering threat of Wyverns, they swiftly made their way back to the castle. Reflecting on it, the option to utilize a portal could have expedited their return considerably.

Regrettably, the Wyverns' relentless assaults had taken a toll on all portals linked to the capital, rendering them inoperable. Undeterred, the group pressed on tirelessly, marching day and night in a concerted effort to reach the capital as swiftly as possible.

Concerns loomed about the potential destruction of the capital before their return, but a collective sigh of relief escaped them upon discovering that the Wyverns had been eradicated with the assistance of Mu-Gun and his allies.

Accompanying them were the Earth Elves and Mu-Gun sought a meeting with Deckard Fabierre, the chief of the Earth Elves. Mu-Gun expressed his desire for a spirit contract with Nordic, the Earth Spirit King. Deckard, aware of Mu-Gun's existing contracts with two Spirit Kings, understood that such a contract was only possible for the chosen one.

Mu-Gun's extraordinary feat of signing contracts with two Spirit Kings, an unprecedented accomplishment, left a lasting impression. Combined with his role as the representative of the Sky God Yupir, Deckard became convinced that Mu-Gun was a chosen being, designated by the Gods to thwart the impending threat of the Demon God.

Embracing the conviction of Mu-Gun's divine designation, Deckard willingly granted him the opportunity to sign a contract with the Earth Spirit King, Nordic. To fulfill this, they embarked on a journey to the verdant realm where the Earth Elves tribe resided in the Anders Mountain Range.

Parting ways with the Avalon Knights, the Yupir Church members, and the Elves, Mu-Gun ventured towards the luxuriant expanse in the Anders Mountain Range, accompanied by the Earth Elves.

* * *

Materializing from the Spirit Realm through the Spirit Summoning Array, a colossal giant comprised of soil and stone emerged Nordic, the Earth Spirit King.

As soon as Nordic saw Mu-Gun, he read through him at once.

-Youre Nervatum and Eladiums contractor, huh? You also possess the Sky Gods divinity.

But I still have a long way to go to deal with the Demon God. Would you lend me your strength, Earth Spirit King Nordic?

Nordic saw through Mu-Guns Thunder God Qi and said,

-I think it is already beyond your capacity just to summon the two Spirit Kings with whom you have already signed a contract though.

Thats the case for now, but if I absorb the Drakes and the Wyverns Mana Hearts, I will be able to sign a contract with not just you, but also with Sarman, the Fire Spirit King.

-You want to sign a contract with all four Spirit Kings? Youre too greedy.

Its all to eradicate the Demon God. I have no other intention other than that.

-That may be so for now, but you may change your mind after possessing the power of all four Spirit Kings.

If youre worried about that, you can include the condition that the Spirit Contract will be canceled after the Demon God that descended on Avalon is eradicated.

-Thats an interesting condition.

Nordic, you must have been given a mission by the Spirit God Vahara to protect Avalon and annihilate the Demon God and his followers. Now that the Demon God has descended on Avalon, you are obliged to carry out the duty tasked by the almighty Vahara. Thus, your best choice would be to sign a contract with me. As I said, if you add the condition of canceling your contract with me after the Demon God has been eradicated from this land, you will be able to get rid of your concerns.

-Yes, I cannot pretend to not know the mission given to me by the almighty Vahara. Fine, I will sign a contract with you. Instead, as you said, our contract will be limited until the Demon God has been extinguished from Avalon.

Do as you wish. If I can eradicate the Demon God that has descended upon Avalon, that is good enough.

-Good. Then, lets proceed with the contract.

With remarkable swiftness, Mu-Gun entered into a contract with the Earth Spirit King Nordic.

Upon concluding the contract and departing from the Spirit Summoning Array, Deckard of the Earth Elves tribe extended his congratulations, remarking, "Congratulations. By the way, you are truly amazing. I cant believe you were able to sign a contract with three Spirit Kings.

Its all thanks to you, Deckard. Mu-Gun expressed his gratitude.

What credit do I have? The great Nordic has chosen you because you possess the qualifications. I have done nothing.

"I owe this achievement to the Earth Elves tribe, who granted me the opportunity to contract with the great Nordic. Truthfully, it's a rare occurrence for humans, especially non-elves, to be given a chance to form a Spirit Contract."

Deckard reflected, "Our pride is meaningful only if we possess the capability to safeguard it. For centuries, we couldn't even hear the Spirit King's voice. Believing that only elves are entitled to Spirit Contracts is not pride but mere fixation and obstinacy. Nonetheless, I'm pleased to have contributed. Please, eliminate the Demon God and demonstrate that the great Nordic's choice is justified.

Understood. I will do my best.

Then, you will probably be going to the Logan Mountain Range, where the Fire Elves tribe live, to sign a contract with all four Spirit Kings, as you previously said.

Thats the plan.

I hope there will be good results in the Logan Mountain Range too. Deckard wished Mu-Gun luck.

Thank you. Also, I have a request to ask of the Earth Elves.

If you are asking us to join you in the fight against the Demon God, you dont have to say anything. Even if not for your request, we, the Earth Elves, will fight against the Demon God with all our might.

Haha, It's unnecessary to ask, then. I'll be on my way.

You do that. I will see you on the battlefield if the opportunity permits in the future.

Taking his leave from Deckard, Mu-Gun departed the beautiful land and descended from the Anders Mountain Range, making his way toward the capital of the Albion Kingdom.

Upon his arrival in the Albion Kingdom's capital, Mu-Gun found the Avalon Knights, the Yupir Order's priests, and paladins, along with the Wind High Elves and Ice High Elves, all awaiting his return. Advising them to take much-needed rest, Mu-Gun, accompanied by Fraus and Olaf, chiefs of the Wind Elves and Ice Elves, traversed to the Valencia Kingdom.

Then, he entered the Logan Mountain Range to meet the Fire Elves tribe.

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