Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

It took more than a day to absorb a Dragon's Mana Heart. Each Dragon Heart held about a thousand years' worth of energy. Considering the immense amount of energy Mu-Gun absorbed, one day seemed like a surprisingly short period.

Absorbing the energy from the Dragon Heart granted Mu-Gun ten gapjas worth of power. Although it accounted for roughly sixty percent of the total energy stored in one Dragon Heart, this achievement alone was truly remarkable.

Truth be told, a Drake or a Wyvern's Mana Heart held more than ten gapjas of energy. However, after extracting the demonic essence and purifying it with the Thunder God Qi, only two gapjas worth of energy would remain.

On the flip side, he managed to absorb around sixty percent of the Dragon Heart's energythree times more than that of a Drake or Wyvern's Mana Heart. This served as evidence that a Dragon Heart's energy was pure and high-dimensional. Even after absorbing the Dragon Hearts' energy, Mu-Gun continued to circulate his qi without taking a break.

He ceased circulating his qi only after fully integrating the Dragon Heart's energy as his own. Through absorbing the Dragon Heart, Mu-Gun's Thunder God Qi swiftly surpassed forty gapjas. Even though his internal energy surpassed human limits, it still fell short of summoning all four Spirit Kings simultaneously.

To summon all four Spirit Kings, he needed to absorb at least one more Dragon Heart. Yet, absorbing another Dragon Heart immediately posed a challenge. Although he completely assimilated the first Dragon Heart, it required some time to stabilize. Rushing to absorb another Dragon Heart before the energy from the first one settled could lead to instability in his energy.

In the worst-case scenario, he could find himself in a perilous situation with an overwhelming influx of energy. While the likelihood of such an event was low, Mu-Gun decided it was wiser to avoid risky attempts.

Yet, in a scenario where he lacked sufficient Thunder God Qi to summon all four Spirit Kings, facing the Dragons again could pose a problem. Nonetheless, Mu-Gun wasn't overly concerned. With the absorption of the divinity within the Dragon Heart, his own divinity surged. Consequently, he could now wield significantly more power. Confident in his abilities, he believed he could handle the Dragons, provided they didn't all charge at him simultaneously.

Mu-Gun breached God's boundary and reentered the Dragon Mountain Range. Activating the Thunder God's Shadow, he swiftly soared into the territory. Within the Dragon Mountain Range dwelled four Dragon clans: Gold, Silver, Blue, and Red.

Having already slain three Dragons from the Red Dragon clan, three clans remained. Mu-Gun began circling the Dragon Mountain Range, diligently seeking out the other three Dragon clans.

In this manner, four hours slipped away. Mu-Gun detected a formidable energy akin to that of the Red Dragons, a singular presence. Confirming only one energy source, he swiftly navigated toward it. Simultaneously, he felt the massive energy moving in his direction, likely in response to sensing Mu-Gun's own energy.

Shortly after, Mu-Gun encountered a Gold Dragon, radiating a dazzling golden glow. They came to a halt, maintaining a distance of over three thousand feet. The Gold Dragon regarded Mu-Gun with cautious eyes, sensing the divine power emanating from him.

The Gold Dragon, Blaze Gold Draconia, saw through Mu-Guns energy and said in surprise,

-Its a human being who possesses the divinity of the Sky God Yupir and the Spirit God Vahara, huh? No, you cant be called a human anymore since you have the divinity of two Gods. Also, though it is faint, I can slightly feel the almighty Bracants divinity too, it seems like you absorbed the Mana Heart of one of our kind.

Alongside his astonishment, Blaze harbored a profound wariness towards Mu-Gun. The revelation that Mu-Gun had absorbed a Dragon's Mana Heart implied he had taken the life of a Dragon. Blaze couldn't ensure the safety of its own life if Mu-Gun had indeed breached God's boundary to slay the Dragons.

You might have guessed, but I killed one of your kind. However, I did not want that to happen. I gave them a chance to cleanse the sins of the past. Despite that, they refused my offer and attacked me. I had no choice but to kill them out of self-defense.

-Was it the Red clan that you killed?

Thats right.

-The Red Clan had a deep grudge against the Gods who locked us here. If it was them, they would have attacked you, Gods representative.

Is the Gold clan different from the Red clan? Mu-Gun asked.

-Our Dragon clans went against the Dragon God Bracants mission and tried to destroy Avalon by standing on the side of the Demon God. Our sin was so severe that we would have nothing to say even if we were driven to extinction. However, the Gods showed the final mercy and trapped our Dragon clans here without annihilating us. They gave us a chance to repent for ourselves here and fulfill the duty we have received from the Dragon God Bracant. I, Blaze Gold Draconia of the Gold clan, am grateful for the mercy of the Gods and will faithfully follow the mission given by the Dragon God Bracant.

Blaze said with determined eyes.

Mu-Gun discerned the honesty in Blaze's demeanor. With the acquired divinity, Mu-Gun could assess the truthfulness of beings beneath him using the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes. In Blaze's words and gaze, there were no falsehoods. Blaze genuinely repented for past transgressions and sought to fulfill the Dragon's mission. While the future held the possibility of a change in Blaze's mindset, at this particular moment, he spoke the truth.

Then, are you willing to fight back against the Demon God with me?

-Did the Demon God descend again?

Yes. So, answer me. Are you willing to fight back against the Demon God with me?

-If you give me a chance, I will gladly fight the Demon God.

Are you the only one left in the Gold clan?

-Yes. I am the only surviving member of the Gold clan.

Do you interact with the other Dragon clans?

-I communicate with the Blue clan from time to time, but I do not interact with the Red or Silver clans at all.

Do the Silver clan, like the Red clan, hold a grudge against the Gods and dream of revenge?

-Thats correct. Also, as you may have already guessed, the Blue clan is on the same page as me.

What are the numbers of the Blue and Silver clans?

-There are two Dragons in the Blue clan, and three in the Silver clan.

I heard that eleven Dragons were originally trapped in Gods boundary. What happened to the other two?

-Even if we Dragons have a long lifespan, its not infinite. During the one thousand years we were trapped here, one Dragon from the Gold and Blue clan returned to nature.

I see. In any case, half of the remaining Dragons, except for the Red clan, still have not repented for their sins, huh.

-Their choice is a pity, but I hope you understand that after spending a thousand years trapped here, it is normal for them to harbor resentment that they originally didnt.

Thats true, if they were locked up for a thousand years, it wouldnt be strange for them to burst into rage. However, even if so, that doesnt justify their actions. Let me be clear. The Dragons that go against the will of the Gods will be condemned by death. Mu-Gun spoke firmly.

-Naturally. In exchange, please give them a chance to change their minds. Im sure they will change their minds if I explain things properly. They hold a grudge against the Gods because they feel repulsive to be locked up here for such a long time.

Fine. Rather than annihilating the Dragons, I, too, hope to be able to join forces with them to eradicate the Demon God.

-Thank you for understanding. Then, I will go to the Blue Clan first. Climb onto my back. Its on the way anyway, so you dont need to use your power for no reason, right?

Alright, I owe you one.

Mu-Gun did not decline and climbed onto Blazes back.

-Well then, shall we?

Once Mu-Gun mounted its back, Blaze swiftly took flight, retracing its path with impressive speed. Initially fast, Blaze's speed increased with each powerful beat of its wings, rivaling Mu-Gun's speed when utilizing the Thunder God's Shadow.

In an instant, Blaze traversed the Gold clan's territory and ventured into the domain of the Blue clan. Shortly after entering the Blue clan's territory, Mu-Gun's qi senses detected two colossal energy sources.

The Dragons of the Blue clan sensed Blaze's energy and quickly appeared. Observing the arrival of the Blue clan's Dragons, Blaze immediately descended to the ground. The Blue Dragons also landed in unison, aligning themselves with Blaze's position.

The Blue Dragons looked warily at Mu-Gun, who came with Blaze.

-Theres nothing to be wary of. He is Gods representative, who came to free us Dragons from Gods boundary.

-Are you speaking the truth?

Thermeon Blue Draconia, the chief of the Blue clan, asked Blaze to reconfirm.

Its the truth. However, that is only if the Dragons reflect on their past sins and promise to fulfill the mission of the Dragons given by the Dragon God Bracant. Mu-Gun answered on behalf of Blaze.

-Thats a matter of course. We, the Blue clan, have deeply regretted siding with the Demon God and have deeply reflected on our sins for the past one thousand years. To clear our sins of the past, we will faithfully obey the mission given by the almighty Bracant, said Thermeon.

The Demon God has descended in Avalon. I want to eradicate the Demon God with the help of the Dragon clans. Does the Blue Dragon clan have any intention to fight against the Demon God alongside me?

-That is something that our Blue clan has been longing for the past thousand years.

Thermeon answered without hesitation. Velios Blue Draconia, who appeared with Thermeon, also nodded, showing that he felt the same way.

Mu-Gun did not doubt the two Dragons will and said, I respect the resolve of the Blue clan. Also, I am honored to be able to fight alongside the Dragon clans.

-We should be the ones honored to fight with you, Gods representative. Also, thank you for allowing us to cleanse ourselves of our past sins.

You shouldnt thank me, rather, you should thank the Gods who have shown mercy without exterminating the Dragons.

-You, Gods Representative, can help us convey our thanks instead.

The Gods must have already known the Dragon clans feelings. Now then, we dont have much time, so lets talk later and go to the Silver clan first.

-Before that, I have something to tell you.

What is it?

-The Gold and Blue clans were expecting a situation like this. Thus, we thought about how we could help Gods representative who would come find us, and so, we decided to make a Chevalier Armor for Gods representative.

A Chevalier Armor? Mu-Gun asked in surprise as he had not expected it at all.

-Yes. We created a Chevalier Armor using the bones, scales, and Mana Hearts left behind by the Dragons of the Gold and Blue clans who returned to nature after their lifespan ended.

A Chevalier Armor made from the bones and scales of a Dragon, and uses a Dragon Heart as its core, huh? Feels amazing just from the sound of it.

-We guarantee that there is no better Chevalier Armor in the world than what we have made. However, we need one more Dragon Heart to complete it.

If youre talking about a Dragon Heart, I have two with me.

To prevent the Blue Dragons from misunderstanding, Blaze explained to Thermeon about the source of the Dragon Heart that Mu-Gun possessed.

-It seems like the Red Dragons couldnt overcome their resentment and attacked him.

-Thats a pity.

-They brought it upon themselves.

-In any case, since you have two Dragon Hearts, could you hand over one?

Thermeon asked Mu-Gun to hand over one Dragon Heart.

Without any delay, Mu-Gun retrieved one of the two Dragon Hearts obtained from the Red clan and presented it to Thermeon. Accepting the Dragon Heart, Thermeon accessed its subspace and retrieved the Chevalier Armor.

The Chevalier Armor unfolded by Thermeon extended to a length of twenty meters. Crafted with a seamless combination of gold and blue scales, along with a frame constructed from Dragon bones, the armor possessed a formidable presence that left onlookers breathless in awe.

Thermeon placed the Red Dragon's Mana Heart into a core situated on the chest of the Chevalier Armor, concealing it beneath a chest plate crafted from Dragon scales. Afterward, he carefully stowed the Chevalier Armor within the sealing stone of a bracelet fashioned from Dragon leather before presenting it to Mu-Gun.

-Take it.

I dont know if I can take this.

-This is something that no one but you can use anyway. Moreover, we made it for you in the first place.

Then, I will gratefully accept it.

Mu-Gun no longer declined and took the bracelet, wearing it on his wrist.

-Why dont you try it on?

Mu-Gun acknowledged Blaze's suggestion with a nod and directed his Thunder God Qi into the sealing stone of the bracelet. Then, he infused the bracelet with his intent to don the Chevalier Armor.

The sealing stone of the bracelet, infused with Mu-Gun's energy and will, radiated an intense light. Subsequently, a cascade of golden and blue energy enveloped Mu-Gun's form. In the blink of an eye, a colossal Chevalier Armor materialized, now adorning Mu-Gun's figure.

Upon wearing the Chevalier Armor, Mu-Gun experienced a complete assimilation of his senses and energy with the armor. It was as if he had transformed into a giant surpassing twenty meters in stature. The energy emanating from the Dragon Heart integrated into the Chevalier Armor left Mu-Gun astonished by its power.

The combined energy from the three Dragon Hearts surpassed Mu-Gun's internal energy. With the energy of the Chevalier Armor complementing his internal reserves, he would no longer have to worry about the amount of his internal energy.

Yet, the true essence lay in the divinity harbored within the Dragon Heart. Upon merging with the Chevalier Armor, the divinity within the Dragon Heart seamlessly transferred directly to Mu-Gun.

With the inclusion of the Dragon Heart's divinity into Mu-Gun's own, his divine power expanded. The mere act of wearing the Chevalier Armor nearly doubled Mu-Gun's strength. While the definitive test would come in battle, he harbored confidence that his current prowess wouldn't fall significantly short, even against the formidable Demon God.

Mu-Gun had never donned any of the Chevalier Armor crafted in the Avalon continent, but he perceived a substantial distinction between the available armor and the one currently adorning him. Satisfied with the performance of the Chevalier Armor, he proceeded to disengage from it.

Mu-Gun thanked the Dragons with all his heart,

This was unexpected. But thank you for giving me the strongest Chevalier Armor that the Dragon clan made with all their heart and soul.

-If you really think that way, put on the Chevalier Armor we made and eradicate the Demon God so that our Dragon clan can atone for our past wrongdoings.

Dont worry. I will definitely eradicate the Demon God.

-How reliable. Well then, lets go meet the Silver clan now.


Mu-Gun, along with Blaze and the two Blue Dragons, flew toward the Silver clans territory.

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