TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 100: A plan to kill and steal

Chapter 100: A plan to kill and steal

Poff !!!

"Ahhh!!!" The thief was thrown to the ground as if he was trash.

Alwine and the beasts finished killing the other thieves, the only one left alive was the one Liu Yang asked to leave alive.

"Who are you?? How can a powerful group like yours exist in this area of the kingdom? " The thief understood that he tried to steal the wrong people this time. The other side was extremely powerful and dangerous.

"I'm the one asking the questions here. Who are you?" Liu Yang did not answer the question and asked another question back.

"Sir, my name is Breach. I am one of the members of the Gang of the Forest Thief. We are a group that tends to steal travelers who pass through here." Breach talked about him and his group.

"I see Where is your hiding place? What is the level of power of the other members? Are you very influential in this area? You must have a lot of wealth, right? " Liu Yang was curious about the group. This can give him some idea of the power of the groups around him.

"That's ..." Breach was startled to hear that question. He understood some things hidden in Liu Yang's words.

"If you can answer these questions, you can live and still have a chance to receive a great deal of wealth" Liu Yang commented casually.

"!!!!" Breach was tempted by Liu Yang's offer. He didn't want to die, but when he heard that he too could earn a great deal of wealth, he gave in.

(Is this young man going to give me the gold coins the boss keeps? This young man doesn't seem to care about money. For someone powerful like him, money must be the last thing he wants) Breach started to think about it.

"I will tell you everything I know. Our hiding place is inside a cave next to a hill in a small mountain within the forest, the place is very safe and protected because of the trees, and difficult to find. The levels of the members are between levels 20-40, the strongest member is the leader of the group, he is at level 45.

We only operate in this area of the forest, as the kingdom's guards protect the places closest to the city. Our group has some partners, but they are only business partners, if there is an opportunity, they will betray us to make more profits. I'm just a low-class member of the group, the amount of money I get is very little. The richest person is the boss." Breach spoke quickly and briefly about his group.

That was enough for Liu Yang to understand many things about the group.

"Are these your business partners, are they also from this area? Or are they in another territory? "

"They are on the other side of the forest. Within the forest, there are a total of three groups of thieves, each of whom does not intrude into another group, unless there is some kind of reward or a lot of wealth involved. In general, they made a mutual non-aggression pact, but internally, everyone is fighting with each other to see who will rule this forest."

"I see ... Do you know any information about these other two groups?"

"Yes. The group that is north of the forest is called Kal Bandits Group, the group's name is because of the leader, his name is Kal Silla. The power of this group is similar to ours, the only difference being that he has some contacts with the nobles, in exchange for a little influence in the area, Kal Silla offers the slaves, which he captures throughout the region, to the nobles.

The other group is called Free Flowers, they are a group of women who have committed crimes and fled into the forest, they formed the group after a few dozen women came together. Their power is a little lower among the three groups, as they do not accept men, so their numbers were slightly lower than the other two groups. This group is located in the south of the forest.

Each of the groups is on one of the routes to one of the nearby cities" Breach said everything he knew about the groups. He didn't hide anything.

"I see Can you take me to your group? I would like to see if you had something interesting in your group" Liu Yang would take this opportunity to train a little.

"Will you deal with them?" Breach understood what Liu Yang wanted to do.

"A bit" Liu Yang had little reason to do this, but he needed opponents to learn to fight and gain more combat experience.

Doing this with thieves was a good start. Besides, he will also make good money by stealing them.

"If everything goes as planned, you will become rich" Liu Yang commented casually. He didn't trust Breach completely, he will use him as bait to get into the thieves' lair.

Breach was excited to hear that. If he becomes rich, he will never steal anyone again. He will flee the Temore Kingdom and live elsewhere.

"Sir, how are you going to do that? The entrance is heavily guarded, besides, the interior of the cave is full of subordinates of the chief. " Breach doesn't know how Liu Yang will invade the cave.

"This is simple. I will drive the carriage to the cave. You will say that you have found a slave seller and you are bringing him to show the goods to your boss. That should be enough, right? In addition, their beauty will be enough to attract your boss's eyes." Liu Yang pointed to Alwine and Rosella.

Alwine covered her arms and legs with a cloth after killing the thieves. Without her claws, she looked like a beauty with a hot, sensual body.

Rosella was already natural beauty, so there are not many problems with her attracting the attention of men. She didn't like to be treated like a commodity, but she was quiet and didn't comment on that.

As she said nothing, Neal was also quiet.

"That's true." Breach did not dare look at the two women. He understood that the two belong to Liu Yang.

"That plan should work."

"Wait a minute!!" Rosella interfered. She dragged Liu Yang into the carriage.

"Liu Yang, are you really going to do this? If he's lying, we'll be in big trouble. He can lead us directly into a big trap. "Rosella disapproved of Liu Yang's plan.

"I know that, but I've already taken precautions about it. Furthermore, he is speaking the truth. I used Lilaris' power to make him speak the truth. The power of sound can create some confusion in the targets' minds. " Liu Yang commented.

Sound powers are not only used to damage someone's mind, they can also be used to make someone say hidden things.

Breach was very weak compared to Lilaris, so he failed to realize that he was being tricked into speaking the truth.

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