TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 111: Betting on the Gacha Machine

Chapter 111: Betting on the Gacha Machine

Before making his attempt at the gacha machine, Liu Yang asked the maids about the machine.

The maids said that each attempt costs fifty silver coins and the items that come out of the machine are worth at least thirty silver coins. Besides, the greater the rarity of the item, the greater its value.

The rarities were Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra Rare. These were the five classifications of the items on the gacha machine.

In the shopping mall, there were two hundred and forty machines, sixty on each floor from the third. That is, on the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth floor have gacha machines.

The difference between them was in the items given by the machine.

The machine on the third floor had 80% to show a common item, 5% to drop an uncommon item, 0.0001 to show a rare item, 0.00000001% to show a super rare item, 0.00000000001 to show an ultra rare item. And each attempt costs fifty silver coins.

On the fourth floor, the chances of receiving a better item were slightly higher, ie 50% for common items, 15% for uncommon items, 0.001% for rare items, 0.0000001% for super rare items, 0.0000000001% for ultra rare items. The cost per trial is five gold coins.

On the fifth floor, the chances were greater than on the previous floor. 20% for common items, 35% for uncommon items, 0.1% for rare items, 0.0000001% for super rare items, 0.000000001% for ultra rare items. Each attempt costs fifteen gold coins.

On the sixth floor, there was no chance of anyone receiving a common item. 65% for uncommon items, 20% for rare items, 0.000001% for super rare items, 0.00000001% for ultra rare items. Each attempt costs eighty gold coins.

The amount charged for each attempt on the gacha machine was very high, there weren't many people with that amount of money to do many tests. The only exceptions were the nobles, they were the only ones with enough money to spend.

Liu Yang had a large number of gold coins with him, as he stole the thieves' lair and obtained several thousand gold coins and many jewels.

Before trying his luck, Liu Yang thought about which machine he will try. All machines on the four floors give the same items, the difference was in the price and percentages of receiving something good.

The machines were in the food court, but there were not three, there were about sixty machines in the place, twenty gacha machines for each type of prize.

Since all machines have the same items, there was no problem in choosing which machine. The owner could not change or attempt to cheat the machines to get the best prizes, as the system prevents this.

The only way to get the items was by playing in the gacha machine. Besides, the number of prizes was unknown, nor did the owner of the machines know the number of items they had, he only knew that each machine had at least one item of each rarity.

Once all the prizes are collected, the machine will disappear. The owner of the machine will receive part of the accumulated wealth and the other would go to the system as interest. The amount of money the machine owner receives, in the end, is absurd, but the investment was also very large.

(Which of these machines will I test?) Liu Yang was in doubt about which machine to try. He wanted to test the three types of machines to see what item he would get.

Many people were already on the scene trying their luck, Liu Yang saw some empty machines, he went there to try his luck.

The gacha machine closest to Liu Yang was the machine skill.

When he arrived in front of the machine, some extra information appeared.

The player can try once, try ten times, or a hundred times at once.

(A hundred times ... That equates to fifty gold coins ...) Liu Yang was thoughtful.

(I think it's best to try it a hundred times) Liu Yang saw the opening to place the coins. He threw fifty coins on the spot.

The people around were startled when they saw him doing this, but they soon realized that he was some kind of gambler. They have seen many people do this, using as many gold coins as possible in a single round.

Ting ...

When the coins were accepted by the gacha machine, the sound of a bell rang and the light of the lever was illuminated. This shows that the person can pull the lever to pick up his items.

Liu Yang closed his eyes and pulled the lever.

trin trin trin

Some sounds of moving gears were heard, but before the items could fall. A message appeared on the machine's screen.

"Would you like to receive all items in a bag?" The machine had this option to prevent all items from falling to the floor because of the large quantity.

"Yes" Liu Yang accepted. Receiving a hundred skill cards was difficult, he didn't want to lose any of them.

ting !!

A leather bag fell into the opening. Liu Yang took it without looking at the contents inside, he went towards another gacha machine, this time, the machine gave equipment.

Liu Yang did the same thing on the other two machines, he put in fifty gold coins again and pulled the lever. The items were in a leather bag.

In the end, Liu Yang managed to get three hundred unknown items, he will only check the items when he returns to his mansion.

After picking up the items, Liu Yang bought various types of food in the food court, these things were for the members of his group. He was curious about their opinion of these things.

While Liu Yang was returning to his mansion.

Inside a shopping mall control room ...

The room was fully furnished with high-quality items and an old man was sitting at the table while he looked at some documents.

"Mr. Smit, one person entered the third floor and used three lucky machines. He used fifty gold coins in each machine. Should we follow him to see what kind of things he has achieved?" A woman came into the room and knelt before an old man.

"A hundred and fifty gold coins? Is he a traveler? Or is he a nobleman? " The old man was curious about this person.

"According to the information, he is a new noble recognized by the Thorp family in Gold-Minner City. The information was confirmed by the governor "The woman read some papers and commented.

"I see ... So it was the person named Berny..." The old man knew a few things about Liu Yang and the things that happened at the governor's mansion.

"Yes. He used the three machines. He used one machine each "

"You don't have to do anything at the moment. Just keep watching to see if anyone got any valuable items from the machine. "The old man decided to do nothing against Liu Yang.

"Yes sir" The woman got up and left.

"Berny The new noble We can't offend the Thorp family because of him, but if he got an ultra rare item, the situation will get a little bit complicated" The old man murmured.

The shopping mall had a group of people who checked what was won on the gacha machines. If the item is very rare, the person who won it would be forced to sell or they would be stolen and killed, this was to prevent negative rumors about the mall from being spread.

If this kind of information is spread around the city, it would bring many negative rumors about the shopping mall's reputation and no one would try to use the gacha machines.

Thus, people with authority always check the people who used the machine before doing anything. If that person is a noble, they will wait and see what happens. If that person is a commoner, they can buy the item or kill the person who won the item. 

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