TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 68: First group training

Chapter 68: First group training

Roar !!!! Roar !!!! Roar !!!!

After a few minutes of travel, the night came and the deadly mood was felt by everyone.

Creatures' roars echoed across the road. The darkness of the night made the place much more frightening than usual.

Several hundred shadows were seen on the horizon walking towards the carriages. Everyone set up barriers to protect them from night creatures.

In the middle of the road, we can see a carriage moving as if nothing is happening, moreover, the carriage had no protective barrier.

The coachman was a young man holding the reins while keeping the horses under control, as they were a little nervous. On top of the carriage was a white wolf, a falcon, and a bat.

The carriage was by Liu Yang and his group. They did not stop like the other carriages, they continued to travel as if nothing was happening.

"Auuu !!!" The Midnight Wolf howled into the sky. This indicates that the enemies are close.

"Jksdksl ... sdslsd ... sdkkl ..." The Wild Bat made its sounds when she heard the night creatures. Like ordinary bats, Wild Bats can see at night, but their sizes were like young people and each wing was twice the size of its body.

"Ksksdkldkl ... dksdksdll ..." The Peregrine Falcon also made its sounds. Her vision was sharp and very good. She was able to see many things from a great distance.

In general, the three beasts were a good combination to detect any type of enemy.

"You can stop" Liu Yang stopped the horses.

"It is time to leave. The night training will begin "Liu Yang called his group.

"Yes, young master !!" The three women got out of the carriage.

Alwine was already very anxious to fight. The blindfold was taken from her eyes, the two gems shining like stars were shown. Alwine was wearing tight leather clothes and two swords.

Her beautiful face was showing a crazy and energetic smile. She hadn't a life and death battle for a long time. Her madness and excitement were on edge. 

During the night, the curse became more active and uncontrolled.

"Roar !!!" The beasts also came out. They stood around the carriage and waited for the creatures to arrive.

"Alwine, you will be in the back, do not let any nocturnal creatures pass you" Liu Yang ordered. A person like Alwine fights better alone, as her madness prevents her from helping her allies, so she can only be helped by someone who has long-range powers like Nancy.

"Yes, young master" Alwine was standing a meter from the carriage. She was looking at the horizon with her bright eyes.

"Nancy, you will stay behind and heal those in need."

"Yes, young master"

"Callie, you cast your flaming golem. The golem will fight with the beasts "

"Yes, young master"

"June, you will attack after the flaming golem lures the nocturnal creatures. Heidi, use your skills to confuse the creatures. Syra, you will attack with your sharp wings. Lilaris, you will verify the attack with your sound attacks. Snow, you are going to kick these creatures with your powerful paws." Liu Yang ordered the beasts. He gave a satisfactory name to each of them.

"Roar !!!" Each of them made their sounds in confirmation of Liu Yang's orders.

June is the Midnight Wolf, Heidi is the Dark Butterfly, Syra is the Peregrine Falcon, Lilaris is the Wild Bat and Snow is the Jumping Rabbit.

Liu Yang gave orders to each of the three women, they had different jobs because of the different skills and types of status.

The beasts were of the magical and physical attack type, but they had physical, magical, control, and detection abilities.

The Midnight Wolf was a magical-type attacker, but her status allows her to be a physical-type attacker. The Dark Butterfly is of the control type because of its abilities that cause confusion and dizziness in her opponents. Peregrine Falcon is a physical attacker because of its combat skills.

The Wild Bat was a magical type with detection skills, she can detect hidden people with her sound waves. And the Jumping Rabbit is a fighter of the physical type.

In general, beasts were fairly balanced for each task in a group fight.

"Young master, they are coming !!" Alwine spoke crazy and excited. Her eyes shone brightly in response to her madness.

"Prepare yourselves!!"

"Yes, young master !!"

"Roar !!!"

Looking at the horizon, several hundred creatures appeared, their eyes shining through the night like two powerful lights. There were at least two thousand, but there was no leader among the creatures. But how is it possible to have so many if you don't have a leader? The answer is simple.

There were many separate carriages on the road. Thus, several groups of creatures appeared to attack these carriages. But because of the protective barriers, these creatures will only attack Liu Yang and his group of slaves. This is the best result he could ever want.

"Callie, summon your flaming golem. It will lure the creatures towards us "Liu Yang saw that the nocturnal creatures are going to the most distant carriages, as they were closer. Liu Yang had to get their attention.

The Peregrine Falcon did not have great speeds, so it was risky to send it to attract that large number of creatures.

"Yes, young master" Callie closed her eyes and summoned her powerful flaming golem.

"Summon Flaming Golem !!" Callie opened her eyes and used her magic.

A great magic circle appeared on the ground and a great fire golem appeared. Unlike the first time, the golem has become bigger and more powerful than before.

Callie used her skill point to level her summoning ability, twice. That is, the ability to summon the flaming golem is at level 3.

Roar !!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!! Roar !!!!!!!

The thousands of nocturnal creatures saw the great red fire golem, they carried it towards them as if everyone were attracted to it. The golem was like a great flame that attracts moths.

The images of the night creatures appeared when they got close to the carriage.

Monkeys, humans, snakes, and buffalo. These were the four types of nocturnal creatures that emerged this time.

The monkeys were the size of an adult man, but their bodies were curved and their arms were long. Humans were about two meters high and had claws in place of arms and legs. The snakes were about five meters long and as thick as the feet of an elegant adult. The buffalo are the same ones Liu Yang faced before, but the current ones were cursed.

The only similarities between the creatures were that they had eyes as bright as stars and were as dark as night because of the Curse of the Night. They all had crazy expressions on their faces.

Roar !!!!

The nocturnal creatures charged and attacked the flaming golem as if it were some kind of target. A thousand five hundred creatures carry madly towards the golem.

"Callie, send the golem forward. Do not allow the creatures to come near us. At the same time, use the golem to attack "

"Yes, young master !! Attack!!!" Callie ordered the flaming golem. It walked toward a large number of nocturnal beasts.

"Hahaha!!!!!! That's what I want !!! It is!!!! Die!!!!!!! Die!!!!!!" Alwine also started screaming madly. Her struggle has also begun.

The two swords dance with every movement of her hands. Alwine was like a butterfly dancing while killing creatures with just a sword cut. She is at level 34, but her stats are like that of a person at level 50 because of the curse. Thus, she is much stronger than these rank 3 nocturnal creatures.

The bodies of the night creatures were falling one by one. The bodies were slowly accumulating on the floor. Alwine is like a crazy killing machine, her crazy expressions and screams startled Callie and Nancy, but they didn't have time to think about it. The two women had their own battles.

Pang !!! Pang !!!

The flaming golem punched the nocturnal creatures with its heavy fists. Several creatures died instantly upon being hit by the punch.

Roar !!!!!!!!!

Crack !!! Crack !!!

The flaming golem's body cracked after being attacked by several dozen nocturnal creatures. Dealing with so many at once was difficult.

"Now, it's your turn" Liu Yang ordered the beasts.

"Roar !!!!!!!!!" Liu Yang's beasts roared and charged towards the night beasts.

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