Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 236: A Plot

Chapter 236: A Plot

Oden wants to have a sparring match with Buggy but he refused. Buggy doesn't want to show his capability to Kanjuro because it will reach Kaido's ears. He will need to go all out if he fights Oden, after all.

"Come on! Don't be such a coward, Buggyjiro," says Oden.

"Why not? I can survive to this day because I am a coward who runs away from many enemies," says Buggy while smirking.

Oden is dumbfounded to see Buggy being so smug about self-deprecating himself. But then he laughs because he just remembers that Buggy is a pirate and pirates are free-spirited people who do what they want.

"Well, I can't spar with you right now because of some reason. But mainly, it's because I think this arena isn't enough for us. We'll just destroy everything if we fight here. You don't want a half-assed fight, right? We need to schedule it at the right time & place," says Buggy.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. I've seen a glimpse of your power when you just landed here so I know what you mean. It sure will be a mess if we fight in this small training ground. Fine then, I will make a schedule and find a good place for our spar," says Oden.

Buggy sighs in relief because Oden buys his lie easily. There's no way he'll say that his reason is to hide it from Kanjuro because the guy is a spy. Oden believes in Kanjuro, after all, so he can't just handle this carelessly.

'Deon should've finished his mission soon. Only after he finished his mission can we do whatever we wanted. The sparring session between my executives & the Red Scabbards is something that I haven't predicted. Our win can be a problem because we've shown our strengths. But it also makes our relationship with the Red Scabbards look bad. It can be an advantage as long as we can fix it before the war,' thinks Buggy.

The sparring between the higher-ups from both sides really sours their relationship. Kanjuro will report it to Orochi and Kaido will also hear it. Infighting like this will lower their chance to win the war.

But it will also make the Red Scabbards train harder to get stronger. What they really needed right now is a strength because the enemies are strong. The samurais also need to learn to fight people who use dirty tricks because this won't be a fair war.

'Our inability to work together is never a problem from the beginning. I have never hoped that we can have good teamwork. We've just met so something like that will never happen. Making them feel some competitions right now is better because it will motivate them to get stronger,' thinks Buggy.

He looks at the Red Scabbards who have their eyes burning with the will to get stronger and smirks. If they are good fighters then they won't just hold grudges but they'll show what they can through their actions.

Buggy then leaves the training ground and his men follow him. The samurais look at them while gritting their teeth and clenching their fists. They really look angry and Kanjuro is very happy about it but he doesn't show it.

'Master Orochi will be very pleased by this. They have infighting among themselves right before the war. Such a stupid thing to do,' thinks Kanjuro without changing his angry expression.

This guy is really great at hiding his emotion because Buggy doesn't feel anything even after using Observation Haki. Well, if he can't do it that well, then he won't be able to fool Oden & the others for years.

The Clowns then return to their ship instead of Oden's residence. It will show that they don't want to live together with the samurais even for a few days because of their bad relationship. But Buggy still has his spy to watch over Kanjuro so they'll know his movement.

After the sparring session, the pirates & samurais start to train harder. Competition has grown in their hearts that making them want to get stronger and not lose to others. It's a really good result, just like what Buggy hoped.

The pirates always trained every day even if it's just for a little. That's why they can be this strong and defeated the samurais. They all believe that process will never betray results, after all.

Of course, they know that the samurais have worked hard too. But they have worked even harder and they need the samurais to do it too. They need the samurais' help in this war, so they need those guys to get stronger because they don't need weak allies.

2 days after the sparring match, Buggy finally received news from Deon. He has waited for this and it makes him very happy to know that Deon has succeeded. Now they will have more freedom to do what they want.

Buggy gathers the executives and says, "Deon has succeeded. It's time to start our plan. Brook, I leave Kanjuro to you. Deon has confirmed that he is the spy so we need to remove him by destroying his soul slowly."

"Yohohoho, leave it to me, Captain. I can use my new skills for this while also training myself," says Brook.

Buggy smiles and says, "Good, you need to succeed. It will increase our winning chance, after all. You guys too, do your job well. We need to make sure everything is ready before the war. We shouldn't let our months of work go to waste."

They all smile and say, "Aye Aye, Captain!"

After that, they talk about the detail of what they'll do for half an hour. Then they leave and start their plan immediately. They brief their men because everyone will participate in this, but they don't tell the men the real reason & details.

"Listen, you degenerates! I have a job for you. Your training must be boring, right? So why don't we make it more exciting?" asks Buggy.

The men doesn't have a good feeling about this. Sure, their daily training is boring but they never complain. Still, if there is a way to make it more interesting, then they'll happily do it. But they also know that what's interesting for their Captain isn't always interesting for them.

Buggy raises an eyebrow seeing their reactions and says, "What's with your faces? Do you think it won't be interesting?"

"They must be afraid of your idea about interesting. You've almost killed us many times with your 'interesting' ideas, after all," says Mantis.

The men nod furiously, making Buggy dumbfounded. But then he laughs because he knows that it is true. He just wanted to go through a lot of thrills even if they'll kill him, so of course, his men never like his interesting ideas.

"Well, don't worry, this will surely be interesting for you. You just need to fight the samurais again. But now you are the one who will go find them and challenge them for a duel or any kind of fight that you want. It will be a good training method for you because you'll train your skills while getting battle experiences. You can challenge anyone and I prefer you fight a lot of them because everyone has a different fighting style. So how it is? Quite interesting isn't it?" asks Buggy.

The men are surprised to hear that Buggy really has an interesting idea. As battle junkies, the thought of being able to fight others is very interesting to them. They can fight while also training themselves, so they get very excited.

"You can do what you want, I will take full responsibility for it. But you are prohibited from killing them, they are our allies, after all. Show them your strengths and trample them under your feet," says Buggy vigorously while raising his fist.

The men also raise their fists excitedly and shout, "AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!"


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 260 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 271 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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