Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 280: Follow Up

Chapter 280: Follow Up

After arriving at Kuri, the Clowns visit Buggy who has just finished his surgery. But Buggy has fallen asleep when they arrive. The medicine & his high fatigue make Buggy fall asleep right after the surgery.

Manba tells them that Buggy is fine now so they don't need to worry. Well, they all can see it by looking at how Buggy sleeps as if there's nothing to worry about at all. This is the first time they see him sleeping carelessly since they arrived in Wano, after all.

None of them could sleep soundlessly too these days. Their enemies were close, so they were always on their guards before. They are more relaxed now but they still can't bring themselves to sleep like Buggy.

Also, they still have things to do even after they win the war. They can't just sleep like Buggy when their men are working to take care of the post-war things. Only after taking care of those things can they rest.

It takes them 5 hours to round up most problems even with the samurais' help. There are just many things to do like looting, treating the injured ones, taking care of the deceased, detaining the captured enemies, etc. They need to capture the fleeing enemies too, but it can't be done in just a few hours.

After they finish most work, they all eat the food that Mantis has prepared together with her team and the civilians. Buggy also eats together with them in a half-asleep state. His body can't move so it's only his head that flies around to eat.

"Are you sure he isn't fully awake?" asks Oden at Cricket.

"Yeah, he is half-asleep. I know you doubt it right now but it's the truth. Can't you see that he is snoring with one eye closed while the other is only half-open. He can even eat while sleeping, so this is not that strange," says Cricket.

Oden gets speechless for a moment, "It seems his strange behaviors have made your common sense twisted because this bizarre thing looks normal to you."

"Oi, I said that it's not that strange compared to his sleep-eating," says Cricket pissedly.

Anyway, they all eat until their stomachs are full before they rest. All the pirates sleep immediately but the samurais aren't. For the pirates, this is just a war between 2 crews and the winner gets the loser's wealth. But that's not the case for the samurais.

For the samurais, this war isn't just about winning against their enemies. It's a way to free their country from the tyrant Orochi, his force, and their backers. This war is for their country's present and future so they can't rest just because they've won the war.

Oden immediately leads his retainers who still can move to Flower Capital. They need to announce their victory and show Orochi's & Kaido's defeat. This is also the best chance to root Orochi's force in the capital before they flee.

Of course, they also bring Orochi, Kaido, & some of their high-ranking followers like Fukurokuju, King, & Queen. They only leave some samurais in Kuri to help & protect the civilians while they go to Flower Capital.

Well, the matter with this country has nothing to do with the Clowns. In the first place, they didn't fight for the sake of this country. They just follow their Captain who wants to help his friend, nothing more nothing less.

Buggy also just does this just to help Oden, not Wano itself. He also needs to defeat Kaido if he wants to have an easier time in New World. Being one of the strongest pirates is a must to explore any place he wants in this world.

For the Clowns, what they did here is just for their own reason & benefit. Saving the country is not their purpose, just a side effect. They are not that kind-hearted enough to help a country and risked their lives.

The Clowns who sleep without care of the world finally wake up the next day. Only Buggy & Enel haven't woken up from their sleep. Both of them have used up all their energy in their battles, after all, so they will sleep longer than the others.

It doesn't matter though because the most important thing is that they are still alive. 6 fallen comrades are enough for them. They can't lose more people even after they win the most difficult war that they've ever done.

After waking up, the Clowns hear the news of Oden's success. The Kozuki group has to recapture Flower Capital and other regions in just a day. They just need to show defeated Orochi, Kaido, & the other big shots to the people.

Their job also becomes easier because the people are cooperating well. Most of them don't like Orochi's reign because it made them suffer a lot. So his fall is something that they'll welcome with open arms.

The Kozuki group also captured people who support & help Orochi & Kaido doing atrocities on Wano. They've captured many people but there are many more who have fled and needed to be captured.

Again, this has nothing to do with The Clowns, it's Oden & his men's job. The only thing that the Clowns can do now is rest, recuperate, and do pirates' stuff. Basically, they just do what they want in the meantime.

They don't have any work for a day because Cricket has told them to just rest. While Buggy is unconscious, Cricket is the one with the highest authority, so he needs to lead the crew and give commands.

His order is just to fully rest for a day to restore their condition. But it really lasts a day because they all are working the next day. The working here is actually still do things for their own purpose.

They all just do their teams' tasks like cooking, repairing the ship's parts including weapons, treating people's injuries, playing music to boost morale, etc. The teams without any work to do in this situation help the other teams so they'll be able to finish faster.

Meanwhile, Ruff is collecting metals along with Gil, their swordsmith. Both of them are collecting metal to make items for their crew because the metal's quality from Wano is very high. They'll be able to upgrade the crew's weapons and make them stronger.

But for now, they have items that are prioritized over other things. They need to make prosthetics for their comrades who lost a limb or two in the war. Queen's research data on robotic body parts will be very useful for them.

Ruff has done some research on prosthetic organs for a few months. He did it because some of their crewmates left the crew after losing a limb or two. If they could get good prosthetic limbs, then they won't need to leave.

But Ruff never learned about it and he is specialized in weapons. He hasn't succeeded until now, especially because he has some other research too, so his progress on this subject is very slow.

That's why Queen's data is very valuable for Ruff to make good prosthetic limbs. He still needs to research to try the concept that he makes using Queen's data until he succeeds. After that, he will make the functional prosthetics for his crewmates with Gill's help.

"You look very happy, sir Ruff," says Gill who looks like a tall & muscular dark elf.

"Hehe, of course, I have another researcher's valuable data, after all. It gives me fresh ideas that will make our crew stronger. If our weapons get stronger, then the crew will also grow," says Ruff while grinning.

"Good for you then," says Gill.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway, let's stop these useless chats, and get to work. We will get even stronger with this and won't lose our crewmates anymore. So let's make the best weapons for the," says Ruff full of enthusiasm.


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 304 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 315 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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