Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 313: 4 Sides

Chapter 313: 4 Sides

Buggy & Big Mom are looking at where they came from. Everyone else also looks there because these 2 suddenly flew & crashed into Queen Mama Chanter.

"What are you doing here, Whitebeard?" asks Big Mom while smiling sinisterly.

On where Buggy & Big Mom fought, everyone can see Whitebeard there. He is standing on top of a gigantic bird made of blue flame. Marco becomes Whitebeard's transportation so he could attack Buggy & Big Mom who fought midair.

"Gurarara, I just have a business with the red nose kid. Go home, Linlin! Don't meddle in my business," says Whitebeard as Marco flies closer to Queen Mama Chanter.

"Mammamamma~, I am not someone you can order as you please, Whitebeard. Do you think I won't dare to go against you," says Big Mom while getting ready to fight again.

However, The Clown Pirates suddenly leaves Queen Mama Chanter. They return to their ship that was moving around quite far from Big Mom's ships. Buggy ordered them to return, so they followed his order immediately.

"What are you doing, Clown? This hasn't finished yet," says Big Mom as Buggy jumps to his ship too.

"It has finished. I don't mind if it's just Whitebeard, but another old monster is coming here. You old monsters can fight here, I will not meddle in it as the youngest here," says Buggy while looking in the opposite direction of Whitebeard.

Everyone looks at where he is looking and they immediately understand why he wants to stop. 3 Marine ships are moving toward their location and the one in the front is a ship with a big dog head figure.

"Garp," says Whitebeard with a displeased tone while looking at Garp standing on that dog head figure while grinning & eating his rice cracker.

Garp only comes with Aokiji & Dalmatian crews, but that is not a big problem. He alone is enough to threaten all the pirates there. The strongest Marine alive, that title is enough to shake every pirate who faces him.

Buggy, Big Mom, Whitebeard, and Garp. If these 4 clash, then the battle will shake the entire world. But before the world even hears it, this place will be destroyed. Of course, Buggy doesn't want it because this is his territory, so he will try to avoid battle.

The others don't need to worry about that, but fighting also won't be beneficial for them. They will just lose their men in this 4 side war. The reward is too small compared to the loss that they might suffer.

"Such a merry meeting, let me join you guys," says Garp when his ship gets close enough.

"So you've decided to appear after spying for so long, huh, old man?" asks Buggy.

"Oi, oi, I'm not a pervert, I'm just someone who does his job. Anyway, you want to continue the fight or not? My fists are ready to go anytime," says Garp while cracking his fists with a grin.

"You old people can go at it if you want, but do it somewhere else, don't do it at my place," says Buggy.

The 4 of them get silent and stare at each other. No one says anything and it makes the atmosphere very tense. Everyone else can feel the tension rises and the weaker ones even tremble in fear.

"Mammamamma~, let's stop here. I only come for a business with that kid, not you old men," says Big Mom.

"You are just a few years younger than me, so you can't call me old man, Linlin. But I agree with you, let's stop it here. I came here to stop your stupid fight, after all," says Whitebeard.

"Hah, do you think I'll believe that? Someone like you come so far to this place just to stop a fight? I'm not stupid, Whitebeard," says Big Mom.

"You can believe it or not, but I'm leaving. Let's go, Marco," says Whitebeard as Moby Dick finally appears there.

Marco flies to Moby Dick and then Whitebeard Pirates leave without saying a word. Big Mom clicks her tongue before ordering her crew to leave too. The Clown Pirates also leave, then the Marine also leave shortly after that.

None of them are on the same side so they will face 3 opponents each. A 4-sided war will only make them lose too many men and none of them want it. That's why they don't waste time staying there and leaving.

They are still watching each other's movement as they leave though. So no one can make any sudden movements and in the end, they all leave the Clown Pirates' territory. Buggy sighs in relief as all those monsters finally left.

"Damn, what a bad day. Deon, check our casualties," says Buggy.

Deon nods before ordering his team to check on their fleet while he checks the main crew. None of the Clown Pirates died and they only get minor injuries. But they lost 2 ships and 34 people in the confrontation.

It's lower than the casualties on Big Mom's side, but they still lost their men. They could lose more if the others on those 2 destroyed ships couldn't save themselves after the ship sunk. So from an organization's perspective, they didn't lose too much, but as people, losing even 1 person is still a loss.

Buggy asks his assistant, Dela, to handle everything regarding the war's aftermath. He needs to know why Big Mom decided to attack so suddenly. So the next day, he calls her through a secure line to avoid Marine hearing them.

"Oi old hag, tell me your reason," says Buggy as soon as she picks up.

"Mammamamma~, now you finally want to talk to me. As I said, it's about business. I want you to sell your weapons to me too," says Big Mom.

"What weapons?" asks Buggy.

"No need to hide it, kid. Everyone knows it's you who made that Caribbean group that sells all those new weapons. But your group doesn't want to sell any weapon to me, and I guess it's the case for Whitebeard too. Tell me what you want so that you'll sell your weapons to me, Jester," says Big Mom.

Buggy isn't surprised that Big Mom knows that much and even knows his codename in The Caribbean. He planned to make The Caribbean a hidden organization. But he knows it's impossible because of how big the scale of the business it has.

Besides, all the weapon productions are being run on The Clown Pirates' territories. They can't use other locations, after all, and that's enough to show that The Caribbean is owned by Clown Pirates. Buggy knows that all big organizations know this now when the group has started working.

"Fine, I'll sell my weapons to you. In exchange, let my crew explore your territories in the future," says Buggy.

"Mammamamma~, it seems you really don't want to sell anything to me," says Big Mom with a low angry voice.

"Sigh, I think you know more things about me. If you investigate more, you should know what my crew likes to do. We have explored all 4 Blue Seas and recently we were exploring East Blue before we need to leave because of you. Our next agenda is exploring Grandline and you should know what it means," says Buggy.

"So you want to explore Paradise and New World, is it? But you can't explore New World freely because of me and probably Whitebeard too. Is it also your reason to remove Kaido?" asks Big Mom.

"Who knows?" asks Buggy while smirking.

Big Mom laughs loudly, "MAMMAMAMMA~! You cheeky brat! So you want to say that if I don't want to end like Kaido, I should let you explore my place? Is that it? You also didn't sell your weapons to me so you can talk to me about this, huh?"

Buggy just grins and doesn't confirm or deny Big Mom's statement. He just lets her think what she wants to think because there's no need to tell her his real intentions.

"So how about it? Do you agree or not?" asks Buggy.

Big Mom smirks and says, "Fine, but I want better weapons than the ones you sell now, I know you have them. Also, you will be supervised tightly in your exploration."

Buggy grins and says, "Deal."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 337 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 348 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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