Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 340: Can't Catch A Break

Chapter 340: Can't Catch A Break

The White Island exploration goes very well for The Clown Pirates. There isn't any trouble at all in their 5 days exploration. But it's also not as exciting as they thought it would be when they found such a unique island.

They don't have any good action in their exploration as there isn't any real danger here. There is no strong creature that can give them a good fight on this island. Everything here is weak and can't threaten them.

But they must admit that this island is very interesting with its uniqueness. Almost everything here is white except for the animals' eyes and insides. Their skin or fur are fully white, but their inner parts are normal, unlike the trees that have white inner parts.

The animal meat tasted really good though. All the animal meat here is high quality and there's no meat that tasted bad here. Even the bugs tasted better than normal beef, so the crew collected a lot of meat for their supply.

Their Log Pose has been set onto the next island in 3 days. But they only leave after 5 days because they haven't finished their exploration yet in those 3 days. So they are leaving now after 5 days passed.

They move past the steam wall with the same method as 5 days ago. Then they sail again and meet crazy weather again. Just 3 hours after they left the White Island, they come across a reverse rain.

It's called reverse rain because the water bits aren't falling, but they're shooting up from the sea. They can't reach the sky though, although they still shoot up very high. The reason for the water to become like this is unknown, but it doesn't change the fact that The Clown Pirates need to pass them.

"What should we do?" asks Deon.

"What else? We just need to keep moving forward," says Palu.

"Is that okay? The water shots look very strong. Our ship might be strong enough to withstand those, but it might flip or something," says Brook.

"Don't worry about that, this ship has a very good balance. It might shake, but it won't flip from those water bits," says Palu while smirking confidently.

"Well, let's trust our ship that has gone through a lot of ridiculousness with us. Let's breakthrough that reverse rain," says Buggy.

Everyone nods and then they move into the reverse rain. When they enter the reverse rain area, Black Pearl gets lifted a little. The water shots are stronger than they thought, but the ship is still heavy enough to not get lifted completely.

Palu checks the ship's bottom by jumping out on a rope. He protects himself using Armament Haki because the water shots are strong and they keep hitting his body. Normal humans will get their bodies pierced by these water shots because they are very strong.

"We're safe to go, the ship only gets lifted a little, so there won't be any problem. The water shots also lifted the ship evenly on both sides," says Palu.

The crew then moves their ship forward rather slowly. They still don't dare to move fast because it is not too safe. Jude gives instructions to them as a navigator while looking at the situations around them.

Around the ship, they all see the water shots that look like rain. It's quite strange seeing rain but none of the water drops on them. But it's also a very good sight to experience because they have never seen anything like this.

The crew needs a full day to get past the reverse rain area. It is very wide, but it won't take that long if they used their normal speed. Still, it's not a problem even though they were slow, their safety is the most important in this wild sea.

They are very relieved after passing the reverse rain area. But just an hour later, they come across a more ridiculous area. It's a sea full of rotating saws made of water. This is surely a dangerous area, the reverse rain is nothing compared to this.

"Damn, this sea is getting more absurd," says Cricket.

"Are they real water saws?" asks Magnus with a doubting tone.

"Well, let's test it. Throw an empty barrel at one of the saws," says Buggy.

Some crew members take an empty barrel and throw it at the closest water saw. The barrel hits it and gets cut very cleanly without any resistance. Many crew members have their jaws dropped after seeing that.

"How will we get past that?" asks Manba.

"Maybe we can move through the gaps between the water saws," says Ruff.

"I agree, but we need to be very careful to not let our ship touch even one of them. Even if our ship was built from super tough materials, avoiding to get any damage is still the best thing to do," says Jude.

"But it will be difficult because the saws are quite close to each other. Our ship barely fits on a few gaps and many gaps are even narrower than our ship," says Buggy.

"Hmm, can we break the water saws?" asks Magnus.

"I don't know, let's try it first," says Cricket before getting into a punching stance.

Cricket then sends a strong punch and shoots the punching energy at the closest water saw. His punching energy hits the seawater because he targets the saw's center. The seawater explodes and then the saw disappears.

But a moment later, the saw appears again, but now it's in a different location close to its initial location. The crew is disappointed that it appears again just a moment after getting destroyed. But then they are happy that it moves to another location.

"Well, that's unexpected. It seems we have a better way to get past this place. Prepare the railgun & cannons!" orders Buggy while grinning.

The crew then moves to prepare their ship's weapons. They load their railgun and cannons while the ship stops moving. Then they get ready to shoot the railgun and cannons at Buggy's command.

"Move the ship back quite far and position it at 11:20 from the current position. Aim the railgun rather low and use the pointy bullet to make the piercing easier," says Buggy.

The crew nods before Enel moves the ship around while Ruff & Palu prepare the railgun. After they get into position, Buggy orders his crew to shoot the railgun. They shoot it and it moves right on top of the water.

The bullet travels at a very high speed above the water and it parts the water apart as it moves. It breaks the water quite deep & wide, so it can break all the water saws on its path. But there are still many left on the path, so they shoot another one to widen the path.

They wait for a moment after that to let the destroyed saws appear again. The water saws appear again shortly after getting destroyed. They appear randomly, but now the Clown Pirates can see a wider path to take.

Some water saws are still blocking their path, but they can destroy them using cannons. They move through the path while destroying the saws that block the path. Sometimes they just move between water saws if the gaps are enough for their ship.

It takes a rather long time to pass through the water saw area. The crew needs 10 hours to pass the area safely. They couldn't even take a break in those 10 hours and they haven't fully rested after moving past the reverse rain area, so they are very tired now.

That's why Buggy orders them to stop the ship so they can eat & rest. They rest for a full day before sailing again. But just 2 hours after they sail again, they come across another absurdity. They come across an area full of giant whirlpools that sometimes turn into small-scale Knock-Up Streams.

Buggy sighs and says, "This sea is just... Sigh, come on, give us some break."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 364 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 375 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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