Undefeated God of War

Chapter 676 – Military Conference

Chapter 676 – Military Conference

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Three Spirits City was heavily guarded, at an unprecedented scale.

There were endless numbers of patrols on the streets, all the hotels, houses, were being checked once, somethingthat had never happened before in the history of Three Spirits City. The various Star Doors around Three SpiritsCity were being monitored strictly, and the garrisoned armies were all positioned tight, in a state of pre war.

All the spies hidden in the dark all knew that something big was about to happen in Three Spirits City.

But they dare not move recklessly, the current Three Spirits City had long been forged into a city like a steel bucketby the Ursa Major Constellation. Ever since the last ambush, Three Spirits City was continuously combed endless oftimes inside and out.

Three Spirits City had already become the Ursa Major Constellation’s most famous strategic town, but thisimportant town was attracting very important figures.

The massively guarded Star Door started to produce out the authoritative figures of the Ursa Major Constellation,Long Shou Jing, Ta Dun, Magic Flute, Hunter Adrian, Xiao Wu.....

Every person who witnessed the scene were overwhelmed with shock. Even the slowest person knew that anextremely important matter had begun at Ursa Major Constellation.

A military conference that concerned the future of Ursa Major Constellation was about to begin, and almost all thecore members and commanders of the various armies were gathered.

Bing’s time was tight, he was about to take charge of the structural change for the various armies for the mission oneliminating the pirates, it was the most crucial step for them to stabilize the Southern Alliance. If this could becompleted smoothly, the entire Southern Alliance would truly be in their control. But it would not be completed soeasily, even if they had treasures as bargaining chips that everyone wanted, it was still an immensely huge anddifficult task.

But the military conference directly affected their future military&n

bsp;campaigns, they needed Bing to leave the ShangContinent to participate.

“If the Honorable Martial Continent knows of our identity, then the Honorable Martial Group will definitely give ittheir all to attack us. This attack will be unfathomable and without rationality, because it means that their identityhas been exposed, and they will soon become the enemy of the entire Heaven’s Road, they have no way out, andthus will give it their all to attack! And at the same time, the waterway that we have to the Sacred Saint Galaxy willbe made known, our actions at Wu An Star cannot be hidden from them.”

Tang Chou’s cold voice resonated in the conference room.

“When the enemy investigates and knows of the strategic importance of Wu An Star, they will without hesitationlaunch a full force attack there, and seize the path from us! I suggest to increase the forces stationed at Wu An Star,to us, Wu An Star’s strategic location is equally important and cannot be lost.”

Tang Tian nodded: “You will arrange the garrisoning of the armies. Other than that, move the entire Saint Unit overto Wu An Star, to prepare for battle at anytime.”

The few core members of the Saint Unit answered: “Yes!”

From the start, the Saint Unit had been rather free, in the Ursa Major Constellation, they were treated extremelywell, with all the most outstanding train

ing conditions, there was nothing strict about them, thus attracting evenmore Independent Saints that joined in their cause, and has been increasing in size since the start.

But the most prestigious part about the Ursa Major Constellation was not the Saint Unit, but the Armies. Everysingle army was deeply respected by the citizens, while very few people knew of the Saint Unit. The majority of themilitary successes and achievements were obtained with the appearances of the armies.

No one liked to feel pressure, and furthermore, how could the high and mighty Saint Unit? In the entire Saint Unit,every single member longed to prove their worth. Hearing Tang Tian’s order, all of them clenched their fists tightlyfilled with fighting spirit.

Although the entire Saint Unit was excited, the atmosphere was extremely tense, the commanders of the variousarmies had their backs straight, their sensitivity to wars were at a degree higher than the Saint Unit, and they couldsense the impending great war.

~To even mobilize the Saint Unit, will this be the decisive battle?~

The commanders were all brimming with radiance, all of them were battle fanatics, not only were they not afraid ofbattles, but were instead yearning to engage in some.

“I require assistance.” Bing suddenly said, he looked at Tang Tian and threw out his problem.

The conference room quickly quieted down.

The commanders were surprised, from the start, Bing was always the one commanding all the battles, Tang Tian hadnever put his hand in, and furthermore he was mostly on the frontlines relying on his own personal strength.

But Bing did not throw off his gaze, he was confident in Tang Tian. Tang Tian’s words the last time had made himhave a sudden flash of insight, and also made him suddenly realise that Tang Tian was clear of the situation unlike inthe past.

He had extremely sharp intuition when it came to battle, and even displayed the same level of intuition in large scalewars. It was just that Crazy Tang’s logic was peculiar. But even Bing had to admit, although Tang Tian’s logic was ascrazy as his personality, he was still logical. All the weird logic was formed because of Tang Tian’s extreme intuitionin battles. Furthermore, his completely differing logic was forever unexpected, to even cause Bing to bedumbstruck, Bing was very excited to see how the Honorable Martial Group would look trying to fight against TanTian!

“What assistance?”

Tang Tian was startled.

“Although we have already confirmed the plan regarding the mobilizing of the Southern Alliance armies, but we arestill too weak, and it is not enough just relying on the Swift Army and the Skull Unit. And it will still take us a longtime to truly allow the two to become the true core armies, the Honorable Martial Continent will not give us enoughtime, I need some able fighting power.”

Bing explained his need of assistance.

“So that’s the case!” Tang Tian scratched his chin, he suddenly thought of an idea that he used to have, and his eyeslit up: “Let Han Bing Ning and the rest go, and gather all the Gold Ranked Martial Artists with Zero Energy Bodies.Tell Song Didi’s awakened Army to come in.”

“Zero Energy Bodies?” Bing was startled for a moment, but then he realised what Tang Tian was driving at: “Youwant them to operate the warships?”

“Yea! The Zero Energy Body is heaven sent to match with warships, they are immune the the energy charges, andour warships’ power will be greatly increased.” Tang Tian was excited, but he suddenly became gloomy: “It is justthat the road will be dangerous.”

Bing became gloomy as well.

Han Bing Ning who was at the back row suddenly walked forward: “We want to go!”

Ah Mo Li stood up, he pouted with dissatisfaction: “Crazy Tang, so what if it’s dangerous, where is a place that isn’tdangerous?”

The old and wise Liang Qiu spoke out: “We can’t help much here anyways, Why not let us go to the Sacred SaintGalaxy, although it will be dangerous, but if we are successful, then we will be able to help out. The benefitsoutweigh the risks.”

The others nodded their heads.

They were the first batch of people in Ursa Major Constellation to experience the reducing energy transformation,in which their strength prior to it were already at the gold grade martial artists stage. After the reducing energytransformation, it became even harder for them to coordinate with armies. The Ursa Major Constellation hadalways wanted to build a Zero Energy Body army, but at the moment, they were still in the testing phase.

But to be able to operate warships roused even more of their interests.

When Sai Lei obtained the designs and plans for the warships, it was as if they had gained the most precioustreasures. The great amounts of warship weapons that Tang Tian brought over allowed Sai Lei the opportunity toproceed with many tests, in which Han Bing Ning and the rest participated.

It was affirmed that Zero Energy Bodies were truly immune to the energy charge brought about by the warshipweapons.

The firepower they were able to produce were easily three times stronger than the equal grade warship weapons most intensive fire power, easily! This astronomical figure, if adding a general that could guide them, they could completely become a huge threat in battle.

When they heard Tang Tian’s suggestion, they immediately wanted it to happen.

Regardless if they were martial artists or soldiers, they could only prove their value through battle, and only throughvictories could they earn respect!

They were in their prime, how could they stand in the backlines?

Tang Tian looked at the companions that came with him all the way from Wu An Star, seeing the flames in their eyes,it felt as if they were back in the academy, he suddenly laughed, and patted his chest: “Don’t worry, I’ll bring all ofyou in, haha, at that time, everyone can fight side by side together again!”

The conference room immediately exploded into an uproar, many of them were against it to the point that even afew had stood up to stop hm.

Tang Tian extended his hand out and stopped them from speaking, then spoke calmly and with determination:“From the beginning, there was no safe haven. In Heaven’s Road, there is the Honorable Martial Group and theTemple, in the Sacred Saint Galaxy, we have already engaged in the final battle phase with the Honorable MartialContinent, at any time, at anywhere, it will be dangerous. Regarding leading the group, I have been through it once,other than me, who else has done it? If we are able to deliver them into the Sacred Saint Galaxy, then our strength inthe Sacred Saint Galaxy will completely evolve. We have to gamble on this!”

No one could advise him against it.

Amidst the silence, only Ah Mo Li laughed out loud: “Crazy Tang, you’re truly the most loyal!”

Tang Tian looked at him with happiness.

The two of them were winking and looking at each other as if there were no one else in the room. Bing could nolonger tolerate it, and coughed: “Then we will do all of this, and start preparing for it.”

“What constellation should we join forces with first?” Tang Chou asked.

Everyone became alert, they had started calculating, it was not feasible for the Ursa Major Constellation to fight with the Honorable Martial Group alone. Although the Ursa Major Constellation had become much stronger in the past two years, but if not for the Leo Constellation hindering and fighting it out with the Honorable Martial Group, their days would not had passed so easily.

“Join forces with which constellation?” Tang Tian scoffed: “No, we will first inform everyone of the existence of theSacred Saint Galaxy. We will tell them, we have found a waterway leading to a brand new world.”

“We’re not telling them about the Honorable Martial Group?” Bing could not resist to ask.

“No, we will first bring out a few materials and treasures from the Sacred Saint Galaxy.” Tang Tian’s evil tricks werestarting to flow out, he had racked his brains to think about it: “We will first make a ruckus about it, and whateverwe can sell for high prices, we do it. Let us earn a bit first. All of these constellations will definitely not want us totake this profits alone, and will beg to join us. At this time, what can the Honorable Martial Group do?”

Tang TIan suddenly asked.

“They will attack the Wu An Star and attempt to seize the waterway!” Tang Chou said without hesitation.

Tang Tian’s evil tricks continued to flow: “We cannot leak anything out, the Honorable Martial Group will think wehave not found out anything about them, and most likely will look for us to collaborate, if they want to buy, we willsell. They are rich anyway. They speak about collaborating, we will agree to it. After that.....”

“We wait for them at the Wu An Star!”

Tang Tian’s expression suddenly became ferocious, his killing intent soaring.

Everyone’s eyes all gleamed with light auras at the same time.

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