Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 120: Chapter 118: Tailed Beast, Rinnegan, and Alpha Rune

Chapter 120: Chapter 118: Tailed Beast, Rinnegan, and Alpha Rune

[3rd POV]

The questionmarks were a cause for concern for Talia, but not enough that she questioned it more. She assumed that whatever they were, they would reveal themselves in the future.

As the Tardis began to shake slightly, Talia turned to Kara "You okay, Kara?"

"Hmm? Yeah, it's just...a lot, to see Krypton again" Kara responded with a small smile, hoping to ease Talia's worry.

"You linked it, right? I wasn't sure if it was-" "I loved it, Talia, really. Seeing it again, as...sad as it was, was also...nice" Kara responded, cutting her off.

Talia smiled in response, as the Tardis settled. Seeing as they were back, the two walked towards it's door, with Kara stepping back into the apartment first, leaving Talia behind.

"Thank you for that" Talia softly said with a smile, which caused the Tardis to hum in response.

"I haven't been using you much, but I promise you and I will be going on a lot more adventures soon" Talia said with a small smile, before following after Kara.

"You okay, Kara?" Alex softly asked as Talia walked out of the Tardis, the door shutting behind her.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little emotional is all" Kara responded as she looked at Talia with a small blush. Seeing the blush, Alex looked between the two before smirking.

"You two kissed, didn't you?" Alex whisper asked, causing Kara to blush brighter, but nod. "And you're okay with...you know" Alex asked, wanting to make sure her sister was okay with the idea of her girlfriend dating 3 others at the same time as her.

"Mmhmm, I had a lot of time to think about it" Kara responded, as she watched Talia show Winn a photo she snapped of Krypton.

"Well...I'm happy that you're happy, Kara" Alex said genuinely.

"You guys want some dessert?" Talia asked, causing the two to break out of their conversation and turn to her.

"Yeah, yeah we'd like that" Kara replied with a smile, as the two walked over to join them.

The rest of the party continued cleanly, as they all enjoyed their time, before eventually, they began to trickle out, leaving only Kara remaining.

"Thanks for the gift and leftovers, Talia" Kara said with a smile, holding a container in her hands with all sorts of leftovers, outside of the apartment buildings entrance.

"No problem love" Talia replied with a smile, as Kara looked to her, before moving forward and softly kissing her.

"U-Um...I'll see you in a couple of days!" Kara squeaked, before running off, leaving a smiling Talia there.

'Hopefully she'll like the gifts tomorrow' Talia thought with a grin, as she had sent Kara all sorts of clothing, dresses, treats, and some jewelry.

[Later that night]

Later in the night, after some...enjoyable time with the girls, who were dressed up in all sorts of sexy lingerie, Talia was leaning back, nude, as the girls slept around her, freshly filled, and slightly exhausted.

'System, claim those levels. And I want to keep going until level 400 with Shinobi' Talia thought, having long since decided this, as she still had some very powerful kekkei genkai she wanted, not to mention more chakra.

[9th Kekkei Genkai: Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]

The Mangekyō Sharingan retains all of the Sharingan's generic abilities, enhancing them all. In addition to that, the Mangekyō grants powerful abilities that differ between each eye, though abilities may be similar in nature. That is the case in normal situations, but the users eyes are much different and stronger, allowing them to share the abilities between both eyes. Once a user awakens the Mangekyō in both eyes, they are able to perform Susanoo, even without either eyes

The users Sharingan are much stronger than the original, due to the influence of their other energies, powers, and dojutsu. The user can use all known Mangekyo Sharingan techniques, including: Tsukiyomi, Amaterasu, Kamui, Kotoamatsukami, and Object Manipulation Technique.

The user may develop other, unknown techniques not shown in canon.

[Due to this being an evolution of Sharingan, the two automatically fuse]

Talia blinked at the burning sensation in her eyes, before it quickly ended. Revealing her Mangekyo Sharingan to the world. Before it quickly receded.

'Huh...not bad. Not entirely the most useful, as I can do all of that with my own powers, but this is fine. System, go ahead and claim those items next' Talia thought, wanting to get her three items.

[Item 1]

[Scroll of C Rank Jutsu - A scroll with all Crank Jutsu from the Naruto universe]

[Item 2]

[Blood of the Uzumaki - The Blood of the Uzumaki clan. Once consumed, doubles the users overall chakra levels, massively increases all senses, including chakra ones. And grants the user adamantine sealing chains, allowing them to seal away the energies of those captured by them]

[Item 3]

[Blessing of Shibai Otsutsuki, the God of the Otsutsuki - The blessing of Shibai, the strongest and original Otsutsuki. Strengthens all Kekkei Genkai by 10x. Strengthens chakra by 15x. Grants the user potential to develop new and completely unique Dojutsu. Grants the user massively increased control over Chakra]

Reading through the items, Talia smiled slightly, pleased 'Go ahead and consume the blood and Scroll, and equip the blessing. Oh, and system, are there any limits to the amount of blessings I can have at anytime?'

[No host. Blessings are one of the few "Items" that the user can have an infinite amount of] Talia breathed in deeply as she felt chakra pour into her being, massively strengthening over and over and over. Enough that her figure glowed softly before stopping, as her eyes glowed softly, before quickly stopping.

The jutsu were much better than the last ones, but still not crazy good or anything. None of them were particularly helpful, besides a rare few.

'Now that that is over with, let's get to sleep' Talia thought, deciding to tuck in for the night, as she slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of her girlfriends, as she let the darkness

take her.

[1 week later]

A week had passed since the Christmas party, and quite a bit had happened since then.

For one, she and Kara were an official couple now, albeit still taking it slow, and not being overly public about it. Mainly because Kara only now felt the bond to Talia, and was still adapting to the new relationship. Kara had also profusely thanked her for the gifts, which Talia had spoiled the hell out of her with.

Christmas had been a fun day, with Talia staying home all day with the girls, spoiling them rotten, and her getting her own gifts in return, both literal, and ones for later that night. While Kara had sent her a rather cute Solaris doll that had started being made, as well as the promise of a genuine date. J'onn had sent her an incredibly interesting book on Martian history, which Talia was surprised even existed. Winn had sent her a toy replica of her sonic screwdriver, which she found to be kind of cool, considering it was pretty accurate. And Alex had surprisingly sent her a bottle of wine, a rather expensive one.

Besides Christmas, Talia had of course continued her progress in her quests. With her working even harder after Christmas, wanting to complete a couple of them fully. Through an uptake in her familiars work, and them now being stronger, she had officially completed several more parts of quests, and completed entire quests, including a hidden one.

Destroy 500 underground crime rings, be it sex trafficking rings, mafia's, gangs, etc - 35 Levels, 1 Powerful item (Random), and Title.

75 Terrorist Groups Destroyed - 30, 1 powerful item (random)

100,000 Criminals Defeated - 35 Levels, 1 incredibly powerful item (random)

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Terrorism no more

Details - Wipe out every terrorist organization on the planet, ending Terrorism...until

another group sprouts up.

Rewards - 25 Levels, 1 powerful item (Naruto)

As usual, she had saved them until claiming them, which she was doing at the moment,

sitting within her dimension in waiting, as she would finally be able to not focus on quests so much, considering most of them were now finished.

"System, go ahead and claim those items first and title" Talia spoke out, sitting on a chair

within her dimension.

[1st Powerful Item]

[Twilight Sword (MCU) - The sword of Surtur, and an immensely powerful artifact that said

fire demon used to destroy Ragnarok during Ragnarok. Strengthens all fire-based powers when wielded by 10x. Strengthens the users magic by 50% when wielded. Further attributes

can be unlocked in the future.

[Twilight Sword Fused!]

[Improvements - Strengthens all fire based powers by 15x. Strengthens magic by 2x]

[2nd Powerful Item]

[Chakra Fruit (Naruto) - The Chakra fruit of Naruto. When consumed, massively strengthens

the users chakra to new levels, multiplying it by dozens of times. Strengthens the users body

by 25%. Strengthens the users kekkei genkai by 3x. However, is not as strong as actually

absorbing the God Tree in which this is sprouted from]

[3rd Powerful Item]

[Scroll of Jutsu Ranks C to A - A scroll with every Naruto jutsu from Crank to A rank.

Powerful due to the sheer amount of jutsu, and their use]

[Incredibly Powerful Item]

[Alpha Rune (Ben 10) - An ancient and immensely powerful magical artifact. Perhaps the strongest magical artifact in the entirety of the Ben 10 universe. When equipped, it massively strengthens the user in a multitude of ways. Strengthens the users mana/magic by 50x. Passively increases the users magic. Passively strengthens the users soul as it is housed within it, alongside the Mind Stone. Massively increases the users control over magic, allowing htem to even control the magic spells of others, as well as the mana of others (with practice). Strengthens the users dimension passively, imbuing it with mana, strengthening all creatures and plants inside. For every universe traveled to, the strengthening to users magic is 50x more (At the moment it is a total of 250x). Further abilities may be awakened in the future, as the full might of this artifact are locked away]

[Bane of Crime - The user has completed a truly immense task of wiping out hundreds of

crime rings around the world, affording them this title. When fighting against criminals, villains, and evil, the users attributes are doubled]

Looking over the items, Talia grinned widely. Each of them were good in their own ways, with

the Alpha Rune being by FAR the best. The Chakra fruit was fantastic as well, but it wouldn't do much besides give her more chakra and strengthening her kekkei genkai. If it was the God Tree itself, then it'd be better, as that would most certainly evolve certain dojutsu to their

next levels.

'Go ahead and equip the Alpha Rune. Consume the scroll. But I'll wait to consume the fruit' Talia thought, deciding to wait until AFTER she got her levels, that way she got the most out

of the fruit.

As she thought this, she breathed in deeply as the Alpha Rune glowed within her soul. The dimension around her began to shake and glow, as Talia felt magical power not only flood her being, but also the dimension around her. More and more power flooded not only her physical

being, but her very soul.

Breathing out with a happy sigh, Talia opened her glowing eyes, grinning at the magical power that was literally shaking the world around her, before it stopped. "Fuck that felt way better than I was expecting" Talia said with a smile, as she felt the sheer

power within her. The Alpha Rune now safely bound to her, and now passively increasing her magic at a constant rate, but only by the tiniest amounts...for now.

'The knowledge is pretty good too, there's a few jutsu in their that are genuinely pretty helpful. Shadow clone being high up there with the uses that thing has' Talia thought, pleased

with the new knowledge she had.

"Alright system, claim 25 levels first" Talia said, deciding to get her subclass maxed so she can see what she'll get out of it.

[10th Kekkei Genkai: Jugo's Kekkei Genkai]

The kekkei genkai of Jūgo's clan is an instinctual ability which allows its members to absorb

and make use of natural energy (Nature Energy) without any training in senjutsu. Therefore

strengthening the users sage mode, should they awaken it.

[Subclass Maxed, select new subclass[

[Subclass - Demon | Demon Slayer]

[Subclass - Tailed Beast | Naruto] [Subclass - Grimm | RWBY]

"That might be one of the easiest choices I have ever made since I got the system" Talia said

blandly, as she instantly picked Tailed Beast.

[Tailed Beast (Naruto) - The physical form of massive amounts of chakra. Every level massively increases the users chakra, and every 10 levels unlocks another tail for the user,

massively increasing their chakra to new levels, even surpassing that of a normal Tailed beast. After every tails development, the user also receives the special abilities of that tailed beast. Which are the following (Some of which aren't shown): 1st tail - Shukaku's manipulation of sand. 2nd tail - Matabi's stronger blue fire. 3rd Tail - Isobu's Mud release. 4th Tail - Son Goku's lava release. 5th Tail - Kokuo's Boil Release. 6th Tail - Saiken's ability to produce corrosive substances, either liquid or gas. As well as some other unique abilities of his, such as making bubble's. 7th Tail - Comei's scale powder. 8th Tail - Gyuki's ink

release, a kekkei genkai not shown in the show. 9th Tail - Kurama's ability to sense negative emotions, natural energy, and his fire and wind nature transformations. 10th Tail - The Ten tails ability to create natural disasters through it's roar, absorb the chakra of others, and it's

various other abilities]

[Due to the existence of what is deemed as a superior class/species, Kitsune will fuse with Tailed Beast, massively strengthening each of the tails, and allowing them to grow the more chakra the user has. Every leve; the user gains in this class will now strengthen the users

kitsune tails further. The user will receive the rest of the Kitsune elements as well, this being: Celestial/Heaven, Earth, Fire, Wind, Mountain, River, and Spirit]

[1st Kitsune Tail - The first tail the user obtained as a Kitsune. Has the unique ability to block attacks and redirect them at 5x the power (previously double). Works on all attacks that the user can naturally block, and can evolve further. All tails can be controlled perfectly by the


[2nd Kitsune Tail - The second tail the user obtained as a Kitsune. Allows the user to absorb attacks with this tail, and save it. The saved attack can then be utilized by the tail, but only once. Can only absorb attacks the user would be able to survive. Absorbed attacks are 10x stronger. Absorbed attacks are now able to be held as long as the user wishes]

[3rd Kitsune Tail - The third tail the user obtained as a kitsune. This tail has the ability to transmute what it touches, into the users elements (thunder, ocean/water, and all the users different chakra elements). Nowworks on sentient beings, but only those weaker than the

user] [4th Kitsune Tail - The fourth tail the user obtained as a kitsune. This tail has the ability to act as another caster. Allowing the user to simultaneously cast spells through themselves, and through this tail with double the power (instead of no diminish). All spells cast through this tail, will now have the strengthening from wands. All spells cast through this tail, will have ALL the users kitsune and chakra elements applied to it, such as electricity, or fire]

[5th Kitsune Tail - The fifth tail the user obtained as a kitsune. This tail has the ability to allow the user to control the surrounding elements that the user is the kitsune of and has the chakra element of. Such as controlling and warping water, or controlling electricity in an electrical wire. This power is now MUCH stronger]

[6th Kitsune Tail - The 6th tail the user obtained as a kitsune. This tail allows the user to

mimic another all of their tails, using those same abilities with this tail]

[7th Kitsune Tail - The 7th tail the user has obtained as a kitsune. This tail allows the user to create new and unique forms of their different elements, as well as their subtypes. This means that should the user have enough power, and control, the user can create new types of fire they can use, and more. The user can even theoretecially combine their different elements, to make new stronger ones. EX: The user combines Thunder and Ocean, creating a

sort of thunder water, that can electrocute others as if it was lightning. The user can now use this to create new and unique kekkei genkai, but not dojutsu]

[8th Kitsune Tail - The 8th tail the user has obtained as a kitsune. Allows this tail to absorb and mimic the traits of various weapons at double the power. Should you absorb something like a sword, it would then have the sharpness of a sword. Maximum amount of items that can be absorbed, is 100, as of now, this limit can be increased in the future]

[9th Kitsune Tail - The 9th tail the user has obtained as a kitsune. Allows the user to control the tails perfectly, allowing the user to stretch the tails, use them to grab objects, forming them into blades, and more. This applies to not just the ninth tail, but all of them. These tails have double the strength of the user]

[10th Kitsune Tail - The 10th tail the user obtained as a kitsune. Due to the users special existence, the user has brought their kitsune species far beyond the norm, improving and evolving it further than normal. This 10th tail has caused the users aura, and tails, to combine and assimilate into the user itself, no longer being separate, granting the user tails on their physical person, and even fox ears. These can be hidden at will. This tail has the

ability to absorb the age of those killed, growing stronger the more age gathered, this applies to not just this tail, but all of the users capabilities. Now receives DOUBLE the age of those killed. Doubles the users existing age]

'...Hooly shit that is a lot' Talia thought, gazing at all the boosts she was about to gain from

the class. She had been happy that the Kitsune class was FINALLY being used for something,

and would now be much stronger than ever before, to entirely new levels. Her manipulation of time would see a drastic increase, and her overall power would as well. "Assimilate system" Talia spoke, and the second she did, she gasped as chakra filled her being. She felt her overall power drastically boosting due to the age effectively doubling. Her

figure glowed with a deep golden chakra, entirely different than before as it rapidly began to strengthen, evolve, and grow.

The world around her shook as the grass below her grow because of the pure chakra and nature energy that was beginning to grow around her. A deep sigh escaped her lips as her eyes

glowed with chakra, a grin forming on her face as she felt the powerful new chakra filling her being, on an entirely new level now.

'Best part about this is I'm not even done yet, as I haven't even claimed the rest of the levels

or that chakra fruit' Talia thought with a pleased smile.

"Alright, claim the 100 levels" Talia spoke, knowing this was about to feel very very good.

And...it did.

Chakra flooded her being once again, even more so tha before. But it didn't last nearly as long

as the euphoric feeling filled her being, as the natural energy around her began to rapidly

grow the surroundings, before stopping just as quickly as it started.

[11th Kekkei Genkai - Shikotsumyaku]

Shikotsumyaku (, literally meaning: Dead Bone Pulse, meaning (Viz): Macabre Bone

Pulse) is a kekkei genkai which gives its wielder the ability to manipulate their own bones. Users of Shikotsumyaku possess three unique skills: the ability to control their osteoblasts (cells responsible for producing bones); the ability to control their osteoclasts (cells responsible for breaking down bones); the ability to regulate their bones' calcium density. So long as their body does not tire out, users can take advantage of these abilities without limit.With Shikotsumyaku, users can grow new bones anywhere in their body. Typically these bones are functionally and visually identical to other bones in the body, such as the spine or ribs. The user's bones can be made denser, increasing their cutting power and rendering them resistant to crushing or cutting.If the user chooses, hollow bones can be

produced, such as for use as a flute. Due to teh users regeneration, the stamina aspect of this kekkei genkai is no longer an issue. [12th Kekkei Genkai - Swift Release]

Swift Release (*, Jinton, Viz: Quick Style) is a combined nature transformation kekkei

genkai that can be used to move with incredible speed, becoming nothing more than a blur when in motion. Therefore, taijutsu becomes ineffective if the opponent is not fast enough. This kekkei genkai basically strengthens the users speed by several times.

[13th Kekkei Genkai - Rinnegan]

The Rinnegan contains extraordinarily powerful chakra and boasts enormous ocular power.

It is able to see chakra and its flow within the body, as well as otherwise invisible barriers, but cannot see through obstructions such as smoke bombs. Possession of the Rinnegan allows one to easily master any jutsu as well as all five basic nature transformations.One who wields the Rinnegan can utilise six abilities collectively known as the Six Paths Technique: controlling attractive and repulsive forces with the Deva Path; mechanically altering one's body with the Asura Path; extracting souls through the Human Path; summoning various creatures through the Animal Path; absorbing chakra through the Preta Path; and access to the King of Hell through the Naraka Path. A seventh ability, called the Outer Path, is said to allow the user to preside over life and death, granting them the ability to revive the dead. The Outer Path also allows the user to transmit their chakra into black receivers, manifest chakra chains to bind the tailed beasts, and create the Six Paths of Pain: six bodies controlled through the use of black receivers, which can each utilise one aspect of the Six Paths Technique. The Rinnegan grants the user a shared field of vision with their Six

Paths of Pain, the creatures summoned through the Animal Path, and the King of Hell, all of which possess copies of the Rinnegan in their own eyes. Just as the user has all known Mangekyo sharingan abilities, they also have all known Rinnegan ones. Including: Sasuke's Amenotejikara, Madara's limbo, Momoshiki's chakra edible creation, and his ability to absorb the attacks of others and release them in a stronger form, Urashiki's Yomotsu Hirasaka, Origami Replacement Technique and the ability to fire a tailed beast ball from

these eyes.

[Similarly to Sasuke, the users Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and Rinnegan will fuse into a

stronger form, boosting all the abilities of both individual eyes]

[14th Kekkei Genkai: Ice Release]

Ice Release (≈≈, Hyōton, Viz: Ice Style) is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a

combination of water and wind. The user make mirrors of ice that he is able to enter and instantly travel between. The users ice is highly resistant to fire, experiencing little to no melting despite the heat.Kahyō can plant ice particles on targets, causing them to freeze to

death if they don't constantly use their chakra to keep themselves warm. An Ice Release user's presence can lower their surroundings' temperature, causing snow to fall in the

immediate vicinity (Only if they wish).

[Subclass maxed out, please select new subclass]

[Subclass - Inventor]

[Subclass - Doctor] [Subclass - Blacksmith]

'... Huh, not bad. The rinnegan is pretty good, especially considering it will be combined with

the Sharingan to make what is basically Sasuke's rinnegan but better. The bone release isn't

bad either, but the rest are...sort of useless to me. As for the subclass...inventor seems the

most useful to me' Talia thought, deciding to choose inventor. [Inventor - A subclass specialized in inventing and inventions. Massively increases the users creativity in technology, the users intelligence, and mental capabilities per level. Every 10 levels, the user will receive a blueprint for a new and unique invention, ones based off the user and what they wish to create, with all the knowledge necessary to create the item and why it works like it does. At maximum level, the user will be able to create some truly

incredible inventions. Also strengthens the users inventions, working at double the capacity that they normally would. Also strengthens their durability]

[1st Blueprint - The Cradle]

An invention based around the one from the MCU, but... more. It has the ability to reshape,

regenerate, and fix the bodies of those placed inside in roughly an hour, at the expense of being incredibly draining. This invention is cost effective, and is quite easy to make with the minerals the user can produce. Through the users powers, recreating this invention will be

next to impossible.

'The cradle? That...could be useful. Especially if I plan on starting a company...perhaps I can distribute this to Hospitals that I can buy, while training people to use it. And at the same time, I can create methods to teach the doctors better techniques should I get the Doctor subclass, therefore making them work better...' Talia thought, realizing that this Cradle could be of extreme use to her, especially if she wanted to start a company using it as a base. 'Go ahead and assimilate real quick' Talia thought, wanting this to get over with as she had read a...lot. It was an info dump of sorts, one that she was grateful for, but it was beginning to

get annoying.

The assimilation this time was nothing more than a slight burn in her eyes, and a bit of knowledge filling her head, before it quickly ended. Her eyes naturally changing once more

into a glowing form, revealing her new and improved rinnegan and sharingan fusion. "Alright then, I'll wait to consume the fruit until I max shinobi out. For now...let's get the hell

out of here, as I've had enough assimilation and info dumps for the day" Talia said with a

sigh, happy to finally be done...for now.

It was later in the same day when Talia received a call from Kara.

"Hey Talia?" Kara asked on the other end, causing Talia to reply.

"Yes love?"

"Um...would you like to go on that date now?" Kara asked slightly nervous, as this would be

their first proper date with one another.

Smirking, Talia only had one response to that question.

"When and where?"

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as

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That's the end of the chapter!

Sorry for all the info dumps, but I couldn't really not do them, with the rate she's naturally

growing, it wouldn't make sense for her to suddenly slow down. But, now that most of her

quests are completed, it won't happen nearly as often, nor as large. She's now basically a God in terms of pure chakra, having more than even Kaguya Otsutsuki.

She's also a tailed beast now, netting her a whole host of new abilities, another form of immortality, and her own "Tailed Beast mode" that would strengthen her drastically. Not to mention the "Baryon" mode that she can sue if she's ever in danger. And thanks to her Timelord side, she would come back.

Inventor is her new subclass, one that I think will be pretty helpful for the future. She will start to pick more development classes from now on, stuff like blacksmith, inventor, scientist, doctor, alchemist, etc. Of course there is a few more species I have planned for subclasses, one of them being VERY important for the future.

Next chapter will naturally be shorter, but will also be a date with Kara. No smut between

them for a while, but it will come eventually.

Next main class will be Avatar, as everyone wanted. And the one after that will be one of my

ownn/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om


Anyways, sorry for the info dump chapter, have a good day!

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