Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School] [3rd POV]

After saying those words, the two had made their way to the library, where Hope had gathered a small selection of books on Necromancy, mainly its history and background. Hope wanted to see if she could get any information out of him, the normal way, before Talia tried a much more...forward approach. Talia also knew that Hope wanted to know more about her father, and what happened to him after death, thus, she didn't deny the idea.

Walking down the stairs to his cell, slightly behind Hope, they slowly stepped in as the Necromancer took in a deep breath "Ah. Ooh. You have a powerful scent of death on you" As they both walked in fully, the Necromancer continued "uh-huh...it's quite lovely, really" "I thought maybe we could talk" Hope said, holding the books in her hands, while Talia watched the reaction of the Necromancer closely. She was more than prepared to break into his mind and read it, and then kill him, but she wanted to let Hope try her upfront idea first. Motioning with her right hand, the Necromancer's chains on his wrists, unlocked themselves and fell off. Getting up with a sigh, the Necromancer began to speak "Such a puny creature dares to dalliance with the almighty Necromancer?"

"Well, here's the thing about that. You don't exist" Hope said, causing Talia to crack a grin, already knowing how the man was going to react to this news.

"I won't fall for your mind games" The Necromancer said, causing Hope to reply "This isn't a game. Let me lay it out for you. You died, you were in a dark place for what felt like an

eternity, until suddenly, you were pulled into the light with a singular, inexplicable mission to retrieve a knife"

Hearing this, The Necromancer looked down before looking back at Hope "Do continue"

Stepping closer to the cell, Hope continued "It's been the same with all the creatures that came before you. A dragon, a gargoyle, a...an arachne, a dryad-" The Necromancer interrupted "Bah. Such creatures exist only in fiction"

"No. They've been erased from history, and so have you" Hope said, causing a laugh to escape the Necromancer's lips "That's preposterous. I'm world-renowned. People tremble at the sound of my name"

"Don't believe me?" Hope said, moving closer and sliding the books in her hands through the cell "Read up." Taking the books, took a sniff of them, before walking back and sitting, slowly opening the book.

Hope walked back next to where Talia was standing, and sat in the chair next to her. Seeing this, Talia smirked "He's definitely about to throw a fit when he realizes that you're right" Hope nodded with a slight smile "Yep, probably cry like a baby too"

[A little later]

After thirty or so minutes of the man reading, she got up and threw the book while yelling "No!" Before grabbing another book and throwing that one as well "No! No! No!" He yelled, as he grabbed the chair in his cell, and threw that as well "No! No! No!" He finished with a loud shout of anger.

"A lifetime of work, my legacy, reduced to something as-as pitiful as a brand of sorcery? Where I am barely a footnote?" The Necromancer yelled out in fury, before slowly calming himself towards the end of his hissy fit.

Grunting, the man moved forward towards his cell bars "Who's responsible for this vile affront?" He asked, as he slammed his hands against the bars, and leaned forward.

Getting up, Hope replied "That't what I'm hoping you can help me figure out" Hearing this, the Necromancer grabbed the chair he threw, and set it closer to the bars, before sitting down. "Well, then, I'm all ears"

"If you want to get to the bottom of this, we need to know who's communicating to you" Hope said, causing Necromancer to reply "No one's communicating with me. My mind is a steel trap"

"And yet you resurrected Alaric's dead fiance right after she was brought up to the Dryad? Yeah, there's totally not anyone communicating with you" Talia said sarcastically, causing Hope to crack a smile before adding "That's why he had questions. It can't be a coincidence. You're all coming after the same thing, communicating in some way, so who's pulling the strings?"

Hearing this, The Necromancer got up with a slight scowl "I am no puppet" Before turning around with a loud exhalation of breath. Turning back to the two of them, he began to speak "It's less of a voice, more an instinct. I simply know things"

"Like you know you're here to retrieve a knife and return it to a place called Malivore" Hope replied. The Necromancer perked up at this, and spoke softly under his breath "If I return the knife to Malivore, I will be free"

"Of what?" Hope asked, causing the Necromancer to reply "The blackness. The void. The empty oblivion." He said, slightly raising his voice towards the end.

"You really need to just say things once" Talia said, getting bored with his chatter. The only reason she was even bothering with this, was because Hope wanted to see if she could get anything out of him. Otherwise, she would have already read his mind, and then killed him. But, Hope wanted to try it the normal way first, in fear that it might not work on him.

"Do you know how to get there?" Hope asked, knowing that if they find the location of Malivore, then they could potentially destroy the thing...well Talia could at least.

The Necromancer shook his head slightly "Only that the knife will lead me" Hearing this, Hope sighed slightly, before opening the book she was still holding, and facing it towards the Necromancer, showing him the symbol of Malivore on the page.

Seeing the symbol, The Necromancer backed away slightly with wide eyes "I'm assuming you know this symbol" Hope said, causing the Necromancer to respond with a scowl on his face "It is the sign of the worst existential nightmare. The ultimate hell. The-"

"You're doing it again" Talia interrupted. "Focus, what does it mean?" Hope asked, adding onto what Talia had said.

"That symbol represents what you say has happened to me. It means no one remembers you. No one celebrates you. No one mourns you. Loosely translated, it means permanent death" The Necromancer responded with a gravelly tone.

The Necromancer began to pace in his cell, as Hope asked "Do you remember how you died?"

"I was wondering the beach of Normandy in a need of a pick-me-up, so I thought I'd resurrect a few G.I's to toy with some Nazis" Hearing this, Hope interjected "I'm glad even evil creatures don't like Nazis"

""Nobody likes Nazis"" Both the Necromancer and Talia said at the same time.

The Necromancer continued "One minute, I'm dancing with the dead on the sand, and the next, there was just blackness"

"And you don't remember who killed you?" Hope asked, causing the Necromancer to respond "No, although that's not uncommon. The subconscious has a way of protecting the mind against the trauma of death. I see it all the time in my line of work"

"But theoretically, that memory still exists. Right? What if there was a way to access it?" Hope said, causing the Necromancer to look at her in surprise "You want to take a walk through my subconscious?" Laughing slightly at this, the Necromancer continued "Oh, oh, oh. Well, at your own peril, my dear. 'Cause I'm not sure you're quite tall enough to ride the scary rides, huh? I assume you've got a powerful vampire handy?"

Glancing at one another, Hope smiled "We don't need one, we have her" Hope said, looking at Talia and nodding. Talia seeing this grinned "This might hurt" The Necromancer frowned, but before could utter a word, Talia looked him the eyes and said "boost magic" before uttering "Legilimens"

After uttering those words, Talia broke through all mental shields the man had, and began to skim through his mind at a rapid pace, all while he was stuck there, unable to move, as she read through his mind, while copying all his helpful knowledge for herself. Namely his

knowledge on Necromancy, and the undead.

She stood there for a little over 10 minutes, skimming through his mind, and copying everything of use, while also getting the memory Hope needed. The only reason it took so long was due to his age, and copying memories took a little while.

After the 11th minute passed, she shook her head and stepped back with a sigh. Hope, who had a worried expression on her face, walked forward "Are you okay?" Talia, hearing this, turned to her with a grin "Yep! I also got what we needed from him, he was stabbed by the knife itself. And it looks like Malivore was created in order to wipe out the Supernatural, namely through consuming supernatural creatures and erasing all memories of their existence. It also looks like the knife is some sort of lock for Malivore, with there being two others. If all three of them return back to him, then he will be able to roam freely again.'

A look of slight fear trickled onto Hope's face, causing Talia to softly calm her "It's alright love, as long as we find Malivore, then either of us can wipe it out. You, if you activate your final tribrid side, or me, if I use the right spell"

Hearing this, Hope looked up at her "I can kill it?" Talia nodded "Nature always has a loophole, remember? I guess you are that loophole for Malivore. All it would need is a droplet of your blood when fully turned into the Tribrid, and it'll die" Hope looked down at this,

taking in Talia's words.

"I also saw something else, love" Talia softly said, causing Hope to look up at her "Your dad,

he watches over you every single day. He died with love in his heart, and doesn't regret the choice he made" Hope sniffled at this, as tears leaked from her eyes at the new information, causing Talia to softly wipe them away.

"But he won't find peace, until you do. I guess he's as stubborn as you, huh?" Talia said with a little grin, causing Hope to giggle, while they ignored the raging Necromancer in the


The two stopped when they heard steps, and turned to find a very unhappy Alaric standing there, with a frown on his face. The two looked at eachother, before following the angry man

into his office.

Walking into the office, he started "I mean, how could you be so reckless?" Scoffing, Hope replied "You weren't getting anywhere"

"And so you two took it upon yourselves?" Alaric asked, Talia's face slowly dropped as she noticed the man was getting more and more heated. "And how did that go?" "Perfectly. Talia got all the information we need" Hope responded, causing Alaric to blink in slight surprise. "Yeah, well, I had it under control, Hope"

Hope let out a scoff "Oh really?" She said, before walking over to his desk, and grabbing a

bottle of what looked to be whiskey. "Then you want to explain this? Or this? Or anything else that would explain your utter lack of progress?" Hope said, getting angry with the man, as she brought out more and more half drinking bottles of whiskey, bourbon, and other alcohol.

"I am grieving, Hope. And maybe you should try that sometime instead of pushing everyone

away." Hope let out a soft laugh at his odacity, while a low growl escaped Talia's lips, as she began to get angry with the man.

"Look, I am trying to protect you. That thing is a master manipulator. It resurrected my

fiance, it raised a cemetery of zombies and it brought back Rafael's dead girlfriend, so let's just talk about the ways it could torment you, starting with your dead mother, ending with your dead father, and how about all the ghosts of all the people that you killed in between, huh?" He said out all at the same time, before continuing, not noticing the deep growl escaping Talia's lips, as her eyes glowed darkly.

"I can't believe you'd do this" Alaric continued. Causing Hope to scoff "Don't do that. You

don't like that I broke your rules as a headmaster? Fine, punish me. But don't you dare play disappointed dad, because you are not my father" Hope said, as tears of anger welled up in her eyes.

"Oh, I know tha-" Before he could finish his sentence, Talia walked forward with glowing

eyes, and punched him directly in the face, launching him back, and into unconsciousness. While knocking over his chair, as well as some of the books in his cabinet. "Fucking dickhead dares to speak to you like that!" Talia growled angrily, preparing to kick

his unconscious form, only for Hope to come up behind her and wrap her arms around her waist "Please...just don't"

Hearing this, Talia turned around, as her glowing eyes filled with rage, slowly disappeared

"He doesn't have the right to talk to you like that, especially when we didn't fail at getting the information needed" Hope sighed "I...I know, but can we just talk about this later? I think it's best if we go and take care of the Necromancer, before he tries anything" Hearing this, Talia sighed but nodded, before leaning in and giving Hope a soft kiss on the lips.

Walking in front of the cell, Talia smiled as she slowly brought out her wand "Watch closely

love, I'm about to show you one of my most dangerous spells" Hope watched with interest, as Talia walked forward, and into the cell, before lifting the wand to the Necromancer who scoffed with a laugh "HA! As if you can kill me, I am the Necromancer! Not even death can

keep hold upon me!"

Talia just smiled "Well it's a good thing I'm the master of it, isn't it?" The Necromancer

blinked in confusion, before horror filled him, as Talia opened her mouth and spoke.n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

"Avada Kedavra!"

Gain access to an

additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month! https://www.patreon.com/Fanfictions770?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator

(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

That's the end of the chapter! Next chapter will probably be shorter, as most of the next

episode is completely useless, canon is now officially fucked!

Talia has officially shown off more than just magic to Alaric, will the idiotic man remember

what she did? Perhaps.

I might be uploading another chapter for the Spidergwen fanfic (on my vault, on patreon) but

we'll see. I kinda want to replace the Twilight fanfiction updates with that one, and then just

finish the Twilight fic at the end of Volume 1 and then return to it in the future, I'm still deciding though. But most people seem to want that lol. Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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