Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

 n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

[Location: Some motel] [3rd POV]

After taking the gun from Landon's mother, Alaric had explained who they were to the woman, including the school, and what it was. Talia didn't really understand why they were even telling this woman this, as she was incredibly suspicious, and not even remotely trustworthy.

Talia also kept an eye on Landon, who had glanced at Hope more than once. He even lied to his mother about the two of them being together, which was instantly shut down by an incredibly annoyed Hope.

Paying attention to their little conversation again, Talia began to listen in "Well, now you know about us. All we know about you is that you gave birth to Landon, he says a monster attacked you, and now there's some sort of fake gas company coming after you two. So, I think it's time you start filling in some blanks" Alaric said, causing Landon's mother, Seylah, to walk over to the bed opposite of Landon, and sit down.

"When I finished my service in the army, I was recruited by an intelligence organization. The states sounded like a better life. I didn't know what I was signing up for, but soon I learned that things like you exist in this world. My job was very much like yours. To keep the supernatural world a secret. Whenever a monster went bump in the night and risked exposing the truth, I tracked it down and brought it back to headquarters" Seylah said, causing Hope to scoff.

"We are not monsters" Hope said, causing Seylah to reply "You are to me"

"This headquarters, where is it?" Alaric asked.

"Sorry. You just seem morally inclined enough to do something stupid, and there's too much blood on my hands as it is. A few years in, I saw something I shouldn't. I became the hunted instead of the hunter" Seylah replied to Alaric.

Moving to sit down, Alaric asked "What exactly did you see?"

"I wanted to know what was happening to the monsters. Because even though I spent all that time studying their every move, I couldn't remember them at all. So I started taking notes. I realized my memory was being erased. The question was: How?" Seylah responded.

"Malivore" Alaric answered, causing Seylah to blink in surprise "How do you know about Malivore?"

"Your idiotic son took a knife that belonged to the school. Now monsters that seemingly shouldn't exist keep coming after it" Talia said, causing Landon to scowl.

"She means I stole it. And then I, like, um, woke it up or something. What's Malivore?" Landon asked.

"A hell dimension that consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience. Sound about right?" Alaric answered, finishing with a question.

"More or less" Seylah responded. Getting a soft "Awesome" from Landon.

"The last monster was a Necromancer that was tryin to get the knife back to Malivore. But failed due to my girlfriend" Hope said, motioning to Talia, before blinking as she realized she just openly admitted that Talia was her girlfriend, causing her to blush slightly. Alaric hearing this, smiled softly, while Landon frowned. Talia raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend admitting that, before grinning and giving Hope a peck on the cheek.

Seylah, hearing this, glanced at her son with a frown, upon realizing that he lied to her. "He also said that the knife is one of the three keys that keeps Malivore contained. The question is: Why are the monsters still coming after you?" Alaric asked.

"I've got no idea, didn't really get a chance to ask the last one. He just tried to eat me" Landon answered, while Talia silently summoned the vase, aka the second key, into her hand, before hiding it.

"As you can see, it's been a rather rough semester" Alaric said, causing Seylah to reply "It will only get worse if you don't go home and forget you heard the name. Just like we forget anyone who's ever been there" Seylah said, getting up and preparing to leave.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. You-you have to tell us more. I mean..." Landon was about to continue, before Seylah cut him off "I don't know who your father is. My job was stressful, so I had flings to blow off steam. Got pregnant, and I am not equipped to be a mother. Sorry. I thought I was giving you a better life." Seylah said, before walking out of the room.

"Well...she's lovely" Talia said, getting a soft giggle from Hope, while Alaric rolled his eyes. "She's also a horrible liar" Talai said with a shrug, it wasn't hard to tell she was lying, even if she didn't already have knowledge of the future.

"I'm going to go and talk with her" Alaric said, walking out of the room. Hearing this, Talia and Hope looked at one another, and also walked out of the room, not wanting to be anywhere near the annoying mopheaded teen.

The two sat outside the room, softly talking with one another.

"How much you wanna bet his mom's going to try and run off? And that he's Malivore's kid?" Talia asked with a smirk, causing Hope to roll her eyes "I'm not gonna take a bet, when I know I'll lose it" Hearing this, Talia pouted slightly, causing Hope to giggle and give her a peck on the lips.

"Welp, looks like she's gone" Talia said, pointing at the Seylah who had just driven off in her car. Hope snorted at this "See? I know better than to bet against you" Talia just huffed slightly, before noticing a soft roar like sound coming from inside the room.

Opening the door, some sort of monster stood there, a rather ugly monster at that. Flicking her wrist, the monster was impaled by a light javelin, before dropping to the ground, with a large hole in it's chest, very very dead.

"What the hell was that?" Hope asked, looking at the dead creature in disgust "Merman" Talia replied with a grossed out expression on her face.

"Why are the monsters still coming? We don't even have what they want!" Hope said, annoyed that the monsters wouldn't stop coming after them.

"Well...I'm assuming it's after this" Talia said, holding up a pot/vase thing with an anubis head to it. "Son of a bitch" Alaric cursed, as he looked at what was definitely the second key to


"If the Merman was still alive, we could have given it to it, and followed it to Malivore" Hope said, causing Talia to raise an eyebrow at the idea "As good as that idea is, I'd rather not risk your life. The only way I know of that would for sure kill the thing, is if you unlocked your vampire side, and dropped your blood into it. I've got some spells that could work, but I don't know how they'd react to...whatever Malivore is" Talia said softly, noticing the frown on her

girlfriends face.

Hope sighed at this "Fine, but when we get the chance, we are killing that thing. And I am not opposed to activating my vampire side, not anymore" Hope said, causing Talia to smile softly and give her a peck on the lips.

"Well, lets get back to the school, this was more than enough adventure for one day" Alaric said, before stopping "Wait, where's Seylah?"

"She left to go throw herself into Malivore. It's probably to late to stop her, and we don't even know where she's going. The mind wipe thing won't affect me or Hope, so we'll fill you in, when it happens" Talia answered, causing Landon to frown "she's throwing herself into Malivore? And we aren't going to even try to stop her?"

"It's way too late for that" Talia shrugged, not really caring about the woman very much, and definitely didn't care about how Landon felt.

"I'm sorry Landon, but it's probably for the best that we leave" Alaric said, putting his hand

on Landon's shoulder.


After getting into the car and beginning their drive to the school, when the sun began to rise, Alaric abruptly slammed his foot on the breaks "Where are we?"

"What happened?" Landon asked in confusion, while Hope and Talia glanced at one another. Neither of them were affected by the mind wipe. Talia due to her powerful mental defenses, and Hope due to her being the tribrid.

"I don't know, but it looks like we're on our way back to the school" Alaric said, confusion

evident in his tone.

After a little bit of talking, they got back onto the road.

"Thank you again, for coming to help me" Landon said to Alaric.

"Sorry you didn't find your mother" Alaric replied, causing Hope and Talia to glance at

eachother again.

"What I don't understand is why I can't remember how we found you. Hope, Talia? Any theories?" Alaric asked, causing Hope to reply, with her head leaning against Talia's shoulder

"Work in progress"

"Uh, I think the bus stop is actually that way" Landon said, pointing in the direction of the

bus stop.

"Oh, that's okay. We'll drive you" Alaric responded.

"Where?" Landon asked in confusion, causing Hope to groan into Talia's shoulder, while

Talia sighed already knowing what was about to happen.

"Home" Alaric responded.

"Why the change of heart?" Landon asked in confusion.

"Call it a gut feeling" Alaric responded, before adding "Or you could just add it to the list of

things I don't know" Alaric added.

[Even later]

It was now late into the night, and the group was now back at the school. With Landon setting

up his room, while Talia and Hope were talking with Alaric. They had explained all of what

had happened that he had forgotten.

"And that's it. Which brings me to my question. What do we do next?" Hope asked.

"How am I supposed to know? I don't remember doing anything you two said" Alaric


"You'll know because you always know...or know more the time at least. And because you're the only headmaster we have" Hope said, causing Alaric to laugh softly.

"Well, in that case, I think the only question we should be asking ourselves is: Why do you two remember?" Alaric asked.

"Probably due to her being the answer to Malivore's "immortality" while my mental shields are far too strong for it to breach" Talia answered. "Answer to Malivore's immortality?" "The blood of the trbird. Nature always seeks for balance right? No one can be truly immortal, thus, it allowed Hope to be born so that she could be the one to kill Malivore, as dumb as it sounds" Talia replied with a shrug.

"Lying to Landon about this is easy, but I can't lie to you about this. That, and I really need

your help. Speaking of, there's one more thing" Hope said, causing Talia to bring the vase out

of her bag, and put it on the table.

"I take it that's the urn I don't remember" Alaric said.

"Yeah, we figured it would be better to have it here then to leave it lying around" Hope


"So what happens now?" Alaric asked, before stopping as he noticed it began to glow "I think

we're about to find out" Hope replied.

Blinking at the glow, it reminded Alaric of something important that he never asked "Speaking of glowing items. Talia, why were your eyes glowing when you got mad at me a

couple of days ago?"

Talia blinked at this, while Hope's eyes widened slightly.

"Well...shit...I was hoping you forgot about that"

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That's the end of this chapter. Next chapter will cover the next episode, which will be quite a

bit different than this one. That, or it will be primarily a dungeon adventure episode, as she hasn't really grinded much for a while, and she needs to, so that I can give her the next class.

Next chapter probably won't be longer, but I don't know, we'll see. Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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