Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Huge thanks to Asriels and Annelize for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School] [3rd POV]

After finding out about the little mind controlling slug, the trio had returned back to school, while the talent show was going on. "From what Hope described, it sounds like it latches onto the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with inhibitions"

"So I was slug drunk?" Hope asked, remembering the little incident earlier in the day.

"Since we have multiple slugs, it must replicate inside the host, and then lie in wait for the opportunity to infect someone else" Dorian explained, while Talia listened, but not entirely. "I'm good on the those details, thank you" Hope said, cringing at the fact taht those were inside of her at one point and time. Shutting the book in her hand, she continued "How we do stop it?"

"That's the weirdest part, I can't find any ancient legends about a creature like this" Dorian replied, causing Talia to speak up "What's to say the monsters are always going to be ancient legends? Sci-fi is basically modern day myths, what's to say invasion of the body snatchers isn't based off of these things?"

Dorian blinked at this, as it did make sense, before Talia continued "As for how to deal with these things, that should be easy enough. All it took to get it out of Hope, was a small electrical shock, and then stomping them. If we can rally all of the slugs together, I can deal with them myself. And, considering how fast they replicated, there's a pretty good chance that most of the school is infected, so I guess the talent show would be a good place to start" While she was speaking, Hope picked up the jar holding the dead slug, noticing something peculiar about the creature. "Did you see this? Parts of this thing look bioluminescent" Hope said, causing Dorian to begin to look through his bag while saying "Let me check that out" Holding a flashlight under the jar, Hope couldn't help but mutter "Whoa"

"Well there's the way to find the infected, use the lights, and we'll find any stragglers, while a majority of them should be at the talent show" Talia said, Dorian nodded, agreeing.

Walking through the halls with the flashlight/blacklight, they were slowly led to the main lounging area/living room of the school. There they found slug trails all over the floors, onto the walls, and then the roof "This is why I hate sci-fi" Hope muttered in disgust, knowing that there was probably dozens of the mind controlling slugs out there.

They continued to watch where the slug trails were going, before low and behold, it led to the talent show. "Talia, do you have a way to deslug them? And fast?"

"I've got a spell that should work. It'll zap them, and will probably hurt a bit, but it won't kill anyone" Talia said, remembering one of the spells she had, called chain lightning. Basically, it hit a singular target with it's initial lightning attack, before it would arc to all surrounding people, in this case, dozens of students. It was one of the many spells that she had, that she was certain wasn't in canon Overlord.

"Alright, but first, I gotta call Ric, don't do the spell until I'm back" Dorian said, before speed walking off, leaving Talia and Hope standing next to eachother.

"Are you going to take part in the talent show?" Talia asked, causing Hope to raise an eyebrow, Talia reiterated seeing the look her girlfriend was giving her "I imagine Alaric will want to redo the talent show, seeing as how badly it's going"

"No, talent shows...aren't really my thing. Will you do anything for it?" Hope asked, causing Talia to humm "I know that we can only really do them in groups, due to the whole "one species wins" thing, but I was thinking of asking Alaric if I can go too"

Hope blinked at this "I didn't think you'd want to do something like this"

"Well, normally I wouldn't but there's something really special I want to do" Talia said, a mysterious smile on her face.

The two continued to speak for a little while, ignoring the very awkward poem Rafael made about Hope, basically professing his love for her. It was uncomfortable for Hope, while Talia was trying not to rip the guys tongue out.

"After them!" One of the students yelled, as each and every one of their eyes glowed a green color. Seeing this, Talia sighed and the two ran out of the room, before closing, and locking the entrance to it, so that the students couldn't escape.

The two walked off after sealing the doors with some magic, before walking and finding Dorian "I sealed the doors with a spell, it'll last as long as we need it" Talia said, knowing her magic was more than enough to stop the students from getting out. Dorian sighed in slight relief at that, as he dropped the large chains he had, onto the floor.

"At least we have all the infected people in one place" Hope said, in slight relief, before noticing steps behind them. Seeing Lizzie standing there, Talia said, before Hope could attack the girl. "She's not infected" Hope sighed in relief, again, at this.

"What are you two doing out here?" Lizzie asked, not knowing about the whole slug thing. As she was not at the talent show during the little glowing eyes thing.

"There's mind controlling slugs infecting everyone, including your sister. I'm assuming you weren't infected due to that bracelet on your wrist?" Talia said, before ending in a question.

"I spelled it to zap me whenever I said something mean. And in increasing voltage. Worst idea ever" Lizzie said, remembering the amount of times she had already been shocked, today alone.

"Well that would explain why there's no slug in you" Hope said. "But why are you wandering around here? And not at the talent show with everyone else?" Hope asked, causing Lizzie to respond "I was looking for Josie. She's been acting weird all day and then she just bailed on the performance" Lizzie said, before stopping as realization hit her.

"Probably because she's infected" Lizzie said.

"She's going after the urn and knife then, she'd be able to get through the trap you set" Talia said, causing Hope's eyes to widen, before the three ran off, to stop Josie from getting the urn and knife. Lizzie followed close behind them, as they made their way to the old mill (or

whatever it's called).

Seeing Josie and Penelope, Hope and Talia glanced at eachother, and nodded. Penelope, noticing them, turned and prepared to attack them with a spell, only to be put to sleep by


Noticing Penelope's situation, Josie turned and began to make a ball of fire in her hands, while saying "You shouldn't have done that" She began to raise her hand, ready to attack, only for Lizzie to walk up behind her, and grab her arm siphoning the magic from her, that she was going to use for the spell.

"Jo" Lizzie said, stopping her sister from attacking them. Turning Josie around, Lizzie began to speak with a hint of desperation "Don't. This isn't you"

"You don't even know the real me" Josie said, pulling herself off of Lizzie, who was holding her. Irritation was clear in her tone.

Turning her sister back to her, Lizzie spoke "Then answer one question while you're saying what you really feel. Am I a good sister?" Lizzie asked.

Scoffing, Josie replied "Are you kidding me? You're a terrible sister" After saying this, she shouted in pain, as the bracelet that Lizzie was using earlier to shock herself with, was sneakily on her wrist, and had shocked her, powerfully at that.

Holding her wrist in pain, a small slug flew out of Josie's ear, causing her to turn and look at it with confusion and disgust, before Talia walked forward and stomped the gross creature to


Tearing up, after realizing what she had said, Josie softly said "Lizzie...Lizzie, I'm so sorry" Josie said, tears leaking from her eyes, as her sister captured her in a hug.

[A little later]

After the little slug fiasco was taken care of, the five of them were back at the school, with Penelope's slug being taken care of after Josie's was. Hope and Talia were walking together, before stopping as they heard the announcement intercom go off.

"Attemtion, students. Given the incredibly odd and distressing day we've all had, I'm thinking we could use a little pick me-up, like a talent show redo" Hearing this, several students happily cheered, while Hope was looking at Talia with intrigue "Are you still going to try and preform?" Talia nodded at this, having an idea she wanted to do, more so for Hope

than anyone else.

[A little later...again]

Watching the werewolves finish their little performance, Talia slowly moved towards Alaric, before asking "Can I do my own performance?"

Hearing this, Alaric blinked in surprise and turned to her "Why not do the one with all the

other witches?"

"Trust me, my performance is going to be very...special" Talia said, causing Alaric to hum

before replying "Fine, but don't blow anything up" Hearing this, Talia grinned, before

moving back over to her girlfriends side.

"Did he say yes?" Hope asked, causing Talia to nod while snorting at the vampire's sit in

protest that they had chosen. "What are you going to do for it?" Hope asked, causing Talia to smirk "It's a surprise, but trust me, you, and everyone else, will love it...probably" Talia said,

finishing with a mutter.

Talia silently listened to Josie Singing, and couldn't help but nod in appreciation, before pecking Hope on the lips "I got to go and get ready" Hope hearing this smiled, and watched as Talia walked off.

As Josie and the witches finished, the students cheered, before eventually were beginning to walk off, only for Alaric to quickly get on stage "Wait! There's one final performance!" Alaric said, causing the students to stop, and Alaric to get off the stage. The stage was dark, not revealing any sort of person sitting there, until slowly the sound of a piano playing began to emanate through the room.

[Play - Thousand Years: By Christina Perri]

"Heart beats fast

Colors and promises ~

How to be brave ~

How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?

But watching you stand alone~

All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow~

One step closer~" ♪

As the song began, the light slowly began to reveal Talia sitting there, causing several eyes to

widen. Even more eyes widened as they heard her voice, and how beautiful it was. Hope

listened to the song closely.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"I have died every day

waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid

I hav eloved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more"Л

Slowly a glow began to emanate from Talia's finger, as a peculiar ring began to manifest, with

an even more peculiar stone in it.

"Time stands still

beauty in all she is

I will be brave

I will not let anything take away

What's standing in front of me

Every breath, every hour

Has come to this

One step closer"]

As she continued to sing, tears began to manifest in Hope's eyes, realizing the song was partly, if not fully about her. But several confused whispers exited the croud, as a energy like

glow began to flow off of Talia, and her ring.

♫"I have died every day Waiting for you darling, don't be afraid

I have loved you for a Thousand years

I'll love love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more"♫

As Talia continued to sing, the energy flowing off of her, and the ring, began to slowly form

into smoky visages, as gasps and tears began to flow from the crowd. The ring on her finger, slowly, was forming, manifesting, and bringing forth the deceased loved ones of everyone present, all of the deceased, on stage, softly speaking to their living loved ones, as if they

were in front of them. Courtesy of a special spell Talia had put into place, so that they would be able to speak to them from afar, with no difficulty. Jossette soon formed, causing tears to leak from Josie, Lizzie, and Alarics eyes, as she softly

spoke to them, with a smile on her ghostly face.

"One step closer

One step closer"♫

Three final figures began to form, one woman, and two men. One of the men had a suit on,

while the other was in casual wear. Their appearance caused more gasps than any other, but the loudest voice of surprise, came from none other than Hope herself.

"D-dad?" Hope softly said, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"My littlest wolf" The soft reply caused sobs to escape her lips, as she heard the voice she had

missed more than just about any other the voice of...her father.

"My little girl" A soft voice caught Hope's attention, as she noticed the other two "M-mom?

U-uncle?" Hope said, more tears pouring out of her eyes, as she gazed at the ghostly visage of Hayley Marshall, her mother, and Elijah Mikalson, her uncle. Softly the song continued in the background, as each and every person in the room, besides

Talia herself, were having heartfelt and tearful reunions with their dceased loved ones.

"I have died every day waiting for you

Darling, don't be afraid

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more"Л]

"H-how?" Hope asked, tears still in her eyes. Hearing the question, Klaus glanced back at

Talia, having been able to move closer to his daughter, just as all the other ghosts did. "Your mate" Klaus said, causing Hope to sniffle more, as Hayley spoke "She's a keeper" Hayley said, a soft smile on her face, causing Hope to let out a soft giggle amongst her tears. "Brother" Elijah said, causing Klaus to sigh "We can't stay long, love. But just know, that I-

we, are so very proud of the woman you have become" Klaus said, knowing that once the song was over, so too would their time in the mortal realm.

"Don't let the rest of the family stop you from being with her" Elijah said softly, having watched, and seen what his family had become after their deaths.

"I won't" Hope said, not willing to lose Talia just because of her aunt Rebekah, or someone

else in her family, said so.

Slowly the three noticed that their forms were becoming motes of light, so, they left Hope

with one final message.

"We'll be watching over you, sweetheart" Hayley started, with all three finishing.

"""Always and Forvever"""

♫"And all along I believed I would find you

Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years

I'll love you for a thousand more"♫

As Talia finished the song, with the notes of the piano, and the final strokes of the guitar, the

visages slowly turned into motes of light, with soft smiles on each and every one of their faces, before they all turned and said one last thing, all towards Talia. "'"'Thank you"" They all said together, as they fully turned into motes of light, and floated

off, returning to where they came from.

Breathing in deeply, Talia slowly got up and turned to the crowd, who all looked at her in

silent awe, with many still having tears coming from their eyes. Before slowly, clapping filled

the room. Seeing this, Talia smiled and bowed, before blinking as she noticed someone coming onto the stage.

Seeing Hope, Talia softly began to speak "Sorry, love. I just thought it'd be a good surpi- umph!" Talia was cut off, as Hope grabbed her by the collar, and slammed her lips on Talia's.

Several jaws dropped, as well as a loud yell of "I knew it!" that sounded discreetly like Kaleb and Josie.

Feeling the kiss, Talia kissed back in fervour, wrapping her arms around Hope's waist, with Hope's around her neck.

Slowly taking their lips off of eachothers, Hope softly said, with tears in her eyes "Thank you"

Smiling in response, Talia simply smiled, before replying.

"Anything for you, my love"

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That's the end of the chapter. Next chapter will be shorter.

Sorry for not uploading yesterday! My sleeping schedule is completely f*cked right now, so I

ended up falling asleep and not uploading. In return, I'll double or maybe even triple upload soon, as I can't today due to having something to do. I might also upload a new vault chapter today, for another fic I was writing due to being really bored.

This might be my favorite chapter so far, as it genuinely got me to tear up at one point, using

my imagination at least, lol. In writing? Idk if it's that good. Writing someone singing is also surprisingly difficult. Anyone expecting this to be the surprise? I remembered that she got the resurrection stone and was like...why not? I was half tempted to bring the three back completely, just so I can write them getting pissed at the rest of the Mikaelsons (besides Freya), but I decided not


This also means you can expect the appearance of the Mikaelsons soon, as well as a few other characters that are still alive and well around this time. If you can guess them, I'll give you a


Tomorrow I'll be updating the travels of the daughter of god. So, if you read that fic too, look forward to it, as the world is pretty much already decided, lol.

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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