Untamed: The Alpha

Chapter 203


He had heard his voice countless times in the past and then recently, but he never sounded like this, as if Chaos had changed into a completely different person.

“Our home,” Knox said, the word ‘home’ always left a mixed feeling for Knox every time he referred to the McKeltar manor as his home. “The McKeltar Manor, remember?”

Chaos said nothing, he then looked at the destruction that he had created, narrowed his eyes and then walked toward the high walls that surrounded their land, which almost looked like a fortress.

“What is it?” Knox really wanted to knock some sense into Chaos, so he could talk more and explain to him why he attacked him brutally and ruined the manor.

Yet, instead of talking to him, Chaos walked toward the high walls and this time, he didn’t even lift his finger when he blasted it.

Knox immediately waved his hand out of instinct, as strong winds blocked the debris from the blasting, protecting him and the people behind him. The sound of the two strong powers when they collided was very deafening, it left the ground shaking.

It took everything in Knox to not step back from this assault, since if he did, the people behind him would get hurt pretty badly.

Knox could care less about the other people, but July was also there, there was no way he would let something hurt her even in the slightest.

From the corner of his eyes, he could see Sebastian had turned around and hugged July to protect her, just in case pieces of the shattering wall managed to pass Knox’s winds.


Seeing that, Knox’s eyes hardened, he knew the reason, but it still bothered him. He didn’t like it when someone else touched her.

However, he could think about the distraction later, as he had another important problem that he needed to resolve.

When the dust settled and the air was cleared from the dirt and debris, everyone could see what Knox had missed.

“Shit...” Knox hissed. “Gather all the people! We need to find and stop him!”

Knox didn’t wait for another second to give them rapid orders and Sebastian immediately gained his composure and did exactly what Knox said, though he was still in shock and was unsure about the events that would unfold later.

But, seeing how Knox reacted, it wouldn’t be something nice.


“BLUE!” Vanessa came running to the living room, when she heard who was the girl that Nikolai let in.

She met her not so long after she took Nikolai home in bad condition. Her brother said something like he fought with a few men, but somehow Vanessa didn’t believe him. Nikolai was not the type to provoke others or find trouble.

“I made dinner! You will eat here, right?” Vanessa asked enthusiastically. Her eyes were so bright with eagerness. She knew Blue and remembered her. There was no way she could forget about that night when they were attacked by that supernatural creature. If it was not because of Blue’s friend, she and her brother would have died.

Zuri didn’t answer her immediately, but then she nodded. “Of course,” she said.

“Great!” Vanessa jumped in excitement. “You can wait with Nikolai, it will be ready within a minute.”

Vanessa was eleven now and she looked beautiful with her long black hair that was tied on top of her head, though she didn’t wear expensive clothes or any jewelry, but happiness could be seen in her eyes.

It seemed being away from their abusive father and living with only each other had brought joy to their miserable lives.

“What are you doing here?” Nikolai repeated the question, as they settled down on the shabby sofa in front of an old television.

Zuri looked at Nikolai for a moment and when she didn’t answer his question, the situation became a little bit awkward, therefore, Nikolai kept talking about anything, especially thanking her for helping him the other day.

Zuri didn’t really hear what he said, the only thing that ran through her mind was...

‘Jugular vein, carotid artery, trachea, carotid, jugular vein.’ Chaos had swept his hand carelessly on Blue’s hand, which was holding the ballpoint and changed it into a beautiful white onlace. ‘One smooth stroke.’

Zuri remembered that part of the memories when she talked to Chaos, as an eight year old child and he taught her how to defend herself.

From an outsider perspective, it would be easy enough to say that he was crazy to teach a child how to kill someone in one smooth stroke, but with all that had happened in her life, Zuri realized how important it was.

“Here, dinner’s ready!” Vanessa announced, while carrying a plate, a smile on her lips.

Zuri could smell the delicacies, but her focus was not on this dinner. “Venessa, can you help me with something? I left a box of cake in my car, can you go and bring it over?” Zuri asked her, as she handed her the car key. “White car near the entrance.”

“I can go and get it.” Nikolai tried to offer his help.

“No, I need to talk to you.”

Seeing that, Vanessa grabbed the car key immediately. “I will get it,” she said simply and then walked toward the door with the thought of cake in her head. Blue was always generous in her eyes.

Once it was only the two of them, Zuri’s hazel eyes fixed on Nikolai’s blue ones. Those eyes were exactly the same color as Chaos. One of the traits that Blue thought would be the first sign of the shattered soul.

“What do you want to talk about?” Nikolai tilted his head. He could feel Zuri’s uneasiness, but couldn’t figure out what this was about.

Zuri closed her eyes and breathed deeply and found that she couldn’t bring herself to do this. “I can’t...” she muttered.

But at the same time, there was a loud explosion in the far distance.



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