Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol. 2 Chapter 25

Vol. 2 Chapter 25

After the dining hall incident, I decided to take a stroll to clear my mind and to better metabolize the food I had just eaten. Clarence returned to his room, claiming he was quite tired. I, too, wanted to rest, but my sleep schedule had been disrupted over the past few days due to my late-night habits. Despite the late hour, I didn't feel tired at all. So, I decided to take a stroll, hoping it would help me tire myself to sleep.

My stroll of the large 5-star hotel took me towards one of the more peaceful areas, the rooftop. The area was beautifully designed with lush greenery, creating a natural and soothing ambiance. Tall palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, casting dappled shadows on the comfortable lounge chairs and plush sofas that were scattered around the rooftop. The soft sound of a nearby waterfall added a gentle melody to the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

But it was not the highlight of the night for me. From the rooftop balcony, a soft melody wafted down, a beautiful voice that seemed to blend seamlessly with the night. Intrigued, I decided to investigate. As I made my towards the source, the voice grew louder, its melody more enchanting.

On the balcony, I stumbled upon one of the participants. With her eyes closed, she appeared to be in a peaceful slumber, completely immersed in her own music. She sang in what I presumed to be Cantonese, a traditional Chinese language, based on my limited knowledge of foreign languages. Although I couldn't fully grasp the precise meaning of the lyrics, the emotions she conveyed through her singing more than made up for it. It reinforced the notion that music has the power to transcend language barriers.

Her voice was pure and melodious, evoking the image of water flowing freely and seamlessly. It was a stark contrast to the earlier chaos in the dining hall. This moment of tranquility was something I hadn't realized I needed. I found myself drawn to her melody, yearning to hear more of her voice.

As she kept singing, I mentally tried to recall her name, which was not that hard considering she was the only participant with visual impairment in the tournament. Lua Yin, a mysterious presence in the tournament, stood out as an enigmatic figure. Despite her team participating in numerous matches, she consistently remained on the sidelines, making it incredibly obvious that she was the hidden trump card that their team was desperate to conceal.

Suddenly, her singing ceased, and she spoke loud enough for me to hear, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How long are you going to stand there for?" The night breeze carried her voice, indicating that she had noticed my presence.

I was slightly taken aback that she had noticed me, considering I had been doing my best to remain silent. She was quite perceptive. Perhaps relying solely on her hearing and touch instead of her eyesight had heightened her senses in those areas. This realization, coupled with her ability to utilize her eyesight in the VR game, made me realize that she was potentially more formidable than I had initially given her credit for.

"Forgive me. I was simply captivated by your voice and forgot to announce my presence," I told the truth to justify my actions while being as respectful as possible.

“It is fine,” she gave me a serenely beautiful smile that, after hearing her beautiful singing performance, almost made my heart skip a beat.

"I am Lua Yin. May I know the name of the person I am speaking with?" she asked, reciprocating my politeness. Even though she has a bit of an accent in her way of speaking, her English seems fluent enough.

It suddenly dawned on me that she wouldn't know who I was unless I introduced myself because of her blindness. It was rather impolite of me not to introduce myself earlier.

“Katherine Katyusha. I’m also a participant in the tournament like you.”

“What a beautiful name,” she praised. “Will you please come closer so I can familiarize your face?” she said in a pleading voice.

“O-oh, sure,” I stuttered, caught off guard by her request.

It seemed to me that she solely relies on her sense of touch and hearing to identify people due to her unfortunate circumstances, so it’s probably not that big of a deal.

As I moved closer in her range, both of her hands moved swiftly to identify me.

Squish squish

“Uhmm... That's not my face...”

“...I see.”

Squish Squish *Squish

“Please stop feeling up my breast!” I exclaimed while taking a step back, adopting a full-on guard stance to protect myself from the sexual deviant in front of me.

"Oh, I apologize. I didn't realize. You're just so tall that I accidentally placed my hands in the wrong place," she said repentantly.

Keep it cool, Kat. Remember, she is blind, so it might just be an honest mistake. At least she apologized.

“I think I’m at the average height. You’re just a bit short,” I rebuked.

Well, I suppose the difference in height could be attributed to our racial backgrounds. Upon closer observation, I noticed that she was indeed shorter and more petite compared to others her age, which I knew from seeing her profile. She stood about half a head shorter than me, with a physique that would result in a smaller hitbox effect in-game. It suddenly occurred to me that she and I had nearly identical body proportions when I participated in the AC three years ago, which proved to be a significant advantage over other competitors in the tournament. Given her similar physique, she would certainly be a formidable opponent to face, especially if she possesses exceptional skills like I suspect she does.

“I would prefer it if you called me cute instead,” she gave me a teasing smile.

“Sorry, but no,” I instantly shot down her request.

"Boo, you're no fun," she pouted before moving closer to touch my face, thankfully getting it right this time.

“Wow, your skin is so smooth. It feels soft to the touch, supple… and well-nourished. You have well-defined features as well, with high cheekbones, a strong jawline, and a balanced symmetry. I'm certain that many people are captivated by your appearance,” she commended.

"T-thanks," I stuttered, unsure of how to respond to the unexpected praise, feeling her hands gently explore my face.

She continued to meticulously examine me, her fingers gliding over my eyebrows, nose, and even my lips. Her touch was gentle and practiced, instilling a sense of comfort. It was clear that she had performed this routine countless times, as she appeared entirely accustomed to it. This eased my hesitation to interrupt her systematic assessment of my facial features.

Having nothing better to do as she familiarized herself with my face, I also did my own survey of hers to make it even.

The girl in front of me had well-arched eyebrows that felt thick and well-groomed. Her lashes were long and enchanting, and her eyelids felt smooth and had a slight crease, adding depth and dimension to her incredibly beautiful milky-white face.

As my gaze shifted downwards, I observed her sculpted nose. It had a defined shape that felt proportionate to her face, creating a harmonious balance. The nose had a slight curve, adding a touch of uniqueness to her facial structure.

Moving further down, I noticed her lips. They felt soft and smooth, with a natural plumpness that added a hint of sensuality to her face. The lips had a defined shape, perfectly complementing the rest of her features. A touch of color adorned them, adding a subtle pop that caught the eye.

I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to... wait, Kat! What are you thinking?! I scolded myself internally, causing me to instinctively jolt in the process.

My sudden movement did not go unnoticed by Lua.

"Oh, sorry! I hope I didn't apply too much pressure with my touch. I apologize for any discomfort caused. I usually try my best to be as gentle as possible to not make it uncomfortable,” she sincerely apologized with a sorrowful tone, withdrawing her hands in the process. I felt a bit guilty because she had done nothing wrong in the first place.

"I... It's not your fault. I was just feeling a bit ticklish," I told a small white lie.

"Oh, I see. That's good to hear," she expressed with a sense of relief. "Can I continue then?"

"…Fine, go ahead," I reluctantly agreed.

Upon receiving my approval, she suddenly leaned closer to my neck and took a sniff.

"What are you doing!?" I exclaimed in shock, taking a step back in the process.

"Oh, I'm just getting acquainted with your scent so that I don't mistake you for someone else in the future," she innocently replied, as if it were completely normal to sniff someone out of the blue.

What are you, a canine or something?!

Sensing my doubts, she reassured me. "Don't worry too much about it. This is just how people like us with visual impairments usually familiarize themselves with new people.”

I couldn't determine whether she was telling the truth or not, but I remained skeptical. I chose not to argue further since I lacked expertise in the matter, especially considering she was the first blind girl I had ever met in person.

"You smell nice, though, with a subtle fragrance. It's like a gentle breeze carrying the essence of blooming flowers. I can detect floral notes, with hints of jasmine and rose, intertwined with a touch of sweetness. It's such a pleasant scent that I wouldn't mind smelling it every day," she remarked.

Heck no! There is no way I would allow her to smell me whenever she pleases every day!

Still, I was taken aback by her ability to accurately identify all the sanitary products I was using solely through her sense of smell. Considering that I rarely wear perfume unless it's for a special occasion, the scent should be subtle enough not to be easily detectable. This discovery further supports my theory that she does indeed possess heightened senses compared to your average person.

She giggled, pulling me out of my thoughts.

Confused by her sudden behavior, I curiously asked, "What’s so funny?"

"Oh, I apologize. It's nothing. I just find it amusing how you can easily control the rhythm of your heart," she reasoned.

"...What do you mean?" I asked, still puzzled.

“Just as I said. From being emotional, with your heart thumping so fast, to suddenly slowing it down to contemplate rationally, I believe you have a remarkable ability to control your emotions. You seem to have a greater level of emotional control than most people I know. You're quite intriguing, you know. Now I understand why Gilligan warned us about you," she voiced out her thoughts.

This girl is quite perceptive. Does she already know I could enter the zone at will? Still, I couldn’t help but drop my guard around her because of her beautifully petite looks and unfortunate disability. I must remind myself to always be on guard around her, considering that she is one of the most enigmatic participants in the tournament.

“I think you are mistaken. I don’t know why your team should be wary of me since I’m only a support player for our team.”

"Oh, I haven't actually witnessed you play," she gestured to her eyes, her implication not lost on me. "But based on what I've heard from Gilligan, through his AI gizmo or something, your movements are incredibly refined and can only be attributed to a seasoned player. He suspects that you have another account that you'll use as a trump card if necessary."

I paused at her statement; this Gilligan guy is someone I should be wary of.

"Why are you sharing this information with me? I don't see how this benefits you or your team," I asked, skepticism evident in my voice.

I don't understand why she would share what she knows about us. It seems to undermine their advantage in the strategic part of the battle. Just hearing this piece of crucial information from her, I could already prepare a counterplay and adjust our formation when up against them.

She shrugged, sporting a carefree attitude. "It doesn't matter in the end. No one can defeat me, after all," she said with a touch of melancholy evident in her tone.

Her statement didn't come across as arrogant but rather as a reflection of solitude. It hinted at someone who understands the loneliness that comes with being at the top and having no one to compete against wholeheartedly.

I took a moment to contemplate her words, allowing the chilly night breeze to envelop us before responding, "The world is vast. Even if you feel that way, there are plenty of talented individuals out there. I'm confident that you'll eventually find someone who can match your skills."

She gave me an unreadable expression, which then transitioned to a pleasantly beautiful smile when she realized I was trying to reassure her, “I appreciate it. It seems my initial impression of you was not mistaken. You really are lovely, both inside… and out.”

I was speechless again, taken aback by the compliment. I can feel a slight heat on my face with her statement.

Caught off guard, I decided to rely on my dodging skills once again. "I-it's getting late, and I should get some rest to prepare for tomorrow," I stammered, trying to find an excuse to leave.

"Oh, I understand," she responded with a hint of sadness in her tone. "Would you mind accompanying me here again tomorrow night? I would love to hear your soothing voice once more," she curiously asked.


I paused for a moment. She is honestly good company to have despite her peculiarities, which could be attributed to her blindness.

"Only if you allow me to hear you sing again," I replied, giving her a playful smile, indicating that I was starting to let my guard down around her yet again.

Then, I suddenly and embarrassingly remembered that she couldn't see my expression at all, so there was no point in doing so. Nevertheless, she responded positively.

“It’s a promise.”

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