Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 14

Vol.2 Chapter 14

October 25, 2031


Tactical’s PoV

The scent of fresh flowers from a nearby arrangement mingles with the faint aroma of the coffee, creating a comforting blend that fills the air.

The gentle strains of ambient music reach my ears, a soothing soundtrack to the scene unfolding before me. I hear the rhythmic tapping of the receptionist's fingers on the keyboard, punctuated by the occasional rustle of papers. It sucks to be on her shift. Seems like there are plenty of people booking on the hotel today.

That is to be expected though, as this hotel is the most cost-efficient one in terms of service among the other hotels around. This is also one of the closest anyone could get to the venue where the U20 tournament is going to happen. Judging how many guests there are, it seems most of the people staying here have the sole purpose of watching the tournament unfold. Most of the players there are popular streamers after all and have many fans in the CoA community.

Good thing I’m in disguise as I would surely cause a commotion of players wanting my autograph. Being a legend, even though retired, still has a lot of sway in the CoA community, especially if you are one of the first champions of the Andartha Cup, the most renowned e-sports tournament.

I was lost in my thoughts as I watched the guests come and go, their footsteps echoing softly on the marble floor, the clatter of luggage wheels a testament to the transient nature of this place. Despite the flurry of activity, there's a sense of calm efficiency that pervades the atmosphere, a testament to the seamless service of the hotel.

As my thoughts wander to the participants of the tournament, I contemplate visiting Seer. However, considering the strict security team, it appears that I will have to wait until tomorrow for the opening ceremony for me to be able to meet him.

Nevertheless, it is commendable that the higher-ups at CoA are considering the future of these young participants. I appreciate their foresight and dedication to nurturing the potential of these individuals. By providing free booking services to the participants, they encourage the formation of bonds throughout the week. These connections can prove to be highly beneficial in the long run, especially for those aspiring to go pro. The players will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with some of the best players from around the world and what type of personalities they would mesh with. Understanding the full capabilities of potential future teammates and having compatibility with their personalities is crucial when forming a strong team to compete against current professionals after all. This is something I have learned from personal experience, as I formed a team with my former rival.

Speaking of forming connections, I don’t have any strong backing like the famous e-sports organizations do. My only chance of recruiting talented players from the tourney is to form connections as early as possible. I sure hope I can scout gems in the rough in my time here.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed a kid eyeing me curiously from a distance. He seems to be watching me for a while now, his eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Finally, he mustered up the courage to approach me.

"Why do you look so suspicious?" he blurts out, not a hint of hesitation in his curious voice.

I'm taken aback by his boldness. I can't help but feel a bit amused by his straightforwardness, well he is just a kid after all.

"Well, we all have our mysterious sides, don't we?" I reply with a small smile, which is hidden behind my wide-brimmed hat and face mask.

Kids love cool and cryptic words like that after all so it seems like the amp response to this little guy.

“Hmm, you do look very suspicious. My big brother always reminds me and my sister to be careful around people like you.”

T-that’s fair, it is good that people still remind their children to be careful around strangers. Still, it is not like I’m in disguise for something nefarious.

As I was thinking of how to convince the kid that I was not a bad guy, an extremely adorable girl approached us.

This girl exudes cuteness. Not only her looks but also her aura. That kind of reminds me of a past teammate whom I’m sure will fall head over heels with this girl. Even though I’m sure her pride would not let her admit it.

"Colin, stop bothering the kind man. S-sorry mister, my brother can be mischievous sometimes,” the girl apologized.

“It’s fine,” I gave them a comforting smile, although I once again forgot that my smile was concealed by my frustrating mask.

“T-then, we will be off. Sorry again!” she gave one last apology before she pulled her brother hastily away from me.

I sighed; I hate this suspicious disguise.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I scanned the huge room before me. The area is bathed in a soft, warm light that accentuates the tasteful decor. My eyes are drawn to the king-sized bed, dressed in crisp white linens and an array of plush pillows. The carpet beneath my feet is thick and plush, a treat for my tired feet. The room even has its own VR pod, most likely why the CoA team chose this hotel as the venue for their participants.

I walk over to the window, pulling back the heavy, velvet drapes to reveal a breathtaking view of the city skyline. I can't help but admire the attention to detail as I notice the minibar stocked with premium drinks, the coffee maker with a selection of gourmet blends, and a fruit basket filled with fresh, ripe fruits. There's a well-sized desk for work, with a comfortable chair and ample lighting. The large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall promises entertainment at the click of a button.

“Now this is what a hotel room is supposed to look like,” I murmured to myself.

I surveyed the bathroom next. The lavatory is a marvel in itself, with its marble countertops, a large soaking tub, and a separate glass-enclosed shower. High-end toiletries are lined neatly beside the sink, waiting to be used.

As I take in the ambiance, there's a sense of tranquility that permeates the room. It's clear that every aspect of this room is designed for comfort and luxury, making it a five-star experience indeed.

I heard my phone ping, a message from a friend. I only have three people who constantly message me. Liz, Ariadne, and my mom… how depressing.

I picked up my phone and curiously looked at it, finding Aria to be the culprit.

Aria: My teammates and I just arrived. What room are you in?

You: 3rd floor, 308, why?

Aria: I want to talk about something in private.

You: Sure, I’ll wait for you here.

I closed my phone after replying. So, they had just arrived, huh? We almost arrived at the exact time. We were just earlier by a couple of minutes or so. We could have arrived earlier but Rana had to stop by her old condo since she would be staying there. Still, it’s good that the participants for the tournament are the only ones allowed here, so none of her shenanigans for the rest of the time we are staying here.

As I was thinking about what to do next, a knock resounded inside the hotel room where I was staying. Is it perhaps Aria? That was fast, I just messaged her a second ago.

I checked the door peephole, finding Liz waiting patiently outside. I immediately opened the door, letting her inside.

“Liz?” I asked her curiously.

“Hey Kat, I’m here to hang out! Let’s explore the hotel together!” she cheerfully exclaimed.

“Hmm, sure. After I talk to Aria about something,” I explained.

“Ohh, you mean Ariadne? Can I listen in?” she asked apprehensively.

“…I think she wants to talk to me about something privately.”

“It’s fine, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me being here,” she brushed my concerns off.

I think she will, but I don’t think I can convince Liz when she’s already made up her mind like that. I’m bad at persuasion after all.

As if on cue, another knock pulled our attention to the door.

“I’ll get!” Liz quickly took off and opened the door before I could say anything.

Aria looked surprised when she saw Liz opening the door instead of me.

“Why are you here?” she asked Liz.

“Oh, I’m here to hang out with Kat.”

Aria stared at Liz for a moment before turning her attention to me.

“Did you inform her that I have something to discuss with you?” Aria asked me.

“…I did. But she wants to hear what we are going to talk about…” I said weakly.

Well, it's not like I’m against it or anything. She is fun to have around, after all.

Aria analyzed me a bit before she turned her head towards Liz.

“Don’t you think you are invading Katherine’s private space, I’m pretty sure she likes to have some time alone in her room without you disrupting it,” she chided Liz.

“Oh, it's fine! Kat would shoo me away she didn’t want me to be here. Besides, we always hang out together like this! I’ve already slept with her last night so this much is nothing new,” Liz innocently replied.

I saw Aria's eyes twitch. It was quick, so sudden that it was nearly unnoticeable, but not for my observative eyes which are trained to notice minute details.

Liz, I think someone might misunderstand if you phrase it that way. However, I suppose it's not a problem since we're both girls. I'm confident that no one will misinterpret the situation, even if she says it like that.

“I see… then Miss Elizabeth, can you please leave the room? I want to talk to Katherine privately,” she spoke in a clear professional manner.

“What are guys going to talk about?” Liz inquired.

“I believe it is none of your business,” she bluntly said, borderline close to being rude.

Hmm, something seems off. Ariadne is usually not this impolite, especially towards someone she doesn't dislike.

Liz did not seem to take the statement lightly. The confrontational tone of Aria’s voice also did not help in the slightest.

“It is my business though. I'm Katherine's partner after all.”

Aria's eyebrows twitched again at Liz's rebuke.

"And I'm sure you're driving me away just to try and recruit Kat again," Liz continued.

Okay, I must have lied to Liz back then and told her that Ariadne tried to recruit me when she proposed to speak to me alone. Well, it is not a complete lie, but I left some important details... like me being Yuusha for example, and Aria having a betting match with me. Liz did not like the mellowed-down news I told her though so I cannot blame her for not wanting to leave me alone with Aria. Still, she had never been this overprotective up until now… what changed? Are they on bad terms perhaps?

“I believe it is up to Katherine if she would like you to leave or not,” Aria made a point.

“I agree. Tell her Kat, you would not want me to leave right?” she begged, using her tried and true charm mode.

Liz must really not want me to get recruited by Aria, even though I'm sure that is not Aria’s intention. She probably only wants to talk to me privately as Yuusha’s user.

“Katherine, please explain to your teammate that we have something important to discuss… privately. She is getting in the way,” Aria exclaimed, her tone of voice a tad lower than I’m used to.

Stop! Wait a minute you two! I'm bad at this kind of stuff! I'm usually the last one to get chosen for a team when playing dodgeball back in my elementary years! I have no experience being the one to choose a friend over another!

Well, I guess it's time to use my specialty. The art of dodging. Now what excuse should I use to get away from here...

Wait no Kat! That would be bad if I ran away from this. These two's relationship might sour if left unsupervised. They are both high-ranking members of the guild after all, with Liz being our leader and Aria the future leader of Paragon. They need to have a friendly relationship with each other for the sake of the alliance. And most of all, both of them are my cherished friends. I sincerely want them to be on good terms with each other since I have very few close friends… how depressing.

Let's reason with them for now, They're both intelligent individuals after all. Liz is extremely sociable while Aria is very straightforward. It's honestly a huge surprise for me that they are not getting along considering their personalities mesh well together. They must have just gotten on the wrong foot so I'm sure I can talk some sense into both of them somehow.

"Will both of you please calm down…" I leveled my voice in a calmer tone to help de-escalate the situation.

"You are both Leaders of the alliance, right? What will our members say if you both quarrel like kids over something so trivial?" I hit them with a cold hard truth while trying to be the mature person in the room.

Ariadne, after I point out their childish behavior, seems to feel ashamed of her actions. Well, she was always reasonable. She might just be irritated now because she is tired from her travels to get here.

“I… forgive me, Elizabeth. It was rude of me to kick you out when you both were in the middle of a conversation just so I could talk privately to Katherine.”

Liz was taken aback by Aria's change of attitude. Well, she has always been quick to own up to her mistakes, therefore it's not a surprise to me.

“U-uhm no it's fine! I was being unreasonable too; I should have let you two have some time alone. I can go for now.”

Liz, for her part, is extremely socially adept so there is no way she cannot get along with Aria if she tries.

“There is no need, it's not that important. I can just speak with Katherine some other time when she is available. She proceeded to stand up to leave but Liz stopped her by grabbing her hand.”

“Wait, we were just talking about surveying the hotel. If you have nothing to do, I would love it if you could join us for the tour,” Liz suggested.

Aria was a bit shocked by Liz’s proposal. She quickly glanced at me before replying. "I am also quite curious about the architecture of this place. I'll take you on that offer.”

"He hehe, then, Let go, Ari!" Liz stood up as she pulled her hand towards the exit.


“I like to give my friends nicknames; Ari suits you well… can I not?” she made a pitiful face, most certainly using her irresistible charm toward Aria. Right now, I’m pretty sure that she is doing that on purpose. She is Dust’s cousin after all.

"...It's fine," Aria conceded, having not leveled up her charm resistance against the innocently cute facade that Liz wore.

Liz held Aria’s hand as they merrily took off into the figurative sunset. It's good that two of my closest friends are getting along now but there is one tiny little problem here. Aren't you guys forgetting something? What about me?!

As if on cue, they both turned to me at the same time.

"Aren't you coming Kat?"

"Katherine, don't keep us waiting."

They said in unison.

Phew, that's good. I thought for a second there that they were isolating me.

I tried to play it as if I was hesitant. I would not want them to think I was so eager to explore this place after all. It would make me look childish in front of them.

"…It seems like I have no choice. Someone has to look after you two after all," I took a page out of Chu’s edginess.

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