Untouchable (A VRMMO LitRPG ManhwaBook)

Vol.2 Chapter 21

Vol.2 Chapter 21

Clarissa’s PoV

After the encounter I found myself in earlier, I eagerly began to check out what each stall had to offer since there was a lot of time left before the start of the program.

The first stall I approached was adorned with colorful banners and filled with an array of virtual reality accessories. Virtual reality headsets, motion controllers, and even haptic feedback gloves were on display, tempting me with their cutting-edge technology. I couldn't help but imagine how these devices would enhance my virtual adventures, immersing me even deeper into the digital realms.

After that, I came across a stall that showcased an assortment of futuristic clothing and accessories. Shimmering holographic jackets, sleek cyberpunk goggles, and glowing LED sneakers caught my attention. I couldn't resist trying on a pair of sneakers, feeling like I was entering a world where fashion merged seamlessly with technology.

Then, I stumbled upon a stall dedicated to virtual reality art. Beautifully crafted paintings and sculptures adorned the walls, each one capturing the essence of virtual worlds in stunning detail. The artist behind the stall spoke passionately about the inspiration behind their creations, and I found myself getting lost in the intricate brushstrokes and vibrant colors.

Currently, I found myself drawn to a stall adorned with a collection of figurines with other accessories of the same theme and color scheme as the figurine. The stall was manned by a group of three individuals who appeared to be close friends. Two of them were female and there was a lone male among them. However, it was the charismatic woman who immediately caught my attention. As she noticed my keen interest in the collectibles, she greeted me with a warm smile and an inviting presence that instantly made me feel at ease.


"Hello, are you here to buy Yuusha figurines?" she asked in a calm and composed manner, exuding the grace of a true lady.

"Yuusha? I've heard that name before, quite a lot actually, but I don't really know who that is," I curiously replied.

Whenever I ask Novo, who is the most knowledgeable person I know, about the name Yuusha, she always seems to either change the subject or evade my question.

"Oh, so you're a new player, perhaps?" I noticed a sparkle in her eyes as I admitted my curiosity. "Well then, let me enlighten you, please!" she exclaimed with unfiltered enthusiasm as if her calm demeanor earlier was just a facade.

"Whoa, whoa. Hold on a second, Faye. You might scare off another potential customer," a seemingly bubbly and cheerful woman interjected, her voice filled with laughter.

"Oh, right," the woman's face reddened slightly as if she was embarrassed by her actions. "Ahem, sorry about that. Then, let me tell you who Yuusha is," she returned to her usual calm voice, containing her earlier enthusiasm.

"That is, if you'd like, I mean," she added as an afterthought.

"Yeah! I would love to! I've heard that name a couple of times, too many to count, so I'm quite curious,” I answered truthfully.

“Well, it’s no surprise you heard about her because she is the greatest player of CoA who ever lived!” she exclaimed, her enthusiasm returning.

“Here we go again,” I heard one of her female friends mumbled to herself in a defeated tone.

The girl in front of me, Faye, seemed to ignore her, continuing with a history lesson. “You see, Yuusha was one of the first players to win the Andartha Cup, the most prestigious tournament in all of CoA.”

“Ohh, so that is why she is so renowned?”

“Yes, but it did not start that way. You see… when their team first entered the AC, they were immediately mocked by the players,” she said with disgust.

“Why?” I asked curiously.

"First, you should know that the current meta back then was not as diverse as it is now. In those days, having a standard tank DPS in every team was a necessity. However, Yuusha's team, the old Paragon's team, had an extremely unorthodox composition. People generally dislike those who don't conform to the norm, so their team is looked down upon. Adding to that, Yuusha was the only female in not only their team but also the entire tournament, which made her the target of hurtful jokes and mockery,” as if remembering something, she hurriedly continued. "Aside from our lady Celeste of course, who is undoubtedly also female.

"But everyone was astonished as their team consistently emerged victorious, all thanks to her extraordinary plays that outshined every other team. It was as if she was possessed, fueled by an indomitable force that rendered her incapable of losing. The tournament seemed to hold a life-or-death significance for her, with victory being the sole acceptable outcome!"

"Even the haters couldn't help but become fans over time. And after her legendary 3v1 performance in the finals, all the doubters were silenced!” she exclaimed with vigor.

"That's why she holds such significance for many people. She embodies the limitless potential of VR games, demonstrating that players should not be restricted by the conventions of RPG gaming. That… it's one's own skill that truly matters above all else. This outcome gradually shaped the culture of the CoA community, where strength and skill are respected above all else. Regardless of gender, nationality, or social status, when you log into the game, all that matters is proving your skills,” she ended on a solemn note.

“Whoaah,” I couldn’t help but admire Yuusha. So that is why she is so well respected by everyone I know. I immediately became a fan just hearing of her exploits.

“That is why I established the guild, Yuusha’s Apostles! She showed us the way, now it's time for us, her apostles, to show the truth to others!” she continued.

“Oh boy, here we go again,” I heard another one of her friends sigh but was again ignored.

“She is a martyr, after all, she quit the game for our sins! That is why we established this guild, to ensure that her words are not forgotten, because someday, we know she will return to us once again!” she exclaimed with such passion that it made me remember the preachers I sometimes saw on Television programs.

“Wow, so cool,” I said in astonishment.

“That is why we members of her fan club exist and formed this guild! To spread the word of our savior. To not let it be forgotten in the ebbs of time... so would you like to hear the word of our lord and savior Yuusha and join our guild?”

I got excited immediately at her words. I almost accepted her offer to join her guild but I remembered I already had one. Miss Lizbeth would be heartbroken if I left her guild, at least I think she will be.

"I'm sorry, I already have a guild," I said with a tinge of sadness.

She smiled, showing her understanding. "That's alright. It doesn't matter which guild you belong to, as long as you hold her virtues close to your heart. Then, would you like to buy one of her figurines? This is her set when she was only level 60 and was starting to become notorious at that time. It is said to bring luck to your dungeon runs!”

"I'll definitely buy one!" I exclaimed with excitement.

"We also have a promotion going on. If you purchase two of these figurines, you'll receive a ten percent discount. It's a great opportunity to share the luck in dungeon drops with a friend!" she informed me about a special offer, how kind.

I paused for a moment, considering the offer. "That sounds like an amazing deal. I could also get one for Novo," I whispered to myself.

Turning my attention back to the friendly woman, I made up my mind. "Sure! I'll purchase two figurines!"

We made our transaction. After sending her the money via my e-wallet, she handed me the figurines, which looked really cool. Her gray hair and black-themed cloak exude a certain mystery that draws me in.

"Thank you for your purchase. Please do come back again! And don't forget to bring a friend next time, so we can spread the word of Yuusha together!"

"Sure thing!" I waved goodbye before leaving.

They seemed like genuinely nice people, and I am certain that Novo would be thrilled to meet them!


"A-Achoo!" I sneezed; a bit more forcefully than I would have preferred.

"What's the matter? Are you feeling cold?" Liz asked, concern evident on her pretty face. "You can borrow my jacket if you'd like. It would go well with our jersey."

“I’m fine… probably,” I replied vaguely, unsure of what made me sneeze in the first place.

We are currently backstage at the venue, having received a brief explanation from the staff about what we would be doing once called on stage. All the participants are now waiting in the lobby, each player seemingly content to keep to themselves and engage in conversations within their respective teams. We are all prepared to face what appears to be the most challenging part of the tournament, at least for me. The only thing left is for the Emcee to announce our team's names.

At this moment, I find myself longing to go home and leave all of this behind, consequences be damned. All these enthusiastic people are getting on my nerves. It would be better if they made it an online tournament like the first AC, a much simpler tournament. I get that a Lan tournament garners more attention and a better overall experience for the fans, but still!

“Team Paragon!” an enthusiastic and boisterous deep voice called out.

The announcement was followed by a thunderous roar of applause from the hundreds of audience at the stadium. They sure are popular, huh? Good for them… I guess.

"As I suspected, they're going first again. I bet we'll be called last when all the excitement has died down, this is fucking unfair," Renz grumbled with a hint of disappointment.

Personally, I didn't mind that at all. The less attention, the better, I thought to myself.

"Don't be like that. You know what they say, 'Save the best for last!'" Liz chimed in, trying to maintain a positive outlook.

“…It’s no surprise. We are considered the weakest and least popular here, after all,” Chu uncharacteristically butted in the conversation.

The crowd must be getting on his nerves too for him to join I like this.

"Hah?! I thought you wanted to win. Why are you being negative now and calling our team weak? Did the defeat you experienced yesterday humble you this much?" Renz confronted, his tone filled with surprise and a hint of frustration.

"…Being perceived as weak by the audience isn't the same as actually being weak. They will all be silenced when we become the champions of this tournament," Chu responded with unwavering determination.

Renz was caught off guard for a second before regaining his composure. "Heh, looks like I can agree with you for once," he replied, giving Chu a smirk.

"You two really are close, huh?" I chimed in, trying to lighten the mood by making a jest of my own.

"As if."

"Who in their right mind would be close with this Edgelord!"

They said in unison, firmly rejecting any idea of closeness between them, which brought a smile to my face as I observed their shared mindset.

We continued our light banter for a while until it was our turn to be called.

"Team Paradigm!" the announcer exclaimed with the same enthusiasm as when he called the first team.

"Looks like it's our time to shine!" Liz cheered, leading the way towards the arena.

We followed our captain, and I must admit, her demeanor was truly inspiring, helping me calm my nerves even for just a little.

Stepping into the grand arena, my heart raced, and my social anxiety heightened. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as the opening ceremony of the e-sports tournament was about to begin. The venue was packed with fans from all over the world, their cheers echoing through the halls. While their cheers may not have been as thunderous as those of the previous contestants, they still sent shivers down my spine and intensified my nervousness.

Taking in the sight of the stage, I was in awe. It was a spectacle to behold, adorned with massive LED screens that illuminated the entire arena. The vibrant graphics and dynamic animations created an immersive atmosphere, setting the stage for the intense battles that awaited us. The lights dimmed, and the screens came alive, captivating the audience with a visual extravaganza.


As we made our long walk towards the center stage, where all the participants were lined up, the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, giving us short introductions one by one.

"First, let's give a round of applause for their Captain, Elizabeth Miles, also known as 'Lizbeth' in the CoA world. With her infectious smile and undeniable charm, she brings a unique energy to the gaming arena. However, don't let her cheerful demeanor fool you, because when it comes to the game, she transforms into a fierce competitor with unwavering determination to succeed. Her impeccable synergy and unwavering trust in her support make her a formidable force to be reckoned with!"

The screens surrounding the stage showcase highlights of Elizabeth's gameplay, showcasing her skills and strategic prowess. It is a sight to behold how they captured her most flashing moments. On top of her being extremely beautiful, it feels as if I’m watching a movie with a gorgeous actor in it. The crowd went wild upon seeing her graceful plays.

“And their team’s duo complete without her trusted support, Katherine Katyusha!” the announcer hyped.

As my name was called, shivers ran down my spine, and I couldn't help but gulp nervously. A fleeting thought crossed my mind - was it too late to turn back and walk away? I’m really tempted, but going back now would be more embarrassing than just letting things play out.

“in-game-name, Novo. She is the only one not yet max-leveled among all the participants. But don’t let her under-leveled account fool you, on top of being an extremely skilled survivalist and a calm and collected beauty prepared for any adversaries, she is also a dual caster!” the emcee exclaimed.

As if on cue, the screens played a couple of clips of me casting haste and heal at Liz. The spectacle seemed to awe the audience, who increased the intensity of their cheers.

"And that's not all," the announcer continued, "she not only supports her teammates in the game but also provides emotional support to them!"

Dread immediately washed over me as a clip of me saying embarrassing things surfaced on the screen. It was a moment from our first match against RuG and his team, where I had tried to motivate Liz by saying cheesy lines that I would never repeat again in my lifetime. I mean, what the hell!? Play another clip, please! Anything but that!

My mind went blank after that and I went on autopilot with a full-on poker face, an escape mechanism of mine when the embarrassment was no longer bearable. I couldn't recall what happened then. It was as if I had been transported to another world. When I finally came to, I realized that our introductions had finished, and I was now standing at the center stage alongside all the other participants.

"Before we kick off the start of the opening ceremony, let's take a moment to hear a message from none other than Harper Stone, the Marketing Director of our game!" the announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

As Harper Stone was called onto the stage, I couldn't help but notice his professional and polished appearance. He exuded confidence and sophistication, dressed in a well-tailored and modern business suit, with his hair styled in a sleek updo. There was something about him that felt familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Where had I seen him before?

I racked my brain, trying to recall things related to the name Harper Stone. Perhaps he had made appearances in promotional videos or interviews related to the game that I watched, but I cannot be sure.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow gaming enthusiasts welcome to the grand opening of this spectacular event! Tonight, we come together not only as mere spectators but as witnesses to the remarkable talent and limitless creativity of the young individuals who will grace the center stage in this epic battle. Get ready to witness the clash of the Titans, where virtual worlds collide and heroes emerge!"

The crowd went wild upon hearing his bold statements. If anything, he does know how to hype up the crowd.

"But let's not forget the heart and soul of this tournament: the youth under 20. These remarkable individuals possess an insatiable hunger for adventure, a thirst for competition, and a boundless imagination that knows no limits. They are the embodiment of the future, and tonight, they will captivate us with their brilliance!" he exclaimed with utmost passion.

As if on cue, the camera focuses on us participants. Eliciting another roar from the crowd.

"Therefore, my fellow gamers, buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating adventure. Brace yourselves for awe-inspiring maneuvers, mind-bending strategies, and pulse-pounding moments that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The Champion's Brawl is about to commence, and I guarantee you, it will be a rollercoaster ride like no other!"

"And who knows, there might be a surprise guest appearance that none of us are prepared for," he added as an afterthought, his gaze scanning the participants. And in that fleeting moment, it felt as if his eyes locked onto mine.

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