Vampire Summoner's Rebirth: Summoning The Vampire Queen At The Start

Chapter 137 I'm Glad To Have You With Me


My parents hugged me tightly, showering me with their love. In my previous life… I never had this sort of love from anybody, and when I grew up and was surrounded by many, my personality and my nature naturally drove away my own servants. The closest people I would have considered friends away from growing closer from me aside from as just servants that fought for me and obeyed my commands. I was never able to truly experience a feeling so warm, comfortable, and all-encompassing as this one. I never would had thought that two simple humans would had ever done so much for me without giving me any material other than the most basic food and shelter.

My cold heart had been slowly melting ever since I was reborn in this world. Be it the will of Lucifer or whatever, I was rather certain that this life was different, and that what I was going through wasn't just some plot. This love was genuine, and this world as well… Lucifer might be lurking behind, but he wasn't really able to exert his powers over my life aside from the grimoire, and even that seemed seemingly limited… This life and these experiences, they were all genuine and real ones.

So this is what it feels to be loved… I have finally realized that I found my real family and… perhaps, that I've finally begun to live at long last. I still think of my previous life and my many experiences, and they shaped my nature and my thoughts. I cannot really change how I am in such aspects, and I won't become a coward, a crybaby, or something else for just accepting my emotions. But it is indeed something that is improving my life, and is making me truly happy to be alive.

"Mom… Dad… Thank you. I also love you two." I said.

"Oh… B-Blake…"

"My son… Y-You said you love us?!"

My mother and my father were left shocked. I had never said that before since I was born, but now, it simply came out of my mouth without realizing. Love… what a mysterious feeling. It sometimes feels like it drives you crazy, it is a motivational force stronger than even the desire of growing stronger, but it only makes such a desire even greater for my case.

"Yeah… I am happy that you're my parents. Don't feel down, you've done more than what I could have ever asked for…" I said with a smile.

"Uwaaah! You're such a nice boy!"

"My son…!"

My mother began to cry even more, she was beginning to get a bit annoying, and my father was hugging and kissing my forehead all the time. It felt a bit annoying too, they were too clingy, but… It also made me happy. There was a stupid happiness inside of me that I wished it wasn't there, but it only continued to grow bigger and bigger as I felt how genuine their feelings were.

"Good, good! He's not going anywhere, so just let him do what he wants. He's a smart and strong kid, he got the best of both worlds already. The only thing left now is letting him go along his path, I am sure that it will be for the better of our family…" Said my grandmother.

At the end, we ended up eating lunch almost half an hour later due to how crybaby my parents were. But things ended quite nice, and around 3 PM I moved out of my house and made my way towards the church of the Holy Spirits, a small cathedral that was in the middle of the town. There was priests in the entrance and some guards as well, stopping me from getting through. The cathedral was made out of bricks and mostly covered in moss, it looked old and almost ruined, but they used it anyways. Maybe it was quite old.

"Hey! You got permission to enter the cathedral at this hour, young man?" Asked one of the soldiers protecting the place. These soldiers could be used better if they went to the forest and killed demons instead of wasting their time protecting a place nobody cares about.

"Yeah, Priest Ellergest invited me here to help him in healing people. Is he here?" I wondered.

"Priest Ellergest?! You? A serf kid? Yeah sure." Said the soldier, trying to dismiss me.

"I am not lying…" I sighed.

"How can you prove it?" He asked. "You probably want to get healed or something for free, don't you?"

I looked at the man and resisted the urge of cutting his hand and then healing it back to prove him that I can heal, but I decided to be patient and looked at him with an innocent face.

"Could you please call him? Tell him that my name is Blank." I asked, as I gave him a silver coin.

The man took the coin and looked down on me, he looked around and nodded.

"Okay but if he says he doesn't know you I can't do anything else." He said, walking inside. Money always works, in any world you are, money is the king and it will even make people do things they were unwilling to do. It is the greatest language that even connects people that would never associate with one another.

I waited patiently until the man finally walked back with Ellergest, he looked at me with a nervous smile, he was even sweating a bit, it seems that he got shocked when Ellergest recognized my name and thought that I was like his pupil or something. Insulting the pupil of a priest is a big offense, so he might have fucked up big time in there. But don't worry, I won't say a thing.

"H-Here it is, Blank!" He said. "H-Have a good day!" The soldier quickly walked away.

"Ah, Blank, you came super late, we already went to a few places already and we were having lunch now. Want to come join us while you explain why you're so late?" Asked the bearded man, looking at me rather angrily. I had just eaten, but I decided to join them out of courtesy. My body physique makes it consume a lot of calories, so I can allow myself to eat a second lunch.


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