Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 159: Massacre

Chapter 159: Massacre

A scene of massacre unfolded in front of Agatha’s eyes. She saw mutilated bodies laid on the ground that were releasing a thick smell of blood. But she couldn’t see the pool of blood as the den was poorly lit. She could find solace in the fact that the cultists didn’t care about optimizing the visibility inside the den.

And it wasn’t like she wasn’t involved in this massacre. Her hands and her clothes were painted in the cultists’ blood as well. She had to do her master’s bidding after all.

Numerically, most damages were done by her master’s demon beast. Reen’s mere presence was enough to make the poor cultists freeze in their tracks. And then she would just take her sweet time digesting them up. But her killings would not leave any bodies behind.

Eren on the other hand would just hack through his opponents like an unstoppable force. Sometimes it was hard for Agatha to follow his movements with her eyes. The teen would just disappear from his place only to appear a few meters away from his initial positions. And the opponent would have already lost their limbs by the time that happened.

It was difficult for Agatha to make a sense out of Eren’s way of killing his opponents in the most brutal way possible without even batting an eye. She felt that her master was no teen doing these battle-hardened activities.

Only then she did realize that the terrorist didn’t need the potion bombs to overwhelm her. He could have dealt with her just as easily even when he hadn’t used those explosives.

Collectively, the trio must have killed around 40 F-Rank and 1 E-Rank cultist by now. They had cleared an entire cultist’s organization’s branch all by themselves even without forming a proper party.

“Stop staring like that and get to work. Reen won’t be able to finish all the bodies and my ID storage can only store so much. Use yours to store a few intact ones and get the rest in one place.”

Eren ordered Agatha after he killed the last cultist youngster who was trying to run away from the scene. He had really meant it when he said there would be no survivors.

“Whaaaa… What do you mean by storing bodies in storage? Why would you even think of doing something like this?”

Agatha asked with a shadow of grimness spread on her face. She regretted joining the cult after she stopped being one. Because it was the reason behind her ending up as this monster’s slave.

“Isn’t it obvious? Reen likes fresh food. But she can eat the one in storage when she is feeling a little peckish.”

Agatha felt like puking after she heard that. She thought that her master was taking the bodies to leave fewer clues behind. But he was thinking of feeding his demon beast in his spare time.

In Eren’s defence, he had to be efficient when it came to feeding Reen. her appetite was no joking matter. And he couldn’t just kill random civilians and make him a target of the high-ranked entities.

Killing cultists served multiple purposes for Eren. So he didn’t think about sparing any of them at all from the very beginning.

Agatha had to follow her master’s orders. She and Eren took a few intact bodies in their ID storage. Then they started to gather the remaining ones to create a pile.

A mini mountain of chopped up bodies and organs was created in a while. Agatha already felt numb to all these activities. She still wasn’t comfortable in doing the things her master was asking from her. But her survival nature made her come to terms with her current reality.

“What will we do now? Even if we burn the bodies up, the historians would find some clues or the other.”

Agatha asked while wiping her bloody hands on a piece of fabric she had torn from a dead cultist’s jacket. She had come to realize that Eren wasn’t that stupid to believe that mere burning the bodies would get him out of the massacre he had created here.

“I’ll take care of that.”

Reen reformed herself into that of a young girl and said after finally digesting her last body for the day. She felt content after having a hearty meal after a long time.

“You can’t this mountain now, can you?”

Agatha asked with suspicion on her face. Raising a demon beast who seemed to hit their growth spurt sure wasn’t easy. She thought to herself.

“*sigh. Sadly, no. I mean I can, but it’ll take a while. And Eren doesn’t want us to wait that much here. So I’ll just partially consume them. That will collude with the mana signature residues, making it difficult for the historians to know about us.”

Reen didn’t find anything wrong in telling Agatha about her powers. She knew from Eren’s thoughts that he would never let her go alive once she had been taken in as his slave.

Agatha had asked about how Eren had obtained Reen and from where. He told her just enough to give her some basic understanding of the demon beast.

Reen finished her job. Now the scene of the massacre was difficult to retrospect even with the historian’s spells. Eren found a few barrels of earthen oil inside the den. He used the same oil and lit the whole thing inside it shortly after.

Soon, the fire will consume the entire inside of the Den and spill outside. There would remain only ash as a sign of something that had existed inside this natural cave.

But Eren’s team didn’t wait that long enough. They had already looted the cultists’ treasury located at the inner sanctum of the cave. Now waiting anymore would simply be foolishness they weren’t willing to commit.

Agatha had cold shivers as she travelled with her two teammates. They had just committed the mass killing and all these two would do was nod at each other from time to time while making faces that said it wasn’t a big deal. It was as if the entire conversation had happened in their heads.


AN: Thanks emme_z, DaoisteXkbM7, LordofKaizen, and Overlord_Venus for sending gifts. I can use all the colas I get. Receiving colas is Chadness! ??

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