Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 703: Orchestrating Series of Incidents To Seduce Bella

Chapter 703: Orchestrating Series of Incidents To Seduce Bella

Wang Jian lay in bed, watching the soft, exhausted breathing of Emily beside him. Her body still glistened with the aftermath of their passionate encounter, her face peaceful in sleep.

Yet, as he stared at the ceiling, a creeping sense of dissatisfaction gnawed at him.

He'd just had sex with Emily-someone most would consider a dream to have-but it didn't give him the rush or fulfillment he craved. His thoughts lingered elsewhere, gravitating toward another woman.


She had been occupying his mind relentlessly. Though their relationship had grown friendlier, and she'd acknowledged him as a man, she didn't see him as boyfriend material.

There was a barrier between them, a distance that couldn't be closed by mere charm or sex appeal alone.

He knew he had to do more.

But Bella was more than just a pretty face- her mind was sharp, her instincts keener than Emily's or Jessica's. He couldn't rely on the usual seduction tricks he had employed with the others. No, Bella required something different. Something more...delicate, more calculated, and far darker.

Wang Jian turned his head slightly, the beginnings of a devious plan forming in his mind. He wouldn't seduce her through flattery or compliments.

No, he would force her closer by shattering her perception of safety, making her turn to him for comfort and security. It was evil. Diabolical. But it would work.

The first part of his scheme began the next morning. He slipped out of bed, leaving Emily asleep, and walked into the bathroom, his mind sharpening his plans like a finely-honed blade.

Bella needed to feel vulnerable, to believe that the world was not as safe as it seemed, and more importantly, that only Wang Jian could provide her with security. But he would need funds to set his plans into motion.

As he brushed his teeth, he sent a quick text to both Emily and Jessica, his secret girlfriend.

"I need some cash. About $3,000. I'll pay you back soon, just trust me on this."

Neither of them questioned it. They had been with Wang Jian long enough to know that he had his reasons, and neither Emily nor Jessica would ever refuse him anything.

By noon, both women had transferred the money into his account, blissfully unaware of what their funds would soon facilitate.

Wang Jian smirked as he pocketed his phone. The women in his life were so easy to manipulate. They believed whatever he told them, thinking it was for something like a gift or an outing. In truth, this money would bankroll a series of events that would shake Bella to her core.

The first incident occurred later that evening. Bella had an apartment on the outskirts of campus, a quiet and serene place that she cherished. Wang Jian had paid off a group of low- life thugs to break into her apartment while she was out with friends, ensuring they would trash the place—break windows, overturn furniture, and leave behind a trail of destruction.

As he predicted, Bella returned home around midnight to find her apartment in complete disarray. Her first reaction was horror, followed by a rising sense of dread. She immediately called the police, who came and documented the incident, though they could do little beyond that. Bella's once-safe haven now felt like a violated, dangerous space.

The next day, Wang Jian observed her from afar, hiding behind a tree near the campus cafe where she often sat in the afternoons. Bella sat there with a cup of coffee, her usually vibrant face clouded with worry. She was talking with a friend, her hands trembling slightly as she recounted the break-in.

He couldn't help but admire the way her voluptuous body shifted in her seat-the curve of her hips, the tightness of her clothes hugging her chest. Even though she was rattled, Bella still exuded an irresistible allure. But this wasn't the time to admire her beauty. This was part of the plan.

"It's just... I don't know if I can stay there anymore," Bella said, her voice shaking. "I thought it was a safe neighborhood, but now... I can't even sleep properly. What if they come back?"

Her friend tried to reassure her, but Wang Jian could see the damage had already been done. Bella was genuinely terrified. The seed of doubt had been planted.

For the next incident, Wang Jian upped the ante. He had arranged for Bella's car-her prized possession to be vandalized. He paid another group to find her car in the campus parking lot, slash her tires, and spray-paint the side with crude, menacing messages.

When Bella discovered her ruined car the following morning, the shock nearly brought her to tears. He watched her from a nearby bench as she stood in the parking lot, her phone pressed to her ear as she called her insurance company. She looked around, wide-eyed and trembling, as if expecting someone to jump out at her from the shadows.

He smiled to himself, knowing exactly what was going through her mind. She was starting to feel trapped. The world around her was becoming hostile, unpredictable, and frightening. And yet, she had no idea that it was all part of his plan.

That evening, Bella attended a small party thrown by some mutual friends. Wang Jian made sure to be there, playing the role of the concerned and supportive friend. When Bella arrived, her nerves were clearly frazzled. He approached her casually, offering her a warm smile and a -comforting embrace.

"Hey, you look a little stressed," he said softly, pulling her into a friendly hug. "What's going on?"n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Bella sighed, leaning into him just enough to make him feel the heat of her body, though it was clear she wasn't seeking anything romantic. "I don't even know where to start," she said, her voice tired. "First my apartment, now my car... It's like everything is falling apart around


Wang Jian frowned, his expression filled with fake concern. "That's awful, Bella. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."

She offered him a weak smile in return. "Thanks, Jian. I just... I don't know what's happening.

It feels like I'm cursed."

He resisted the urge to grin. This was going even better than he had anticipated.

Over the next few days, Wang Jian orchestrated a few smaller incidents-strange phone calls

in the middle of the night, eerie messages left on her voicemail, and odd occurrences in public places where Bella would feel like someone was following her. He watched her grow increasingly paranoid, her confidence and independence slowly crumbling under the weight

of fear.

All the while, he made sure to maintain his facade of concern. He'd casually check in with her,

asking how she was doing, offering his ear for her to vent. He never pushed too hard-he didn't want to seem too eager-but he made sure to be there just enough for her to start associating him with safety.

Finally, after a few days of this, Bella reached her breaking point.

Wang Jian was sitting in the student lounge when Bella came to him, her eyes wide with desperation. "Jian... I don't know who else to turn to," she said, her voice barely a whisper. "I don't feel safe anywhere. I'm scared all the time."

He looked up at her, his heart pounding with triumph. He kept his expression calm, though,

feigning concern as he reached out to take her hand. "Bella, I'm so sorry you're going through this. You shouldn't have to feel like that. Look, why don't you crash at my place for a few nights? I've got plenty of room, and it'll give you a chance to feel safe and figure things out."

Bella hesitated, biting her lip. She glanced down at her feet, clearly unsure. But Wang Jian knew he had her. He'd orchestrated everything perfectly, driven her to the point where she had no other option but to rely on him.

"Are you sure?" she asked quietly.

"Of course," he replied with a warm smile. "I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it. You're my friend, Bella. I just want you to feel safe."

After a few moments of silence, Bella finally nodded. "Okay," she whispered. "Thank you,

Jian. I really appreciate it."

As they walked toward his car, Wang Jian allowed himself a moment of satisfaction. His plan had worked flawlessly. Bella was scared, vulnerable, and in need of protection-and now, she was turning to him for that protection.

And soon, he knew, she would be his.

Every step of the way, he had manipulated her circumstances, bending the world around her

to his will. She would never suspect that it had all been orchestrated by him. She would only see him as the man who had been there for her when she needed someone the most.

As they drove toward his apartment, Wang Jian glanced over at Bella, taking in the sight of her curvaceous body as she sat quietly beside him.

She had no idea what was coming next—no idea that she was falling right into his trap. But

that was part of the thrill for him. He would bide his time, waiting for just the right moment to make his next move. And when the time came, he would rock her entire world.

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