Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 714  Wang Jian's Past As A Gangster

Chapter 714  Wang Jian's Past As A Gangster

Wang Jian and Bella arrived at the college the next day, a quiet but palpable tension lingering between them. After their days spent in each other's arms, indulging in each other's desires, returning to their roles of student and professor felt surreal. Bella's auburn hair cascaded over her shoulders, her purple eyes glancing at Wang Jian with a mix of apprehension and longing as they approached the main building.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Bella asked softly, her voice low, betraying her nerves. "After all the time we've taken off, people might start talking."

Wang Jian smirked, placing his hand reassuringly on the small of her back. "Relax, Bella. No one's going to suspect anything. You said you were sick, remember? And as for me, I'm just a student taking a few days off—nothing unusual."

Bella bit her lip, clearly unconvinced, but she nodded. "I just don't want anyone to find out about us. It could ruin everything..."

"No one will," Wang Jian replied, his tone confident. "I'll keep my distance. You'll be the professional professor, and I'll be just another student. Easy."

Bella gave him a small, grateful smile, though the worry in her eyes remained. She leaned up, brushing a quick, soft kiss against his lips. "Okay... I'll see you later."

With that, they parted ways—Bella heading to her lecture hall and Wang Jian toward his classroom. He walked with a leisurely swagger, his mind still savoring the memories of the past few days. But now, it was time to fall back into his usual routine, and part of that routine included his other girlfriends at college—Emma and Jessica.

As Wang Jian entered the classroom, he spotted Emma sitting in her usual seat near the front. Her dark black hair framed her delicate face, and her brown eyes sparkled as they met his. She smiled warmly, patting the seat beside her. "Hey, you," she said softly as he sat down next to her. "You've been gone for a while. I missed you."

Wang Jian grinned, his eyes immediately wandering to Emma's voluptuous figure, her large breasts pushing against the fabric of her top. He placed his hand casually on her thigh under the desk, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Missed you too, babe," he whispered, his voice low and smooth. "How've you been?"

Emma blushed at his touch, her body instinctively shifting closer to him. "I've been good, just... bored without you around."

Wang Jian chuckled, his hand sliding a little higher up her thigh as he leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. "Well, I'm back now. And I'm not going anywhere."

As the professor began the lecture, Wang Jian's hand roamed higher, teasing the edge of Emma's skirt. She bit her lip, her breath hitching as his fingers lightly grazed her skin. She glanced around the room, making sure no one was watching, but most of the students were focused on the lecture, oblivious to the intimate moment happening between them.

On the other side of Wang Jian sat Jessica, his secret girlfriend. She had blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, her features strikingly beautiful. Jessica, always bolder than Emma, had already noticed Wang Jian's wandering hand and smirked as she leaned over, her lips brushing against his neck. "Don't forget about me," she whispered teasingly.

Wang Jian chuckled softly, turning his head slightly to meet Jessica's gaze. "How could I?" he replied, his hand slipping from Emma's thigh to Jessica's, earning a soft gasp from the blonde beauty.

Jessica's body was just as voluptuous as Emma's, her curves accentuated by the tight clothes she wore. Wang Jian's fingers danced along her inner thigh, teasing her skin through the fabric as she shifted in her seat, her breath quickening. Jessica's blue eyes flickered with mischief as she leaned in closer to him, her hand brushing against his under the desk.

"Play nice, Jian," Jessica whispered with a smirk. "Or I might have to teach you a lesson later."

Wang Jian grinned, his hands now alternating between Emma and Jessica, teasing them both as the lecture droned on. The thrill of playing with both of them in such a public setting, without anyone noticing, excited him. His fingers brushed over Jessica's thigh before returning to Emma's, causing both women to squirm in their seats, their bodies responding eagerly to his touch.

The lecture continued, but Wang Jian's focus was entirely on the two women beside him. Emma tried to maintain her composure, her cheeks flushed as she felt Wang Jian's fingers trace the edge of her panties under her skirt. Jessica, on the other hand, leaned back in her seat, subtly spreading her legs to give Wang Jian better access. The air around them crackled with tension, but they remained undetected, their shared secret deepening the intensity of the moment.

When the class finally ended, Wang Jian stood up, casually adjusting his shirt as both Emma and Jessica shot him longing, heated looks. "Meet me after class?" Jessica whispered, her eyes full of promise.

"Maybe," Wang Jian replied, his tone playful. "Depends on how much fun I plan to have."

As the break period approached, Wang Jian knew exactly where he needed to go next. He had made plans to meet Bella behind the gymnasium, and the thought of her waiting for him—nervous and excited—only fueled his desires further.

Bella was already there when he arrived, pacing nervously behind the gym, glancing around to make sure no one saw her. When she saw Wang Jian approaching, her face lit up with a mixture of relief and desire. "Wang Jian... I've been waiting," she whispered, her voice low and breathless.

Without a word, Wang Jian grabbed her by the waist, pulling her flush against him. He wasted no time, his hands slipping under her shirt, eagerly exploring the soft curves of her body. Bella gasped, her hands clutching at his shoulders as he pushed her against the wall, his lips crashing down on hers in a hungry, possessive kiss.

"Wang Jian... someone might see..." Bella protested weakly, though her body betrayed her, arching into his touch as he cupped her large breasts, squeezing them through the fabric of her bra.

"Let them see," Wang Jian growled against her lips, his voice thick with desire. "I don't care."

Bella moaned softly as his hands slipped under her bra, his fingers teasing her sensitive nipples. Her body trembled with need, and despite her earlier protests, she found herself giving in to him completely. His touch was intoxicating, and she couldn't resist the way he made her feel.

Wang Jian's hands roamed freely over her voluptuous body, exploring every inch of her as he pressed her harder against the wall. His lips moved from her mouth to her neck, kissing and biting gently as Bella gasped, her hands clutching at his shirt, pulling him closer.

They continued their heated make-out session, completely lost in each other, oblivious to the world around them. For Wang Jian, this was just another thrilling day of indulging in his desires, playing with the women who couldn't resist him.

But as the college day drew to a close, something unusual happened.

Several sleek cars and jeeps pulled up outside the college gates, catching the attention of students and faculty alike. The doors of the vehicles swung open, and a group of rough-looking men, clad in leather jackets and heavy boots, stepped out, their eyes scanning the campus with purpose.

Wang Jian's heart skipped a beat as he recognized them immediately. His past had caught up with him.

These were not just random goons—they were members of the Spanish gang he had once been part of. A gang he had betrayed. The memories flooded back: the heist, the betrayal, and most importantly, the item he had stolen from them—a video camera containing sensitive footage of politicians, businessmen, and other powerful figures. Wang Jian had used that footage to blackmail those individuals, ensuring his survival in this new life.

Six months had passed since he fled the gang, and he thought he was safe. He had settled in this city, far from his past, and had tried to start anew. But now, as he watched the gang members walk through the gates of the college, he realized the danger had found him once again.

Bella noticed his sudden tension. "Wang Jian, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Wang Jian's eyes narrowed as he watched the men move closer. "We need to get out of here," he said, his voice low and urgent.

Bella's eyes widened in alarm. "Why? Who are they?"

Wang Jian grabbed her hand, pulling her along as he quickly moved away from the gymnasium. "No time to explain. Just trust me."

They hurried through the back of the college, trying to stay out of sight as Wang Jian's mind raced. He had known this day might come, but he hadn't expected it to be so soon. The gang was here for him—and they weren't just going to take the camera. They were going to punish him for betraying them.

As they moved toward the exit, Wang Jian felt a cold knot of fear tighten in his chest. His past had caught up with him, and now he would have to face the consequences.

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