Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 738: Rivals Of Langston Industries

Chapter 738: Rivals Of Langston Industries

A few weeks had passed since Wang Jian began using Bella to gather sensitive information from David Langston. By now, Wang Jian had multiplied his initial investment of $25 million several times over, turning Lucia's money into a fortune. He sold off all his shares of Langston Industries at their peak, knowing full well that the real plan was just beginning.

Wang Jian had always intended to do more than just make money from Langston Industries. His true ambition was to destroy the company's net worth slowly and methodically. He knew that the best way to do this was by leaking inside information to Langston's competitors. And for that, he needed a meeting with the most influential tech CEOs in the country.

So, Wang Jian organized a secret conference in one of the most luxurious hotels in Ohio, known for its privacy and exclusivity. The hotel, **Silver Peaks Grand Resort**, was perched on a hill with sweeping views of the city, boasting opulent suites, high-end restaurants, and private conference rooms designed for high-profile business meetings. The hall he booked for the conference had elegant chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, a long oak table in the center, and plush leather chairs surrounding it.

At this meeting, Wang Jian had gathered the CEOs of seven of the top tech companies in America, all rivals or opponents of Langston Industries. The CEOs were an eclectic bunch, each with their unique style of management that had propelled their companies to success.

First to arrive was **Richard Storm**, CEO of **Storm Technologies**, a giant in the cloud computing sector. Richard was a shrewd, no-nonsense businessman known for his aggressive expansion tactics. He had a sharp, analytical mind and rarely smiled, preferring to keep interactions strictly business.

Next came **Charlotte Mason**, the CEO of **VoltX Innovations**, a company specializing in electric vehicles and advanced battery technology. Charlotte was strikingly beautiful, with long auburn hair, a curvy figure, and a sharp wit. Married with a son, she carried herself with grace and confidence, balancing charm with an astute business acumen that had put VoltX at the forefront of the tech industry.

Following Charlotte was **Jonathan Cruz**, the head of **CruzTech Systems**, a leader in cybersecurity. Jonathan was laid-back but known for being incredibly innovative, often thinking outside the box when it came to product development. His leadership style was unconventional, but it worked.

Then there was **Sarah Blake**, CEO of **Blake Robotics**, a company that had revolutionized AI and robotics. Sarah was another beautiful woman who caught Wang Jian's eye. She had long blonde hair, a voluptuous body, and a calm, commanding presence. Married with a young daughter, Sarah had a reputation for being meticulous and highly intelligent, her attention to detail unmatched in the industry.

**Ethan Miller**, the CEO of **MillerSoft**, an enterprise software company, arrived next. Ethan was known for his methodical, almost robotic approach to leadership. He was calculated and precise in everything he did, making MillerSoft one of the most reliable software providers in the country.

**Grace Walters**, the head of **DataStream Solutions**, a leader in big data and analytics, followed. Grace was intense and driven, with a reputation for outworking her competitors. Her company had been steadily rising in the ranks, and her ambition was clear.

Lastly, **Maxwell Dunn**, the CEO of **DunnTech Enterprises**, specializing in advanced semiconductor technology, joined the group. Maxwell was known for his innovation in hardware technology, and his company was one of Langston Industries' biggest rivals in the tech hardware space.

As the CEOs gathered around the table, Wang Jian greeted each of them with a knowing smile. He had meticulously planned this meeting to ensure that he had the upper hand. Once everyone was seated, he stood at the head of the table and began the presentation.

"I've gathered you all here because we have a common interest," Wang Jian started, his voice calm yet commanding. "Langston Industries has been dominating the tech space for too long. But what if I told you that I have inside information that could give each of your companies the edge you need to surpass them?"

The room grew silent as the CEOs leaned forward, intrigued.

"I've had access to sensitive, non-public information about Langston's upcoming projects," Wang Jian continued, his eyes scanning the room. "From secret technology they plan to launch in the next few months, to major mergers and partnerships that haven't been announced yet. I'm offering this information to you, for a price, of course."Nôv(el)B\\jnn

He began detailing Langston's plans, explaining their new technology, market strategies, and future mergers. The CEOS listened intently, taking in every word. Wang Jian could see the greed and ambition in their eyes. They knew that having this information would allow them to undercut Langston, strike first, and solidify their own positions in the industry.

After the intense discussion, Wang Jian called for a short break. The CEOs dispersed, some making calls, others deep in thought. Wang Jian, however, had another plan in mind. He spotted Charlotte Mason and Sarah Blake, the two beautiful CEOs who had caught his eye earlier. Both women had voluptuous bodies that were hard to ignore, and even though they were married, Wang Jian's predatory instincts kicked in.

He casually walked over to where they were seated, taking a seat next to them. "Mind if I join you ladies?" he asked with a charming smile.

Charlotte laughed lightly. "Not at all, Mr. Wang," she said. "I've been meaning to thank you for the information. It's going to be very useful."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yes, this could really shake things up. I'm impressed."

Wang Jian leaned back, pretending to be casual. "Well, I'm glad to be of help. But enough about business," he said, shifting the conversation. "How's married life treating you two?"

Charlotte and Sarah exchanged a glance, surprised by the sudden change in topic. However, they both assumed that Wang Jian, being so young, was just making polite conversation. There was no way they thought he could be interested in them.

Charlotte spoke first. "It's... fine, I suppose. My son just turned five, so things are a bit hectic at home. Balancing work and family isn't easy, but we manage."

Sarah sighed. "I hear you. My daughter is three, and it's been challenging, especially with the company growing so fast. Sometimes I feel like I barely see her."

Wang Jian nodded sympathetically, pretending to be genuinely interested in their struggles. "That must be tough. It's hard to balance everything, especially when you're running such big


The two women opened up quickly, thinking nothing of the conversation. Charlotte told

Wang Jian about how her husband had been supportive but distant lately, their relationship strained by her demanding career. "It feels like we're just two people living in the same house sometimes," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness.

Sarah, on the other hand, spoke about how her husband had grown resentful of her success. "He was fine with it in the beginning, but now... it's like he feels threatened by how far I've come. We argue a lot. It's exhausting."

Wang Jian listened carefully, every word they said feeding into his plans. He now knew that both women were vulnerable, struggling with their marriages, and feeling the pressures of balancing work and home life. They were exactly the kind of women he could manipulate.

As the conversation went on, the two women began to rant about the challenges of raising young children while managing multimillion-dollar companies. Charlotte's son was energetic and demanding, constantly requiring attention, while Sarah's daughter was moody and difficult to handle.

Wang Jian smiled to himself, pleased with the way things were unfolding. He had gotten to know them better, learned about their personal struggles, and now he had enough information to start working on seducing them. Having two sexy, powerful married CEOs as his mistresses would be quite the conquest.

"I can't imagine how hard that must be," Wang Jian said, his voice soft and empathetic. "But you're both amazing women. You're handling it better than most people would."

Charlotte and Sarah smiled, clearly appreciating the compliment. They had no idea that Wang Jian had already begun planning how he would take advantage of their vulnerabilities. To them, he seemed like a kind, young businessman who was simply making conversation.

The break soon ended, and the CEOS returned to the conference room to finalize the details of the information Wang Jian had provided. Deals were made, money exchanged, and plans were put into motion to counter Langston Industries.

As the meeting concluded, Wang Jian stood at the exit, shaking hands with each of the CEOS. When Charlotte and Sarah approached, he gave them each a lingering smile. "Let's keep in touch," he said smoothly.

Both women nodded, unaware of the dark intentions lurking behind Wang Jian's charming


Later that night, as Wang Jian lay in bed, his mind raced with plans for the future. With Langston Industries now vulnerable and his rivals armed with insider knowledge, it was only a matter of time before David's company began to crumble. And as for Charlotte and Sarah... The would take his time, playing the long game until they, too, were his.

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