Will of chaos

Chapter 101 Cap 101: Last Requirement Fulfilled(Chapter Preview)

During the battle I avoided mentioning the names of any of the girls, I even avoided mentioning their genders.

It was difficult for me to be so careful when speaking, mainly because that prince kept watching me, he even ignored the girls and focused his attention on me in such a way that it bothered me.

I think I went too far using my Aura of Chaos, he's lucky I learned to activate my Aura abilities separately, if the Aura of Judgment had activated the situation would have gotten out of control.

Since we wouldn't be in any danger at the time I decided to take advantage of the situation to get some money, the prince was very helpful, after seeing the belongings of all soldiers, royal guard and servants I just took the money and left the rest back, I did this because I don't want to be tracked when I sell the other items and I can't keep stolen items, that would be proof of our identity if we are found by the prince in the future.

Another problem would be if they had any tracking magic, so I just took the money, I avoided taking anything else even the storage items, so I burned the letter after reading it.

After dealing with these faceless brothers I will talk to the girls about this letter.

As we walked all over the forest to make sure we weren't being followed I once again used the [ Body Manipulation: 4 ] skill to get my vocal cords back to normal.

Before I planned to heal the wounded soldiers, but I saw too many potions in their belongings, I didn't look at what Prince Drago had because as someone of high authority in a Kingdom, your storage item may contain secrets or confidential information, I don't want to be hunted for a Kingdom for having seen something that I shouldn't, what I've done now is enough.

It took us a day to get to our camp, we had to keep them out with Érica's sleeping curse.

As soon as we arrived we went to the cave and I locked the brothers in the same place where I met Érica and Diana.

"Search them!" (I)

I ordered the girls to search for the faceless brothers when they removed all their clothes and mask the girls and I was surprised by what we saw.

Both of their faces had terrible burns, they looked old, other than that the faceless sister's body was beautiful with a few scars, while the faceless brother had his entire body covered by several horrible scars.

"These are the scars of an experienced warrior, some of those wounds look like claws, some cuts, some piercing, and some I don't recognize." (Diana)

"The information says the two are always together, so he must have been injured protecting the woman." (Kira)

While we were talking Érica was looking at the tattoos on the woman's abdomen and the man's back, as soon as I noticed she had a strange look on her face I went over to her as her face is starting to twitch in anger.

"Something wrong Érica?" (I)

,m "I just found something master, but I want to confirm it first." (Érica)

"Byakko can you take a look at these tattoos please?" (Érica)

"Of course I can help you, let me have a look." (Byakko)

"..." (Byakko)

After Byakko started looking at the tattoos his feline face changed from its usual proud expression to one of confusion and then to anger, for the first time I felt bloodlust coming from him.

"Do you know what these Byakko tattoos are?" (I)

"I understand your doubt Demon woman, you found it similar to the magic circles of your curses, you're just half right." (Byakko)

"This is a symbol of control, unlike a slavery mark this symbol cannot be removed, it is similar to a curse in that." (Byakko)

"This control symbol is made not to order but to control someone, it is imperceptible to any detection and there is no known way to get rid of one." (Byakko)

"This control symbol is full of malice, so it's almost a curse, it should only be used on magic items or golems to be controlled from afar." (Byakko)

"Daring to put a symbol of control on people is horrendous, it should be impossible, I don't even want to imagine what they had to do to get it." (Byakko)

Byakko's every word was full of his feelings, it was full of anger, disgust, and hate, with each sentence his Érica and Kira got more and more furious, it must have reminded them of their traumas.

"How dare they use a person as a toy." (Érica)

"Treating someone as a tool like that, now I understand why they didn't direct any bloodlust on the prince and his servants, just the noble killers." (Kira)

"They were acting against their wishes." (Kira)

"..." (I)

I was angry about these two's situations too, but I didn't get carried away by these emotions, I look at Diana who just as I try to control her anger, Ibuki was watching us curiously as if trying to understand why we're angry.

Diana and I took some time to calm the others down before talking about what to do next.

"What are we going to do now master?" (Diana)

"I will follow the plan, I need to feed on them to get the skills I need." (I)

"..." (Érica/Kira/Byakko)

Érica, Kira, and Byakko looked at me in horror at my words.

"I see, I'm glad you do this master." (Diana)

"What are you talking stupid dog, are you going to kill two victims?" (Byakko)

"Calm down Byakko, if this is the master's decision then there is nothing more to say." (Kira)

"..." (Érica)

"Looks like there's a misunderstanding here, you didn't listen carefully to the master's words." (Diana)

"He said he needed to feed on them, not kill them." (Diana)

"..." (Érica/Kira/Byakko)

It seems that Diana was the only one who understood my words.

I have a few options for what to do with them, but I have to confirm what would be best first.

I go to them and bite the brother's neck and drink his blood, then I go to the sister and bite his neck, also drinking his blood.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

<[ You have acquired the following skills:

• [ Elemental Affinity of Light: 1 ]

• [ Elemental Light Resistance: 1 ]

• [ White Magic: 1 ]

• [ Water magic elemental affinity: 1 ]

• [ Light Blade: 1 ] ]>




<[ Two abilities were affected by your bloodline and abilities being weakened ]>



<[ Ability deterioration [ Light elemental affinity: 1 ] > [ Light elemental affinity weak: 1 ] ]>



<[ Skill Deterioration [ Light Elemental Resistance: 1 ] > [ Light Elemental Resistance: 1 ] ]>

I don't know why the abilities got weaker, I have a suspicion but I can't confirm it right now.

The important thing is that the last requirement has been met, I have to find some monsters to kill now, I will rest today to go out tomorrow with Diana to hunt.

I turn back and see the girls watching me, Diana was calm, but Érica and Kira seemed relieved that I didn't kill these two.

"I already have what I need, now I just need to kill some other monsters, Diana is going out with me tomorrow for that." (I)

"I'm happy to help you." (Diana)

"Érica, I want you to leave these two sleeping and trapped, if they're being controlled by someone else they can do something to themselves if they wake up." (I)

"Good thinking master, I will continue to use my magic on them to keep them asleep." (Érica)

"Diana, Ibuki, and Érica are keeping watch today, Kira I want you to rest." (I)

"Thank you, master, I'm really tired this time, I've never been in disguise for so long." (Kira)

"Byakko do you know anything else about this control symbol?" (I)

"Hmmm..." (Byakko)

"Do not remember." (Byakko)

"Where did you learn about him?" (I)

"I don't know, I just got this information in my head when I looked at the control symbol, I also felt a lot of anger and hate." (Byakko)

"Alright, thanks for trying." (I)

After that, I leave the cave and look at the darkening sky.

"(Because things can't be simple like in games.)" (I)

"(It would be so easy to just kill them both if they were like the villains in movies and games, I wouldn't be left with any worries like now.)" (I)

"(My plan was almost perfect, if not for this unforeseen event.)" (I)


"(I could kill them both now, but it will permanently cross moral boundaries for me, you can't make exceptions in your morals, that's what I believe.)" (I)

I kept going to the cabin, jumped on top of the cabin, and lay down on the roof to think about what I'm going to do with these two faceless brothers.

Now I understand why they were chosen as killers, with the symbol of control on their bodies they are extremely trustworthy to the extremist faction of the Church of Light, they would never reveal information to others, if I'm right that means they shouldn't it was the first time they were ordered to kill someone.

I have two options on how to rid them of this control symbol, but I have to wake them up first to see if they meet the requirements, if not, I'll just have a plan that I don't know will work.

"(If I can wait until evolution I can have a better chance of success.)" (I)

I spent a few hours thinking about what to do with the faceless brothers while looking at the stars, then when I saw that I was on the roof for too long I went downstairs to sleep.

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