Will of chaos

Chapter 138 Cap 137: Bad Day(Chapter Preview)

I got up feeling like crap, once again that woman with red hair had me in the palm of her hand, who always thought I was very intelligent was guided all the time in the conversation.

The worst thing is that I don't think she's lied about anything so far, so my decision to help that Fairy remains, but there's no way I can be in a good mood knowing I'll suffer from the reaction of using the sealed ability she helped me release temporarily, the worst thing is that even she doesn't know the result of what I'm going to do for the Fairy.

This day is going to be horrible, but I can't stay in bed, someone like that Fairy who has experienced so much suffering and still has enough willpower to ask for help deserves my help for not having given up.

I look at the box on the desk across the room, soon it will be time, I just need a little more time to mentally prepare myself.

I get up from my bed with renewed determination and head to the bathroom before heading downstairs to get something to eat.

In the kitchen I find everyone talking about how the food being prepared smells good, while everyone is talking I see the strange couple arguing about which food looks tastier, I also see Érica, Kira, and Nira talking in a corner of the kitchen.

Thanks to my passive ability [ Improved Hearing: 1 ] I could hear some of her conversations even at this distance.

"You mean everything you guys promised before is true?"  (Nira)

"You are very suspicious, we have been repeating the same thing since yesterday to you."  (Érica)

"To be fair you guys told me a lot at once yesterday, it was already hard to accept that you are a Demon and that the master is a unique Vampire."  (Nira)

"This whole group is very strange."  (Nira)

"I understand you, when I joined the group we were still few but there were already a lot of strange people."  (Kira)

"But one thing that has never changed is who is the weirdest."  (Kira)

"No one will argue that the master is the weirdest."  (Érica)

"..." (I)

"(I must be hearing wrong, I just woke up so sleepiness is making me hear things, no one is calling me weird, I'm normal, I'm the most normal in this mansion without a shadow of a doubt.)" (I)

Suddenly I hear a scream from Diana and look at her only to see her run to Ibuki and grab her by the head lifting her off the ground still with a large piece of roasted meat in her mouth.

"IBUKI!!"  (Diana)

"I won't let you eat all the food before Freya and Caryna are done cooking again."  (Diana)

"Ibuki didn't resist, sorry Diana."  (Ibuki)

nhac nhac nhac

"Don't apologize while you're still eating."  (Diana)

After everyone has eaten, we will gather in a room next to the ballroom.

"I imagine everything was explained yesterday after I went to sleep, wasn't it?"  (I)

"Yes master, we talk about us, we show them the mansion and we talk about what we expect from them."  (Érica)

"Okay, just to be warned, we're short on cash because of the auction so I'm planning to start exploring a dungeon in a few days, what do you think Diana?"  (I)

"In the missions, we did a few days ago I could see that we were able to fight together even in a basic way, so I think we can explore the first five levels of one of the dungeons without too much trouble."  (Diana)

"Then we will do it."  (I)

I look around and see neither Byakko nor the Cursed Raven.

"Where are Byakko and that Crow?"  (I)

"The Cursed Crow is flying around the mansion area, looks like he's very happy living in a place full of miasma."  (Nira)

"I'm here, I was taking a nap."  (Byakko)

I look up and see Byakko lying atop an expensive-looking chandelier on the ceiling.

"Get down from there Byakko."  (Kira)

"I wanted to talk to you about Spirits and Fairies, how's your memory?"  (I)

"After yesterday I remembered a little bit about the Fairies and Spirits, but only the classification."  (Byakko)

"This is better than nothing, explain a little to everyone please."  (I)

"All right."  (Byakko)

Byakko floats out of the chandelier until he reaches Kira's shoulder where he sits before starting to speak.

To sum up, he told everyone a little about how the evolutions of Fairies and Spirits work, that seems to be all he remembered so far.

Fairies start from the lower elemental races, evolve into the middle old name race, and then evolve into the higher level race having titles equal to the race.

The spirits have the same system, above the superior level, the titles are no longer equal to the race following a hierarchical classification based on personal strength, through this title that measures the level of strength of the Fairies and Spirits.

Classification titles:

1. Spirit King / Fairy King

2. Spirit Prince / Fairy Prince

3. Spiritual Archduke / Fairy Archduke

4. Spiritual Duke / Fairy Duke

5. Spiritual Marquis / Fairy Marquis

6. Spiritual Baron / Fairy Baron

7. Spiritual Knight / Fairy Knight

8. Superior Spirit / Superior Fairy

9. Average Spirit / Average Fairy

10. Inferior Spirit / Inferior Fairy

Nira said she also knew about it, said she learned about it a few years ago in the Black Market, Freya said that this is common knowledge for the Elves.

The problem is that after knowing about it I remembered the auctioneer's words that five Faerie Kings punished the Necromancer guilty of doing this to this Fairy, like everything I learned in games and learned from my own experience I know the difference between each evolution is huge, I must imagine that each title of this rises in the hierarchy with each evolution of the Fairies and Spirits, a Fairy King must have such great power that I have no reference to understand at the moment.

I looked around and saw the serious face of Kira who didn't know about it either, it seems she thought the same as me, the others are still calm.

"You don't remember anything else?"  (I)

"Not."  (Byakko)

"Alright then, but does anyone have any questions?"  (I)

Tania looks at Anton before starting to speak.

"Actually little master, I have some things to talk about, alright?"  (Tânia)

"Please don't call me little."  (I)

"So how about young master?"  (Tânia)

"Neither."  (I)

"Great Master then?"  (Tânia)

"It's just getting worse."  (I)

"Honey you're just making things worse, we should address him as Lord Master with respect."  (Anton)

"(They might just be trying to piss me off, right?)" (I)

"Just call me Zenos, master or Sir just like the others."  (I)

"So what did you want to talk about?"  (I)

"So Sir, yesterday they showed us the house, they also showed us the rooms where we can work."  (Tânia)

"By the way Sir Zenos, I really liked the Forge you have in this mansion, it also has all the tools I need."  (Anton)

"Don't interrupt me while I talk Anton."  (Tânia)

The wife smacks her Fist on top of her husband's head angrily before suddenly returning to a calm face and continuing to talk to me as if nothing had happened.

"There are still a few things left for my studio if I want to start making clothes now, there's also a lack of material for making both me and Anton."  (Tânia)

"Make a list of each of the tools and materials you'll need, then give it to Nira."  (I)

"Thank you, sir."  (Tânia)

"I thank you too, sir."  (Anton)

"Nira you're the trade expert, so do a price survey of the items on their lists and then show me the total, if it's not too expensive we can buy it now, but depending on the price we'll have to get it after some dungeon exploration to get the money."  (I)

"This should be easy for me, when it's over I'll show it to the master."  (Nira)

"I find it difficult for you to be able to talk to me today or tomorrow."  (I)


"Today I'm going to take care of that Fairy Kimera, her case is a little special and it's going to take a lot of effort from me, probably a little pain too."  (I)

As my words see everyone's faces change to serious expressions.

"If the master is going to have so much trouble, then why don't you forget about this fairy, we can sell her again so you don't have to suffer."  (Érica)

"I haven't seen this Fairy yet, but from what Kira described her appearance and from what she said she heard from the auctioneer I can assume that anything the master does won't be so simple when he's telling us."  (Freya)

"..." (I)

"(Looks like Freya is sharper than I thought.)" (I)

"You don't understand, I can feel that something important is broken inside that Fairy, if no one does something I feel like something bad will happen to her, but I don't know what it is."  (Byakko)

"I also just heard your story about this Fairy, but I don't want to see the master suffer either."  (Diana)

"I'm not doing this just because Byakko asked me to."  (I)

"Amidst the screams of this Fairy, I heard voices full of pain, hate, madness, anger and a voice asking for help."  (I)

"I just can't stand still seeing someone enduring so much suffering asking for help, even more knowing they don't deserve what's happening."  (I)

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I'm a saint or an idiot who will help every person in need, but in this specific case I can't refuse to help, something in this request for help makes me want to do something for this Fairy."  (I)

"If the master has already made his decision then he has nothing more to say."  (Kira)

"..." (all)

"I appreciate your concern, but as Kira has already made clear, I'll do it."  (I)

After talking a little more with everyone and handing out some simple tasks for everyone I tell Diana to get the box for me and take it to the ballroom, it's time to extend a helping hand to this Fairy who has already suffered too much. if I fail at least I will know that I have done everything in my power to help her.

I also told Érica to bring some of the potions we still have in case I need it, better to be safe than sorry.

Diana brings the box and opens it on a table in front of me showing the crystal where the Fairy is still sleeping

"Thank you, Diana, you and the others stay away, I'm not sure what will happen now, and whatever you see or hear I don't want anyone to interfere until I'm done, understand."  (I)

"..." (all)

Everyone had serious faces, no one answered my question with words, they just nodded their heads showing that they understood.

Those who were with me the longest had worried faces while the others had serious faces, all were far from where I was as no one knew what they were going to do and didn't want to get in the way.

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