Will of chaos

Chapter 71 Cap 71: Clandestine Organization(Chapter Preview)

After Kira and Diana returned from their hunt we all went into the cabin for one more meeting.

"How was your hunt?" (I)

"Today we killed thirteen Earth Monkeys, with that I managed to complete the last mission, master." (Diana)

"What will be the next step, master?" (Kira)

"Tomorrow Diana is going back to town alone, I want you to go straight to the Adventurers Guild." (I)

"When you get there I want you to turn in the missions you've completed and turn in half of the cores we have too, we have plenty." (I)

"You told me that the delivery of materials to the Guild and the payment of quest rewards take place inside the rooms on the third floor, right?" (I)

"The rooms are on the second floor, not the third, master." (Diana)

"But the master is right, at the time of delivering the quests I will present my card to the Guild, after the receptionist checks the quests they will ask me to go to these rooms on the second floor to see the subjugation evidence and also any material that I have brought." (Diana)

"Perfect, in the living room you will ask to call her friend Mari when she arrives you will tell her the information you and Kira discovered." (I)

"If I'm right they will want to create one of the special quests you mentioned to me, am I right?" (I)

"They will surely issue a special mission, master." (Diana)

"But it won't be quick, they should take two or three days to start the mission and head out towards the Undead." (Diana)

"Why take so long?" (I)

"They have to prepare before starting the mission, master." (Kira)

"Kira is right, they have to leave the mission posted for a while and have to look for higher-ranked adventurers as well." (Diana)

"In addition, the Adventurers Guild has to brew health and Mana potions, it also has to get someone with skills to heal poisons and curses." (Diana)

"So that's how they're going to act." (I)

"This won't change the plans much, I want you to participate in this mission." (I)

"The Guild will also want me to participate." (Diana)

"As I've said this to the master before, I'm one of the few adventurers who know how to fight the Undead, otherwise they'll want me to take them to the cave located beneath the trunk." (Diana)

"After this mission you will stay in town for two days so as not to attract attention, leaving right after the mission." (I)

"While you're in town I want you to buy a big house with lots of rooms, basement and a big garden where we can train." (I)

"The master wants to move to the city?" (Érica)

"I think this idea is too risky master, you and Ibuki are monsters, Érica is a Demon and I'm a wanted killer for kidnapping nobles and selling them into slavery." (Kira)

"No need to worry about me, I can already imagine what I'll evolve into next time." (I)

"About Ibuki, you shouldn't worry either, in her next evolution she should become a person of the Demi race, which according to you is not discriminated against by the Trigan Kingdom." (I)

"About Érica, she's a Demon, I've been talking to her and I've discovered a demonic magic that allows demons to transform into humans." (I)

"This demonic magic is well known to people, but only demons can use it." (Érica)

"This spell allows demons to look human but they become weak, they are only able to use only a third of their powers in this form, but it is almost indefectible." (Érica)

"The only way to know if you are a Demon is to identify the person's status, but as long as no one checks my status no one will know." (Érica)

"The problem comes with getting this spell, but it must be for sale on the Black Market." (I)

"And about you Kira, as you said yourself before, no one knows her face and you still have this illusory spirit ring you can wear to look like a White Elf." (I)

"What about the money to buy the master house?" (Kira)

"Did you forget the crystal coins that were with Viper?" (I)

"I'm going to give Diana ten crystal pieces so she can buy the house." (I)

"Master, that's a lot of money, just give her five coins, that should be enough to buy a mansion." (Érica)

"Alright, just remember that I want this house in a quiet place, I don't want to draw unwanted attention when we go there." (I)

"I will do my best, master." (Diana)

"But what do we do about house maintenance?" (Diana)

"A big house like the master wants will need at least three maids." (Kira)

"We'll take care of it after we move there." (I)

"Now there's something else I have to discuss with you." (I)

"I was thinking of finding people to join our group who are good at forging and alchemy." (I)

"What do you think?" (I)

"We can try to buy at the Black Market auction Kira mentioned earlier so no one will know about us." (I)

Diana and Ibuki look confused as Kira puts a hand on her chin and Erica crosses her arms and closes her eyes in thought.

"Why does the master need people with these jobs?" (Diana)

"If you need something just buy it in stores, if you need something personalized just order it, right?" (Diana)

"You don't understand Diana." (Kira)

"The master wants to keep a low profile, he doesn't want to leave a trace of what he has or what he buys." (Kira)

"I think it's a good idea, master." (Érica)

"If the master wants to do that, I advise getting a blacksmith, an alchemist, and a tailor." (Érica)

"Having someone to support the areas of alchemy and forge is the basics for any proper underground organization." (Kira)

"We are not a clandestine organization, Kira." (I)

"I'm sorry to have to open your eyes, master." (Kira)

"But look at the situation we are in and the plans that lie ahead." (Kira)

"What do you mean?" (I)

"Look at the members of our party, an adventuress the master uses to infiltrate the Adventurers' Guild, a monster the master is training and helping to evolve, a Demon that has an affinity for curses, a wanted assassin, and the boss is the sir, a monster who is an Outsider." (Kira)

"..." (I)

"Well if you look at our group like that, it's really hard to deny that we're an underground organization." (Érica)

"I already said that we are not a clandestine organization." (I)

"Look at the plans you created and the things you plan to do." (Kira)

"You eliminated a group of bandits to turn your boss into a Servant, you sent your subordinates to the city to get prohibited items, you want to buy illegal slaves with creative work to leave no clues about what you want to do, you want to buy a mansion in town to keep yourself hidden with your group and you're meddling in a conspiracy between kingdoms that could cause a war not to mention the local government just to kill a priest of the Church of Light who must participate in that plan. " (Kira)

"..." (I)

"After all that said, are you still going to say we're not a clandestine organization?" (Kira)

"Kira is right, if you think about all this it's hard to deny it." (Diana)

"If anyone finds out about the things we've done that we're planning to do they're sure to see us as an underground organization." (Érica)

After everything that was said at that meeting, it's impossible for me to deny it, at some point the situation turned into this.

"How did we end up becoming an underground organization?" (I)

"No need to worry, master." (Kira)

"With the members of our group it's impossible to show up to the government, they would arrest or kill me and Ibuki, they would execute Kira for her crimes and I don't even know what would happen to Diana." (Érica)

"She'll probably be kicked out of the Guild and imprisoned." (Diana)

"The only reason I'm bringing this up now is to make the situation clear, as the master didn't seem to realize what we look like to other people." (Kira)

"Things just kept happening, I didn't even realize how things turned out like this, I was trying to make the best decisions I could along the way." (I)

We all stayed talking for a few hours after the revelation of what we had become.

During the rest of the meeting, the girls and I discuss what Diana should do in town, talk about how she's going to participate in the special quest the Adventurers' Guild should issue after she reports the tunnel's location.

We also talked about the mansion I want her to buy, I asked everyone about her opinions of what they would like her to have in the mansion.

In the end, we all agreed that it would be nearly impossible to find a mansion with everything we wanted, so I gave her another crystal coin and told her to buy the mansion closer than we want and then hire someone to remodel it to make it the way we want it.

Everyone agrees with this plan, after the meeting ends I go to the watch shift with Érica and Ibuki.

I teamed up with Érica to teach Ibuki math until shift changeover time.

Tomorrow Diana is leaving for the city again, this time she should be away for four or five days.

I'm going to sleep with all these things in my head, what worried me the most was the revelation of other people seeing us as a clandestine organization, I don't like to think I'm a criminal, but as Kira said our members taking Diana out, would be arrested or killed if found by the government, and I will never allow that to happen to girls.

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