Will of chaos

Chapter 89 Cap 89: Seeking Information(Chapter Preview)

Pov Kira:

As soon as I checked I met the master and gave my report, after that he told me what I should do.

For some reason the master wants me to look for information about the family that lived in the mansion, when I asked him why, he said he wanted to know everything possible so as not to make the same mistakes as the characters in horror movies, I don't know which is a horror movie but if the master wants that info then I'll give it to him.

He also wants information about nobles acting strangely or prejudiced in recent weeks, I can understand the hopes that the effects of the cursed item used by the five nobles who will attack the third prince of Cartoza are already causing them to lose control if they do. controlling their actions can give us clues about who they are.

After my watch shift, I see that the day is dawning, I go inside and find Érica getting up.

"Good morning Érica." (I)

"Good morning Kira." (Érica)

"Why are you waking up so early?" (I)

"I haven't been able to sleep well these past few days." (Érica)

"I was worried about Diana and I was worried about the master who instead of resting has been buried in books." (Érica)

"Don't worry, the master knows what he does." (Kira)

After talking to Érica I went to pack my things, so I went back to talking to Érica until the master woke up so I could say goodbye before I left.

"Remember to take care of yourself, if something happens you can count on Diana." (Zenos)

"Try to amuse you and Diana too." (Zenos)

"I will remember this." (I)

"I have to go now, even a few days from now, master." (I)

I leave the camp and head towards the town of Valen.


It took me a few hours and I managed to avoid all the monsters and adventurers I encountered along the way.

As soon as I arrive in the city I enter through the same clandestine tunnel as always, after I am inside the city I go straight to the Inn of the Eternal Traveler, I hope to find Diana still sleeping.

On the way I disguise myself as a White Elf, remove my mask and change my clothes then enter the inn, the inn owner already knows me for always seeing me with Diana and lets me go up to his room, he also told me that she hasn't yet got down.

knock knock knock

I knock on the door and wait but she doesn't open the door so I knock harder.


"Who is the bastard that bothers me so early in the morning!?" (Diana)

Soon I hear someone walking hastily to the door, then the door opens violently and I see Diana with messy hair and wrinkled clothes, her face showed she was furious so she was confused to recognize me.

"..." (Diana)

"Good morning, you look awful." (I)

"I thought you went back to camp." (Diana)

"I came back, but the master told me to go back to town to do some things for him." (I)

"But did you really need to wake me up so early?" (Diana)

"No, but I thought it would be fun and the master said we should have fun." (I)

"You bastard, let's go inside." (Diana)

Diana was furious again to hear that I was just kidding like her, but she still lets me in.

As soon as I walk in she crawls back to the bed and throws herself on it, I close the door and pull out a wooden chair.

"What did the master say? Is he alright?" (Diana)

"He's better but he's going to need to rest for a few more days." (I)

"Érica is getting worried about him, as you may already know he can't sit still and since he can't get up he's been spending all day reading and studying the books we carry." (I)

"So he is not resting, as expected from the master, nothing is capable of him." (Diana)

"What more did he ask for." (Diana)

"He wants me to get some information, but it's too early for me to go, I have to wait until mid-afternoon." (I)

"Since you didn't have anything to do until the afternoon you came here to bother me?" (Diana)

"Yes." (I)

"..." (Diana)

I talked to Diana for a while, she chose not to go back to sleep, so she got up and got ready before going downstairs with me to eat.

After eating something at the inn, we both walked through the shopping district and then went to the Commerce Guild where the best shops are.

We went straight to the second floor where they asked to check the Guild cards, I didn't have a card so I went in as Diana's escort.

We came because Diana needed leather armor and new swords, the ones she had been in ruins after the special mission.


Diana took a long time choosing her swords, while she waited I bought two daggers for myself too.

I took the opportunity to get some of the gold coins I left with her last time.

When we left the Guild of Commerce it was almost mid-afternoon, I said goodbye to Diana and was supposed to meet her at dusk in front of the fountain in the town square.

I go from alley to alley and change my clothes, put on my mask, and deactivate the illusory spirit ring.

I go to the street where the brothels are and enter the same alley where the hidden door is, enter and follow to the darkroom with a single table and two chairs lit by a magic item on the table.

I walk over to the table and sit down, wait a few minutes before I hear the noise of a door opening and closing, then I see Lucas walking over to me and taking a seat across from me.

"Nice to see you again." (Lucas)

"Good to see you too." (I)

"I'm glad your mate is doing well after the mission." (Lucas)

"..." (I)

"You don't have to look at me like that, it's my job to know, you should know that by now." (Lucas)

"You know I don't like being watched." (I)

"So what do you need this time?" (Lucas)

"I want information about the former residents of Trigan Manor, also I want everything you know about what happened there twenty years ago." (I)

"..." (Lucas)

"For you to search for that mansion you must be thinking about going there, forget it, even I couldn't find out much of what happened there." (Lucas)

"Are you sure you can talk so much." (I)

"Don't worry, I've already sent all the guards away, it's just the two of us here." (Lucas)

"You aren't by any chance thinking of living in that mansion, are you?" (Lucas)

"As you yourself will soon find out anyway, my mate is already buying the mansion." (I)

"The place doesn't look dangerous, but I don't like a place where I don't know what happened." (Lucas)

"I don't either, that's why I have this information." (I)

"Anything else?" (Lucas)

"I also want to ask for an investigation." (I)

"I want to know if any nobles have been acting strange lately and if any nobles have been doing or speaking prejudiced things in the past few weeks more than usual." (I)

"You ordered this more quickly than I anticipated." (Lucas)

"I already have both pieces of information for you." (Lucas)

"I had already investigated the Trigan mansion and its occupants years ago." (Lucas)

"About the information about the nobles, after your last visit I figured you'd come back asking for that information, so I had them look into it for me." (Lucas)

"If you knew I would need this information why didn't you tell me last time?" (I)

"My job is just to sell information, not advise others." (Lucas)

"..." (I)

"But I knew that sooner or later you would come back for that information." (Lucas)

"How much will everything cost?" (I)

"Seventeen gold coins." (Lucas)

"Here it is." (I)

I pull a bag out of my bracelet, then take seventeen gold coins out of it and place them on the table.

Lucas takes it and gets up, he goes to one of the dark corners of the room and disappears into the darkness, after a few minutes he comes back and sits down again in front of me, and places two information crystals on the table.

"Here is the information you asked for, it's always a pleasure to do business with you." (Lucas)

"Equally." (I)

"May I ask you a question?" (Lucas)

"You've helped me a lot, ask what you want." (I)

"Are you happy?" (Lucas)

"..." (I)

I look at Lucas and see him with a genuinely serious face, I try to think why this question was asked, but nothing comes to mind so I just decide to be honest.

"Yes, I haven't been so happy for many years." (I)

"..." (Lucas)

Lucas looks at me as if to confirm my answer, then he flashes a cheery smile.

"That's good then." (Lucas)

"Now I have to go, there are a lot of things I have to do." (Lucas)

"I'm coming too, see you Lucas." (I)

I leave the same place I came from, go from alley to alley back to the inn, choose an abandoned house to put my disguise back on before I get there.

knock knock

As soon as I arrive I go straight to Diana's room, knock on the door, and walk-in when she opens the door.

"Back quickly." (Diana)

"I got everything I needed." (I)

Looks like we both finished what we had to do early, so we don't need to meet at the fountain.

I talked to Diana until nightfall, so we went to eat and drink at a restaurant during the night.

Then we went to sleep, the day was very busy but it was fun, this was the first time I went shopping or drinking with a friend, the master was right, I have to learn to have more fun like I did today.

With these thoughts, I close my eyes and go to sleep.

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